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      • KCI등재

        主要部内在型関係節の名詞性に関する一考察 -名詞句と副詞句の機能分けについて-

        신의식 한국일본어교육학회 2023 日本語敎育 Vol.- No.103

        In this paper, I analyzed the nouniness in HIR(Head Internal Relative) in Japanese. In precedent researches, there are two points of view on HIR in syntactic structure. The view that HIR is the noun phrase is supported by the case agreement in the matrix predicate and the head of HIR. However, the view that HIR is the adverbial phrase is supported by pro structure. HIR is classified into noun phrase and adverbial phrase. In this study, I used the nouniness in the clause, and classified the HIR and subordinate clause. In conclusion, HIR is the noun phase which has the nouniness. On the other hand, No clause which has no nouniness is not the noun phrase but the subordinate clause.

      • KCI등재

        등차성(gradience) 관점에서 본 영어 분열문의 분석

        김두식(Kim, Doo-Shick) 언어과학회 2012 언어과학연구 Vol.62 No.-

        Most of the studies on English clefts have been made under the assumption that two types of clefts exist independently and their categories are discrete. Unlike these trends, this study is based on Aarts`s (2007) ``gradience``, assuming that there are blurred boundaries between two categories of linguistic structures and syntactic forms should be analyzed in terms of the continuum of meaning between the core and periphery of the structures. By adopting this assumption, the study has advantages that this approach can explain effectively the phenomena that the opposite approach fails to. The purpose of this study is to show that the gradience perspective allows us to explain the differences of grammaticality by different syntactic categories in focus position of clefts. It demonstrates that the varying degrees of grammaticality lying both within one type of clefts and between two types of clefts are ascribed to accumulated gradiences, including categorial combinations of semantic features like nouniness and verbiness and specification effects on the specificational reading of clefts.

      • コロケーションに見られるバリエーションの考察 : 波紋・反響・注目を中心に

        秋元美晴 동의대학교 인문사회연구소 2010 인간과 문화 연구 Vol.16 No.-

        The aim of this paper is firstly to describe the collocational tendencies of the following nouns: hamon, hankyou and chuumoku, that is, with which verb phrases they are frequently collocated, and secondly to observe their collocational variations mainly in present-day Japanese, with attention paid to the Meiji and Taishou periods. These three nouns form a semantic field of ‘being influencing and influenced’. Semantic analyses are made of which verb phrases are frequently collocated and of why they are preferred. As data I used the ‘Taiyou corpus’ for the Meiji and Taishou periods and the collection of Chuunich Newspaper articles(2004, CO-ROM). It has been discovered that the noun ‘hamon’ is collocated with the verbs ‘hirogaru/hirogeru’ and ‘yobu’ often producing idiomatic meanings, and that the nouns ‘hankyou’ and ‘chuumoku’ are collocated with the verbs ‘atsumeru/abiru’ and ‘yobu’ respectively. As regards their historical changes, it is generally stated that literal meanings are mainly used at the first stage, but are gradually developed into idiomatic/metaphorical meanings. Finally it has been pointed out that the degrees of nouniness in these nouns play an important role in producing their collocational variations and idiomatic meanings. 本稿は、最近よく使われるようになり、また、語彙カテゴリーとして「影響を与えたり、受けたりする」といった意味場を構成する「波紋」「反響」「注目」の3語の名詞が、どのような動詞句と結合するかを考察し、コロケーションのバリエーションに関して、現代語を中心に明治・大正時代も含め、その変遷を俯瞰したものである。また、どのような動詞句が多く使用され、なぜ、それらの動詞句と多く結合するのかを、意味論的にも考察した。資料としては、明治・大正時代のものは《太陽コーパス》を、また、現代語のものは《中日新聞記事データ集2004年版(CD-ROM)》を利用した。その結果、「波紋」は「広げる/広がる」「呼ぶ」などと結合して、イディオム的意味を構成し、「注目」と「反響」は最近になって「集める/浴びる」「呼ぶ」とそれぞれ結合することがわかった。史的変遷に関しては、一般的に言って、初期の用法は文字通りのものが多く、現代に近づくにつれ比喩的、イディオム的に使われるようになったこともわかった。なお、「波紋」「反響」「注目」の名詞性の度合いの強弱がコロケーションのバリエーションを生むことやイディオム的意味に変化する上で重要な役割を持つことも指摘した。

      • KCI등재

        영어 경동사구문의 탈동사명사 연구

        유정숙(Yoo, Jeongsook) 담화·인지언어학회 2015 담화와 인지 Vol.22 No.1

        It has generally been accepted that the deverbal nouns (DVN, in short) of light verbs, as in ‘have a walk’, ‘take a ride’ and ‘give the floor a sweep’, are treated as unstable NPs in that those nouns rarely undergo syntactic operations such as wh-movement, passivization, pronominalization, and occurrence with definite articles, as suggested in Kearns (2002). Nevertheless, many spoken data from various corpora (COCA, BNC, WebCorp, etc.) reveal examples with DVNs, unexpectedly, taking other determiners or breaking their frozen status structurally, which provides the evidence to the contrary. This study argues that DVNs should be divided along the gradient scale with degrees of specification between ‘nouny’ and ‘verby’ poles. This gradient division can apply to the divisions not only between pure light verbs such as have, take, or give and vague light verbs such as make, but also between each of the pure light verbs. The study also demonstrates that the DVNs in many spoken data create a continuum where on the leftmost end lie the most verby DVNs allowing only an indefinite article, on the rightmost end the most nouny DVNs allowing even definite articles and in between the nouny and verby DVNs allowing plural forms, ‘the kind of’, ‘that’, and topicalization.

      • KCI등재

        冠形語가 先行하는 副詞들에 대하여

        남수경 한국어문교육연구회 2010 어문연구(語文硏究) Vol.38 No.3

        This paper aims at displaying some adverbs, which seem to be modified by adnominals and contending that the boundary between noun and adverb is fuzzy. According to our grammatical knowledge, adverbs cannot be modified by adnominals, but nouns can. Thus, we can prove that word classes are not divided discretely, and they are continuous by showing the phenomenon that seems to be a kind of partial conversion. In addition, this aspect shows that there is a direction of category shift from adverb to noun, because the words in question belong to adverb, but they function as nouns only under special conditions. The change is in progress, and its aspects are displayed differently in each word. In summary, the aspects reveal their nouniness by following adnominal clauses. In other words, some can be modified by more various adnominals and others can take even case markers. It means that they are extending their uses as noun. 본고는 그동안 副詞로 처리되어 왔던 일군의 단어들이 冠形語의 修飾을 받을 수 있음을 보이고 이를 통해 명사, 부사 간 품사의 境界가 매우 모호함을 밝히는 것을 목적으로 한다. 주지하듯이 부사는 관형어의 수식을 받을 수 없으며 관형어의 수식을 받을 수 있는 品詞는 名詞이다. 따라서 이러한 부사들이 비록 명사로 완벽하게 전용되어 쓰이지 않지만 이처럼 부분적으로 품사가 통용되어 쓰이는 양상은 본래적으로 명사와 부사 간에 존재하는 품사 간의 구별이 分離的이고 명확한 것이 아니라 連續性을 가진 것임을 증명해 주는 것이다. 또한 이들 단어들은 부사에서 명사로 범주를 轉換해서 쓰이는 방향성을 보여주는 예이며 일부 단어들은 冠形詞節 이외의 관형어와도 나타나고 格助詞와도 結合함으로써 명사로서 보다 擴大된 쓰임을 보인다고 할 수 있다.

      • KCI등재

        現代日本語の母音融合 - 最適性理論に基づく分析 -

        孫範基 단국대학교 일본연구소 2014 일본학연구 Vol.43 No.-

        본고는 현대 일본어 공통어에 나타나는 모음축약을 최적성이론에 기반하여 분석하여 제약의 상호작용을 밝히는 것을 목적으로 한다. 孫(2009)은 품사 범주의 차이로 인한 모음축약의 적용여부를 명사에 특화된 충실성을 바탕으로 논하였지만, 본고는 형태적 도출성에 의한 축약의 적용여부(孫2012b)를 바탕으로 한 충실성제약에 기반하여 분석하였다. 또한 모음융합이 저지되는 일부의 형용사는 어간에 명사성이 강하다는 특징이 나타나는데 본고는 이를 명사에 특화된 충실성을 바탕으로 설명하였다. 그리고 종래의 일본어 음운론에서 중시되지 않았던 모음의 원순성([±round])은 모음축약을 설명하기 위해서 반드시 필요하다는 것을 논의하였다. This paper examines asymmetric vowel coalescences (Casali 1996) in Tokyo Japanese under the framework of Optimality Theory (Prince and Smolensky 1993/2004, McCarthy and Prince 1999). Son (2009) generalized the condition of coalescence according to part of speech; vowels coalesce in non-noun word but do not coalesce in noun. Son (2009) argued that blocking coalescence is due to higher ranked noun faithfulness. I will, however, argue that condition of coalescence depends on the morphologically (un)derived environment. The V1V2 in derived environment can be coalesced but coalescence is blocked in nonderived environment. The nonderived environment blocking for coalescence is accounted for by relativized faithfulness (i.e., Uniformitystem) which is proposed by Burzio (2001). I will account for the systematic blocking for coalescence in some adjective classes (e.g., color adjective etc.) with relativized noun faithfulness. I also argue that roundness (i.e., [±round]), which is not considered in Japanese phonology, is an important feature specification for predicting correct pattern of coalesced vowel in Tokyo Japanese.

      • KCI등재

        한국어 ‘명사성 형용사’ 단어 부류의 정립

        목정수(Jungsoo Mok) 사단법인 한국언어학회 2011 언어학 Vol.0 No.61

        The aims of this paper are two-folded. The first one is to propose that ‘ida’ of ‘gyeongjejeok(=economic)-ida’ and ‘hada’ of ‘yumyeong(=famous)-hada’ be analysed as copulas in Korean grammar. The second one is to examine the possibility of analyzing ‘-(eu)ro2’ as a derivational suffix deriving adverb from adjectivals such as ‘sijeok(=poetic)’, ‘gyeongjejeok(=economic)’, etc. This derivational suffix ‘-(eu)ro2’ is distinguished from the case particle '‘-(eu)ro1’ in ‘doggi-ro(=with an axe)’. The suffix ‘-hi/-i’ is the same case, which derives adverbs from adjectivals such as ‘joyong(=quiet)’, ‘ggaeggeut(=clean)’, etc. These two above-mentioned discussions are based on Mok(2003) and Mok(2009c), which analyzed ‘hada’ and ‘ida’ as support verbs on the syntactico-semantic level. It was shown there that the lexemes X's in the construction ‘X-hada’ and the lexemes Y's in the construction ‘Y-ida’ behave the same syntactico-semantically.<br/> For this, I compared ‘yumyeong-hada(=be famous)’ with ‘gyeongjejeok-ida(=be economic)’. Both ‘yumyeong(=famous)’ and ‘gyeongjejeok(=economic)’ do not function as an argument of predicates, and have the same adjectival properties, so that ‘ida’ and ‘hada’ are in complementary distribution. I define this kind of lexemes as ‘nouny adjectives’, including ‘adnominals’ in contrast with verby adjectives such as ‘keuda(=be big)’, ‘nopta=(-be high)’, etc.

      • KCI등재

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