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        가업승계지원을 위한 지방세제도 개선방안

        남지현 한국지방세학회 2017 지방세논집 Vol.4 No.1

        As the first generations that have led the industrial development gradually become aged, there is growing interests in how to smoothly transfer them to the second generation while maintaining identities of corporations. This is called 'family business succession' or 'inheritance of family business', especially 'family firms' take many attentions. The family business succession depends on the method of using the gift and inheritance in civil law, using corporation and stock system in commercial law. And recently the Trust Act has been revised and a method of using the "trust as substitute for will" and "trust with successive beneficiaries" is emerging. As for the support for the family business succession, there are negative opinions because of "wealth of wealth" or closed management. However, it is necessary that the maintenance and development of the company through the guarantee of the continuity of the company should be promoted not only for the company itself but also for the national economic growth. The most effective way to support the family business succession is the support of the tax system. “The inheritance tax and gift tax law” and “The special tax treatment control law” are promoting the family business succession by providing such systems as ‘Inheritance tax relief for business succession ’ and ‘Gift tax exemptions’. However, the discussion in the local tax is still lacking. Korea's tax system is divided into national tax and local tax. The details are different but it shows the form of correspondence between the contents of systemand regulation. Therefore, there is a benefit to examine the improvement plan of the local tax in harmony with the national tax. First, unlike the national tax, the local tax does not have any explicit reference to the family business succession. However, according to the "Act on the regulation of special exemptions to local taxes" there are exceptions to some cases which is actually used to the family business succession such as business mergers and divisions. In this case, however, the relevant regulations exist sporadically. Therefore, it is possible to think about collecting the method of the family business succession and the related tax system together with the independent clause to promote unity with the national tax and to manage the succession tax system effectively. Next, related to the family business succession, the ‘acqusition tax’ is especially be the issue in the local tax system. This is because of the transfer of property due to the family business succession. As for the acquisition tax, it is possible to consider flexible management of the acquisition tax payment period in consideration of the period of stable management after the family business succession. In the case of a trust, it is necessary to establish a clear rule for the time when the beneficiary acquires the trust property. Interest in the family business succession is increasing and various methods for family business succession, such as using trust, is expected. The improvement of the tax policy should be done as soon as possible. And it should be done in parallel with the local tax as well as the national tax to accomplish the goal of succeeding the family business succession smoothly. 산업발전을 이끌어 온 1세대들이 점차 고령화되어 가면서 기업의 동일성을 유지하면서이를 원활하게 2세대로 이전하는 방안에 대한 관심이 증대되고 있다. 이를 ‘가업승계(家業 承繼)’ 또는 ‘가업상속(家業相續)’이라 하며, 특히 ‘가족기업(家族企業)’에서 관심이 높다. 가업승계는 민법 상 증여와 상속을 이용하는 방법, 상법 상 법인과 주식에 대한 제도를이용하는 방법이 있고 최근 신탁법의 개정으로 신탁법 상 ‘유언대용신탁’과 ‘수익자연속신탁’을 이용하는 방법이 대두되고 있다. 가업승계지원에 대해서는 ‘부의 대물림’이나 폐쇄적 경영 등을 이유로 이를 부정적으로보는 견해도 있으나, 기업의 계속성 보장을 통한 기업의 유지ㆍ발전은 기업 자체 뿐 아니라 국가경제적 관점에서도 장려되어야 할 필요가 있다. 가업승계지원의 가장 효과적인 방안으로는 세제의 지원을 들 수 있으며, “상속세 및 증여세법”과 “조세특례제한법”에서 ‘가업상속공제’와 ‘증여세과세특례’등의 제도를 두어 가업승계를 장려하고 있다. 그러나 지방세에서의 논의는 여전히 부족한 실정이다. 우리나라의 세제는 국세와 지방세로 이원화 되어 있고, 세목을 서로 달리하지만, 체계와규정의 내용 상 서로 대응되는 형태를 보이고 있다. 따라서 국세와 조화를 도모하는 방향으로 지방세의 개선방안을 검토해볼 실익이 있다. 먼저 지방세 제도의 체계와 관련하여 지방세에서는 국세와는 달리 ‘가업승계’에 대한 명시적인 언급이나 특별한 규정이 존재하지 않는다. 그러나 “지방세특례제한법”에 의하면 기업의 합병, 분할과 같이 실질적으로 가업승계로 이용되는 몇 가지 경우에 대한 특례가 존재하고 있다. 그러나 이 경우에도 관련 규정이 산발적으로 존재하고 있을 따름이다. 따라서 국세 체계와의 통일성을 도모하고, 가업승계세제의 효율적인 관리를 위하여 ‘가업승계’ 에 관한 독립된 조항을 두고 아래에서 가업승계 방식과 그에 따른 세제를 일괄하여 정리하는 것을 생각해볼 수 있다. 다음으로 가업승계와 관련하여 지방세에서 문제되는 세목으로는 ‘취득세’가 있다. 가업승계에 따른 재산의 이전이 발생하기 때문이다. 취득세에 대해서는 우선 가업승계 이후 경영이 안정화되는 기간을 고려하여 취득세의 신고ㆍ납부기간을 정비하는 방안을 검토해볼 수 있다. 또한 가업승계의 다양한 유형 중 하나인 신탁의 경우 수익자의 신탁재산 취득시기에 대한 명문의 규정을 두어 현재는 유권해석에 의하고 있는 수익자의 취득세 납세의무 성립시기를 명확히 할 필요가 있으며 아울러 신탁법과 관련된 법제 전반에 대한 검토도 필요하다. 가업승계에 대한 관심이 높아지고 신탁 등 여러 가지 방법에 의한 가업승계가 예상되는만큼 세제의 정비도 빠른 시일 내에 이루어져야할 것이다. 그리고 세제의 정비는 국세 뿐아니라 지방세에서도 병행하여 이루어져야 가업승계라는 목표를 원활히 달성할 수 있을 것이다.

      • KCI등재

        가업승계와 승계유형이 기업의 이익조정과 조세회피에 미치는 영향

        윤유진,이현아 글로벌경영학회 2022 글로벌경영학회지 Vol.19 No.4

        Succession in family business by inheritance or gifting of the ownership plays an important role in the economic development by maintaining company’s sustainability through the transfer of internal business expertise and accumulated technology. Nevertheless, the ownership transfer process in the Korean family businesses has largely been hindered by the imposition of a high inheritance tax. In this context, this study analyzes the level of earnings management and tax avoidance before and after the ownership succession in these companies. In particular, the family business succession is classified into ownership succession and management succession in order to highlight the difference in the level of earnings management and tax avoidance. The study conducts a multiple regression analysis for a sample of 9,361 firm-year observations of external audit companies from 2004 to 2018 to present the following results. First, the level of earnings management falls after the succession of family business. Second, the decrease in the level of earnings management after succession is greater for the ownership succession than for the management succession. Third, there is little impact on the level of tax avoidance by the succession of family business. Lastly, the ownership succession in family business tends to be accompanied with higher level of tax avoidance than the management succession. These results suggest that family business succession is likely to lead to stable management performance in the long-term perspective, while the taxable benefits in the succession process may not be effective for the Korean family businesses. In addition, it is suggested that the levels of earnings management and tax avoidance can be differed by the type of family business succession because succeeding managers tend to pursue different goals depending on the type of succession. This study will provide useful information to various stakeholders regarding family business succession and encourage the smooth transmission of family businesses to the younger generation in Korea. 가업승계는 기업이 동일성을 유지하면서 상속이나 증여를 통하여 그 기업의 소유권 또는 경영권을 후계자에게 이전함으로서 축적된 기술과 경영 노하우를 지속가능하게 하고 경제 활성화에 중대한 영향을 미칠 수 있는 사안이다. 하지만 현행 세법에서 규정하고 있는 다양한 가업승계 지원제도에도 불구하고 기업들은 현실적으로 승계로 인한 막대한 조세부담으로 인하여 원활한 가업승계에 어려움을 겪고 있다. 이러한 배경 하에 본 연구는 가업승계기업의 승계 전·후의 이익조정 및 조세회피 수준을 분석하였으며, 가업승계 유형을 소유권 승계와 경영권 승계로 세분화하여 승계 전·후의 이익조정 및 조세회피 수준 차이를 분석하였다. 2004년부터 2018년도까지 외부감사대상법인을 대상으로 다중회귀분석을 수행한 결과는 다음과 같다. 첫째, 가업승계법인의 승계 후 이익조정 수준은 승계 전에 비해서 낮은 것으로 나타났다. 둘째, 승계 후 이익조정 수준의 감소는 소유권 승계기업이 경영권 승계기업보다 더 큰 것으로 나타났다. 셋째, 가업승계법인의 승계 전과 승계 후에 조세회피 수준은 유의한 차이가 없는 것으로 나타났다. 넷째, 승계 후 조세회피 수준은 소유권 승계기업이 경영권 승계기업보다 큰 것으로 나타났다. 본 연구의 결과는 가업승계가 장기적인 관점에서 안정적인 경영성과를 가져올 수 있으며, 가업승계지원제도의 세제혜택이 기업에 미치는 영향이 크지 않음을 시사하고 있다. 또한, 가업승계 유형에 따라 신임경영자가 추구하는 바가 다르기 때문에 승계 유형이 기업의 이익조정과 조세회피 수준에 영향을 미칠 수 있음을 보이고 있다. 본 연구는 가업승계에 많은 관심을 가지고 있는 다양한 이해관계자들에게 유용한 정보를 제공하고 원활한 가업승계를 위한 도움이 되는 자료로 활용될 수 있을 것으로 기대한다.

      • 종류주식을 활용한 가업승계 - 의결권 없는 상환우선주와 신탁의 활용을 중심으로 -

        오영표 ( Oh Young Pyo ) 한국중견기업학회 2023 중견기업연구 Vol.10 No.1

        가업의 사주가 고령화되고 있는 현재 가업승계를 지원하는 정책의 필요성은 아무리 강조해도 지나치지 않다. 그 중에서 가업 사주가 가장 크게 고민하는 자녀 갈등 없이 안정적으로 가업을 승계할 수 있는 방법으로 ‘종류주식을 활용한 가업승계 방법’을 검토하였다. 가업승계에 다양한 종류주식을 활용할 수 있지만, 이 논문에서는 의결권 없는 종류주식을 활용하여 후계자에게는 의결권 있는 주식을 승계하고 비후계자에게는 의결권 없는 상환우선주를 승계함으로써 후계자에게는 완전한 경영승계를 보장하고 비후계자에게는 경제적 권리를 승계받을 수 있는 구조를 검토하였다. 그리고 종류주식을 무상이전하는 방법으로 증여, 사인증여, 유증이라는 3가지 기존 방법보다 신탁을 활용하면 훨씬 효율적이고 안정적인 가업승계가 가능하다. 결국 사주는 종류주식을 활용하면서 동시에 신탁을 활용하여 가업승계를 계획하고 실행할 필요가 있다. 나아가 종류주식과 신탁을 활용한 가업승계를 더 많은 사주가 활용할 수 있도록 하기 위한 제도 개선점은 다음과 같다. 첫째, 유류분제도를 대폭 개선할 필요가 있다. 가업승계에 있어 유류분 사전 합의를 허용할 필요가 있다. 유류분 포기권자의 진정성을 확보할 수 있는 장치를 가정법원의 허가로 정하고 유류분 사전 합의를 허용하면 부작용은 없을 것이다. 그리고 유류분제도의 현실적 존재 이유를 유족의 생계 보장으로 축소하면서, 유류분금액의 한도를 30억 이내로 제한할 필요가 있다. 둘째, 종류주식의 발행한도를 총발행주식수의 50% 상향할 필요가 있다. 모든 기업에 허용하기 어렵 다면, 가업승계를 위한 경우에 한해서라도 종류주식 발행한도를 상향해야 한다. 종류주식과 신탁을 활용한 가업승계를 실무에서 많이 활용하고, 그 방법도 더 정교하게 만들어지길 기대한다. 셋째, 분쟁없는 가업승계도구로 신탁이 활용될 수 있도록 자본시장법상 신탁회사의 의결권행사한도에 대해 가업승계신탁에 한하여 예외를 인정할 필요가 있다. 그리고 사주가 생전에 가업승계신탁계약을 체결하여 가업 주식의 소유권이 신탁회사에 이전되더라도 가업상속공제와 가업증여특례의 사전 및 사후 요건을 충족하는 것으로 상증법 및 조세특례제한법을 개정하여야 한다. The necessity of a policy to support the succession of the family business cannot be overemphasized as the owner of the family business is aging. Among them, the “family business succession method using class shares” was reviewed as a way for the family business owner to stably succeed the family business without the conflict of children. Various types of shares can be used for family business succession, but in this paper, the structure of inheriting voting shares to successors and non-voting shares to non-successors in order to ensure complete management succession was reviewed. In addition, more efficient and stable family business succession method is possible by using revocable trust than three existing methods of gift, gift upon death, and will. Therefore, the owner of family business needs to plan and implement the family business succession using the trust as well as non-voting shares. The improvements to make family business succession using class shares and trusts are as follows. First, there is a need to drastically improve the forced heirships system of civil law. It is necessary to allow prior agreement on the inheritance of the family business. There will be no side effects if a device that can secure the authenticity of the person who has the right to give up the forced heirships system is set with the permission of the family court and a prior agreement. In addition, it is necessary to limit the amount of the forced heirships system to 3 billion while reducing the realistic reason for the existence of the forced heirships share only to guarantee the livelihood of the bereaved family. Second, it is necessary to raise the issuance limit of class non-voting shares by 50% of the total number of issued shares. If it is difficult to allow all companies, the issuance limit of class shares should be raised even in the case of family business succession. Third, exceptions need to be recognized only for family business succession trusts to the limit on the exercise of voting rights of trust companies under the Capital Markets Act so that trusts can be used as family business succession tools without disputes. In addition, even if the owner enters into a family business succession trust contract and the ownership of family business shares is transferred to the trust company, the Inheritance Tax and Gift Tax Act(Article 18 Basic Deductions) and the Restriction Special Taxation Act(Article 30-6 Special Taxation on Gift Tax on Succession to Family Business) must be revised to meet the prior and post requirements of family business inheritance deduction and family business gift special cases.

      • KCI등재후보

        가업승계 영향요인을 통한 가업승계지수 개발과 기업성과와의 관계

        정해영,이영일 한국경영컨설팅학회 2016 경영컨설팅연구 Vol.16 No.2

        본 연구는 지금까지의 가업승계와 관련된 국내 선행연구를 분석하여 경향을 분석하였다. 가업승계 영향 요인들을 체계화하고, 가업승계 영향 요인으로 형사법적 배임에 관한 제도적 요인을 최초로 주요 영향 요인으로 문제를 제기하고 검토하였다. 또한, 가업승계지수 개발을 하였다. 본 연구에서 개발한 가업승계지수에 승계유형(가족승계와 타인승계)이 영향을 미치는 것으로 나타났다. 연구 결과 가족승계가 타인승계의 경우보다 가업승계지수가 높게 나타났다. 다음으로 가업승계지수가 높은 집단이 낮은 집단보다 기업성과 지각 및 지속가능성 지각에서 모두 높게 나타났다. 가업승계지수가 기업의 성과에도 긍정적 영향을 미친다는 점이 규명되었다. 본 연구에서 규명한 여러 연구 결과를 바탕으로 다음과 같은 시사점을 얻을 수 있을 것이다. 먼저, 가업승계 유형에 대한 분석 결과 기존 석, 박사 논문들이 제도적 영향 요인 중의 하나로서 전혀 다루지 않은 형사법적인 영향 요인에 대해서 문제점을 제시하고 분석함으로써, 가업승계의 영향 요인으로써 형사법적 요인들에 대한 향후 보다 깊이 있는 연구 및 분석의 필요성을 구체화하였다. 둘째, 가업승계지수를 개발하여 승계를 할 기업이나 승계를 한 기업의 상태를 점검하여 승계를 잘 할 수 있도록 다양한 점검을 제안할 수 있거나 가업승계와 관련하여 컨설팅을 실시 할 수 있는 진단적 기법을 개발하였다는 것이다. 세 번째, 승계유형이 가업승계지수에 영향을 미치는 점을 통해 향후 가업승계를 실시할 계획이 있는 기업들에게 승계유형에 대해 예측 및 고민할 수 있는 기반을 제시하였다는 것이다. 본 연구에서는 가업승계에 영향을 미치는 요인들을 통해 가업승계지수를 개발하였으며, 가업승계지수는 승계를 준비하고 있거나 승계를 한 기업에 다양한 활용의 기회를 제공함과 동시에 더 나은 승계를 위한 점검을 할 수 있게 한다는 점에서 가장 큰 시사점이 있다 하겠다. This study analysed research tendencies of 71 theses in existence connected with family business succession. This study systematized factors of family business succession and raised 'Breach of Trust' issue as a main factor of family business succession. In addition to those above, this study developed 'Family Business Succession Index'. This Research result indicated family business succession had higher score of Business Succession Index than non-family business succession. And the group with higher Business Succession Index score had more positive impact on perception of the performance and sustainability in family business firms. Based on the results of these studies, it will be able to get the following implications. First, this study proposed and analysed the 'breach of trust' problem as a new factor influencing the family business succession which other theses never had dealt with. In future, more thoughtful studies about 'breach of trust' issue will be needed. Second, Family business succession index which has been developed in this study can check the status of a company about family business succession and propose various ways to make sure of successful family business succession. Third, according to this study, types of business succession influenced Family business succession Index. This can suggest what kind of types family business companies should decide to succeed in family business succession. This study developed the family business succession index. Family Business Succession Index can help family business company check their level of family business succession and prepare for better family business succession.

      • KCI등재후보

        가업승계세제의 평가와 입법적 개선방안

        김완석(Kim, Wan Suk) 한국조세법학회 2020 조세논총 Vol.5 No.2

        우리나라 경제의 허리라고 할 수 있는 중소기업의 지속적인 발전과 성장을 뒷받침하는 것은 국가경제정책의 중요한 한 축을 이룬다. 우리나라의 중소기업은 전체 기업의 99.9%를 차지하고 있고, 중소기업이 전체 근로자의 82.2%에 해당하는 근로자의 고용을 책임지고 있는 등 국민경제의 핵심적 존재로 부각되고 있다. 그런데 중소기업 경영자의 고령화가 급속하게 진행됨에 따라 중소기업의 승계문제가 현실적인 문제로 대두되고 있다. 기업승계의 최대 장애요인으로서 상속세 또는 증여세 부담의 과중을 지적하고 있는데, 이와 같은 기업승계에 따른 상속세 또는 증여세의 부담을 줄여주기 위하여 가업상속공제제도와 가업승계에 대한 증여세 과세특례제도를 마련하고 있다. 그러나 가업상속공제제도와 가업승계에 대한 증여세 과세특례제도는 적용요건, 사후관리요건 및 특례의 내용 등이 안고 있는 문제점으로 말미암아 그 이용실적이 매우 저조한 실정이다. 특히 가업상속공제제도와 가업승계에 대한 증여세 과세특례제도는 까다로운 적용요건과 엄격한 사후관리요건으로 인하여 ‘그림의 떡’ 또는 ‘허울 좋은 장식품’으로 전락되어 있다. 따라서 현행 가업승계세제를 다음과 같은 기본방향 아래 전반적으로 재설계하는 것이 바람직할 것으로 보인다. 첫째, 가업승계세제를 단순히 가업승계를 지원하는 세제라는 미시적 관점에서 국민경제적 입장에서 중소기업의 존속 및 발전을 지원하고 고용의 유지 및 창출을 지원하는 세제라는 거시적 관점으로 전환하여야 한다. 가업상속공제의 적용요건에서 요구하고 있는 10년 이상의 가업영위기간과 가업영위기간의 장단에 따라 설정하고 있는 200억원, 300억원 또는 500억원의 한도액에 관한 규정은 개선되어야 한다. 둘째, 기업승계는 상속승계보다는 증여승계가 훨씬 바람직하다. 기업승계의 실효성을 제고하고 경제를 보다 젊고 역동적으로 작동될 수 있도록 하기 위해서는 가업승계세제의 중심을 상속승계보다는 증여승계로 전환하여야 한다. 이에 발맞추어 가업승계세제가 재설계되어야 한다. 셋째, 최근의 세계경제는 기술 및 산업의 발전과 환경변화의 속도가 너무 빨라 기업이 이러한 발전과 변화의 속도를 따라가는 것이 쉽지 않다. 이와 같은 기술 및 산업의 발전과 경영환경의 변화에 탄력적으로 대응할 수 있도록 사후관리요건을 완화하여야 한다. Support for the continued development and growth of small and medium enterprise (SME), the backbone of the Korean economy, makes up an important axis of national economic policy. SME in Korea are as a core presence in the national economy, making up 99.9% of all companies. At the same time they are responsible for a large part of employment, making up 82.2% of all workers. However, the aging of SME executives is rapidly progressing, and with that the succession issue for SME has emerged as a large problem. The heavy burden of the inheritance tax and gift tax is often pointed out as the largest obstacle to company succession. In order to reduce the burden of such successions due to the inheritance tax and gift tax, a family business inheritance deduction system and special gift tax system for family business successions are provided. However, the family business inheritance deduction system and special gift tax taxation system for family business succession show very low usage due to problems in application requirements, aftercare requirements, and special case content. In particular, due to their stringent requirements and strict follow-up requirements, it can be said that the family business inheritance deduction system and special gift tax taxation system for family business succession are little more than pie in the sky in terms of practical use. As a result, it would seem to be desirable to redesign the current family business succession tax system across the board under the following basic directions. First, the family business succession tax system should move away from the micro taxation perspective that simply supports family business succession, to a macroscopic view that supports the survival and development of SME to maintain and create employment from the standpoint of the national economy. Family business inheritance deduction application requirements that require the family business to have run for 10 or more years, as well as the limits of 20 billion won, 30 billion won or 50 billion won, depending on age of the business, should be improved. Second, when it comes to business succession, gift succession is vastly preferable to inheritance succession. In order to boost the effectiveness of business succession and make the economy younger and allow it to run more dynamically, the center of the family business succession system should be shifted from inheritance succession to gifted succession. The family business succession tax system should be redesigned in line with this. Third, the global economy in recent times shows such rapidity in the development of technology and industry as well as environmental change that it is not easy for businesses to keep pace. Aftercare requirements should be relaxed in order to be able to flexibly respond to such technological and industrial developments and changes in the business environment.

      • KCI등재

        특별섹션 논문 : 가족기업의 승계프로세스 관련 이해관계자별 영향요인에 관한 문헌검토

        김선화 ( Sun Hwa Kim ),남영호 ( Young Ho Nam ) 한국중소기업학회 2011 中小企業硏究 Vol.33 No.3

        본 논문은 가족기업의 승계관련 해외문헌을 검토한 문헌연구로 선행연구를 바탕으로 가족기업의 승계에 영향을 미치는 이해관계자 요인 및 승계프로세스 단계별 현 경영자와 후계자의 역할을 분석하고 이를 종합 정리하였다. 승계에 영향을 미치는 이해관계자(stakeholder)는 현 경영자, 후계자, 가족 및 비 가족(non-family) 관리자로 구분하여 각각의 요인을 분석하였고, 승계프로세스는 5단계로 1단계 : 현 경영자의 단독 경영, 2단계 : 후계자 개발과 훈련, 3단계 : 파트너십, 4단계 : 리더십의 점진적인 이전, 5단계 : 경영권의 이전으로 구분하여 각 단계별 현 경영자와 후계자의 역할 및 특성을 분석하였다. 그리고 분석결과를 종합하여 가족기업의 승계프로세스 프레임워크를 제시하는데 이는 성공적 승계에 영향을 미치는 현 경영자와 후계자, 가족 그리고 비 가족 관리자의 역할과 특성 및 승계프로세스 단계별 현 경영자와 후계자의 역할을 종합한 것이다. 승계프로세스에 있어 현 경영자관련 주요 요인은 자발적 은퇴의도, 회사운영의 비전과 가치의 설정 및 공유, 후계자 훈련 및 핵심지식 이전 등이고, 후계자관련 주요 요인은 후계자의 능력, 자발적 승계의도, 후계자의 성향 등이다. 또한 선행연구를 통해 전체 승계프로세스에서 가장 중요한 요인으로 분석된 것은 현 경영자와 후계자간 신뢰기반의 좋은 관계이다. 그리고 가족관련 주요요인은 가족의 화합, 후계자에 대한 신뢰, 가족기업에 대한 헌신 등이며 승계에 있어 비 가족 관리자 요인은 후계자에 대한 신뢰 및 후계자와의 좋은 관계이다. 연구를 종합하여 정리한 가족기업의 승계프로세스 프레임워크는 이러한 현 경영자와 후계자의 특성과 함께 후계자의 성장에 따라 후계자와 경영자의 역할이 조정되는 5단계의 동태적 프로세스로 구성되었다. Family firms play a significant role in the global economy, but despite their importance, research evidence points to their low survival rate. Therefore, it is not surprising that management succession is the most frequently researched topic in family business literature. While acknowledging that there are various definitions of a family business, in this article we follow the premise that it is "a business governed and managed by members of the same family in a manner that is potentially sustainable across generations of the family." The succession process involves the actions, events, and developments that affect the transfer of managerial control from one family member to another. Successful management succession for a family firm consists of two interactive dimensions. The first is the family members` satisfaction with the way the succession process is carried out. The other relates to how the succession affects the subsequent performance of the firm. Satisfaction with the succession process is crucial because of its direct impact on the relationships between family members and on effectiveness. The relationship between satisfaction and effectiveness is likely to be inter-temporal in nature. According to the Korea Federation of Small and Medium Business, almost 70% of family companies established between 1970 and 1980, during the era of rapid economic development, will be facing business succession during the next 10 years. However, research into family businesses succession is rare in Korea. The purpose of this study is to review literature on family business succession, and take a more comprehensive and integrative approach to the succession process and the stakeholders` perspectives. To examine the stakeholder factors effectively, we have studied 55 articles taken from the Family Business Review (FBR) between 1988 and 2010. We first analyzed the factors that influence successful transition by stakeholders, then classified the succession process and integrated the key stakeholders` roles at each stage of the process. The succession process in a family firm involves numerous participants, with the key stakeholders being the incumbent, successor, family members, and non-family managers. We analyzed the factors that influence successful succession and summarized the relative frequency of the most common findings from the literature we reviewed. One of the most frequently mentioned factors was incumbent attributes, characterized by the quality of the relationship with the successor (36%), effectively communicated and shared values for the future of the family business between family member and successor (24%), willingness to let go (18%), and knowledge transition, nurturing and development of the successor (16%). An equally important category is that of the successor. Variables or dimensions such as the successor`s management ability (20%), willingness to take over (20%), early exposure to the family business (13%), the successor`s attributes (13%), outside work experience (7%), and gaining legitimacy and credibility in the eyes of the stakeholders (5%) are viewed as critical to a successful succession. So is the quality of the relationship inside the family, including harmony (22%), family members` trust in the potential successor (16%), and commitment to the family business (11%). Another often mentioned but little characterized category was the non-family manager, as the employee`s trust in the successor (18%) is also revealed as an important factor. In summary, the most frequently mentioned factor for a successful succession in the literature we reviewed is the quality of the incumbent-successor relationship. Succession is to be viewed as a process, not an event, and must be fully understood and internalized from the perspective of the key stakeholders involved. A straightforward seven-stage model of succession in a family business, based on the successor, has been developed by Longenecker and Schoen. Churchill and Hatten proposed a four-stage life cycle approach to succession, while Handler put forward a four-stage process for the role adjustment required between predecessors and next-generation family members during succession. If taken together, the models described by the researchers allow the process to be divided into four stages. In the first stage, the owner is the only family member involved in the business. The second stage comprises a training and development period for the successor, while the third stage is a partnership period in which the owner shares the leadership of the business with the successor. Finally, the fourth stage involves the power transfer, in which responsibilities shift to the successor. However, some researchers have suggested there is a critical point in the process at which the successor needs to take charge, located somewhere between stages three and four in the model. In this research, we tried to develop an integrated framework for the succession process that includes important variables with regards to the key stakeholders-incumbent and successor-at each stage. This included a period of phase-in and out between stages three and four as suggested by some researchers, meaning the succession process is actually divided into five stages. We then integrated the role of the incumbent leader and successor in each stage as follows. In the first stage, the incumbent is a sole operator and the successor has no role in the business. At this point, researchers recommend the successor`s early exposure to the business, and working part-time within it. During the second stage, we view the incumbent as ruler and the successor as helper. The incumbent`s role is to transfer knowledge and train the successor, and the successor starts working outside of the family firm or working full-time within the family business at the entry level. The third stage is the partnership period between incumbent and successor. Here the incumbent has six roles (supervisor, teacher, protector, introducer, mobilizer, and collaborator), while the successor has a managerial role. The incumbent relinquishing control, commensurate with the growth in the successor`s ability and authority, occurs during the fourth stage. This is the healthy, mutual role adjustment pattern that precedes a smooth succession. Finally, in the fifth stage, the incumbent becomes a mentor and advisor, and the successor becomes the leader of the organization. Contrary to other theoretical models in which the final phase is characterized by the definitive withdrawal of the predecessor from the firm, we suggest they take on the roles of safeguard and observer to the organization, and mentor and advisor to the successor. In this study, in order to systematize the succession process in a family business, we reviewed previous studies on family business succession and suggested a succession process framework. However, there may be limitations in applying the framework directly to Korean family firms because all the literature was based on Western family businesses, which possess different cultural backgrounds. In order to apply this study to Korean family firms, some case studies appropriate for the specific cultural framework are required. Nevertheless, we expect this paper to be helpful for owners preparing for business succession, as there is a scarcity of articles and books describing this process in Korea. Furthermore, it will be helpful to researchers studying family business succession in the future.

      • KCI등재

        일반 논문 : 중소,중견 가족기업의 2세 경영승계교육훈련에 관한 6개사 관찰 연구

        박기준 ( Kee Jun Park ),이춘우 ( Choon Woo Lee ) 한국중소기업학회 2011 中小企業硏究 Vol.33 No.2

        본 연구는 한국 경제가 산업화를 시작한 시기인 1960년대와 1970년대에 창업한 중소·중견기업 6개사의 창업주와 2세 경영자를 심층인터뷰하여, 채록된 자료를 내용분석을 통해 경영승계교육훈련의 과정과 내용, 그리고 방법들에 대해 관찰 가능한 사실에 입각하여 20개의 명제를 도출하였다. 한국 중소·중견기업들의 2세 경영승계교육 연구의 현 단계 과제는 경영승계교육이 어떻게 이루어지고 있으며 어떤 이슈와 문제가 발생하고 있는지에 관한 정보를 최대한 상세하게 산출하는 것이라고 할 수 있다. 이에 본 연구는 설문조사 및 통계적 분석방법보다 경영승계과정의 당사자인 창업주와 2세 경영자를 직접 면담하여 자료를 수집하고 질적 분석방법인 내용분석기법을 적용하여 2세 경영승계교육의 내용과 방법들에 관한 상세한 질적 정보를 산출하고자 하였다. 연구 결과 1960~1970년대 창업한 중소·중견기업의 2세 경영승계교육훈련은 사전에 계획적으로 추진되지는 않는다는 점, 후계자 선정의 기준들로 창업주의 아들여부, 2세의 성실성 및 가업승계의지가 핵심적으로 고려된다는 점, 창업주는 근검절약정신, 강한 성취욕구, 독립심, 솔선수범자세, 신뢰와 신의, 가업승계 및 사업가의 보람과 의미, 경영철학 및 재물관과 같은 가치규범을 2세에게 가르치려고 한다는 점, 경영의사결정과 판단력 등을 훈련시키고 있다는 점을 발견할 수 있었다. 2세는 창업세대 조직원들에 대한 인사조직관리 스킬이나 원칙, 외국어 및 해외시장국가에 대한 학습, 선진 경영관리방식 등에 대한 학습욕구를 갖고 있었다. 2세의 경영역량을 높이기 위해 창업주의 회사 입사 후 주요 현업실무를 두루 경험해 보는 경력개발 관리식 육성방법이나, 2세가 사업프로젝트를 실제 추진하거나 책임지고 경영하도록 하는 방법을 승계교육훈련의 방법으로 활용하고 있었다. 2세 경영자 취임이후에는 창업주와 공동경영방식을 통해 직·간접적으로 창업주로부터 1:1 훈련을 받고 있었다. 도출된 명제들을 종합적으로 살펴본 결과 경영승계교육훈련의 내용은 다시 창업주가 강조하는 것과 2세가가 필요로 하는 교육훈련내용들로 구분할 수 있었으며, 경영승계교육훈련 방법들도 다시 창업주가 직·간접적으로 지도·육성하는 방법들과 2세가 스스로 학습하는 방법들로 구분할 수 있었다. 한국 중소·중견기업이 사전에 체계적인 승계교육을 계획하지는 않고 있지만, 창업 중소·중견 기업에서 경영승계교육의 내용과 방법들의 전형을 찾아낼 수 있었으며, 승계교육훈련에 있어서 2세의 승계의지와 학습동기 및 성취욕구가 매우 핵심적이므로, 창업주는 2세가 스스로 배우고 성장할 수 있는 학습환경과 기회를 조성하고 지원할 필요가 있다는 시사점을 얻을 수 있었다. TThis study observes the phenomenon and derives 20 propositions of management succession in 6 Korean Small and Medium sized Enterprises founded in 1960~1970. These are all family business, which have successfully accomplished management succession. The Korean SMEs founded in 1960~1970, have faced several issues of management succession from founder to 2nd generation successor. Because the Korean SMEs founded in 1960~1970 have played a key role in the development of the South Korean economy, it is very important for them to make successful management successions. Successful management succession can help the South Korean economy grow continuously. Most past research about family business has focused on family succession, but has not yielded the in-depth knowledge of family succession training and development. Especially, it is necessary to do academic research about succession training and development of the Korean Small and Medium sized family business SMEs. At this time, we need to start from the following research questions, how Korean family succession training and development is planned and executed, what educational contents and methods of the succession training and development are adopted, what issues Korean Small and Medium sized family business have encountered with succession training and development, and what stages does the management succession process of Korean family business SMEs have. This study uses the case study method through in-depth interviews with two founders and six 2nd generation successors. The case study method is more relevant than surveys and statistical analysis. The data collected through in-depth interview is analyzed by content analysis, and we produce deliberate and qualitative information about the contents, methods, stages, periods, characteristics of trainee and trainer of succession training and development in Korean family business SMEs. We have derived 20 propositions of management succession training and development, based on observable facts in 6 Korean Small and Medium sized family businesses. The Korean SMEs founded in 1960~1970 are likely not to have a succession plan, in addition, Korean SMEs founded in 1960~1970 are likely not to plan for succession training and development. (Proposition 1), the founder is likely to put the stress on the son as a 2nd generation successor when selecting him as a succession development trainee. In addition, the founder is likely to put stress on the sincerity and the volition of family business of 2nd generation successor. (Proposition 2), the criteria of selection for 2nd generation successor are ``the son``, ``integrity of 2nd successor``, ``intention to taking family business of 2nd successor``. Also, the founder is likely to put stress on diligence and frugality, taking initiative, need for achievement, and trustfulness as the educational contents of succession training and development (Proposition 3), the founder is likely to put stress on the meaning of family business succession and businessman, management philosophy and insight of money as educational contents. (Proposition 4), the founder is likely to put stress on the capability of decision making and good judgment as educational contents. (Proposition 5), the 2nd generation successors want to learn personnel management know-how to get along with 1st generation business members. (Proposition 6), the 2nd generation successors are likely to learn practical knowledge and skills of the principal jobs and organizational culture and practices, while working as a employee. (Proposition 7), the 2nd generation successors want to learn the language and socio-cultural experience of foreign market countries. (Proposition 12), the 2nd generation successors want to experience the organizational life of larger local or global firms. (Proposition 13), Korean SMEs founded in 1960~1970 are likely to adopt the educational method of 2nd generation successor`s career development from an employee to the CEO with various jobs. (Proposition 7), Korean SMEs founded in 1960~1970 are likely to adopt the educational method of apprentices (1:1 tutoring) for 2nd generation succession training and development (Proposition 8), Korean SMEs founded in 1960~1970 are likely to adopt the educational method of management case study, discussing some management issues between founder CEO and 2nd generation successor. (Proposition 9), Korean SMEs founded in 1960~1970 are likely to adopt the educational method of planning and managing actual business projects that 2nd generation successor takes charge of. (Proposition 10), Korean SMEs founded in 1960~1970 are likely to adopt the educational method of joint management with founder and 2nd generation CEO. (Proposition 13), the founder CEOs are likely to be a model or exemplary for the 2nd generation successors to mimic or follow with observation. (Proposition 14), Korean SMEs founded in 1960~1970 are likely to adopt the educational method of 2nd generation successor`s getting experience at another larger company as an employee. (Proposition 14), Korean SMEs founded in 1960~1970 are likely to adopt the educational method of 2nd generation successor`s getting scholarships in other developed countries. (Proposition 15), ``Discerning eye on people`` or ``Hungry spirit`` can be trained through training and development programs, therefore 2nd generation successors should do self-directed learning. (Proposition 16), the term of succession training and development in Korean SMEs founded in 1960~1970 is from the childhood of the 2nd generation successor to the death of the founder. (Proposition 16), the stages of succession training and development in Korean SMEs founded in 1960~1970 are composed of observation learning (1st stage), OJT of principal job (2nd stage), training management decision making and judgement (3rd stage), and joint management training (4th stage). (Proposition 17), the founder is likely to control and train the management decision making or judgement of the 2nd generation successor when he is co-managing the enterprise. (Proposition 18), the 2nd generation successor`s self-directed learning volition is likely to be the key success factor of succession training and development. (Proposition 19), there is a high possibility of conflict between founder and 2nd generation successor, because they have the duplex relationship of employer-employee and father-son. The relationship of father and son naturally facilitate competition each other. The positive or negative relationship between founder and 2nd generation successor is the important determinant of successful succession training and development. (Proposition 20). This study sheds light on the importance of transferring implicit knowledge through long-term interaction and role change between the founder and 2nd generation successors. This study provides practical guidance to Korean family business founders and 2nd generation successor who are anticipating a succession through the derived observations. In addition, academically, this study can contribute to showing visible knowledge of Korean small and medium sized family business. Korean small and medium sized family business are likely not to prepare systematic succession training and development in advance, but we can find several management succession training contents and techniques. It is likely to be the key success factor of succession training and development that the 2nd generation successor does self-directed learning with high achievement needs and motives. It is necessary to create a learning environment and opportunities to support him.

      • KCI등재

        특별섹션 논문 : 가족기업 승계 지원정책의 현황과 발전방안

        조병선 ( Byung Sun Cho ),조봉현 ( Bong Hyun Cho ) 한국중소기업학회 2011 中小企業硏究 Vol.33 No.3

        고령화 사회 진입으로 60~70년대 창업한 가족기업들이 승계문제로 어려움에 직면하고 있다. 정책적 지원이 미흡하여 사업승계가 원활하지 못하기 때문이다. 사업승계에 대한 부분적인 지원 제도들이 나오고는 있다. 가업상속 공제율 확대, 가업승계지원센터 운용 등 승계의 지원기반은 어느 정도 형성되어 있다. 하지만, 지원요건이 까다로워 기업 현장과는 괴리가 있을 뿐만 아니라 선진국에 비해서도 매우 미흡한 실정이다. 우리 경제에서 중요한 기능과 역할을 하는 가족기업들이 승계가 원활하지 못해 경쟁력을 상실하거나 폐업으로 이어질 경우 국민경제에 심각한 영향을 초래하게 된다. 독일과 일본에서는 사업승계를 제2의 창업으로 인식하고, 고용유지 및 기업의 지속 가능한 성장 등을 위해 획기적인 승계정책을 시행하고 있다. 따라서 우리나라도 전향적인 시각에서 접근하여 사업승계 지원정책을 수립하고 추진해 나가야 할 것이다. 우선 사업승계 지원요건을 기업 현실에 맞게 현실화시켜야 한다. 피상속인 및 상속인 요건을 완화하고, 10년으로 되어 있는 사업영위기간을 줄일 필요가 있다. 중견기업의 승계에 새로운 걸림돌로 작용하는 매출액 1,500억 원 이하 조건은 시급히 개선돼야 한다. 가족기업들이 선호하는 증여 형태의 승계를 활성화 하는 차원에서 사전상속 특례제도의 획기적인 조치가 요구된다. 가족기업의 특성과 현실을 반영하여 비상장 주식 평가방법도 개선해야 한다. 사업승계 정책은 이제 시작단계이다. 사업승계를 촉진하기 위해서는 맞춤형 승계 지원정책이 지속적으로 강구돼야 할 것이다. 승계 과정에서 불확실성을 완화시켜 승계 결정을 순조롭게 하기 위해 동의권부 주식 도입이 바람직하다. 사업상속을 저해하는 조세장벽의 해소와 조세부담의 공평성을 조화시킬 수 있는 방안으로 자본이득에 대한 이월 과세 제도를 적극 시행할 필요가 있다. 궁극적으로는 독일처럼 상속 또는 증여 받은 가족기업을 계속 성공적으로 경영하고 일자리를 유지하는 경우에 상속·증여세를 일정 비율만큼 감면해 주는 ``사업승계 성과 조건부 상속세 감면제``의 시행을 검토해 볼만하다. 이러한 가족기업의 승계를 위한 정책이 제대로 추진되기 위해서는 가족기업 승계지원특별법 제정 , 사업승계진흥원 신설 등 지원체계를 갖추는 것도 중요하다. The weight of family business taking a share in a national economy is very high and family business contributes significantly to the creation of wealth, the provision of job opportunities, the national economy and social stability. As society is advancing into an aging one, business succession for enterprises that were established during the 60~70s is being magnified as the biggest pending management issue for family enterprises. According to a survey carried out by the Korea Federation of Small/Medium Businesses targeting 500 small/medium manufacturing enterprises with a regular employee size in the range of 5~300 people, post-generation foundation managers account for 12.2%. When estimating the number of family enterprises of which have gone through succession based on this (as of 2008), it reaches approximately 13,658. ABusiness succession is emerging as a major issue of management as among small/medium enterprises the number of enterprises of which succession is under progress or scheduled in the future reaches 70 percent. It was revealed that managers of small/medium enterprises have a pressing concern over business succession as seen from the fact that only 11.4% of enterprises did not show any intention of succession. As such, most family businesses want business succession, the reality in Korea is that heavy inheritance tax, gift tax, negative society reaction and inadequacy of successor fostering pose stumbling blocks to business succession due to the insufficiency of political support. So far, the establishment of a support policy for business succession by the government was out of the question as the view that business succession was tantamount to ``a passing-down of wealth`` was prevalent. Currently, a partial support system for business succession that includs the expansion of inheritance deduction is being presented. Support foundation for family business succession including the expansion of the deduction rate for family business inheritance, an exceptional system for prior inheritance, a postponement of tax payment system and operation of a support center for family business succession is being formed. In 2009, in case that a family business inheritor should operate his/her business lawfully even after inheritance by succeeding an enterprise that is more than 10 years old, the deduction amount of family business inheritance deducting from inheritance property value was increased from 20 to 40% and deduction limitation for family business inheritance was also was expanded from the previous 3 billion (KRW) up to 6-10 billion (KRW) depending on the period of family business operation by the deceased founder and accordingly, the burden of family business inheritance tax was greatly decreased. According to the ``Tax Law Amendment of 2011``, it was stipulated that the deduction rate for family business inheritance be expanded from 40% of total amount of family business inheritance property to 100%. The deduction limitation was also expanded depending on the family business operation period of the founder from the existing 6 billion to 10 billion (KRW) in case of operation of more than 10 years, from 8 billion to 15 billion (KRW) for over 15 years and from 10 billion to 50 billion (KRW) for over 20 years. However, as the requirement for support is too demanding, there is a gap between this system and enterprise reality and moreover, this system is not sufficient when compared with the cases of advanced countries as well. In case that family enterprise should lose competitiveness or lead to a shut-down due to a rough succession, valuable intangible assets, including technology and knowledge accumulated within the enterprise would cease to exist and job opportunities and production facilities would be lost. As a consequence, the national economy will also be considerably adversely affected. In the cases of countries like Germany and Japan that progressed with industrialization ahead of our country, they are implementing a ground breaking succession policy for maintaining employment and ensuring sustainable growth under their recognition that business succession is a second foundation. While exempting succession-related taxes, including inheritance tax and gift tax drastically, they support the sustainable growth of their enterprises. Therefore, Korea is also required to establish a support policy for business succession and promote it through an approach in their proactive perspective. Creation of new job opportunities and foundation promotion to recover the growth power of national economy is important, but maintaining an enterprise that has been cultivated by investing efforts and resources since its foundation and a succession that enables sustained growth also falls under the category of very important policy tasks. In order to facilitate business succession, a new support policy for succession shall be pursued on a sustained basis. First, the requirement of support for business succession should be actualized to match the reality of enterprises. The period of business operation of the founder was sharply strengthened from 5 years to 10 years in the past but this period should be shortened drastically considering the average operation period of small/medium enterprises of 10.7 years and requirement for holding the office of representative director over 60% of the time or over 8 of 10 years (shouldn`t this be 6 of 10 years? Delete this note after checking) before inheritance starts should be improved to be match reality. In addition, in order to facilitate family business succession of unlisted small/medium, middle standing enterprises that have relied on external investment capital in the growth process of enterprise, the requirement for share of the largest shareholder of the decedent should be alleviated. Even if an enterprise should graduates from the small/medium enterprise circle, the inheritance deduction benefit is limited up to a turn-over of 150 billion (KRW) but this limit should be expanded to a turn-over of 300 billion (KRW) to facilitate the growth of small/medium enterprises into large corporations. Second, with a view to activating a succession in a form of gift preferred by family enterprises, a revolutionary measure for an exceptional system of prior inheritance is required to be considered. It is considered to be reasonable that the limit of support for prior inheritance be increased from the existing 3 billion (KRW) to 10 billikon (KRW). Reflecting the characteristics of family enterprises and reality, the evaluation method of unlisted stock should be improved as well. A method of lowering the maximum tax rate of inheritance and gifts by limiting its target to family enterprises and abolishing extra charge taxation should be pursued so that family enterprises may not give up a succession due to heavy taxes. Third, in order to encourage the intention of succession by somewhat alleviating uncertainties in the process of succession, an introduction of stock having an approval right is desirable. It is required to proactively review the possibility of introducing a carry-over taxation system for capital gain as a way of eliminating taxational barriers that deter business succession and harmonizing the justice of the tax burden. A taxation method for the acquisition value of succession that is viable to be introduced at this juncture may quote a tax support system for a merge among small/medium enterprises, a regulation of the special tax control law, as a substitute method for partial inheritance tax. If the system is converted to taxation method for the acquisition value of succession, a similar effect would be exerted in terms of carry-over of the tax burden and it will be effective for a smooth succession of the family enterprise. Fourth, ``a system of exempting inheritance tax subject to achievement of business succession`` that exempts a certain rate of inheritance, a gift tax in the case that a small/medium enterprise was inherited or gifted is operated successfully and continuously while employment is maintained, like the case of Germany, should be implemented. This system is required to be implemented with priority targeting an enterprise that was succeeded to a successor after it had been operated for more than 20 years as a small/medium enterprise and attains management achievement steadily while creating employment and paying taxes adequately. This system is to be exempt from taxes for a period of 10 years by a constant rate (10% per year) in case that certain requirements are satisfied after determining inheritance, gift tax at the time of business succession and measuring enterprise achievement for the determined tax every year. Fifth, in order to support business succession of family enterprises comprehensively and systematically, a support system, including an enactment of special law to support family enterprise succession, and the establishment of a business succession promotion agency should be undertaken. Comprehensive support for business succession would be enabled and its effect would be taken substantially only when a special law is enacted. Once the groundwork for supporting family business succession has been laid down, it should be combined in a single body by the enactment of a special law, and the efficiency of the policy execution could be enhanced. Limitation of partial support for family business succession by a general law could be overcome. When a special law is enacted, a separate tax rate (bringing down maximum tax rate) differentiated from general inheritance tax could be applied to family business succession. The last thing to be emphasized is that in order to support sustained growth of family enterprises, a reliable mainstay and a hope leading our economy, now is the time for the government authorities concerned and financial institutions, not to mention of representatives of the relevant enterprises, to exert their respective efforts to arrange realistic counter-measures and provide efficient support for successful business successions. All of us should recognize the fact that only when fostering small/medium enterprises to carry on their family line for a long time will the growth of these enterprises and the future of Korean economy be promising.

      • KCI등재

        가업승계지수가 기업성과에 미치는 영향

        이영일 한국경영컨설팅학회 2017 경영컨설팅연구 Vol.17 No.3

        본 연구는 선행연구에서 진행되었던 가업승계준비지수를 통한 기업성과와의 관계를 규명하여 가업승계를 준비하고 있는 기업들에게 실무적 시사점이 될 수 있는 다양한 가업승계 고려요인들을 기업성과와의 관계를 통해 제시하고자 하였다. 가업승계와 관련한 주제가 우리나라에서 중요해지기 시작한 2000년 초반을 시작으로 현재 많은 기업들이 가업승계의 문제에 직면해 있다. 본 연구는 이러한 가업승계를 준비하고자 하는 기업들에게 가업승계를 위해 고려해야하는 다양한 요인들을 가업승계지수의 구성 요소들을 통해 제언하고자 하였으며, 또한 가업승계지수가 기업의 성과에도 긍정적 영향을 미칠 수 있음을 밝혔다. 본 연구에서 제시한 가설의 검증을 하기 위해 연구 분석한 결과 구성원들이 평가하는 기업의 가업승계지수와 기업의 성과와의 관계는 긍정적 관계를 가지고 있는 것으로 나타났다. 뿐만 아니라 구성원들이 평가한 가업승계지수가 높은 기업이 낮은 기업보다는 재무적 성과의 예측이 높게 나타났으며, 또한 기업의 발전성에 대한 예측도 높게 나타났다. 따라서 기업의 가업승계지수는 기업의 직접적인 성과와 긍정적인 영향 관계를 가지고 있을 것으로 예측이 가능한 결과를 얻을 수 있었다. 본 연구를 통해 가업승계를 준비하고 있는 기업들은 이러한 결과를 바탕으로 가업승계지수에 포함된 다양한 요인을 바탕으로 장기적으로 준비를 할 필요가 있겠다. 또한 연구에서는 기업에서 이러한 가업승계 실무를 담당하고 있는 실무자를 위해서는 가업승계지수에 포함되고 있는 4개 분류 17개 항목에 대한 고려가 중요하다는 점을 제언하였다. 특히 17개 항목은 가업승계요인으로 기업 전반에 대한 요소들로 구성되어 있으므로 긴 시간 동안 가업의 승계를 위해 다양한 요인들을 준비할 필요가 있음을 제언 하였다. 기업 전반에 대한 요인들을 고려한 가업승계 준비가 성공적인 가업승계로 이어질 것을 예측 할 수 있으며 이러한 준비는 긴 시간이 필요 할 수 있음을 제언 하였다. This research is a study about 'the effect on the company performance of family business succession index'. It is intended to give a field implementation for company working staff of family business succession. And this research suggest a several things that company have to consider for there business succession. It is getting important in Korea since 2000. Many companies are facing the many problems to do family business succession. At this research, it is tried to suggest many factors to prepare family business succession. And also family business succession index can influence to company performance. At the result of this research, it is investigated that family business succession index and company performance have a positive relation. And the higher group of family business succession index get higher predicted financial performance than lower group. Also, the higher group of family business succession index get higher predicted company growth performance than lower group. Therefor, it is investigated that the possibility of positive relation between family business succession index and company performance is real. The company which prepare family business succession have to make a ready to consider about included factors of family business succession index. And it is important to consider about 17 factors of 4 category of family business succession index for company working staff of family business succession. It can cover all about company. And it will take a really long time to do family business succession. It is important to consider about all of company environment to do family business succession. So, it needs long time to do successful family business succession.

      • KCI등재

        행동대리인 이론관점에서 가족기업 특성이 승계에 미치는 영향

        김기형 ( Ki-hyung Kim ),문철우 ( Chul-woo Moon ),김상균 ( Sang-kyun Kim ),이병희 ( Byung-hee Lee ) 한국중소기업학회 2017 中小企業硏究 Vol.39 No.1

        1960~1970년대 창업했던 경영 1세대들이 평생을 바쳐 일군 기업을 다음세대에 승계해야 하는 중요한 시기를 맞이하여 가업 승계에 대한 고민이 증가하고 있는 상황이다. 가업승계 대상을 선정하는 과정에서 가족이나 내부직원에게 가업을 승계하는 형태, 매각 또는 외부 전문가 영입 등 다양한 승계형태를 고려하는 것이 필요하다. 해외에서는 가족기업의 가업승계에 대한 중요성을 인식하고 가업승계에 미치는 영향요인, 가업승계의 특성, 유형 등 다각화된 연구를 진행하고 그 결과를 바탕으로 관련 정책 개발 및 가업승계 지원에 활용하고 있다. 하지만, 국내에서는 아직까지 가족기업의 가업승계와 관련된 연구가 많이 이루어지지 않았고, 일반적인 기업승계 형태에 대한 연구가 주를 이루고 있다. 국내 경제에서 차지하는 비중 및 영향력을 감안하였을 때, 가족기업에 대한 체계적인 연구를 통해 가족기업의 가업승계에 대한 이슈를 해결해 줄 수 있는 가이드라인 및 정책개발이 필요한 실정이다. 이에 본 연구에서는 국내 가족기업의 가업승계에 대한 현황을 파악하기 위해 국내 540개 중소가족기업체 자료를 이용하여 Gomez-Mejia와 동료들(2007)이 주장하는 행동대리 이론(Behavioral Agency Theory)관점에서 사회 정서적 가치(SEW) 5영역을 중심으로 가족기업의 주요한 특성이 승계유형에 미치는 영향을 분석하였다. 실증분석 결과, 비 재무적 특성인 기업업력, 사회 공헌의 변수는 가족승계 > 내부승계 > 외부승계 순서로, 지식자산은 내부승계 > 가족승계 > 외부승계 순서로, 가족의 경영참여는 가족승계 > 외부승계 순서로 승계유형 선택에 영향을 미치는 것으로 확인되었다. 사회 공헌 특성이 승계유형 선택에 가장 많은 영향을 미쳤다. 재무적인 요인인 경영성과나 R&D 투자 변수는 승계 유형 선택에 유의한 영향을 미치지 못하였다. 연립경영의 경우 가족승계 확률이 높았고, 연립경영은 R&D 투자, 사회공헌, 기업업력 변수가 가족기업으로 선택하는 것을 강화하는 조절효과가 있었다. 본 연구에서 사용된 행동대리인 이론이 가업승계에 설명력이 높은 것으로 확인 되었다. 가족기업은 사회 정서적 가치(SEW)를 유지하려는 성향이 크며, 일반적인 상장 대기업의 경우와는 달리 중소가족기업에서는 성과 등 재무적인 요인이 아니라 오랜 업력을 바탕으로 축적된 노하우, 사회 공헌 등 비재무적인 요인이 승계에 많은 영향을 미치고 있는 것으로 나타났다. 본 연구를 통해 기업가의 가업승계에 실무적인 도움이 될 것으로 기대하며, 정부의 정책 개발에 가이드라인을 제시할 수 있을 것으로 예상된다. The first generation of the business that had been founded in 1960~1970s faces the situation to consider the succession of the family business developed by devotion of their whole lives in the critical timing to the next generation. In the process of selecting the party of family business succession, it is required to consider a variety of succession types including smooth transfer to the other family member or the employee of the company, selling the company, or hiring external specialist. Foreign countries acknowledge the importance of the succession in the family owned company to perform multiple studies on the influential factors to the succession, distinction, and types of family business succession; and they utilize the results for the related policy development and the support of family owned business succession. However, few studies have been conducted on the succession of the domestic family owned business and majority of them are related to the types of succession. Considering its share and influential power in the domestic economy, it is necessary to develop the guideline and the policies to solve many issues on the succession of the family owned business by systemic studies. Hence, the impact of the main characteristics in the family owned business on the types of its succession was analyzed in this study focusing on five domains of Socioemtional Wealth (SEW) in view of Behavioral Agency Theory by Gomez-Mejia et al. (2007) using the data from 540 family owned small-to-medium sized businesses so as to analyze the issues on their business succession. Upon the empirical analysis results, it was confirmed that they were influenced to the selection of succession type by family succession > internal employee succession > external succession, for the variables of social contribution which were non-financial characteristics, internal employee succession > family succession > external succession for the intellectual properties, and family succession > external succession for the management participation of the family. The distinction of social contribution were influenced the most to the selection of the succession types. Financial factors, business performance, and R&D investment variables were not significantly influenced to their selection of the succession types. In case of simultaneous management, the family succession rate was high and it showed the control effect to strengthen selecting family owned business with R&D investment, social contribution, and company history variables. The behavioral agency theory used in this study was confirmed with high explanation power on the family owned business succession. The family owned business showed the tendency to maintain SEW, and non-financial factors such as accumulated know-how and social contribution based on the long term history were significantly affected to the succession in the small-to-medium sized family owned businesses, unlike general large sized listed companies. The results of this study are expected to be helpful practically for the succession of the family owned business and to suggest the guideline for the development of governmental policy.

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