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        서사의 다기성(多岐性)을 활용한 자기서사 진단 방법

        정운채 ( Jeong Un-chae ) 한국고전문학교육학회 2005 고전문학과 교육 Vol.10 No.-

        The purpose of this paper is to reveal the divergence of epic and to establish the methodology of the diagnosis about the epic of self. The results of this paper are as follows. First, in case that we follow the story line of < Dongmyeongwangpyeon(東明王篇) >, we will meet a forked road at least thirteen times. At the forked road we can turn to the right branch road, or to the left branch road. Each choice makes a different epic. Second, the epic of self will force a person to makes choice of special branch road at the forked road of story line. Therefore we can diagnose the epic of self according to one's choice. The core of the methodology of literary therapy is that the epic of literary work changes the epic of self. For that reason the diagnosis about the epic of self is the first consideration, and the divergence of epic is the key of the diagnosis about the epic of self.

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