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      • KCI등재

        The Status of the Coordinate Structure Constraint

        Soo-Min Hong 한국언어과학회 2011 언어과학 Vol.18 No.2

        This paper raises a question whether the Coordinate Structure Constraint should maintain its status as a general constraint. There are some reported counterexamples in the literature. Considering the undeniable presence of counterexamples, there are two possible ways to deal with those documented counterexamples. One is to decide to abandon the Coordinate Structure Constraint altogether. The other is to find a plausible way to circumvent the Coordinate Structure Constraint to a restrictive extent. Given the general acceptance of the Coordinate Structure Constraint, this paper pursues to find a feasible solution to relax the Coordinate Structure Constraint so that it is allowed to be violable only in a well-controlled circumstance. Instead of seeing the Coordinate Structure Constraint as a condition on movement, it may well be better understood as a well-formenness condition at LF

      • KCI등재후보

        VP-Cordination and the CSC

        김병권 한국영어학회 2006 영어학 Vol.6 No.4

        Kim, Byong-Kwon. 2006. VP-Cordination and the CSC. Korean Journal of English Language and Linguistics 6-4, 731-749. This paper presents a new syntactic account for a group of apparent exceptions to Ross' (1967) Coordinate Structure Constraint (CSC), which bans extraction from a single conjunct in coordinate structure. When Ross discovered the CSC, he also observed the exceptional cases, where extraction is systematically well-formed even if it is only from a single conjunct. An important observation, however, is that the CSC violations are allowed only in VP-coordination. In this paper I propose that the VP-coordination in the traditional sense is not a maximal category coordination, assuming the Split VP hypothesis where the subject appears inside VP (Larson 1988, Chomsky 1993 and later work). Given that only a phrasal category forms a blocking boundary for extraction, the apparently exceptional data are predicted to be well-formed. The data analysis is given by extending the framework of the Minimalist Program (Chomsky 1993 and later work).

      • KCI등재

        Relativized Parallelism in Mandarin Chinese Natural Coordination

        Niina Ning Zhang 서울대학교 언어교육원 (구 서울대학교 어학연구소) 2008 語學硏究 Vol.44 No.1

        Conjuncts of natural coordination are semantically related, in contrast to those of accidental coordination. It is generally assumed that no single conjunct may be moved and no element may be extracted from a single conjunct. Focusing on Chinese he/gen constructions, this paper first argues that not only post-verbal, but also preverbal he and gen in comitative constructions are coordinators, and thus form constructions of natural coordination, and then presents the following correlation: on the one hand, single conjuncts may move in natural coordination and elements may also be extracted from single conjuncts of natural coordination; and on the other hand, single conjuncts may not move in accidental coordination, nor may elements be extracted from single conjuncts of accidental coordination. This correlation reveals a relativized parallelism in coordinate constructions: syntactic operations applied to single conjuncts are possible only when the conjuncts of a coordinate complex are semantically related to each other. The paper then tries to account for this relativized parallelism from an economy perspective of language processing.

      • KCI등재

        Remarks on the syntax and semantics of so-called comitative coordination

        Eman Al Khalaf 경희대학교 언어정보연구소 2018 언어연구 Vol.35 No.2

        Natural languages exhibit two conjunction strategies: the coordinate strategy and the comitative strategy (Stassen 2000). Recent work claims that there exists a hybrid construction that appears to employ both strategies, namely comitative coordinate construction. This paper argues against this claim and shows that what the literature assumes to be a hybrid construction is in fact a pure comitative, which is different from a coordinate semantically and syntactically. The paper also offers an alternative structural analysis of this construction, which captures the various differences between comitatives and coordinates. The analysis proposed has consequences on the status of the conjunct constraint, the constraint that bans extracting a whole conjunct.

      • KCI등재

        Can You Violate the Conjunction Condition in Korean? Tight vs. Loose Coordination

        김랑혜윤 한국생성문법학회 2018 생성문법연구 Vol.28 No.3

        Zhang (2010) argues that the Coordinate Structure Constraint (CSC) can be violated as in extraction of collective-reading conjuncts in Chinese he/gen coordinate construction. Likewise, Bošković (2013, 2017 a,b, 2018), Stjepanović (2014) and Oda (2016) argue that movement of the head of an island voids islandhood and thus CSC can be violated in some cases. Specifically, Oda (2016) claims that Japanese allows extraction of conjuncts in violation of CSC. This paper argues that the conjunctive -wa in Korean does not allow violation of the conjunct condition of CSC, even when it has collective interpretation, based on the data related to plural agreement marker –tul, reciprocal pronoun selo(each other), and intentional/optative verbs. This paper concludes by suggesting that, cross-linguistically, extractable conjunct is in ‘loose’-coordination relation with the other conjunct in that it is base-generated at the edge of coordinate structure, while non-extractable one, as a ‘tightly’ coordinated conjunct, is within coordinate structure.

      • KCI등재

        Can You Violate the Conjunction Condition in Korean? Tight vs. Loose Coordination*

        Rhanghyeyun Kim 한국생성문법학회 2018 생성문법연구 Vol.28 No.3

        Kim, Rhanghyeyun. 2018. Can You Violate the Conjunction Condition in Korean? Tight vs. Loose Coordination. Studies in Generative Grammar, 28-3, 471-488. Zhang (2010) argues that the Coordinate Structure Constraint (CSC) can be violated as in extraction of collective-reading conjuncts in Chinese he/gen coordinate construction. Likewise, Bošković (2013, 2017 a,b, 2018), Stjepanović (2014) and Oda (2016) argue that movement of the head of an island voids islandhood and thus CSC can be violated in some cases. Specifically, Oda (2016) claims that Japanese allows extraction of conjuncts in violation of CSC. This paper argues that the conjunctive -wa in Korean does not allow violation of the conjunct condition of CSC, even when it has collective interpretation, based on the data related to plural agreement marker –tul, reciprocal pronoun selo(each other), and intentional/optative verbs. This paper concludes by suggesting that, cross-linguistically, extractable conjunct is in ‘loose’-coordination relation with the other conjunct in that it is base-generated at the edge of coordinate structure, while non-extractable one, as a ‘tightly’ coordinated conjunct, is within coordinate structure.

      • KCI등재

        영어의 이형 의문문의 등위 구조에 관한 연구

        김미자,조세연 경희대학교(국제캠퍼스) 비교문화연구소 2024 비교문화연구 Vol.71 No.-

        The paper presents the distributional and discourse properties of the coordination of distinct types of interrogatives in English. Ross (1967) claims that sentences joined by and with different types of questions as conjuncts are considered questionable, whereas sentences coordinated with or are deemed ungrammatical. To determine whether there is a grammaticality distinction between sentences joined by and and or with dissimilar types of interrogatives as conjuncts, we thoroughly analyze the pertinent data from corpora. As a result, we find that, contra Ross (1967), the coordination of all types of interrogatives is possible for both and and or, unless the events of the conjuncts involved are disconnected. To implement the idea into a constraint-based construction grammar, we propose a pragmatic constraint on discourse coherence relations based on Kehler (1995), which can be a part of a revised version of the Coordination Rule by Sag et al. (2003). The analysis we propose here, hence, allows us to give a simple explanation on how to generate a proper set of coordinated sentences and to predict the acceptability of sentences containing the coordination of distinct types of interrogatives in English.

      • KCI등재

        On the Nature of the Quotative Operator Movement and the CSC Obviation Effects

        손근원(Keun-Won Sohn) 한국생성문법학회 2010 생성문법연구 Vol.20 No.1

        The quote initial reported direct speech optionally involves subject-main verb inversion, and the inverted cases are called the quotative inversion construction. This study examines the structure of this quotative inversion and non-inversion constructions and diagnoses one previously unnoticed problem in them. More specifically, it will be shown that the quotative operator, widely believed to be involved in the derivation of the quotative constructions, is immune to the Coordinate Structure Constraint. This obviation effect is attributed to the A-movement nature of the quotative operator movement, based on the idea that A-movement is immune to the Coordinate Structure Constraint.

      • KCI등재

        Right Dislocation, Extraposition, and Heavy DP/NP Shift in English: A Unified Account

        Myung Kwan Park,Jae jun Kim 현대문법학회 2016 현대문법연구 Vol.87 No.-

        This paper provides a unified analysis for the three types of right displacement in English as the clause-final right-displaced element has in common the function of specifying/elaborating on what has been left referentially indeterminate or blank in the preceding clause. We take the surface make-up of the three constructions at issue to indicate that the right-displaced element has coordinate structure relation with the preceding propositional constituent such as vP or TP. Based on this initial conception of the three constructions at issue, we make three points. First, we argue that these constructions involve clausal coordination and their surface forms are derived by eliding the second conjunct except for the base-generated/ leftward-moved element outside it. Second, we show that the economy of structure-building is at work in the formation of the two coordinate conjuncts in the constructions, accounting for the well-known Right Roof constraint or clause-boundedness condition. Third, we also demonstrate that the ban on P-stranding heavy NP shift of a certain argument element follows from the unavailability of an implicit argument to the relevant position of the first conjunct.

      • KCI등재

        A Note on the Nature of Head Movement

        안덕호 현대문법학회 2010 현대문법연구 Vol.62 No.-

        In the recent literature, it has often been suggested that head movement may be a PF phenomenon. For instance, Chomsky (2001: 32) points out that head movement differs from core rules of the narrow syntax in several respects and that all of this would be unproblematic if the phenomenon in question is a phonological process reflecting affixal properties. (See also Boeckx and Stjepanović 2001 for relevant discussion and references.) In this paper, based on a novel set of data from English, I suggest that in some specific contexts, it seems reasonable to assume that head movement can indeed take place in PF, which I argue provides partial evidence for Chomsky's claim that head movement can be attributed to PF. The discussion here also has some implications for the nature of the coordinate structure constraint.

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