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        산업안전보건법에 대한 이해가 법 준수 인식에 미치는 영향 - 법에 대한 정서의 매개효과를 중심으로 -

        천세철 사단법인 한국안전문화학회 2024 안전문화연구 Vol.0 No.32

        본 연구는 건설근로자의 산업안전보건법에 대한 이해, 법에 대한 정서, 법 준수에 대한 인식현황을 분석하고 건설업근로자의 산업안전보건법에 대한 이해와 법에 대한 정서, 그리고 법 준수에 대한 인식과의 관계를 살펴봄으로써 건설업에서의 산업안전보건법의 실효성을 높이는 방안을 모색하고자 하였다. 연구대상은 건설업 안전보건교육에 참가한 건설업근로자 345명으로 선정하였고, 설문응답이 불성실하거나 타당성이 의심되는 23부를 제외한 322명의 자료를 통계분석에 사용하였다. 연구도구는 인구사회학적 문항, 산업안전보건법에 대한 이해에 관한 사항, 산업안전보건법에 대한 정서(느낌)에 관한 사항, 산업안전보건법 준수에 대한 인식에 관한 사항으로 구성되었다. 연구의 분석은 SPSS WIN 29.0 프로그램을 사용하였고, 인구사회학적 특성은 빈도분석을 실시하였으며 척도별 기술통계분석을 실시하였다. 산업안전보건법에 대한 이해와 산업안전보건법에 대한 정서, 산업안전보건법 준수에 대한 인식간의 관련성을 알아보기 위하여 pearson 상관계수를 구하였으며, 산업안전보건법 준수에 관한 법 이해와 정서의 영향을 알아보기 위하여 다중회귀분석을 실시하였다. 또한 산업안전보건법 이해와 법 준수 인식의 관계에서 법에 대한 정서의 매개효과를 알아보기 위하여 Process Macro를 활용하여 매개효과분석을 실시하였다. 본 연구의 결과 첫째, 산업안전보건법에 대한 이해와 법 준수에 대한 인식, 그리고 법에 대한 정서간에는 유의한 상관관계가 나타났다. 둘째, 산업안전보건법에 대한 이해와 법에 대한 정서는 법 준수에 대한 인식에 유의한 영향을 나타내었다. 셋째, 산업안전보건법에 대한 정서는 법에 대한 이해와 법 준수에 대한 인식을 매개하는 역할을 하는 것으로 나타났다. 본 연구는 향후 건설산업에서의 산업안전보건법 이해와 준수에 대한 실태를 파악하고 이를 바탕으로 효과적인 안전보건관리체계를 구축하는 데 기여할 것이다. By examining the relationship between construction workers' understanding of the Occupational Safety and Health Act, their sentiments on the law, and their perception of compliance with the law, and their perception of the law, this study attempted to find ways to increase the effectiveness of the Occupational Safety and Health Act in the construction industry. The subjects of this study were 345 construction workers who participated in safety and health education in the construction industry, and data from 322 people were used for statistical analysis, excluding 23 copies whose survey responses were unfaithful or suspected of validity. The research tools consisted of sociodemographic questions, matters related to understanding the Occupational Safety and Health Act, matters related to emotions (feeling) about the Occupational Safety and Health Act, and matters related to awareness of compliance with the Occupational Safety and Health Act. The SPSS WIN 29.0 program was used for the analysis of the study, and frequency analysis of demographic characteristics was conducted, and descriptive statistics analysis by scale was conducted. The Pearson correlation coefficient was obtained to find out the relationship between the understanding of the Occupational Safety and Health Act, the emotions on Occupational Safety and Health Act, and the perception of compliance with the Occupational Safety and Health Act, and multiple regression analysis was conducted to find out the effect of law understanding and emotion on compliance with the Occupational Safety and Health Act. In addition, a mediating effect analysis was conducted using SPSS Process Macro to find out the mediating effect of emotions on the law in the relationship between the understanding of the Occupational Safety and Health Act and the perception of law compliance. As a result of this study, first, there was a significant correlation between the understanding of the Occupational Safety and Health Act, the perception of law compliance, and the emotions on the law. Second, the understanding of the Occupational Safety and Health Act and the emotions on the law showed a significant effect on the perception of law compliance. Third, it was found that the emotions on the Occupational Safety and Health Act played a role in mediating the understanding of the law and the perception of compliance with the law. This study will contribute to understanding and complying with the Industrial Safety and Health Act in the construction industry in the future and establishing an effective safety and health management system based on this.

      • KCI등재

        일본 노동안전위생법의 개정 배경과 내용

        이병운 한국비교노동법학회 2007 노동법논총 Vol.12 No.-

        It is the 60th year that Japan has enacted labor standards act and industrial accident compensation insurance act. Also, since occupational safety and health act was enacted in Japan, thirty five years have passed. With the change of industrial structure and types of employment, individual labor law has developed in a variety of way. Accordingly, acts on industrial safety and health have undergone changes. Occupational safety and health act of Japan has developed to regulate hazardous articles and machines appearing in a developed society, to cover increasing industrial disasters such as occupational diseases, and to establish clear lines of policy on promotion of occupational safety and health and responsibility for industrial disasters in the complicated industrial relations. There have been extensive reforms to occupational circumstances such as health examination and education to set up a comprehensive heath system. Also, industrial accident compensation insurance act has been developed to correspond with the demand of the times since its enactment. It is estimated that the act resulted in the increasement of recipients, the promotion of types of benefit and standard, enlargement of the idea of insurance accident, the development of a rehabilitation industry. This is, it has a good reputation as a system to support injured workers and their family. However, this improved system can not solve all the legal problems. The problems on legal compensation of industrial safety and health and labor accident still remain as a problem to be solved. Occupational accidents have complicated relations not only with an industrial structure and labor management but with the right to labor, consciousness of the right, types of employment, life style of the family, and national finance. Furthermore, sharp increase of cancellation lawsuits of administrative measure and lawsuits for damages is leading to changing the role of related organization. Now, occupational safety and health act and industrial accident compensation insurance act should be estimated not only with the development of law as the demand of the times but with related laws and system. This study is to investigate background on revision of occupational safety and health act of Japan, preventive measures of health impairment by long-term labor, the duty of health care, the duty of a legal health examination and the effect of its violation.

      • KCI등재

        안전 관련 주요 법제 특징 비교 : 산업안전보건법, 중대재해처벌법, 학교안전법\

        김형태,황광선 한국비교정부학회 2024 한국비교정부학보 Vol.28 No.1

        (Purpose) The aim of this study is to assist academia and civil society in understanding the surrounding laws through an analysis of significant safety legislation. (Design/methodology/approach) The study's focus will center on the Occupational Safety and Health Act, the Serious Accident Punishment Act, and the School Safety Act. (Findings) While the Occupational Safety and Health Act contains extensive and detailed content, the School Safety Act exhibits contradictory elements in its system and content, appearing notably deficient. Furthermore, its emphasis is primarily on compensation and the functioning of the School Safety Mutual Aid Association rather than on prevention-related content. Given the importance of school safety comparable to industrial safety, there is a pressing need to elevate the system and content of school safety legislation to the standards set by industrial safety legislation. To address this, a thorough comparative analysis was conducted between the School Safety Act and the Industrial Safety and Health Act. The analysis underscored the weak and lax nature of the prevention sector in the School Safety Act compared to the comprehensive prevention sector of the Industrial Safety and Health Act. It also revealed that the current legal system lacks an effective and systematic preventive policy on the level of industrial safety legislation concerning school safety. (Research implications or Originality) Therefore, as a strategy to prevent and decrease school safety accidents, there is a recommendation to actively adopt and adapt principles from industrial safety legislation such as the Occupational Safety and Health Act. This legislation explicitly outlines the responsibilities and roles of relevant entities in detail to effectively prevent industrial accidents.

      • KCI등재

        산업안전보건법상 규제완화의 문제점과 대응방안 -법체계상의 문제점과 개선방향을 중심으로-

        정규 ( Kyu Jeong ) 한국법정책학회 2015 법과 정책연구 Vol.15 No.4

        산업안전보건법은 사업장 내 안전과 보건에 관한 기준을 확립하고 그 책임의소재를 명확하게 하여 산업재해를 예방하고 쾌적한 작업환경을 조성함으로써 근로자의 안전과 보건을 유지·증진함을 목적으로 한다. 산업안전보건법의 목적은 이중적이다. 즉 그 주된 목적은 근로자가 사고로 인한 사상이나 질병에 이완되지 아니하고 건강하게 지속적인 근로를 제공할 수 있도록 하는 것이고, 이를 위해 최소한의 안전보건의 기준설정과 이행감독 이외에도 안전보건활동의 활성화를 통하여 쾌적한 노동환경을 조성하는 데에 있다. 다만 현행 산업안전보건법제의 체계는 복잡하고 불편한 구조를 가진다. 그 이 유는 시대변화와 그에 따른 기술발전, 사회구성원 및 인구구조의 변화, 작업환경 의 다변화 등으로 인하여 나타나는 기계·설비의 다양성, 유해물 사용량의 급증, 작업공정 및 기계장치의 복잡성, 유해·위험요소의 복잡·다양·대형화되는 추세에 단발적으로 대응해왔기 때문이다. 이에 따라 기본법과 하위법령 간의 정합성의 문제와 입법의 불비 등의 문제를 안고 있고, 그 적용의 실효성에 대한 의문이 끊임없이 제기되고 있는 실정이다. 최근 정부는 제4차 산재예방 5개년 계획을 발표하였다. 특히 여기에서는 ‘법체계 선진화 방안’으로 두 가지를 제시하고 있다. 하나는 수범자의 법률 이해도의 제고를 위해 모든 기업이 준수해야 할 사항과 업종·유해인자별 특성 등을 반영한 사항을 구분하는 개별 입법 방식으로의 전환을 모색한다는 것이다. 다른 하나는 산업현장의 특성이 반영된 산업안전보건법령 체계 구축을 위해 분야별 안전보건기술지침을 제정한다는 것이다. 다만 이와 같은 정부의 계획에도 불구하고 법체계 선진화와 관련하여 주의를 기울여야 하는 점은 산업안전보건분야에서의 규제완화가 법체계의 선진화로 직접 연결되지 않는다는 점이다. 여기에서는 주요한 산업안전보건법제의 체계상의 문제점과 내용상의 개선점을 산업재해 발생현황을 고려하면서 살펴보고, 이에 대한 개선방향을 제시하였다. This paper is designed to review the problems and countermaesure of deregulation in The Occupational Safety and Health Act(OSH Act). Especially this paper work is progressed to focus on the problems of legislative system and provisions and improvement direction. The Occupational Safety and Health Act(OSH Act) aims to establish standards of security, prevent accidents, create pleasant industrial working environment, and most importantly to preserve and promote the occupational safety and health of the workers. That is, the Act provides fundamental obligations on OSH by employers and entrepreneurs, and also provides an optimal working environments. Government makes a long term plan in dealing with the continuous national issues such as safety and health policy. Government has made ‘5 Year Plan for Safety and Health’ since 2000. This paper deals with ‘The 4th Government 5 Year Plan for Safety and Health’. This plan contains 4 policy objects; (1) simplifying the Korean Occupational Safety and Health Act, (2) extending the application of the law to the workers as well as employees, (3) rationalization of penalties on employers due to the breach of duties, (4) change of premises safety and health system by transferring to the risk assessment. However, the current Act establishes only the basic fundamental standard on the OSH and provides only implementation compulsion by the government. Additionally, the Act does not fully reflect the content concerning the responsibility and duty to create a pleasant working environment and to increase worker’s safety and health in the workplace.

      • KCI등재

        사내하도급에서 산업안전보건법의 보호대상에 관한 연구

        나민오(Na, Min-Oh) 동아대학교 법학연구소 2020 東亞法學 Vol.- No.88

        사내하도급은 일반적인 도급계약과 달리 도급인이 관리하는 사업장에서 업무를 수행한다는 특성 때문에 수급인이 사업주로서 안전보건조치의무를 이행하는데 한계가 발생한다. 이에 산안법 제63조는 도급인에게 자신의 사업장에서 발생하는 위험을 관리하고 안전하게 유지할 의무를 규정하였다. 여기에는 도급인이 고용한 근로자뿐 아니라 수급인의 근로자에게 영향을 미치는 영역에 대한 안전보건조치를 실시할 의무가 포함된다. 또한 산안법 제66조는 수급인과 수급인의 근로자가 산안법령을 위반하는 경우 도급인이 수급인에게 시정조치를 할 수 있도록 규정하여 도급인에게 사업장에서 발생하는 위험에 대한 총괄적인 관리·감독 의무를 부여하고 있다. 산안법 제63조와 제66조는 수급인에게 안전한 사업장을 제공할 도급인의 의무를 발생시키고, 법령에 의해 수급인의 안전확보 의무의 이행을 관리·감독하는 지위를 발생시킨다. 이러한 법령상의 의무를 근거로 도급인은 수급인에 대해서도 안전배려의무를 부담하는 것으로 볼 수 있다. 연구에서는 계약상 안전배려의무에 근거하여 수급인에 대한 도급인의 안전보건조치의무를 산안법에 반영하는 방안을 제안하였다. 또한 도급인과 직접적인 계약관계가 없는 수급인의 근로자에 대해서 계약상 안전배려의무의 효력을 인정할 수 있는지 검토하였다. 수급인 근로자는 도급인과 직접 계약관계가 없어 안전배려의무를 인정하기 어렵다. 또한 산안법 제63조는 도급인이 수급인 근로자에게 안전보건조치를 제공할 의무를 규정한 것이 아니고, 자신의 사업장에 대한 지배력을 근거로 수급인에게 안전한 장소를 제공하고 수급인이 자신의 사업장에서 안전조치를 이행할 것을 감독할 의무를 부여한 것이다. 따라서 산안법 제63조는 수급인 근로자가 도급인에게 의무이행을 요청할 계약상의 권리를 발생시키지 않는다. 다만 수급인 근로자는 도급인의 산안법 위반에 의한 불법행위로 손해가 발생하면 이를 청구할 수 있을 것이다. In-house subcontracting, unlike general contracting contracts, is subject to subcontractor-managed workplace, so there is a limit to the recipient"s safety and health measures. The Article 63 of the Occupational Safety and Health Act provided contractors with the obligation to manage and maintain the risks incurred in their workplace. This includes the obligation to implement safety and health measures in areas affecting the workers of the recipient, as well as the workers employed by the contractor. In addition, The Article 66 of the Occupational Safety and Health Act provides contractors with comprehensive management and supervision over the risks arising in the workplace by providing contractors to take corrective action against contractors when the recipients and their workers violate the Occupational Safety and Health Act. The Article 63 and 66 of the Occupational Safety and Health Act makes a duty for contractors to provide safe workplaces to recipients, and to supervise the implementation of the recipient"s duty to ensure safety. Therefore, it can be considered that the contractor bears the duty to care for the safety of the recipients. In the study, a method was proposed to reflect the contractor"s Obligations of safety consideration to the recipients in the Occupational Safety and Health Act based on the safety care obligations in the contract. In addition, it was reviewed whether the contract"s safety-related obligations can be recognized for the workers of recipients who do not have a direct contract relationship with contractors. Workers of recipients have no direct contract relationship with contractors, making it difficult to recognize safety obligations. In line with that, the Article 63 of the Occupational Safety and Health Act does not stipulate that contractors are obliged to provide safety and health measures to workers of recipients. It stipulates that contractors provide safe places for recipients based on their control over their workplace(management ability), and contractors are obliged to oversee the implementation of the recipient’s duty to ensure safety at their workplace. Therefore, the Article 63 of the Occupational Safety and Health Act does not create contractual rights for contractors to request recipients to fulfill their obligations. However, workers of recipients can claim it if damages occur due to illegal acts owing to the contractor"s violation of the Occupational Safety and Health Act.

      • KCI등재

        한국과 영국의 산업안전보건법 처벌에 관한 비교 연구

        조흠학 한국비교노동법학회 2010 노동법논총 Vol.18 No.-

        Safety and health in work places has been considered an important problem in enterprise organization due to changing enterprise organization forms in developing industrial society. Accordingly, mandatory regulations were established for workers to be able to work in a safe and comfortable environment. These regulations were established under the employer's responsibility in the Occupational Safety and Health Act. Results that compared punishment system of the Korean Occupational Safety and Health Act with foreign punishment systems showed a significant difference in punishment outcomes. In Korea, penalty for fatal accidents does not exceed 20,000,000 won, but in Britain, penalty for small violation results in fine exceeding 20,000 pounds. Recently, the Corporate Manslaughter and Corporate Homicide Act that punishes an enterprise's highest executive for a serious accident according to the Occupational Safety and Health Act has been established in Britain. So, in this paper, some measures to improve the Korean Occupational Safety and Health Act punishment system have been suggested. We presented some measures that require amendment in the punishment regulation through positivism of punishment regulation of Occupational Safety and Health Act, solutions for overlapping duties in the Occupational Safety and Health Act, establishment of publication system, and employer's education on accessory penalty and extension of fines. Although it is a political issue, strengthening of labor supervisor's investigation can improve the efficiency of the law enforcement. Therefore, Strengthening of employer's punishment regulation according to the violation of Occupational Safety and Health Act contributes to safe working environment and is one of the measures for preventing occupational accidents through changing the recognition of occupational safety.

      • KCI등재

        산업안전보건교육제도의 해외동향에 관한 소고

        박민수,조흠학 한국비교노동법학회 2022 노동법논총 Vol.56 No.-

        Recently, there has been a growing interest and importance in occupational safety and health education due to the enactment of the Serious Accident Punishment Act. However, there are many indications that occupational safety and health education at the workplace is still being carried out formally. The purpose of this study is to analyze the operation status of safety and health education institutions in the UK, Japan and Germany, and also to present the necessary points for safety and health education in Korea, the following procedures were conducted in this study: Firstly, the literature reviewed the domestic and foreign laws related to this study were investigated and analyzed. Secondly, this study is to analyze the operation status of safety and health education institutions in the UK, Japan and Germany. Results of this study were summarized as follow. Firstly, the occupational safety and health education is legally enforced in Korea. this can lead to the problem that conduct formal safety and health education for workers at the workplace. Therefore, in order to show the effect of practical education, it is necessary to refer to the system that gives the duty of safety and health education like the UK or Germany for the employer, but autonomously selects the contents of education. Secondly, it is necessary to divide the curriculum of occupational safety and health education for supervisor of OSH(occupational safety and health) in Korea into basic course and specialized course as in Japan. After the supervisor completes the basic course, the supervisor will be able to secure the expertise of the supervisor by completing the specialized course required to reduce accident at the workplace. Finally, the private educational institutions in Korea open curriculums according to educational demand, it is difficult to develop curriculums without demand, and accordingly, the expertise of educational content is poor. Therefore, rather than developing similar curriculum by private educational institutions, it is necessary to establish a linkage process between educational institutions like the UK and operate excellent educational content. Based on these results, one important fact was concluded that the current curriculum of occupational safety and health education needs to be changed. 최근 중대재해처벌법 제정으로 산업안전보건교육에 대한 관심과 중요성이 대두되고 있지만, 현장에서는 여전히 산업안전보건교육이 형식적으로 이루어지고 있다는 지적이 많다. 본 연구는 영국, 일본, 독일의 안전보건교육기관의 교육과정 운영 실태를 분석하고 우리나라의 안전보건교육에 필요한 시사점을 제시하는 것을 연구 목적으로 한다. 한국의 안전보건교육의 문제점을 파악하기 위해 첫째, 국내외 안전보건교육에 관련된 법령체계를 조사하고 분석하였다. 둘째, 영국, 일본, 독일의 안전보건교육기관의 운영 실태를 분석하였다. 연구 결과를 살펴보면, 첫째, 우리나라는 안전보건교육에 대해 법적으로 강제성을 나타내고 있다. 이것은 자칫 잘못하면 사업장에서 근로자를 대상으로 안전보건교육을 형식적으로 수행한다는 문제가 나타날 수 있다. 따라서 실질적인 교육의 효과를 나타내기 위해서는 영국이나 독일처럼 사업주에게 안전보건교육 의무는 부여하되 교육내용에 대해서는 사업장에서 자율적으로 선택하는 시스템도 참고해야 한다. 둘째, 우리나라의 관리감독자 교육과정을 일본처럼 기초과정과 전문과정으로 구분하여 운영할 필요가 있다. 이는 관리감독자가 기초과정을 이수한 후, 관리감독자가 사업장의 재해감소에 필요한 전문과정을 이수하므로서 관리감독자의 전문성을 확보할 수 있을 것으로 보인다. 마지막으로 우리나라의 민간교육기관은 교육 수요에 따라 교육과정이 개설되므로 수요가 없으면 교육과정의 개발이 어렵고 이에 따라 교육 컨텐츠의 전문성이 떨어진다. 따라서 민간교육기관이 유사한 교육과정을 개발하기보다 영국과 같이 교육기관 간 연계 과정을 구축하여 우수한 교육컨텐츠를 연계하여 운영할 필요가 있다. 본 연구 결과를 토대로, 현행 안전보건교육 과정의 변화가 필요하다는 하나의 중요한 결론을 얻었다.

      • KCI등재

        산업안전보건법의 입법체계상 문제점과 개선방안

        정진우 노동법이론실무학회 2015 노동법포럼 Vol.- No.16

        The Occupational Safety and Health Act in Korea seems to have improved greatly, but there is still much room for improvement in terms of its systematic compatibility and content sophistication. Prompted by the awareness that putting right the system of the Occupational Safety and Health Act must take precedence over anything else to properly fulfill its purpose and nature and achieves its intended effect through enforcement, this thesis identifies main problems with the system of the Occupational Safety and Health Act and examines concrete improvement measures to address such problems. The main problems with the Occupational Safety and Health Act and improvements that should be made to address those problems can be summed up as follows: First, there are not a few matters on which the Occupational Safety and Health Act currently in force should, but does not provide a sufficient legal basis. The Act should be amended to regulate those matters, thereby clearly showing its legislative direction and providing proper standards for its enforcement and interpretation. Second, some penal provisions of the current Occupational Safety and Health Act impose a civil penalty without taking into account the nature of offences and the effectiveness of punishment. Given the importance of those appropriate provisions, the type of punishment imposed by them should be changed from civil penalties to criminal penalties to boost the effectiveness of punishment. Third, provisions which do not suit the purpose of the Occupational Safety and Health Act should be revised to meet its purpose. Fourth, according to the spirit of the Occupational Safety and Health Act, which is to devise the most appropriate measure and apply it to the most adequate person, any capacity gaps of duty-bearers under the Act should be filled by establishing secondary duty-bearers. Fifth, provisions lacking legal logic should be modified to make them more consistent with legal principles and actually effective.

      • KCI등재

        재해사례를 기반으로 한 사고유형별 산업안전보건법의 실태조사

        이경선(Kyung-Sun Lee),민승남(Seung Nam Min) 대한인간공학회 2019 大韓人間工學會誌 Vol.38 No.2

        Objective: The purpose of this study is to investigate the types of accidents on the basis of industrial accidents cases, to identify the cause of each type of accidents, and then to understand the occupational safety and health act related to the causes. Background: Improving and advancing the effectiveness of the occupational safety and health act is the most fundamental improvement activity for industrial accident prevention. In order to enhance the effectiveness of the occupational safety and health act, it is necessary to clearly investigate the current status and characteristics of industrial accidents in Korea and to reflect them. Method: This study was conducted based on the cases of domestic industrial accidents provided by the Korea Occupational Safety and Health Agency. Examples of industrial accidents were randomly selected from accidents cases occurring in 2010-2016 in machinery, electricity, chemicals, and construction. Results: Fall accidents accounted for about 20.0% of the total accidents, followed by explosion 14.4%, pitting 12.8%, and electric shock 11.3%. The occupational safety and health act, according to the cause, showed the highest proportion of items related to Chapter 4, hazard risk prevention action. Second, safety and health education noncompliance was high (23.5%). Conclusion: The purpose of this study is to investigate the occupational safety and health act which is deemed to be highly related to the cause of accident by summarizing the types of accidents, causes of accidents and causal factors. In order to revise and redefine the occupational safety and health act, it is necessary to have a database that can be used to build data on violations of the occupational safety and health act. Application: The results of this study can be utilized as a methodology for the revision of the occupational safety and health act.

      • KCI등재

        건설산업에서 안전보건경영활동에 대한 경영진 태도의 중요성 - 안전보건조치 품질의 매개효과를 중심으로 -

        황성연,이슬기 사단법인 한국안전문화학회 2022 안전문화연구 Vol.- No.18

        The law focuses on punishment targets and intensity of punishment with the 'Serious Disaster Punishment Act,' which is designed to ensure that executives with critical authority, including investment in safety, fulfill their duty to prevent safety accidents. Therefore, to confirm the purpose of introducing the Serious Disaster Punishment Act, we will analyze the effect of management's attitude on safety and health measures and examine the relationship between management's attitude and safety. To empirically verify whether the quality of safety and health measures mediates the relationship between 'management attitude' and 'safety behavior level,' the "2018 Occupational Safety and Health Survey" data was used. A three-step mediated regression analysis by Baron·Kenny (1986) was conducted using the IBM SPSS Statistics 23 statistical analysis package. The results of the verification of the mediating effect are as follows. 1) All three factors of quality of safety and health measures partially affect management's influence on safety and health management activities on workers' safety behavior. 2) When the quality of safety and health measures was included as a parameter rather than the direct impact of management's attitude on safety and health standards, management's active attitude is the main prerequisite for improving the quality of safety and health measures. 3) Among the quality of safety and health measures, the direct influence and explanation of management's attitude toward "sufficiency" were the highest. Still, the parameter that made management's attitude explain higher safety behavior was "usefulness." This study is significant because it examines the basis for introducing the Serious Disaster Punishment Act based on data. In addition, it was found that the quality of safety and health measures by management's safety and health management activities is essential. Management activities should consider not only the sufficiency but also the usefulness of workers' safety activities. On the other hand, it is significant that we have prepared the basis for future research on quality evaluation of safety and health management activities.

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