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      • KCI등재

        노동생산성이 총노동시간과 임금에 미치는 영향: 제조업과 서비스업의 비교

        현준석 ( Jun Seog Hyun ),이상돈 ( Sang Don Lee ),김원중 ( Won Joong Kim ) 한국생산성학회 2016 生産性論集 Vol.30 No.2

        There are various studies on the relationship between labor productivity, employment, and wage. First, the relationship between labor productivity and employment can be explained by the relative size of substitution effect and compensation effect. In other words, when the improvement in the labor productivity comes from the technological innovation, it will substitute labor so that employment falls. On the other hand, improvement in the labor productivity causes the prices of goods and services to fall and increases demand for those goods and services. It will therefore increase demand for labor in those industries. Second, the real business cycle theory argues that productivity shock will have a positive effect on employment. However, Gali (1999) argues that productivity shock lowers the marginal production cost while, because of the price rigidity, demand for goods does not change. As a result, firms reduce the number of worker employed from a rise in the labor productivity. Finally, Chang et al.(2009) note that, even when there is a price rigidity, technology shock may increase employment if it is less costly to hold inventories. In sum, whether a rise in labor productivity on employment is positive or not is subject to empirical investigation. The paper utilizes panel vector autoregressive (VAR) model to compare the effects of labor productivity shocks on employment, proxied by the total hour worked, and wages between manufacture industries and service industries. The results show that labor productivity shocks in the manufacturing sectors have positive effects on employment while those in the service sectors have negative effects on employment. Labor productivity shocks in both in manufacturing and service industries cause wages to rise. However, the wage rise is higher in the manufacturing industries than services industries in response to labor productivity shocks. A rise in employment in the manufacturing sector and a fall in employment in the service sector in response to a labor productivity shock can be explained by two different theories. First, our results support that the compensation effect is greater than the substitution effect in the manufacturing sector while the compensation effect is less that the substitution effect in the service sector. Second, because holding inventories are less costly in the manufacturing sector, labor productivity shock increases employment in the manufacturing sector while it lowers employment in the service sector.

      • KCI등재

        서비스산업의 노동생산성에 대한 수렴성 검정

        이종하,임상수 국제e-비즈니스학회 2022 e-비즈니스 연구 Vol.23 No.1

        This study examines regional convergence of labor productivity in the Korean service industry using panel data of 16 cities and provinces in Korea for the period 1997-2019. Labor productivity is divided into labor productivity per employee and labor productivity per labor cost, and the convergence test is divided into three types(convergence test over time by region, convergence test between regions, convergence test by group). As a result of the analysis, labor productivity in the Korean service industry is generally converging, and in particular, it appears that there is a recent decline. In addition, the labor productivity per employee and the labor productivity per labor cost also appear to converge. In terms of region, labor productivity in the service industry is converging in all 16 regions, and a recent downward trend is similar. Lastly, the test for convergence between regions shows that labor productivity diverges between groups but converges between regions within a group. This means that it is necessary to prepare policies to enhance labor productivity for the development of the service industry. Also, considering that the labor productivity gap in the service industry between regions is widening, it can be seen that the regions included in the low labor productivity group need policy efforts to enhance labor productivity. 본 연구는 1997년 ~ 2019년 기간 우리나라 16개 시도로 구성된 패널자료를 이용해 우리나라 서비스산업의노동생산성에 대한 지역별 수렴성을 검정했다. 이를 위해 서비스산업의 노동생산성을 종업원 1인당 노동생산성과 인건비당 노동생산성으로 구분하였고, 수렴성 검정을 위해 각 지역별 시간에 따른 수렴성 검정, 지역간 수렴성 검정, 그룹별 수렴성 검정의 3가지 유형으로 구분하여 살펴보았다. 분석결과, 한국의 서비스산업노동생산성은 전반적으로 수렴하고 있고, 특히 최근 하락이 보이는 것으로 나타났다. 또한 종업원 1인당노동생산성과 인건비당 노동생산성에 관계없이 수렴하는 것으로 나타났다. 이를 지역별로 살펴보아도 16개지역 모두 서비스산업의 노동생산성은 수렴하고 있으며, 최근 들어 하락하는 추세를 보이고 있다. 마지막으로지역 간의 수렴성에 대한 검정 결과, 그룹 간에는 노동생산성이 발산하지만 그룹 내의 지역 간에는 노동생산성이 수렴하는 것으로 나타났다. 이러한 결과들은 서비스산업의 발전을 위해서는 노동생산성 제고를 위한정책 마련이 필요하다는 것을 의미한다. 또한 지역들 간 서비스산업의 노동생산성 격차가 확대되고 있다는점을 고려할 때, 노동생산성이 낮은 그룹에 포함되는 지역에는 노동생산성 제고를 위한 정책 마련이 요구된

      • KCI등재


        조민주,이창민 한양대학교(ERICA캠퍼스) 일본학국제비교연구소 2023 비교일본학 Vol.59 No.-

        The improvement in Japan's labor productivity has encountered a stagnation since the mid–1990s. A contributing factor to this phenomenon lies in the pattern of labor mobility across industries. Labor productivity growth can be deconstructed into two main components: the “within” component, representing the enhancement of productivity within individual industries, and the “structural change” component, indicating the impact of labor shifting to other industries with varying levels of productivity. Our analysis reveals that the latter has exerted a diminishing influence, and the overall impact of both components is gradually waning. Notably, there is a discernible flow of labor from the manufacturing industry, characterized by relatively higher productivity, towards the service industry, where productivity tends to be lower. Within the service industry itself, the labor trend leans towards low–productivity and low–wage sectors, such as medical, healthcare, welfare, scientific research, professional, and technical services. It can be posited that this trend of labor migration towards sectors with lower levels of labor productivity serves as a hindrance to the overall increase in labor productivity.

      • KCI등재

        간접고용으로 인한 노동생산성 착시

        이영재(Lee, Youngjae) 한국산업경제학회 2022 산업경제연구 Vol.35 No.5

        표준적으로 사용되는 노동생산성 개념은 간접고용 노동자(파견, 사내하청, 용역 등)를 포함하지 않기 때문에 간접고용 비중이 높을수록 기업의 노동생산성에 더 큰 편의를 유발한다. 본고는 간접고용을 보정한 노동생산성을 계산하고 이를 이용해 간접고용이 노동생산성에 미치는 영향을 분석하였다. 기업규모가 클수록 간접고용 사용비중이 높아져 더 큰 노동생산성 편의가 발생하였다. 편의 규모는 중소기업이 3.9~4.4%, 대기업이 8.7~11.2%로 계산되었다. 간접고용과 노동생산성의 관계는 기업의 소요기술 특성별로 다르게 나타났다. 간접고용이 노동생산성에 미치는 영향은 비숙련노동 위주의 제조기업에서는 단정 지을 수 없었으나 고숙련노동 위주의 제조기업에서는 노동생산성을 낮추는 것으로 작용하였다. 반면 기술변화가 빠르고 다양한 전문지식을 갖춘 노동력에 대한 수요가 있는 고위기술 서비스기업에서는 간접고용이 노동생산성을 높였다. 이러한 결과는 기업이 자신의 기술특성을 충분히 고려하여 간접고용 활용 정도를 결정할 필요가 있음을 시사한다. The standard labor productivity do not consider labor outsourcing, such as seconded workers, in-house contractors. It causes labor productivity bias when a firm heavily depends on labor outsourcing to produce its output. This paper estimates new labor productivity considering both directly hired and outsourced worker, and analyzes the impacts of labor outsourcing on labor productivity using the new measures. According to the results of an analysis of manufacturing firms, the larger the firm, the higher the level of labor outsourcing, resulting in a more significant upward bias for labor productivity. The level of such upward bias is around 3.9%-4.4% for small and medium-sized firms and 8.7%-11.2% for large firms. The relation between labor outsourcing and labor productivity is found to vary depending upon the characteristics of the technologies adopted by firms. We cannot draw certain relation about the impacts of labor outsourcing on the labor productivity of unskilled labor-driven manufacturing firms. Labor outsourcing, however, reduces labor productivity for high-skilled labor-driven manufacturing firms. On the other hand, for high-tech service firms that undergo rapid technological change and require labor with diverse expertise, labor outsourcing increases labor productivity. These results imply that a firm should make labor outsourcing decisions after sufficiently considering its technological characteristics (unskilled/skilled and low-tech/high-tech), instead of simply following what leading companies are doing.

      • KCI등재

        기업동학, 자원재분배 및 노동생산성 결정요인: 「기업활동조사(2006~2012)」에 기초한 패널분석

        이근희 ( Keun Hee Rhee ),표학길 ( Hak K. Pyo ) 한국금융연구원 2015 한국경제의 분석 Vol.21 No.3

        We have analysed the difference of labor productivity between small business, medium business and large business in both manufacturing and service sector at firm level which is an independent decision body. Based on the balanced panel data (2006-2012) we have analysed firm dynamics, resource reallocation and determinants of labor productivity. At economy-wide level the labor productivity of large business is 2.01 times higher than small business and the labor productivity of medium business is 1.47 times higher than small business. A similar pattern of productivity difference exists in both manufacturing and service sector. The contribution to the aggregation productivity change has been dominated by stayers and has been relatively at lower level by net entrants. Particularly it is estimated that the net entry effect has been affected by the exit of lower productivity firms rather than by the entry of higher productivity firms due to the global financial crisis in 2007 during the period of 2006-2012. We have also found that the resource reallocation has been relatively weak during the period 2006-2012. It is not due the fact that workers have moved from lower productive firms or sectors into the higher productive firms or sectors, which affected GDP growth but due the fact that the employment has been decreased by the shock of global financial crisis. Furthermore labor productivity change has been typically accompanied by the increase of labor input, and it seems that large business has contributed more to employment creation than small business. It is estimated that capital deepening, quality of labor and R&D investment have also positively affected labor productivity. In future it is important for the Korean economy to keep flexible labor market and intra-firm and inter-firm restructuring market system so that lower-productivity firms can be freely exited while higher-productivity firms can lead innovation. Firms need to enhance efficient and creative capital deepening, labor quality management and R&D investment for productivity improvement.

      • 도시개발공사의 부가가치 생산성 분석

        이규진(Kyu-Jin Lee) 한남대학교 사회과학연구소 2020 사회과학연구 Vol.24 No.2

        본 연구는 광역자치단체 도시개발공사의 평가에 있어 부가가치 생산성 개념을 도입하여 지방공기업의 사회적 책임에 대한 객관적 평가의 틀을 만들어 내고, 이를 부가가치 노동생산성, 부가가치 자본생산성으로 분석하여 지방공기업의 사회적 평가를 측정하고자 하는데 있다. 부가가치란 일정기간내에 자신의 조직에 투입된 노동과 자본을 통해 산출된 상품 및 서비스에 새롭게 부가된 가치를 의미하는데, 노동생산성은 이 부가가치를 생산하는데 투입된 임직원수에 대한 비율을, 자본생산성은 투입된 총자산의 비율을 말하는데, 그 측정결과를 광역자치단체 지방공기업의 결산자료에 대입하여 분석하였다. 분석결과 부가가치, 노동생산성, 자본생산성은 재무성과지표상 매출액, 당기순이익, 부채 비율들과 밀접한 관련성이 있음이 나타났다. This study aimed to establish an objective evaluation tool of social responsibility of public corporations in the local governments by introducing concept of evaluating value-added productivity for urban development corporations in the metropolitan governments. It is intended to measure social evaluation of public firms in the local governments through analyzing their value-added productivity and value-added labor productivity. The added value refers to newly added value to goods and services calculated through labor and capital investment in one’s organization within a certain period. Labor productivity is the ratio of labor force input to produce this added value and capital productivity is the ratio of the total assets invested. This study analyzed value-added and capital productivity of accounts balance of the public corporations in the local governments. As a result of the measurement, value -added productivity and labor productivity of public corporations in the governments of Busan, Gwangju, Gyeonggi, South Chungcheong, and South Jeolla Province have shown their continued upward trends. However, value-added productivity of urban development corporations in the governments of Seoul, Daegu, Gangwon, North Chungcheong, North Jeolla, and Gyeongsang Provinces has tended to continuously decline. In the case of Incheon and Daejeon, their value-added productivity has risen. The labor productivity in Incheon has resulted in a downturn while the capital productivity in Daejeon has declined. Both value-added productivity and capital productivity in the public corporations belonging to Ulsan have shown a downturn trend. Labor productivity is the value-added divided by the number of labor force and its increase and decrease are related to efficient operation of manpower. Capital productivity is the added value divided by total assets which indicates efficient use of capital. The added value has been a positive (+) correlation with the sales, net income, and sales performance in the financial indicators, and the debt ratio also has shown a positive (+) correlation, unlike the theoretical hypothesis. However, there has been a negative (-) correlation with respect to the quick ratio, and the value added with respect to the operation ratio has resulted in a meaningful outcome . Labor productivity has shown a positive (+) correlation with the sales, net income, and operating income ratio in the financial performance ratio, and no significant results have been made for sales performance, debt ratio, and quick ratio. In addition, as for the correlation with the Gross Regional Domestic Product (GRDP), the proportion of the added value of the urban development corporations to the GRDP has continuously declined every year. Based on these measurement study results, measures to improve value-added productivity have been proposed for each of net income before corporate income tax, labor costs, net financial expenditures, rental costs, other taxes including utilities, and depreciation costs in the income statement that constitute added value. Through this study, it has been confirmed that the analysis of value-added productivity can be used as an indicator that can contribute to revitalize local economy and to realize social responsibility of public corporations belonging to the local governments. In terms of the value-added productivity, the classification of the existing accounting items should be interpreted in a new perspective. In conclusion, social-oriented evaluation criteria should be suggested to evaluate public corporations in the metropolitan governments.

      • KCI등재

        인천 제조업의 노동생산성 변이할당분석

        황상연 ( Hwang Sangyeon ) 경남대학교 산업경영연구소 2018 지역산업연구 Vol.41 No.2

        본고에서는 1999-2013년을 분석기간으로 인천 및 15개 광역지자체의 제조업 부가가치기준 노동생산성 데이터에 변이할당분석 방법론을 적용하여 14개 제조업 중분류와 52개 제조업 소분류로 나누어 노동생산성의 변화를 산업 내 성장효과와 구조적 효과로 분해하였다. 분석 결과 인천의 전반적인 노동생산성 정체현상이 전국 평균이나 서울과 경기도 등 수도권 내다른 지역보다 심각한 것으로 나타났다. 특히 최근 금융위기 이후 기간(2009-2013년) 중 인천의 노동생산성 증가양상은 15개 지자체 중에서도 매우 낮은 수준으로 나타났으며 노동생산성 개선은 산업구조 변화에 의한 영향보다 개별산업 내 생산성 성장에 의해 주도된 것으로 나타났다. 높은 노동생산성을 경험하고 있는 타 지역에 비해 인천은 노동생산성이 높은 산업을 중심으로 산업구조가 효과적으로 재편되지는 못한 것으로 판단된다. 한편, 금융위기 이후 구조적 효과는 음(-)의 값을 보여 산업구조의 변화가 오히려 인천시 제조업 전체의 노동생산성부진의 원인일 수 있음을 보여준다. 다만, 제조업 산업 중분류 기준의 변이할당 분석결과, 전자부품 및 컴퓨터, 영상 음향 및 통신장비 제조업, 전기장비 제조업, 기타 기계 및 장비 제조업, 그리고 자동차 및 트레일러 제조업 등 4대 산업이 인천의 제조업 노동생산성 증대에 크게 기여하고 있어 이들 산업의 전략적인 육성을 고민할 필요가 있는 것으로 나타났다. 지역 산업정책으로써 매력적인 미래 유망산업의 발굴 및 육성 무시할 수 없는 과제이겠지만, 높은 생산성을 경험하고 있는 기존 산업중심의 산업구조 재편을 통해 인천 지역산업의 경쟁력을 제고할 수 있는 정책대안을 모색할 필요가 있다고 판단된다. In this paper, we perform a shift-share analysis on Incheon’s manufacturing labor productivity from 1999 to 2013 to investigate changes in industrial competitiveness in the region’s manufacturing sector. Implementing a static shift-share analysis, the paper decomposes value-added based labor productivity growth into a within-industry effect, a structural change level effect, and a structural change growth effect. The results indicate that the manufacturing labor productivity growth of Incheon region is weaker than the other regions in Korea. Especially, the weak-growth characteristic is strengthened in the post Subprime Crisis. Overall, the main driver of the manufacturing labor productivity of Incheon is the within-industry effect. The contribution of the structural change growth effect to the overall manufacturing labor productivity is limited and even negative for the post Subprime crisis period. This result shows that there exists productivity-detracting structural change with employment moving towards industries with weak labor productivity growth recently. Manufacturing sectors such as electronic components and computer, electrical equipment, other machinery and equipment, and motor vehicles, trailers and semi-trailers positively contribute to Incheon’s overall manufacturing labor productivity growth. However, food products, and chemicals and chemical products industries negatively affect the region’s labor productivity growth. The findings in this paper imply that the industrial structure of Incheon region should be reformed so that it moves toward the productivity-enhancing structure by increasing employment capacity in relatively high labor-productivity industries.

      • AHP기법을 이용한 건설노동생산성 저하요인 분석에 관한 연구

        표영민 ( Young-min Pyo ),배수용 ( Soo-yong Bae ),유형한 ( Hyoung-han Ryu ),이상범 ( Sang-beom Lee ) 한국건축시공학회 2005 한국건축시공학회 학술발표대회 논문집 Vol.5 No.1

        Usually, processing whole project or a part of frame work delays due to acceleration, changing orders, management, characters of projects, overtime, worker crowding, early occupation in the field of construction. Through a whole project, these factors cause decreasing construction labor-productivity which is the most dependent in business of construction. These kind of decreasing of construction labor-productivity cause many negative effects, just as extension of time, increasing cost in project of construction. Regardless of characters of construction or decreasing labor-productivity, extension of time is a incident which needs acceleration, also it cause a high possibility of claim and dispute. The productivity has just a broad meaning in business of construction. That``s why it``s difficult to apply in the field of construction. Especially, factors increasing or decreasing labor-productivity is defined by analysis of working as qualitative and outlined evaluation. However, study of the each factor decreasing construction labor-productivity analysis has not researched, because of difficulty of systematic measurement and management. The existed studies about management of productivity are just focused on estimation of productivity, not on evaluation of productivity. It was true that I couldn``t examine clearly about the analysis of how much important per each the factor which have influence on labor-productivity because of the characteristic as qualitative that the labor productivity have On this study, I tried to get the factors decreasing of labor- productivity with gathering opinions of panels of expert``s studies about the factors decreasing of labor-productivity on project of construction through Delphi method and I evaluated the result factors as quantitatively and subjectively about importance of factors decreasing construction labor-productivity Analysis, using AHP Method by Saaty. Also, using Delphi and AHP method, I suggest substantiated method qualitative factors are measured by quantitative criteria.

      • KCI등재

        AHP기법을 이용한 건설노동생산성 저하요인 분석에 관한 연구

        이상범,표영민 대한건축학회지회연합회 2007 대한건축학회연합논문집 Vol.9 No.1

        Usually, processing whole project or a part of frame work delays due to acceleration, changing orders, management, characters of projects, overtime, worker crowding, early occupation in the field of construction. Through a whole project, these factors cause decreasing construction labor-productivity which is the most dependent in business of construction. These kind of decreasing of construction labor-productivity cause many negative effects, just as extension of time, increasing cost in project of construction. Regardless of characters of construction or decreasing labor-productivity, extension of time is a incident which needs acceleration, also it cause a high possibility of claim and dispute. The productivity has just a broad meaning in business of construction. That's why it's difficult to apply in the field of construction. Especially, factors increasing or decreasing labor-productivity is defined by analysis of working as qualitative and outlined evaluation. However, study of the each factor decreasing construction labor-productivity analysis has not researched, because of difficulty of systematic measurement and management. The existed studies about management of productivity are just focused on estimation of productivity, not on evaluation of productivity. It was true that I couldn't examine clearly about the analysis of how much important per each the factor which have influence on labor-productivity because of the characteristic as qualitative that the labor productivity have. On this study, I tried to get the factors decreasing of labor-productivity with gathering opinions of panels of expert's studies about the factors decreasing of labor-productivity on project of construction through Delphi method and I evaluated the result factors as quantitatively and subjectively about importance of factors decreasing construction labor-productivity analysis, using AHP Method by Saaty. Also, using Delphi and AHP method, I suggest substantiated method qualitative factors are measured by quantitative criteria.

      • KCI등재

        An Analysis on the Labor and Capital Productivity of the Construction Industry

        Choi, Min Soo,Kim, Moo Han Architectural Institute of Korea 2005 Architectural research Vol.7 No.2

        The purpose of this study is to clarify the reality of labor and capital productivity in the construction industry through an industry-level approach and to analyze the relationship between labor and capital productivity using a Cobb-Douglas production function. According to the research results, the construction industry has shown a very high capital productivity, while labor productivity has kept up a low level during the 1980s and 1990s. The reason was because of the lack of skillful construction workers and the decrease of capital. Meanwhile, the construction productivity has greatly increased since 2000 when there was no change in wages. This was because of a large inflow of low-wage foreign workers while the amount of value added has dramatically increased due to the liberalized sale price of apartment buildings. According to the analysis by the Cobb-Douglas production function, the elasticity coefficient of V/L to K/L in the construction industry had decreased from 1.1663 in the $1^{st}$ period(1971-1988) to 0.4465 in the $2^{nd}$ period(1989-1997), and to 0.1664 in the $3^{rd}$ period(1998-2003). Such a result means that the allocation of labor has gradually increased while the allocation of capital has decreased. Moreover there was a big increase in allocation of labor after 1998 due to the excessive deterioration of capital. In conclusion, in order to raise the construction productivity and to avoid labor-intensive production methods, investment for capital should be more increased. In particular, new machinery and equipment that can actually substitute human labor in construction sites should be more developed and applied to construction sites.

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