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      • 지방분권과 국가균형발전 정책방향 재고

        김천영 ( Kim Cheon-young ) 한국정책연구원 2008 한국정책논집 Vol.8 No.-

        This study aims to suggest logical base for sustainable national even development through policy orientation of local decentralization and national even development in Rho’s participatory government. For this, investigating logic of local government and national even development, relations of local government and national even development are established in forms of concept relation, objective relation, operation relation. With these criteria, error possibilities of Rho’s policy orientation of local decentralization and national even development are reviewed centered around conceptual confusion, objective confusion, operational confusion, and some lessons are suggested Accordingly, sustainable national even development must be practiced through local decentralization in the framework of intergovernmental relations.

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