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      • KCI등재

        The Prognostic Impact of Synchronous Ipsilateral Multiple Breast Cancer: Survival Outcomes according to the Eighth American Joint Committee on Cancer Staging and Molecular Subtype

        주진아,배현식,서유정,조수연,김석형,조은윤 대한병리학회 2018 Journal of Pathology and Translational Medicine Vol.52 No.6

        Background: In the current American Joint Committee on Cancer staging system of breast cancer, only tumor size determines T-category regardless of whether the tumor is single or multiple. This study evaluated if tumor multiplicity has prognostic value and can be used to subclassify breast cancer. Methods: We included 5,758 patients with invasive breast cancer who underwent surgery at Samsung Medical Center, Seoul, Korea, from 1995 to 2012. Results: Patients were divided into two groups according to multiplicity (single, n = 4,744; multiple, n = 1,014). Statistically significant differences in lymph node involvement and lymphatic invasion were found between the two groups (p < .001). Patients with multiple masses tended to have luminal A molecular subtype (p < .001). On Kaplan-Meier survival analysis, patients with multiple masses had significantly poorer disease-free survival (DFS) (p = .016). The prognostic significance of multiplicity was seen in patients with anatomic staging group I and prognostic staging group IA (p = .019 and p = .032, respectively). When targeting patients with T1-2 N0 M0, hormone receptor–positive, and human epidermal growth factor receptor 2 (HER2)–negative cancer, Kaplan-Meier survival analysis also revealed significantly reduced DFS with multiple cancer (p = .031). The multivariate analysis indicated that multiplicity was independently correlated with worse DFS (hazard ratio, 1.23; 95% confidence interval, 1.03 to 1.47; p = .025). The results of this study indicate that tumor multiplicity is frequently found in luminal A subtype, is associated with frequent lymph node metastasis, and is correlated with worse DFS. Conclusions: Tumor multiplicity has prognostic value and could be used to subclassify invasive breast cancer at early stages. Adjuvant chemotherapy would be necessary for multiple masses of T1–2 N0 M0, hormone-receptor-positive, and HER2-negative cancer.

      • KCI등재

        다양체 개념의 변환 - 리만에서 들뢰즈로 -

        이정우 한국철학사상연구회 2019 시대와 철학 Vol.30 No.4

        The concept “many” is one of the most fundamental concepts of ontology, which has been continued from the time of the birth of philosophy to our time. This concept has been coupled with that of the “one” in the traditional philosophies, and usually been treated as is subordinated to it. But in contemporary philosophy, the discussion on the many that is liberated from the one has been continued(“the ontology of immanence”), and this process is based on the task of newly transforming the concept of the many. The newly conceptualized many through this process is “multiplicity”, or “manifold” in mathematical context. This article tried to clarify the concept of “multiplicité virtuelle” that was forged by Deleuze, comparing it first with prior concepts of Riemann’s manifold and Bergson’s qualitative multiplicity, and second with posterior concepts of Deleuze and Guattari’s smooth space. By this it tried to explicate the entire process of transformation of this concept from Riemann to Deleuze and Guattari. For this, this article went back to Riemann who created the modern form of this concept. The Riemannian manifold is well known as the beginning of modern geometry and as the mathematical foundation of the general theory of relativity. But such philosophers as Meinong, Husserl, Russell, Bergson were also influenced from this conception. Especially, between Riemann’s geometrical manifold and Delueze’s virtual multiplicity, there is Bergson’s qualtative multiplicity. By this reason this article discussed first the transfer from Riemannian manifold to Bergsonnian multiplicity, and second clarified the difference between the latter and Deleuze’s virtual multiplicity. Finally, it tried to explicate how Deleuzian concept of the virtual multiplicity had been transformed into Deleuze and Guattari’s concept of the smooth space. “Multiplicity/Many”(여럿) 개념은 철학의 탄생 시점부터 오늘날까지이어져 온 가장 근본적인 존재론적 개념들 중 하나이다. 그리고 이 개념은전통 철학에서 “Singularity/One”(하나) 개념과 짝이 되어 논의되었고, 또대개의 경우 이 ‘하나’에 종속된 형태로서 논의되어 왔다. 그러나 현대 철학에서는 하나로부터 해방된 여럿에 대한 논의가 이어져 왔으며(‘내재성의존재론’), 이 과정은 곧 ‘여럿’ 개념을 새롭게 변환시키는 작업을 토대로 했다. 이 과정을 통해서 새롭게 개념화된 여럿이 곧 ‘다양체’ 개념이다. 본 논문은 들뢰즈가 전개한 ‘잠재적 다양체(multiplicité virtuelle)’ 개념이 앞으로는 리만, 베르그송의 다양체 개념과 그리고 뒤로는 들뢰즈와가타리의 ‘매끄러운 공간’ 개념과 어떤 관계에 놓여 있는지를 밝히고자 했다. 이로써 리만으로부터 들뢰즈와 가타리에 이르기까지 다양체 개념이 변환되어 온 과정 전반을 밝히고자 했다. 이를 위해서 우선 이 개념의 현대적 형태를 창조해낸 리만으로 거슬러 올라갔다. 리만 다양체는 현대 기하학의 효시이자 일반 상대성 이론의수학적 토대로서 널리 알려져 있지만, 마이농, 후설, 러셀, 베르그송 등 여러 철학자들 역시 이 개념에서 큰 영향을 받았다. 특히 리만의 기하학적다양체와 들뢰즈의 잠재적 다양체 사이에는 베르그송의 ‘질적 다양체’ 개념이 놓여 있고, 때문에 본 논문은 우선 리만 다양체로부터 베르그송 다양체로의 이행을 다루고 이어서 베르그송의 질적 다양체와 들뢰즈의 잠재적 다양체의 차이를 다루었다. 마지막으로는 들뢰즈의 잠재적 다양체 개념이 어떻게 들뢰즈와 가타리의 매끄러운 공간의 개념으로 변환되었는가를 밝혔다.



        Balmaceda, Jose Maria P. Korean Mathematical Society 1997 대한수학회지 Vol.34 No.2

        A transitive permutation representation of a group G is said to be multiplicity-free if all of its irreducible constituents are distinct. The character corresponding to the action is called the permutation character, given by $(1_H)^G$, where H is the stabilizer of a point. Multiplicity-free permutation characters are of interest in the study of centralizer algebras and distance-transitive graphs, and all finite simple groups are known to have such characters. In this article, we extend to the alternating groups the result of J. Saxl who determined the multiplicity-free permutation representations of the symmetric groups. We classify all subgroups H for which $(1_H)^An, n > 18$, is multiplicity-free.

      • KCI등재

        An empirical analysis of the fiscal impacts of changes in tax revenue multiplicity: Focusing on Florida county case

        윤태섭,심준섭 한국행정학회 2016 International Review of Public Administration Vol.21 No.1

        This study investigates the fiscal impacts of changes in tax revenue multiplicity on Florida counties, with a particular focus on number of local consumption taxes. In analyzing fiscal impacts, a robust standard error model approach in fixed-effects model is employed. The major findings are as follows. The number of local consumption taxes, a measure of tax revenue multiplicity, is found to be associated with larger government budget sizes and higher total tax burdens. The research findings contribute a longitudinal perspective to the literature about the fiscal implications of changes in tax revenue multiplicity. This study also has practical implications for tax policy. Financial officials and taxpayers are often interested in having more multiple sourced tax revenue structures to export their tax burdens and increase their budget size. However, taxpayers and financial officials should know that a more multiple sourced tax revenue structure is likely to increase their total tax burdens

      • KCI등재

        Semi-empirical model to determine pre- and post-neutron fission product yields and neutron multiplicity

        Lee Jounghwa,Lee Young-Ouk,Park Tae-Sun,Schillebeeckx Peter,홍승우 한국물리학회 2022 THE JOURNAL OF THE KOREAN PHYSICAL SOCIETY Vol.80 No.10

        Post-neutron emission fssion product mass distributions are calculated by using pre-neutron emission fssion product yields (FPYs) and neutron multiplicity. A semi-empirical model is used to calculate the pre-neutron FPY, frst. Then the neutron multiplicity for each fssion fragment mass is used to convert the pre-neutron FPY to the post-neutron FPY. In doing so, assumptions are made for the probability for a pre-emission fssion fragment with a mass number A∗ to decay to a postemission fragment with a mass number A. The resulting post-neutron FPYs are compared with the data available. The systems where the experimental data of not only the pre- and post-neutron FPY but also neutron multiplicity are available are the thermal neutron-induced fssion of 233U, 235U and 239Pu. Thus, we applied the model calculations to these systems and compared the calculation results with those from the GEF and the data from the ENDF and the EXFOR libraries. Both the pre- and post-neutron fssion product mass distributions calculated by using the semi-empirical model and the neutron multiplicity reproduce the overall features of the experimental data.

      • Factors Associated with Use and Types of Multiple Concurrent Care and Education Arrangements in Early Childhood in South Korea

        An, Miyoung The Korean Home Economics Association 2014 International Journal of Human Ecology Vol.15 No.2

        This paper explores factors associated with multiple concurrent care and education arrangements in early childhood in South Korea. It draws on a subsample from the Korean Longitudinal Survey of Women and Families. Results show that about one-fifth of the families utilized multiple arrangements for their first preschool child. The primary non-parental option in multiplicity was nurseries or kindergartens. Home care and education options such as home study materials were found to be most prevalent secondary non-parental option, followed by services at private institution as well as relative care. Children's age, care cost, non-parental care time and time constraints were found to be positively related to the incidence of multiplicity for the first preschool child while family income and cost constraints were negatively associated. As a secondary option in the multiplicity, services at private institutions increased with children's age, care cost and when the grandparents live far from the parents' house. Home care and education utilization was found more among mothers with low degree of time constraints. Utilization of relative support decreased with the children's age and meant lower care cost and increased with mother's employment, fathers' education, family income, cost constraints and when grandparents live nearby. This paper, based on the associated factors, suggests how issues of children enrichment and constraints might be related to the multiplicity.

      • KCI등재

        Factors Associated with Use and Types of Multiple Concurrent Care and Education Arrangements in Early Childhood in South Korea

        안미영 대한가정학회 2014 International Journal of Human Ecology Vol.15 No.2

        This paper explores factors associated with multiple concurrent care and education arrangements in earlychildhood in South Korea. It draws on a subsample from the Korean Longitudinal Survey of Women and Families. Results show that about one-fifth of the families utilized multiple arrangements for their first preschool child. The primary non-parental option in multiplicity was nurseries or kindergartens. Home care and educationoptions such as home study materials were found to be most prevalent secondary non-parental option, followedby services at private institution as well as relative care. Children’s age, care cost, non-parental care time andtime constraints were found to be positively related to the incidence of multiplicity for the first preschool childwhile family income and cost constraints were negatively associated. As a secondary option in the multiplicity,services at private institutions increased with children’s age, care cost and when the grandparents live far fromthe parents’ house. Home care and education utilization was found more among mothers with low degree oftime constraints. Utilization of relative support decreased with the children’s age and meant lower care cost andincreased with mother’s employment, fathers’ education, family income, cost constraints and when grandparentslive nearby. This paper, based on the associated factors, suggests how issues of children enrichment andconstraints might be related to the multiplicity.

      • Factors Associated with Use and Types of Multiple Concurrent Care and Education Arrangements in Early Childhood in South Korea

        ( Mi Young An ) 대한가정학회 2014 International Journal of Human Ecology Vol.15 No.2

        This paper explores factors associated with multiple concurrent care and education arrangements in early childhood in South Korea. It draws on a subsample from the Korean Longitudinal Survey of Women and Families. Results show that about one-fifth of the families utilized multiple arrangements for their first preschool child. The primary non-parental option in multiplicity was nurseries or kindergartens. Home care and education options such as home study materials were found to be most prevalent secondary non-parental option, followed by services at private institution as well as relative care. Children`s age, care cost, non-parental care time and time constraints were found to be positively related to the incidence of multiplicity for the first preschool child while family income and cost constraints were negatively associated. As a secondary option in the multiplicity, services at private institutions increased with children`s age, care cost and when the grandparents live far from the parents` house. Home care and education utilization was found more among mothers with low degree of time constraints. Utilization of relative support decreased with the children`s age and meant lower care cost and increased with mother`s employment, fathers` education, family income, cost constraints and when grandparents live nearby. This paper, based on the associated factors, suggests how issues of children enrichment and constraints might be related to the multiplicity.

      • KCI등재

        통일시대의 한반도 지역어와 한국어 다양체의 교육적 시사점

        한명숙 고려대학교 한국어문교육연구소 2020 한국어문교육 Vol.30 No.-

        The unification time is defined as an era of inter-Korea exchanges and inflow through civilian exchanges and cooperation. It is defined as a phenomenon of the times. In other words, the unification era is defined as a phenomenon of the times going through the process of creating, maintaining, and establishing exchanges and cooperation. The Korean peninsula will have to go through these until it has a “body of unification.” Local languages on the Korean Peninsula can be grouped into nine: Jeju, Jeolla, Gyeongsang, Chungcheong, Gyeonggi, Gangwon, Hwanghae, Pyeongan, and Hamgyeong language groups. These Korean dialects are what make a ‘Korean Language multiplicity’ and a 'Korean Language Community' on the Korean Peninsula. Therefore, when Koreas are unified, the integration of the Rhyzom-type "Korean community" can be achieved where these nine kinds of "Korean Language Multiplicity" interact and connect with each other. So the aim of language education in a unified Korean society should be developing language abilities of the ‘Korean Language multiplicity’. In addition, developing curricula and textbooks that can contribute to the cultivation of the ‘Korean Language Community’ is an important task. 이 논문은 한반도 통일시대의 뜻을 규정하면서 남북한의 언어 차이를 언어지리학적 관점에서 살펴 그로부터 한반도 언어교육의 시사점을 도출할 목적을 갖는다. 통일시대는 한반도가 ‘통일의 몸’을 갖게 될 때까지 남북 간의 상호 연결 접속으로 지속적인 교류와 협력을 지향하며 나아가는 통합 및 종합의 길이요, ‘조성’, ‘유지’, ‘구축’의 과정으로 전개될 한반도의 현재이자 장차 미래로 나아갈 특이점(singularity)의 위상으로 보았다. 남북이 상호 연결 접속하는 통일시대에 남북의 언어는 이질성도 갖고 있지만, 그보다 더 강한 동질성을 갖고 있는 한반도 지역어로서의 위상을 지닌다. 제주를 비롯하여, 전라, 경상, 충청, 경기, 강원, 황해, 평안, 함경이라는 아홉 방언지방으로 구획 가능한 각 지역어는 들뢰즈(Deleuze, G.) & 가타리(Guattari)가 제시한 ‘다양체(multiplicity)’로 존재하는 양상이다. 이런 관점에서 한반도 아홉 지역어는 상호 차이를 지닌 ‘언어 다양체’이며 땅속뿌리인 리좀(rhyzom)으로 존재하면서 ‘종합’의 가능성을 지닌 ‘한국어 다양체’이기도 하다. 한국어 다양체는 상호 간의 교류로 연결 접속할 때 ‘한국어 공동체’로의 통합과 종합을 이룰 수 있으며, 들뢰즈(Deleuze, G.) 철학이 지향하는 ‘생성’의 가능성이라는 점에서 의미가 있다. 한반도 통일시대의 언어교육은 ‘한국어 다양체’의 언어능력 계발을 지향하며, 서로의 언어 차이를 이해하고 극복 및 종합하는 능력을 길러야 할 과제를 갖는다. 한반도가 ‘통일의 몸’을 갖는 미래를 전망하면서 언어적, 문화적 통일성을 확보하는 언어교육과 ‘한국어 공동체’의 언어능력을 육성하는 데 기여할 수 있는 교육과정과 교재의 개발도 과제이다.

      • KCI등재

        들뢰즈에서 생명의 잠재성에 대한 형이상학적 의미

        연효숙 ( Yon¸ Hyo-sook ) 한국가톨릭철학회 2011 가톨릭철학 Vol.0 No.16

        생명의 존엄성과 생명의 창조성의 잠재적인 위력은 어디로부터 오는가? 아리스토텔레스는 생명의 원리를 현실태와 가능태의 형이상학적 원리로 설명하였으며, 개체들의 본성을 한 형상 내에서의 질료에 의한 개별화의 원리로 제시하였다. 이러한 그의 형이상학과 생물학적인 설명은 생명의 보편성과 개별성을 설명하는 원리로서, 근대에 이르기까지 생명의 목적론적 세계관으로 지속되어 왔다. 근대 자연 철학의 목적론적 자연관과 유기체적 생명 개념과 결별하고 다윈의 진화론을 창조적으로 받아들여 현대 생명 철학과 자연관에 새로운 시각을 제공한 철학자는 베르그송이다. 베르그송은 전통 형이상학에서의 일과 다의 원리에 입각한 개별자의 존재론의 원리를 버리고, ‘다양체’ 개념을 새롭게 마련하여 생명을 잠재성의 차원으로 획기적으로 전환시켰다. 즉 가능한 것을 대신하는 잠재적인 것은 질료형상설을 따르지 않는, 다양체에 작동하는 원리가 된다. 들뢰즈는 이러한 이념적 차원의 다양체를 생물학적 다양체로 현실화한다. 들뢰즈는 다양체가 분화의 차원에서 생명의 잠재성과 창조성을 보여 준다고 생각했다. 또한 들뢰즈는 시몽동의 개체화의 원리를 수용하고, 이를 전-개체적 상태의 독특성의 지평이자, 개체가 갖는 이념-잠재적인 차원과 연결시킨다. 들뢰즈는 개체화의 원리를 생물학에서의 분화의 원리에 적용하여 배의 발생으로 연결시킨다. 이러한 들뢰즈의 생명철학은 다윈의 진화론의 계보를 넘어서서, 생명의 잠재성의 차원을 리좀적인 평면으로 연계하여 윤리적이고 형이상학적인 지평으로 확장시킬 수 있는 의미를 지닌다. What is the source of virtual power of dignity of life and creativity of life? Aristoteles explained the principle of life as the metaphysical principle of actuality and possibility, and showed a nature of individuals as the principle of individualization in a form by matter. His metaphysics and its biological interpretation were the principle of universality of life and individuality, and have been continued as a teleological world view until modern times. It is Bergson, who cuts off a teleological view of nature in philosophy of nature in modern times and a concept of life of organism, and receives creatively Darwin's evolution. He offers a new vision to philosophy of life and view of nature in the present. Bergson abandons the ontology of individuals supported by the principle of one and many in the traditional metaphysics, and prepares a concept of multiplicity, and then shifts life to a dimension of virtualiy newly. Namely, the virtual instead of the possible is a principle which controls not the principle of matter-form but multiplicity. Deleuze actualizes the multiplicity of ideal dimension into a biological multiplicity. Deleuze thinks that multiplicity shows virtuality and creativity of life in the dimension of differenciation. Deleuze receives the principle of individuation of Simondon, connects it into the horizon of univocality in pre-individual status, and the ideal-virtual dimension of individuals. Deleuze applies the principle of individuation to the princple of differenciation in biology and connects it into the genesis of germ. The philosophy of life in Deleuze surpasses Darwin's genealogy of evolution, and joins the dimension of virtuality of life to rhizomatous plan, and implies the meaning which can extend into an ethical and metaphysical horizon.

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