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        元智恩 한국일본근대학회 2016 일본근대학연구 Vol.0 No.52

        This study compared and analyzed the Korean and Japanese persuasive communication using WON(2016)’s persuasion-strategy after selecting similar scenes from a Korean TV drama and a Japanese TV drama that remade the Korean one and a Japanese TV drama and a Korean TV drama that remade the Japanese drama. WON(2016)’s persuasion-strategy is based on Aristotle’s technical persuasive methods-ethos, pathos and logos-and they mean the linguistic behavior used in persuasion in the two languages. There are three persuasion strategies that are called ES(ethos strategy), PS(pathos strategy) and LS(logos strategy). The result of the data analysis showed that the two countries mostly used PS. On the other hand, Japan used LS than ES while Korea used ES more than LS. In ES, both Korea and Japan used ‘opinion’, ‘stance’ and ‘desire’ in the order but in PS, the two countries showed difference. Japan used ‘question’, ‘inquiry’ and ‘naming’ in the order while Korea used ‘question’, ‘naming’ and ‘recommendation’ in the order. In LS, both Korea and Japan used ‘reason’ and ‘information’ for the most. Meanwhile, despite the low frequency of use, the persuasion strategies that showed the biggest difference between the two countries were ‘the speaker’s experience(strategy to talk about the speaker’s experience)’, ‘definition’, and ‘repeating utterance(repeating what the speaker said).’ The strategy to talk about the speaker’s experience was not used in Japan at all but Korea used it 28 times in a situation when persuasion was not easy. Definition was used three times more in Japan than in Korea. Moreover, the strategy to repeat the utterance(what the speaker said before) was used three times more in Korea than in Japan.

      • KCI등재


        원지은 ( Ji Eun Won ) 한국일본근대학회 2016 일본근대학연구 Vol.0 No.52

        本硏究では韓國のドラマとそれをリメ一クした日本のドラマ、日本のドラマとそれをリメ一クした韓國のドラマを分析對象とした。そこから兩國の類似した場面を選別し、元(2016)の說得ストラテジ一で兩國の說得コミュニケ一ションの共通点および相違点を比較分析した。元(2016)の說得ストラテジ一はアリストテレスの技術的說得手段-エトス、パトス、ロゴス-をもとに設けたものであり、日韓の說得の言語行動を指す。說得ストラテジ一は3つで、エトスを用いた說得ストラテジ一をES、パトスを用いた說得ストラテジ一をPS、ロゴスを用いた說得ストラテジ一をLSと呼ぶ。デ一タを分析した結果、日韓の共通点はPSの使用が最も多いということである。日本ではESよりLSの使用が多いのに對し、韓國ではLSよりESの使用が多かったということが異っている。兩國共にESのうち、<見解>、<立場>、<願望>の順に使用頻度が高くなっているが、PSの場合は異っている。日本は<質問>、<依賴>、<呼稱>の順に多用されているが、韓國は<質問>、<呼稱>、<勸誘>の順に多用されている。LSの場合、兩國共に<理由>、<情報>が多用されている。一方、使用頻度は高くないが、日韓の違いが著しい說得ストラテジ一は<話し手の經驗>、<定義>、<話し手の發話の繰り返し>である。話し手の經驗を述べて說得するストラテジ一は日本では全く用いられていないが、韓國では說得が大變な狀況において28回も用いられている。<定義>は韓國より日本で3倍以上多用されている。また、過去の話し手の發話を繰り返す說得ストラテジ一も日本より3倍以上多用されている。 This study compared and analyzed the Korean and Japanese persuasive communication using WON(2016)’s persuasion-strategy after selecting similar scenes from a Korean TV drama and a Japanese TV drama that remade the Korean one and a Japanese TV drama and a Korean TV drama that remade the Japanese drama. WON(2016)’s persuasion-strategy is based on Aristotle’s technical persuasive methods-ethos, pathos and logos-and they mean the linguistic behavior used in persuasion in the two languages. There are three persuasion strategies that are called ES(ethos strategy), PS(pathos strategy) and LS(logos strategy). The result of the data analysis showed that the two countries mostly used PS. On the other hand, Japan used LS than ES while Korea used ES more than LS. In ES, both Korea and Japan used ‘opinion’, ‘stance’ and ‘desire’ in the order but in PS, the two countries showed difference. Japan used ‘question’, ‘inquiry’ and ‘naming’ in the order while Korea used ‘question’, ‘naming’ and ‘recommendation’ in the order. In LS, both Korea and Japan used ‘reason’ and ‘information’ for the most. Meanwhile, despite the low frequency of use, the persuasion strategies that showed the biggest difference between the two countries were ‘the speaker’s experience(strategy to talk about the speaker’s experience)’, ‘definition’, and ‘repeating utterance(repeating what the speaker said).’ The strategy to talk about the speaker’s experience was not used in Japan at all but Korea used it 28 times in a situation when persuasion was not easy. Definition was used three times more in Japan than in Korea. Moreover, the strategy to repeat the utterance(what the speaker said before) was used three times more in Korea than in Japan.

      • KCI등재후보

        공공정책의 대 국민 설득커뮤니케이션 전략과 효과에 관한 연구 -이명박 정부의 4대강 사업 분석을 중심으로-

        최선욱 ( Sun Wook Choi ) 한국협상학회 2013 협상연구 Vol.16 No.1

        The four-river refurbishment project, implemented by the Lee, Myung-Bak administration, commenced in 2009 and was completed in 2011. During the past three years, the Ministry of Land, Transport and Maritime Affairs, Dept. of Public Relations has spent over \20,000,000,000- on policy advertisement. However, according to the analysis of advertisement effect conducted by Korea Press Foundation on Oct. 2011, the majority of public were either unaware of or had a negative view of the four-river advertisement program. The effect was not in proportion to the budget used by governmental advertisement department. The purpose of this study is to diagnose the strategical problems of this government`s persuasive communication regarding the Four-river Refurbishment Project and to search for a more effective policy advertisement strategy. The previous analysis and evaluation studies of the government`s persuasive communication strategy were mainly just two-frame based in relation to the triple crossroads namely, ``Government-Public``, ``Government-Media, and Media-Public. However, this study attempts a comprehensive study of the triple crossroads that offers an integrated frame of Government-Media-Public in order to conduct a advertisement strategy analysis of the Four-river Refurbishment Project. For this purpose, the persuasive communication of the government`s Four-river Refurbishment Project were first categorized, the public survey results conducted by the Korea Press Foundation reanalyzed and its results used as basis for analysing the problems related to an effective persuasive communication. Furthermore, the perception of the advertisement related personnel of the competent department for the Four-river Refurbishment Project were researched and analyzed using an in-depth interview. Also, a survey was conducted on how media reporters, accredited to the competent department, viewed the advertisement strategy in order to study its problems. The results of the study reveal that the advertisement strategy for the Four-river Refurbishment Project failed to properly design an accurate advertisement program that includes a sur vey of public opinion and the creation of a forum for public debate on the subject. It also failed to properly establish a long-term, accumulative, dynamic communication strategy. Instead, it choose to follow the customary advertisement method and v er ification study of the advertisement effect was not performed. Results supporting these findings were drawn from surveys of accredited r eporters and in-depth interviews of advertisement related personnels. As a result, extensive modifications to the strategy advertisement methods for future major governmental national policy projects are inevitable. In future, a more systemic advertisement program need to be established and, to do this, diverse public opinion need to be gathered on one hand while a more professional and effective advertisement strategy that takes into account factors such as decision-making, mass-media utilization, and usefulness is needed on the other hand.

      • KCI등재

        국어학 : 광고 텍스트에 나타난 설득 화행의 표현 양상 연구

        전정미 ( Jung Mi Jeon ) 겨레어문학회 2007 겨레어문학 Vol.38 No.-

        대화행위 이론은 대화가 단지 말의 차원에서 끝나는 것이 아니라 사람들의 행동이나 관계에 영향을 끼치는 요소임을 이해하게 하였다. 대화에 참여하여 말하는 사람이 무엇인가를 이야기하는 것은 결국 지향하는 ``결과행위(perlocutionary act)``에 도달하기를 바라는 의도를 드러내는 ``수행행위(illocutionary act)``라는 점에서 대화행위는 이 세상에서 일어나는 활동으로서 기존의 상태에 변화를 가져오는 것이다. 이 연구에서는 광고 텍스트에 나타난 설득의 표현을 대화행위의 관점에서 살펴보았다. 설득을 한다는 것은 화자가 어떤 목표를 달성하기 위하여 메시지를 통하여 청자로부터 의도된 행동을 유발시키는 역동적인 과정이다. 곧 설득이라는 수행행위를 통하여 광고 텍스트의 청자가 되는 소비자의 구매가 결과행위로 나타나기를 기대하는 대화행위가 설득 화행이다. 광고 텍스트에 나타난 설득 화행의 표현 양상을 의사소통에 관여하는 요소인 화자, 청자, 메시지를 기준으로 나누어 살펴본 결과, 설득 화행에서 가장 중요한 부분은 청자에게 신뢰감과 친밀감을 느끼게 하는 것이다. 특히 청자의 신뢰감을 높이는 데에 활용하는 방법으로는 화자의 능력을 이용하거나 메시지 자체의 타당성이나 논리성을 강조하는 방법을 사용하는 것이 높은 빈도로 나타났다. 화자의 명성을 드러내거나 능력을 과시하는 방법을 이용하고, 메시지의 타당성이나 논리성을 강조하기 위한 방법으로는 설득의 이유나 정확한 수치를 제시하여 메시지의 내용이 객관적임을 강조한다. 이와 같은 결과와 더불어 설득 화행에서는 청자의 욕구 수준을 살피고 이를 바탕으로 가장 효과적인 방법을 모색하려는 노력이 필요하다. This study aims to show how a speech act of persuasion as a pragmatic strategy, which is based on an advertising text of persuasion. Persuasion is done by interacting with each constituents, and the pragmatics strategy of persuasion are classified into the speaker-oriented strategy, the listener-oriented strategy, and the message-oriented strategy. The speaker-oriented strategy is to persuade the listener by using of power or status. This strategy is often expressed as a type of reward or punishment, showing off his power. The listener-oriented strategy is to involve the listener in the process of persuasion, as the speaker expressed the intimate relations between them. In order not to hurt listener`s honor, the speaker does a favor for the listener or makes to be close relationship. And the message-oriented strategy is to persuade the listener by proving that this message is valid. Persuasion is a type of speech communication which consists of logical, emotional facts and its interaction. Even though we have the best method of persuasion, we can not meet with good results in persuasion and continuous human relationship without thoughtful consideration of others feelings. However, I hope that comprehensive studies on largely spoken corpus and special features of pan-linguistic speech acts of persuasion will be done based on this study.

      • KCI등재

        설득 텍스트에 나타난 공손 전략 연구

        전정미 ( Jung Mi Jeon ) 한말연구학회 2015 한말연구 Vol.- No.37

        This study aims to investigate how politeness strategies are realized in persuasive texts, focusing on politeness strategies employed to soften conflicts arising from the persuasive process. Conversation has a number of variables as it is conducted based on interaction between participants. Politeness is a strategic element as an effort to minimize the possibility or risk of conflict(disagreements). The current study focuses on the functional aspect of politeness, which has been little explored in previous research. Politeness is basically a strategy used to protect the face of an addressee based on [relationship]. In persuasive texts, however, in addition to face-saving, [clarity] is also employed as a prominent element in order to advance one``s argument. To persuade, presenting grounds, giving examples, and reiterating an argument for emphasis are all a kind of consideration to help the hearer understand the speaker``s argument better, and a way of appropriately carrying out an politeness strategy. Like this, as the politeness strategy in persuasive texts, [clarity] and [relationship] can be optionally employed to effectively achieve the goal of communication intended by the speaker.

      • KCI등재

        경험 내러티브 전략을 활용한 설득 담화에 대한 저관여 청중의 평가

        최영인,이상아 한국초등국어교육학회 2020 한국초등국어교육 Vol.69 No.-

        In communication initiated for persuasive purposes, the speaker makes decisions in various ways to influence the listener’s change of attitude. One of this is choosing a persuasion strategy. This paper focuses on “experience narrative strategy” which is effective for audience with low interest in speakers or their messages, or for those with resistance to persuasive speech. Persuasive discourse utilizing this strategy was selected for the study, and undergraduate students with low involvement on this topic were asked to evaluate the persuasiveness of the discourse and the effectiveness of the strategy. Using this response and evaluation by audience with low involvement on the discourse implementing “experience narrative strategy,” an analysis was made on how experience narrative is perceived by the audience and through which thought process persuasion effect is brought upon. 설득을 목적으로 하는 의사소통에서 화자는 수신자의 태도 변화에 영향을 주기 위해다양한 측면에서 의사결정을 내린다. 그 중 하나가 설득 전략을 선택하는 것이다. 본고에서는 화자 및 메시지에 대한 관심도가 낮거나, 설득에 대한 저항을 가진 청중들에게효과적인 ‘경험 내러티브 전략’에 주목하였다. 연구를 위해 경험 내러티브 전략이 활용된 설득 담화를 선정하고, 논제와 관련하여 관여도가 낮은 대학생들에게 해당 담화의설득력 및 해당 설득 전략의 효과성 등을 평가하게 하였다. ‘경험 내러티브 전략’이활용된 설득 담화에 대한 저관여 청중의 반응과 평가로부터, 경험 내러티브가 어떻게청중에게 인식되는지, 그리고 어떤 사고 과정을 통해 설득 효과를 가져오는지를 분석하였고, 이로부터 ‘경험 내러티브’ 전략을 활용하기 위해 화자들이 고려해야 할 내용을상세화하였다.

      • KCI등재

        일본어 거절화행 양상 및 전략에 관한 고찰

        윤상실(尹相實),이지현(李芝賢) 한국일본어학회 2018 日本語學硏究 Vol.0 No.58

        The purpose of this paper is to systematically study characteristic expression aspects and strategies in refusal speech acts from a pragmatic viewpoint. Refusal speech acts do not appear in explicit or fixed linguistic forms, but are mostly indirectly done dependent on various contexts. They appear extensively in Assertive sentences, Non-declarative sentences, Imperative sentences, Interrogative sentences, and Abridged sentences. The speech act is not accompanied with the speaker’s consideration towards the listener in Assertive sentences and Imperative sentences, whereas it is in Non-declarative sentences, Interrogative sentences, Abridged sentences and even in Assertive sentences if the predicate is a negative potential form. Also, linguistic persuasion appearing in Refusal speech acts are generally divided into ‘Persuasive refusal strategy’ and ‘Non-persuasive refusal strategy’. The former includes strategies of ‘expression of apology’, ‘explanation of circumstance’, ‘presentation of alternative’, and ‘response of sympathy’, and the latter includes strategies of ‘expression of non-potentiality’, and ‘evasion’. Refusal speech acts have the characteristic that they are used in a super-positional way because they have a high possibility of infringing on a listener`s face. This study has shown that Japanese has been pursuing smooth refusal speech acts through the method of the use of multiple persuasive refusal strategies, or the use of non-persuasive refusal strategies and then adding persuasive refusal strategies again. Since the speaker takes an attitude to have the listener understand their refusal acts, the refusal strategy has a very significant meaning in maintaining smooth human relations. Given that the refusal act may cause a great infringement on a listener’s face, a variety of expressions and high level verbal strategies are pursued in order to reduce a listener’s face-threatening, and thereby maintain smooth communication and a good interpersonal relationship. It can be said that Japanese, which aims at the co-construction utterance type, naturally shows a very sensitive aspect in that regard.

      • KCI등재

        설득 화법의 전략 연구 -설득 실패 화법 분석을 통한 전략 제시-

        최숙이 ( Sook Yee Choi ),백정민 ( Jung Min Baek ) 한국화법학회 2011 화법연구 Vol.0 No.19

        이 연구는 설득 장애를 화자 중심적 전략과 청자 중심적 전략으로 나누어 설득이 실패한 사례를 분석함으로써, 효과적인 설득 화법의 전략을 제시하는 것을 목적으로 하였다. 필자가 경험한 자료와 설득 화법에 대한 언어 실험 자료를 대상으로, 본고는 설득화행이 실현되는 주요 속성을 청자의 선택의 ``자발성``과 설득자 주장의 ``수용성``으로 규정하며, 청자 선택의 자발성을 간단히 자유선택 의지로, 설득자 주장의 수용성을 자유선택 결정으로 본다. 화자 중심적 전략에서는 설득에 장애를 초래하는 이해확인 표현, 부적절한 질문이 있으며 또한 이를 대체할 표현을 논의하였다. 청자 중심적 전략에서의 설득 장애는 청자에 대한 화자의 배려 부재로 발생하는 문제점을 검토하여 충분한 청자 배려의 원리를 제시하였다. ``충분한 청자 배려 원리``는 화자가 청자의 입장이 되어 여러 상황을 충분히 고려하면서 청자를 설득시키는 것이다. 충분한 청자 배려의 원리는 자유선택 의지와 관련이 있으며, 특히 설득 화법에서는 무엇보다도 청자 중심적 전략의 중요성이 강조되어야 한다고 보아 본고는 이 부분의 전략을 더 강화하고자 하였다. 본고가 제시한 전략은 앞으로 설득 화법을 더욱 체계적으로 분석하도록 도와줄 수 있다는 점에서 의의를 가진다. 또한 이 연구의 토대 위에 대규모 말뭉치 자료를 사용하여 설득 화법 전략의 세부적인 연구가 이루어지기를 바란다. The aim of this paper is to suggest efficient strategies of persuasive speech by researching factors which are obstacles to persuasive speech. We examine obstacle which occur when applying the strategies; the speaker-oriented strategy and the listener-oriented strategy. The purpose of this research is to help persuasive speech be analyzed more systematically. I think that the importance of listener-oriented strategy is to be emphasized above all, so I tried to strengthen that strategy. Especially, the ``principle of sufficient consideration for listener`` is that the speaker persuades the listener considering all sorts of situations as if the former was the latter. The principle of sufficient consideration for listener is related to Free Choice Volition. I hope that large corpus-based reseach and specific research of persuasive speech strategies will be done based on this study.

      • KCI등재

        기업인에 대한 설득적 공격 전략 및 이에 대한 설득적 방어 전략 : 한진중공업 청문회를 중심으로

        김용신,허경호 한국소통학회 2014 한국소통학보 Vol.25 No.-

        이 연구는 위기상황에서 기업인에 대한 공격과 이에 대한 방어의 수사적 특징을 살펴보기 위해 2011년 8월에 개최된 한진중공업 청문회를 연구 대상으로 삼았다. 베노이트와 웰스 (Benoit & Wells)의 설득적 공격 및 방어 전략을 토대로 내용분석을 통해 청문회에서 나타 난 수사적 특징, 즉 청문회에서 나타난 공격과 방어의 특징은 무엇인지를 공격과 방어의 전략 과 주제, 그리고 주제에 따른 전략의 변화로 살펴보았다. 연구 결과, 과거의 행위에 대한 공격은 불일치 전략을 취하며 언행이 불일치했고 약속을 이행하지 않았다는 것을 강조했고 또한 의도성·계획성 전략을 취하며 경영위기가 의도된 것 이라는 점을 강조했다. 현재 상황에 대해서는 수용자 피해를 강조하며 잘못된 행위임을 지적 했다. 인간적인 특성인 리더십 능력에 대해서는 기업인의 책임감을 강조하는 책무관련성 전 략을 주로 취했다. 이에 대하여 한진중공업 측은 불가피 전략을 주요 방어 전략으로 사용했 다. 즉 세계 경제의 흐름, 선주의 요구, 그리고 선박 산업의 위축 등 외부의 요인들에 책임을 넘기면서 피할 수 없었음을 강조했다. 또한 과거행위, 현재 상황, 미래 계획 등 논쟁 이슈에 대해 책임회피와 부인 전략을, 인간적 특성에 대해서는 침묵 전략과 부인 전략을 주로 사용하 면서 조직의 책임을 부정하고 방어하는데 메시지의 초점을 맞추었다. 이 연구는 청문회에서 이루어진 공격과 방어 분석을 통해 기업의 위기 상황에 대한 양측의 인식차를 명확히 보여준다. 특히 국민적인 관심과 사회적 파장이 매우 컸던 사안에 대해 이에 대처하는 기업의 위기 소통 전략이 주로 책임회피성 전략에서 벗어나지 못하고 있다. 아울러 본 연구는 국가적인 중차대한 사안에 대해 공격과 방어의 전략이 즉각적으로 발현되는 청문 회가 상호간 인식의 차이를 넘어 협상의 여지를 부여하는 소통의 장이 되어야 함을 시사한다. 또한 위기 상황으로부터 피해를 최소화하고 부정적 이미지를 회복하기 위해 기업인이 어떤 위기 소통의 자세와 전략을 가져야 하는지에 대한 단서를 제공한다. The main purpose of this study was to analyze persuasive attack strategies of congresspersons on witnesses and the rhetorical characteristics of their defense strategies at the congressional hearings on Hanjin heavy industry held in August 2011. In particular, this study analyzed how members of the national assembly and the company representatives communicate on Hanjin heavy industry’s layoff, which had great social repercussions. We adopted the persuasive attack and defense strategy frames employed by Benoit & Wells for the current analysis. One of the key findings of this study was that the members of the national assembly delivered most of the attacks on Hanjin heavy industry’s past actions and personal qualifications. For instance, the congresspersons emphasized the company’s inconsistency strategy and its inability to live up to its words. Moreover, they underscored the fact that the company adopted a strategy to intentionally cause a management crisis. They also questioned the company’s lack of responsible attitudes when discussing the issue of personal qualifications. In order to counter these attacks, Hanjin heavy industry adopted defeasibility strategy as its main defense strategy, attributing the layoff to such external factors as global economy, ship owners’ demand, and the down-spiral of the shipping industry. The company evaded the issues and denied its fault. It also remained silent on the personal characteristics and denied organizational responsibility. By analyzing attack and defense strategies employed in the public hearing, this study identified the large difference in the way each side perceives a company in a crisis. In light of the magnitude of impact this issue brought to society, Hanjin heavy industry could not go beyond evading responsibility when taking a crisis communication strategy. Finally we emphasized that a public hearing should be more than a venue for implementing attack and defense strategies on issues of national importance. It should open the door to negotiations on closing the gap between the two sides. Furthermore, this study found some clues on how the business people should communicate and behave in order to minimize damage in a crisis and restore from a bad image.

      • KCI등재

        상서류(上書類)에 드러난 설득 전략 양상과 교육적 적용 ― 『고문진보(古文眞寶)』 소재 산문을 중심으로

        조성윤,김윤정 국어문학회 2017 국어문학 Vol.66 No.-

        본고는 고문진보(古文眞寶) 소재 상서류(上書類)에 드러난 설득 전략 양상을 분석하고 이를 기반으로 화법과 작문 교육에서의 활용 방안을 모색하였다. 상서류에 드러난 설득 전략은 크게 두 가지로 나눌 수 있다. 첫째, 자신의 주장을 강하게 어필하는 역설(力說)과 그것을 뒷받침하기 위해 근거로 드는 부언(附言)이 조화를 이루어, 상서에서 목표를 두고 있는 발언이 잘 전달될 수 있는 효과를 주는 전략이다. 둘째, 부언에 주목한 전략으로, 부언 속에는 정(情)에 호소하여 상대를 회유하는 관계 속에서의 감정, 상대가 공감할 수 있는 내용이 들어 있는데, 이는 상대에 대한 칭송과 화자의 자찬(自讚) 전략으로 드러난다. 이러한 상서류의 설득 전략은 대체로 연설, 광고에만 국한 되어 사용되고 있는 설득과 관련된 국어 교육의 자료 예시의 범위를 넓힐 수 있고, 짧은 역설과 긴 부언의 설득 표현 방식은 설득의 표현 교육에서 완급 조절을 활용한 내용 구성의 전범으로 활용 가능하다. 또한 구체적 칭송과 겸손의 자찬은 감성적 설득 전략을 적절하게 활용하여 화자의 공신력과 관련하여 상대의 마음을 얻고 공감을 이끌어내도록 이끄는 설득 교육 내용으로 활용 가치가 높다. 즉, 상서류는 화자와 청자 간의 ‘관계’를 기반으로 하는 설득의 화법・작문 교육에 지침을 주며, 이는 교육에서 궁극적으로 추구해야 하는 바이기도 하다. This paper analyzed the persuasive strategies that appeared in the papers of the ‘Sangseolue(상서류)’, and searched for ways to use them in speech and writing education. The persuasion strategies revealed in the papers can be divided into two major categories. First, a paradox that strongly appeals to his argument and a supplementary note to support it is the harmonized strategies that make effective use of sentences that are aimed at the superiors Second, it is a strategy that focuses on the admonition. In the admonition, there is the emotion in the relation of appealing to the affection and appealing to the opponent, and the content that the opponent can sympathize with, that can be revealed the strategy of the self-admiration. The persuasion strategies of these documents can broaden the scope of examples of Korean language education related to the persuasion which is mainly used for speech and advertisement. In addition, the short paradox and long expressive persuasion expression method can be utilized as a constitutional component of the contents composition which uses the perfect control in the expression education of persuasion. In addition, specific praise and humility are highly valuable as persuasive education contents that lead to empathy and gain empathy with respect to the credibility of speaker by appropriately using emotional persuasion strategy. In other words, the papers provide guidelines for persuasive speech and writing education based on the "relationship" between the speaker and the listener, which should ultimately be pursued in education.

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