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      • KCI등재

        The Social-Scientific Approach to Galatians in Light of Patronage in the Ancient Mediterranean World: The Social Description of Patron, Client, and Broker

        조호형(Ho Hyung Cho) 한국복음주의신약학회 2021 신약연구 Vol.20 No.1

        This article attempts a new understanding of Galatians’ context in light of the patronage system of the ancient world based on the social scientific method. In the first century A.D. when Galatians was written, the atmosphere of a society united by the system was dominated. The system consisted of a relationship between a patron, a client, and a broker. This paper presupposes the social atmosphere and examines a more profound situation beyond the superficial situation that the Galatians tried to abandon the gospel preached by Paul because of the teachings of false teachers who infiltrated the church. To this end, I examine the traces of the patronage system based on data from Aristotle, Seneca, Cicero, Sophocles, and Marcus Aurelius. A patron did a favor to a client, and the client was obliged to thank and had his duty to the patron. If any of the two parties does not fulfill one’s obligations in the mutual relationship, the patron or the client is subject to criticism in society and consequently shame. I applied the system found in ancient data to Galatians, revealing that the patron is God, the clients are Galatians, and the broker is Jesus Christ. God did a favor by giving the Galatians the status and identity of children through Christ the Mediator. Naturally, they had to thank God and live according to His will. However, they did not fulfill any obligation and were deceived by the propaganda of false teachers and tried to turn away from God. In Paul’s eyes, their actions were foolish enough to be criticized by society in those days. Through these results, I reveal from the patronage that the Galatians’ action to turn away from God was wrong in terms of honor and shame. 본 논문은 사회과학적인 방법을 근간으로 고대 세계의 후원제도 안에서 갈라디아서의 정황에 대한 새로운 이해를 시도한다. 갈라디아서가 저술된 A.D. 1세기는 후원제도로 결속된 사회의 분위기가 주를 이루었다. 이 제도는 후원자와 수혜자, 그리고 중개인의 관계로 이루어졌고, 사회 전체에 보편적으로 받아들여졌다. 본 논문은 이 사회적인 분위기를 충분히 전제하고, 교회에 침투한 거짓 교사들의 가르침에 의해 갈라디아인들이 미혹되어 바울이 전한 복음을 버리려고 한다는 표면적인 정황을 넘어, 이면의 상황을 조명한다. 이를 위해, 필자는 그 당시 아리스토텔레스(Aristotle), 세네카(Seneca), 키케로(Cicero), 소포클레스(Sophocles), 마르쿠스 아우렐리우스(Marcus Aurelius)의 자료들을 바탕으로 후원자와 수혜자, 그리고 중개인의 관계를 드러내면서, 후원제도에 대한 흔적들을 조사한다. 후원자는 수혜자에게 호의를 베풀고, 수혜자는 이 호의에 감사하고 그에게 의무를 다해야 했다. 만약 이 두 당사자의 상호 관계에서 의무를 다하지 않았을 때, 후원자나 수혜자는 사회에서 비난의 대상이 되며 결과적으로 수치를 당하게 된다. 필자는 여러 자료 안에서 발견된 후원제도를 갈라디아서에 적용하여 , 후원자는 하나님이며, 수혜자는 갈라디아인들이며, 중개인은 예수 그리스도임을 드러낸다. 하나님은 중재자 그리스도를 통하여 갈라디아인들에게 자녀의 신분과 정체성을 부여함으로써, 호의를 베풀었다. 자연스럽게 이들은 하나님에게 감사하며 그의 뜻대로 살아야 했다. 그러나 이들은 어떤 의무를 다하지 않고 거짓 교사들의 선전에 미혹되어, 하나님에게서 돌아서려고 했다. 바울이 보기에, 이들의 행동은 그 당시 사회에서 비난을 받아도 마땅할 정도로, 어리석은 것이었다. 이러한 결과물들을 통하여, 필자는 갈라디아서의 정황을 그 당시의 후원제도의 관점에서 드러내고, 후원자 하나님으로부터 돌아서고자 하는 수혜자 갈라디아인들의 행동이 명예와 수치의 관점에서 어느 정도로 잘못되었는지 사회과학적인 접근을 통하여 보여준다.

      • KCI등재

        북한의 ‘후견·피후견 국가관계’ 역사로 본 남북통일 고찰

        정시구 한국행정사학회 2020 韓國行政史學誌 Vol.48 No.-

        본 연구의 목적은 북한의 ‘후견・피후견 국가관계’에 대한 역사적 변화를 고찰함으로써 남북통일에 기여할 수 있는 길을 모색하는데 있다. 북한에 대한 후견・피후견 국가관계에 대하여 역사적인 외교 사례를 볼 때, 소련 단독의 후견・피후견 국가관계 시기, 소련・중국 공동의 후견・피후견 국가관계 시기, 중국 단독의 후견・피후견 국가관계 시기, 후견・피후견 국가관계 혼란기(2019~현재) 등의 4시기로 구분할 수 있다. 이와 같이 북한의 후견・피후견 국가관계의 역사적 고찰에서 볼 때 오늘날의 북한은 혼란기라는 점을 알 수 있으며 미국을 중심한 국제협력으로 우리가 남북통일을 주도해야 할 것이다. 지금까지 학자들은 남북통일 방안에 대하여 다양한 대안을 제시하였지만, 본고에서는 북한의 ‘고려연방제’를 비판하고 자유민주체제로 ‘흡수통일’을 하는 방안을 중심으로 논의하고 있다. 자유민주체제로의 흡수통일 위해서는 다음과 같은 전략이 요구되고 있다. 첫째, 최근 북한은 후견・피후견 국가관계에 있어서 중국의 영향권에서 탈피하고자 하는 혼란기에 있다. 그러므로 미국은 북한에 대하여 정치적・경제적 압력 또는 설득을 통하여 북한을 자유민주체제로 편입시킬 수 있는 대안이 필요하다. 둘째, 북한정변은 두 가지의 축인 내부급변사태의 유무, 그리고 미연합군에 의한 침공의 여부 등에서 예상 가능성을 만들 수 있다. 본고에서는 이러한 두 축을 기준으로 내부급변・미연합군침공형(Ⅰ), 내부안정・미연합군침공형(Ⅱ), 내부급변・친미개방형(Ⅲ), 내부안정・친미개방형(Ⅳ) 등의 ‘북한정변의 4가지 유형’을 제시할 수 있다. 셋째, 한국은 안정적으로 북한이 내부안정・친미개방형(Ⅳ)을 선택할 수 있도록 지속적인 통일전략을 발휘해야 한다. 가령 한국은 북한, 미국, 일본, 중국, 러시아 등에 대한 다자적인 외교력과 대화 채널을 유지해야 할 것이다. 넷째, 청소년과 시민들에 대한 남북통일을 위한 지속적인 교육은 물론 시민의 자발적인 자유민주 체제를 수호할 수 있는 시민NGO의 활동 등이 필요하다. The purpose of this study is to find a way to contribute to Korea unification by analyzing a historical changes of ‘patron-client state relations’ in North Korea. Looking at the patron-client state relations against North Korea, historically, it can be divided into four categories: the period of single patron-client state relations of the Soviet Union, the period of joint patron-client state relations of the Soviet Union and China, the period of single patron-client state relations of China, and the period of chaos in today after 2019. From the historical considerations for patron-client state relations of North Korea, we can see that North Korea is in turmoil today, and we need to lead the unification of North and South through international cooperation centered on the United States. So far, scholars have presented various alternatives to the plan for unification of North and South Korea, but I want to criticize North Korea’s ‘Korea federal system’ and discusses the method of ‘unification of absorption’ as a free democratic system in this paper. The following strategies are required for the unification of the free democratic system. First, North Korea is in a turbulent period recently to escape from patron-client state relations of China’s sphere. Therefore, the United States needs an alternative that can bring North Korea into a free democratic system through political and economic pressure or persuasion. Second, political fluctuations of North Korea can create predictable possibilities in two axes: the presence or absence of an internal violent shaking and an invasion of US military. In this paper, four types of political fluctuations of North Korea were made from these two axes, these are type of internal violent shaking and US military’s invasion(I), type of internal stability and US military’s invasion(II), type of internal violent shaking and pro-American openness(III), type of internal stabilization and pro-American openness(IV), etc. Third, South Korea must exercise a unified strategy to stably allow North Korea to choose the type of an internal stabilization and pro-American openness(IV). For example, South Korea should maintain multilateral diplomatic powers and dialogue channels with North Korea, United States of America, Japan, China, and Russia. Fourth, there is a need for voluntary citizen NGOs' activities to protect the free democracy of citizens as well as continuing education of the unification of North and South for youth and citizens.

      • KCI등재후보

        북한 여군의 일상 행태 연구: '후견인-피후견인 관계(Patron-Client Relations)' 개념을 중심으로

        임재천,박지혜 고려대학교세종캠퍼스 공공정책연구소 2018 Journal of North Korea Studies Vol.4 No.2

        This paper attempts to analyze daily behavior of North Korean female soldiers by concept of ‘patron-client relations,’ which helps to understand informal interactions between North Korean (male and female) officers and female soldiers behind official facades. Conclusively influenced by the double-command structure in the socialist military, the military’s culture of absolute obedience, frequent labor mobilization, pervasive corruption and other illegal activities, and lack of appropriate sex education, the officer-soldier relations in daily life have strong patronage characteristics. The officerfemale soldier patronage can be classified into two kinds, based on the sex of patron: male patron-female client and female patron-female client. This patronage, influenced by the military’s culture of absolute obedience, is more vertical and forceful than that in the civilian sector. It is also very comprehensive and ‘whole-person’ because they daily interact through military training, barrack life, and labor mobilization. Like other types of patronage, this military patronage basically depends on mutual exchanges of material and non-material things in which a female soldier sometimes strategically responds to her officer patron. 1

      • KCI등재

        ≪石農畵苑≫과 17-18세기 한국화단의 後援 문제

        박효은 숭실사학회 2015 숭실사학 Vol.0 No.34

        이 글은 18세기 한국의 감식안 중 한 사람인 石農 金光國(1727~1797)과 그의 회화소장품을 미술시장과의 관계 속에서 분석하여 中人收藏家의 후원자적 면모를 이해하려는 것이다. 대대로 御醫를 지낸 名門 中人家門에서 태어나 그 역시 醫官을 지낸 김광국은 평소 수집한 동서고금의 회화로 ≪石農畵苑≫이라는 화첩을 만들었다. 문화계에 상인층이 부상한 근세 동아시아의 변화에 조응되는 이 사례는 18세기 서울의 사회여건과 어떻게 관련되어 있을까? 그 현상은 조선 후기 회화 전개에 어떤 영향을 미쳤을까? 그간 김광국 연구가 생애와 소장품 파악에 집중해왔다면, 이 글은 소장품 입수경로로 조선 내외의 미술시장을 주목해 조선시대의 한국회화와 중국ㆍ일본ㆍ유럽의 산물까지 수집했던 개인이 후원자로서는 어떤 역할을 했는지를 새롭게 조명해보고자 하였다. 우선 ≪石農畵苑≫의 형식과 체재, 소장품의 입수경로를 분석해 김광국이 유통ㆍ매매의 공간, 직업화가―불특정 도시수요자의 공간, 화가―후원자 네트워크로 구성된 국내외의 미술시장으로부터 소장회화를 확보했음을 확인하였다. 세계적인 상업자본주의 조류에 간접 연결되었던 당시의 한국화단은 수장가ㆍ후원자와 미술시장이 중층적으로 겹쳐져 있는 상태였다. 여기서 주로 구입방식으로 소장회화를 확보한 그는 각각에 題評을 지어 서예가에게 쓰게끔 하고, 유명한 문장가의 序文과 跋文을 더해 소장품의 가치와 의의를 높였다. 중국 남종화가는 물론 남종화풍을 구사한 18세기 조선화가와 조선의 역대 문인화가를 높이 평가한 그는 소장품을 동시대 화가에게 열람시키고, 제평을 통해 높여주고, 작업의 계기를 마련한 동시대 화단의 후원자이기도 했다. 흥미로운 사실은 ≪石農畵苑≫에 상품단계에 접어든 문인화가와 직업화가(畵師ㆍ畵員)의 작업이나 상품으로서의 회화를 논의하기에 좋은 증거가 비교적 풍부하다는 것이다. 특히 조세걸ㆍ심사정ㆍ김홍도 작품은 명말청초 남경화단과의 관계, 축적된 畵本ㆍ畵稿를 활용한 직업화가의 작업, 불특정 도시수요자로 상정되는 고객을 위해 자기 회화를 상품화시킨 화가 등 이제껏 주목된 바 없는 18세기 조선화단의 새로운 면모를 노출시키고 있다. 그런 가운데 양반층ㆍ중인층의 후원자 네트워크에 관여했던 김광국은 유통ㆍ매매의 공간, 불특정 도시민의 공간 모두를 넘나들면서 자기 소장품 확보에 주력했다. 그 결과 소유한 작품이 각 화가의 진면목을 담은 명품이 아닌 점은 아쉽지만, 이를 체계적으로 보존하고자 애쓴 노력은 새로운 차원의 후원영역에 진입한 중인수장가의 기여를 주목케 하기에 충분하다. 특별히 좋아하는 화원화가의 작품에 내재된 예술적 경지를 인정하고 높이 평가해준 그의 면모는 18세기에 대두된 창작주체/화가의 의식 성장과 자율영역 확보를 뒷받침해준 근대지향적인 변화의 단초로 파악되는 것이다. This study is an attempt to understand the role of jungin (a middle class of educated professionals in the Joseon period) art collectors as patrons of the arts by analyzing 18th century jungin art connoisseur Seongnong Kim Gwang-guk (1727~1797) and his painting collection in the context of their relationship to the art market at the time. Born into a prestigious jungin family that had produced several generations of court physicians, Kim followed the same profession while collecting a diverse range of paintings and compiling them into a multi-volume album titled Seongnong hwawon (Seongnong's Garden of Paintings; Seongnong was Kim's pen-name). How did Kim's case, which corresponded to changes in early-modern East Asia that saw the entrance of the merchant class into the cultural realm, relate to social conditions in 18th-century Seoul? And how, as a phenomenon, did it affect the development of late-Joseon painting? While previous studies of Kim have concentrated on his life and art collection, this one focuses on the art markets, in Joseon and overseas, through which Kim acquired his works, casting new light on the role of an individual who collected Korean, Chinese, Japanese and even European works as a patron of the arts in 18th-century Joseon. Firstly, by analyzing the format of Seongnong hwawon and the channels by which Kim acquired the works in it, this study confirms that Kim acquired the works in his collection via the realm of distribution and trade, the realm of professional artists and random urban owners, and networks of artists and patrons. The Korean art world at the time, indirectly connected to trends in global commercial capitalism, was characterized by a multi-leveled overlapping of collectors, patrons and the art market. Kim, who may have purchased the majority of paintings in his collection, composed inscriptions of his own for each work and had them written out by numerous calligraphers, then further increased the value and significance of the album with forewords and postscripts by famous writers. Kim rated highly not only Chinese painters of the Southern School but also 18th-century Joseon artists who mastered the Southern School style and early-mid-Joseon literati painters. As a patron, he showed his collection to contemporary painters, elevated their artistic value to that of the great Chinese masters through his inscriptions, and provided them with opportunities to create new works. One interesting aspect of Seongnong hwawon is its relative abundance of works by literati artists and professional painters as commercial products, and of useful evidence when it comes to discussing artworks as commercial goods. The works of Jo Se-geol, Sim Sa-jeong and Kim Hong-do, in particular, expose new and previously unnoticed sides to 17th-18th-century Joseon art: its relationship to late-Ming and early-Qing Nanjing School painters; works by professional artists produced on accumulated extracts or sketches from their working processes; and artists commercializing their works for customers assumed to be random urban owners. Kim Gwang-guk, with connections to yangban (Joseon's upper class of scholar-officials) and jungin patron networks, moved between realms of distribution and trade and of anonymous urbanites while working to expand his collection. As a result, and despite the regrettable fact that the paintings in his collection are not masterpieces of the time that demonstrate the true natures of their creators, Kim's efforts to systematically preserve his works are enough to make him a representative example of a jungin collector who had entered a new dimension in art patronage. Kim's recognition and positive critiques of the artistic quality of the works by court painters of which he was particularly fond is regarded as a hint of modernity-oriented changes that supported the growth in awareness and broadened expanded autonomy of creators and painters that occurred in the eighteenth century.

      • KCI등재

        대학도서관 희망도서의 신청 패턴과 이용효과 분석에 관한 연구

        권소담,남영준 한국정보관리학회 2018 정보관리학회지 Vol.35 No.4

        대학도서관은 구성원이 교육과 연구를 수행하는 데 있어 필요수적인 자료를 선정하여 구입할 필요가 있다. 따라서 이용자의 정보 요구를 장서 개발에 반영하는 방법으로 희망도서 제도를 운영하고 있다. 본 연구는 10년간의 장기적 관점에서 희망도서 신청 과정과 결과를 분석하였다. 희망도서는 단행본에 대한 강력한 정보 요구이기 때문에 주제 분야별 이용자의 정보 요구 패턴을 파악할 수 있었다. 대학 구성원으로서 이용자는 전공하는 학문 분야에 대해서는 전공 도서를 선정하면서도 다른 주제 분야의 교양 도서를 적절히 선정하여 장서 구성에 기여하고 있었다. 결과적으로 희망도서는 소수의 이용자에 의해 선정이 이루어지지만 도서관 전체 이용자의 정보 요구를 충족시키고 있어 효율적인 장서 개발 정책으로 운용되고 있다고 볼 수 있다. Academic libraries need to select and purchase essential collections to support students and faculty in education and research. Therefore, libraries reflect patrons’ information needs on collection development through patron purchase requests. This study analyzed the pattern and efficiency of patron purchase requests in a longer-term perspective; for over a decade. Patron purchase requests show different tendencies depending on academic characteristics, which enabled libraries to identify the users’ information needs in various subjects. Typically users contributed to collection development by expressing information needs in their fields of study through purchase requests. In the meantime, users in certain fields showed interest in other subject areas besides their own to select general books on various topics. Through this study, it became evident that a major portion of library collections were affected by active purchase requests from a small number of users. However those books were proven to be in demand in terms of effectiveness. Patron-driven acquisition is being implemented as an effective collection development policy.

      • KCI등재

        石濤의 1696年作《淸湘書畵稿》에 구현된 詩畵의 境界

        박효은 한국미술사교육학회 2007 美術史學 Vol.21 No.-

        This article determines Shitao’s Qing Xiang’s Sketches of Calligraphy and Painting in 1696 as a synthetic literati painting sought by a professional painter from late 17th century to early 18th century in China. Through poems and paintings are observed Shitao’s self-consciousness which reflects a facet of early Qing Dynasty paintings which were becoming professionalized. The handscroll consists of fourteen poems and seven paintings. The close interaction of words in entire poetry and images in paintings lets us consider the piece as a unique work about Shitao’s life story. The artist represented his self-consciousness varying according to time and space and autobiographical life story to present for his patron. The reason behind this offer to a particular person comes from Shitao’s diverse and complex character as a calligrapher and painter at the time being. To understand such facet found in the form of the unity of poetry, calligraphy and painting, it is necessary to observe the role of each part based on his situation in 1696. Starting with brief information about the background of production and composition of entire scroll, the role of words and images to deliver Shitao’s life story in the aspect of the painter’s transformation and existence will be explained. Through this analysis, parts which images narrate instead of words will be discovered to unveil the painter’s expectation for patronage. Let’s start with the background and composition of Qing Xiang’s Sketches of Calligraphy and Painting. In summer of 1696, Shitao was invited to stay at Cheng Jun’s Pine Wind Hall located in Shexian estate in Huizhou, Anhui province. During his sojourn, Shitao produced the work following the landlord’s request. Cheng Jun was a famous merchant and literati of this area, who collected works of painters of the school of Anhui and Bada Shanren. Shitao met him in spring of that year for the first time. ‘Qing Xiang’ is one of Shitao’s many sobriquets. The entire composition of this handscroll with poetry of various scripts and paintings fall into four parts: two long passages in the middle framed by short opening and closing passages. The opening passage starts with four poems without painting. His creative activities in Beijing are described, where he worked for high-ranking officials and government ministers within the network of artist-patron from 1690 to 1692. About the autumn of 1691, he determined to return to the South. The subject of the first main parts of the scroll is his journey to the Grand Canal in the autumn of 1692. There are five poems and three pictures about the gathering of literati people in Botou and Xiazhen and sceneries of Gucheng, Linqing and Yangzhou. The gathering scene in the boat with an elegant atmosphere is represented in a reminiscent real scenery landscape painting. A symbolic flower painting of chrysanthemums stands for a haphazard gathering in Chongyangjie. The landscape painting which combined Gucheng in Jiangsu and Linqing in Shandong together outlines the scenery of the Grand Canal as a famous scenic spot. It also lets us understand his experience during the journey in detail. The second main parts of the scroll embody merchant patrons of the North and the South. Zhang brothers were salt merchants from Tianjin. While Shitao met them during the winter of late 1691 and early 1692, Cheng Jun, the merchant of Huizhou was his patron in the summer of 1696. Shitao visualized Zhang brothers’ economic capability and cultural support in scribbled but energetic scripts. For Cheng Jun, he drew in a linear neat style of the school of Anhui. The closing passage describes his self-portrait set in an old tree with a phrase of a poem in antique seal script and the inscription in regular script about the motive of production. From this scene, he implies the role of a patron who will enable Shitao’s eternal future as the master of Tao in paintings. In overall, Shitao’s poems...

      • KCI등재

        The Impact of Brand Prestige on Patrons' Perception of Well-Being, Favorable Inequity, Affective Commitment, and Dedicational Behaviors in Luxury Restaurants: The Moderating Role of Brand Consciousness

        현성협,황진수,이상호,Hyun, Sung-Hyup,Hwang, Jin-Soo,Lee, Sang-Ho The East Asian Society of Dietary Life 2011 동아시아식생활학회지 Vol.21 No.3

        이 연구의 목적은 럭셔리 레스토랑의 브랜드 명품화가 고객의 웰빙 지각도, 호의적 평가, 감정적인 충성도, 그리고 헌신적인 행위에 미치는 영향을 고찰하는 것이다. 문헌 분석을 통하여, 제시된 마케팅 개념들간의 이론적 인과관계가 도출되었으며, 이를 바탕으로 11 개의 가설들이 도출되었다. 또한 이 과정에서, 고객들의 브랜드 의식도가 조절 변수로 작용할 수 있다는 이론적 가설이 제시되었다. 도출된 이론적 가설들을 종합하여 구조 모델이 도출되었으며, 이 개념적 모텔은 527명의 미국 럭셔리 레스토랑 고객을 대상으로 하여 수거된 데이터로 검증되었다. 데이터 분석에는 AMOS 6.0 버전이 사용되었으며, 데이터 분석 결과, 럭셔리 레스토랑의 브랜드 명품화는 고객의 웰빙 지각도와 호의적 평가에 긍정적으로 작용하여, 결국 두가지 헌신적 행위(enhancement와 advocacy)를 유도한다는 것이 밝혀졌다. 또한 이 과정에서 고객들의 브랜드 의식도는 조절 효과로 작용한다는 것이 검증되었다. 데이터 분석 결과를 바탕으로 하여 이론적 실무적 시사점들이 논의되었다. The purpose of this research was to investigate the impact of brand prestige on luxury marketing variables (patrons' perception of well-being, favorable inequity, affective commitment, and dedicational behaviors) in the luxury restaurant industry. Based on a thorough literature review, the clear definitions of each construct were established and theoretical causal relationships between the seven constructs were proposed (brand prestige, perception of well-being, favorable inequity, affective commitment, enhancement, advocacy, and brand consciousness). During this process, the moderating role of brand consciousness was also suggested. Integrating the proposed theoretical hypotheses, a structural model was created. This model was tested using the data collected from 527 luxury restaurant patrons in the United States. Data analysis revealed that brand prestige is a key determinant of favorable inequity and patrons' perception of well-being, thereby inducing two types of dedicational behaviors (enhancement and advocacy). More importantly, during this process, brand consciousness played a moderating role in the relationship between brand prestige and patrons' perception of well-being. Based on the data analysis results, the theoretical/practical implications were discussed.

      • KCI등재

        The Impact of Brand Prestige on Patrons' Perception of Well-Being, Favorable Inequity, Affective Commitment, and Dedicational Behaviors in Luxury Restaurants

        Sunghyup Hyun(현성협),Jinsoo Hwang(황진수),Sang-Ho Lee(이상호) 동아시아식생활학회 2011 동아시아식생활학회지 Vol.21 No.3

        The purpose of this research was to investigate the impact of brand prestige on luxury marketing variables (patrons’ perception of well-being, favorable inequity, affective commitment, and dedicational behaviors) in the luxury restaurant industry. Based on a thorough literature review, the clear definitions of each construct were established and theoretical causal relationships between the seven constructs were proposed (brand prestige, perception of well-being, favorable inequity, affective commitment, enhancement, advocacy, and brand consciousness). During this process, the moderating role of brand consciousness was also suggested. Integrating the proposed theoretical hypotheses, a structural model was created. This model was tested using the data collected from 527 luxury restaurant patrons in the United States. Data analysis revealed that brand prestige is a key determinant of favorable inequity and patrons’ perception of well-being, thereby inducing two types of dedicational behaviors (enhancement and advocacy). More importantly, during this process, brand consciousness played a moderating role in the relationship between brand prestige and patrons' perception of well-being. Based on the data analysis results, the theoretical/practical implications were discussed.

      • KCI등재후보

        상호적 후견인-피후견인 관계와 바울의 기독론 이해 - 빌레몬서를 중심으로

        오정환 평택대학교 피어선기념성경연구원 2023 피어선 신학 논단 Vol.12 No.2

        The community of Philemon is the faith-community, but formed within a social structure. This could be understood as being influenced by social order. In this sense, the patron-client relationship which emerged throughout the Greco-Roman society in the first century provides an important idea for understanding the Philemon’s community in terms of social and religious contexts. In particular, the patron-client relationship in the letter to Philemon has characteristics which appears reciprocally between characters. The roles of patron and client are characterised by mutual exchange, which shows that patronage system at that time was well reflected. In addition, understanding the role of the ‘mediator’ in the patron-client relationship enables understanding of Jesus Christ as a mediator and understanding Paul’s Christology in the letter to Philemon. 빌레몬의 공동체는 신앙공동체이지만 사회구조 안에서 형성된 공동체이다. 이것은 사회적 질서에 영향을 받는다는 의미로 이해될 수 있다. 이러한 맥락에서1세기 그리스-로마 사회 전반에 걸쳐 나타났던 후견인-피후견인 관계는 사회적그리고 종교적인 맥락에서 빌레몬의 공동체를 이해하는 데 중요한 아이디어를제공한다. 특히 빌레몬서 안에 나타나는 후견인-피후견인 관계는 인물들 간에상호적으로 나타나는 특징을 가지고 있다. 후견인과 피후견인의 역할이 상호적으로 교환되어 나타나는 특징이 있는데, 이것은 당시 후견제도의 모습을 잘 반영하고 있음을 보여준다. 아울러 후견인 관계에서 등장하는 ‘중재자’의 역할을이해하는 것은 중재자로서의 예수 그리스도를 이해하고, 이를 토대로 빌레몬서안에 나타나는 바울의 기독론 이해를 가능하게 한다.

      • KCI등재

        제1차 세계대전 발발에서 발칸분쟁의 영향에 관한 연구 :국가 간 후견-피후견 관계의 관점을 중심으로

        이영수,박상남 사단법인 코리아컨센서스연구원 2023 분석과 대안 Vol.7 No.1

        Previous studies on international politics dealing with World War I mainly pointed to the balance of power and alliance issues as the causes of war. This view saw the assassination of Sarajevo, the direct cause of the war, as a simple opportunity. As a result, these studies can explain 'what made war inevitable' but still need to fully explain 'why the war started in the Balkans and how it spread throughout Europe.' To compensate for the limitations of these preceding studies, this study aim to find the origin of World War 1 in the context of the Balkan, which began with the conflict between Germany-Austria and Russia-Serbia. To this end, this study analyzed the historical background of the Balkan crisis and the development of the crisis through the concept of Shoemaker and Spanier's patron-client relationship between states and crisis manipulation. As a result, it confirmed that competition between Russia and Germany and crisis manipulation attempts by their client states did not necessarily lead to war. But crisis manipulation has instilled a competitive mindset in patron states that will potentially and cumulatively work. Since then, unexpected crises have occurred, and rival patrons have suspected that their opponents are planning grand strategic conspiracies and challenges. As a result, they have become vulnerable to crisis manipulation by the clients. This situation was the cause of the outbreak of World War I in the context of the Balkans' patron-client relationship.

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