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        교회 사회복지활동 참여수준에 관한 탐색연구

        강철희(Chulhee Kang),정상원(Sangwon Jong),황순환(SoonHwan Hwang) 한국비영리학회 2008 한국비영리연구 Vol.7 No.2

        본 연구는 지역사회를 기반으로 사회복지를 수행하는 주요 주체의 하나로 기능할 수 있는 교회의 사회복지활동과 관련하여 그러한 활동의 정도를 설명하는 변수들이 무엇인지를 탐색해 보는 것에 연구의 기본 관심을 둔다. 본 연구는 특히 교회의 사회복지활동과 관련해서 교회의 전체 예산 중 사회복지예산이 차지하는 비율에 초점을 두면서 이에 대한 영향 요인을 탐색해 본다. 영향요인으로는 목회자관련 요인과 교회관련 요인 및 지역사회관련 요인을 설정한다. 본 연구는 대전지역에 위치한 155개 교회의 교역자(목회자와 신부)를 대상으로 교회의 사회복지활동에 대해 조사한 자료를 활용하여 분석한다. 분석결과, 이 지역 교회들의 사회복지 연 평균 예산비율은 전체 예산의 10.0%(중간 값 5.0%) 정도이며 적정수준으로 기대하는 예산의 비율은 17.2%(중간 값 15.0%) 정도인 것으로 나타났다. 이들 교회의 사회복지 예산 비율에 대한 예측 요인을 분석하기 위해 중다회귀분석을 실시한 결과, 목회자관련 요인의 경우에는 목회자의 사회봉사활동에 대한 직 간접적 관여시간(+)이 많을수록, 사회복지 예산 비율의 적정선(+)을 높게 인식할수록, 그 비율은 보다 높아지는 경향이 있는 것으로 나타났다. 교회관련 요인에 있어서는 전문 전담자를 고용하는 경우에 사회복지활동을 위한 예산의 비율이 높아지는 경향을 갖는 것으로 나타났으며, 지역사회관련 요인에 있어서는 지역사회 빈곤문제의 심각성 인식(-)이 부적인 방향의 관계를 갖는 것으로 나타났다. 전반적으로 볼 때, 본 연구 결과는 교회 사회복지활동의 활성화와 관련해서 중요한 과제는 목회자가 교회가 지향해야 할 사회복지활동에 대해 긍정적 인식과 적극적 관여를 가지면서 교회 존재의 이유의 하나인 교회사회복지활동의 교회내 제도화를 위해 노력하는 것, 즉 전담인력 등을 확보해 나가면서 지속적으로 관련 프로그램들을 실행해 나가는 노력을 전개하는 것임을 시사하고 있다. Using a local survey on pastors of churches in Daejun area, this study attempts to examine degree of expenditure for community services in overall budget and its predictors from three dimensions: factor related to pastor; factor related to church; and factor related to community. This study has the following findings. First, mean and median of current church expenditure for community services in total budget are 10% and 5% respectively. Second, mean and median of desirable level of church expenditure for community services are 17.2% and 15% respectively. Third, in a dimension related to pastor of church, two variables are statistically significant in a positive direction: degree of pastor’s direct and indirect participation in planning, administering, and delivering church’s community services; and pastor’s perception on tolerable expenditure for community services. Fourth, in a dimension related to church, size of church is not significant at all. Instead, institutionalization of efforts for church community services measured by employment of professional worker for the task is statistically significant. Fifth, in a dimension related to community, level of church network with diverse community agencies is not significant at all. Unexpectedly, awareness of community poverty problem is statistically significant in negative direction. The findings show several understandings in terms of implications: (1) pastor’s leadership for and participation in community services are crucial in promoting church’s level of community services; (2) institutionalizing church’s community services is vital in stabilizing its efforts and bringing its impact; and (3) church should be more balanced with community services as much as it perceives. Currently, in community services and contributions, role and function of faith-based organizations like church have been recognized more significantly by church itself, governments, researchers, and society. In the near future, there should be more intensive and extensive discussions and research on role and function of faith-based organizations like church. Finally, this study discusses practical directions for churches as well as research directions for researchers.

      • 돌봄서비스 정책의 등장에 따른 지역사회보호사업의 변화를 위한 전략 연구

        김찬우 ( Chan Woo Kim ) 가톨릭대학교 사회복지연구소 2008 사회복지리뷰 Vol.13 No.-

        사회복지관의 전통적 핵심사업인 지역사회복지사업은 최근 여러 가지 정책환경의 변화로 새로운 전환기를 맞고 있다. 노인분야의 돌봄서비스와 장기요양제도의 실행, 장애인 활동보조사업 실시 및 장애인요양제도 추진논의, 저소득층에 대한 바우처지원제도의 확대 등 기존 주요 대상층인 노인, 장애인, 아동 및 저소득층에 대한 다양한 사회 서비스 기획 및 확대가 지난 3~4년간의 사회복지 서비스 분야의 중요 변화였다. 본 연구에서는 지금까지 사회복지관의 지역사회보호사업에 대한 변화방향에 대해 현 지역사회보호사업의 한계, 새로운 돌봄서비스의 등장, 그리고 연구결과로 사회복지관의 전략에 대해 제언을 하였다. 연구결과는 기본 변화 방향으로 돌봄서비스의 사각지대 감소, 지역사회복지사업의 축 재편, 케어의 질 저하 극복 및 지역사회자원 재배치를 제시하였다. 세부전략으로 대상자 선정기준의 제고, 사례관리 및 연계강화, 가족(수발)에 대한 연계 및 지원강화, 목표 명확화를 제시하였다. 본 연구의 내용은 최근 복지환경변화에 따른 지역사회복지관의 향후 주요 과업선정에 중요한 참고자료로 활용될 수 있을 것이다. Community-care services by a community welfare agency faces new challenges with a series of recent caring services, which are National long-term care for Elders, Long-term care policy for the Disabled, and other related social care services. Community-care services by the community welfare agency have been recognized as one of key social services of community welfare agency by the community members. This study aims to suggest several strategies for community welfare agencies in order to cope with new challenges regarding care services in the community. This study discusses the several concepts of community care, the limitations of the current community-care services, and the comparisons between National long-term care for Elders and Long-term care poilices for the Disabled. The main findings of this study includes the following strategies: covering no-care zones from National care services, the re-arrangement of various services, the enhancing quality of care, and re-alignment of community resources. This study also suggests several tactics including remodeling a need assessment system, re-focusing case management and linkage, supporting family and inforam caregivers, and re-specifying the objects of community-care services by the community welfare agency.

      • KCI등재

        탈시설과 지역사회중심 복지서비스 구축, 어떻게 할 것인가?: 자립과 상호의존을 융합하는 커뮤니티 케어

        김용득 ( Kim Yong Deug ) 한국보건사회연구원 2018 保健社會硏究 Vol.38 No.3

        최근 정부는 취약계층의 돌봄 체계를 커뮤니티 케어로 전환한다고 선언하였다. 본 연구는 사회복지서비스 영역에서 커뮤니티 케어 정책이 어떤 방향을 지향해야 하며, 어떤 내용을 실행해야 하는가를 제시하는데 목적을 두고 있다. 커뮤니티 케어는 서구에서 지향해 온 슬로건으로 취약한 사람들이 시설에 살지 않고 지역사회 일반적인 환경에서 살도록 하자는 정책이며, 동시에 지역사회 주민들이 취약한 사람과 어울려 사는 좋은 지역사회를 만들자는 의미도 가진다. 우리나라에는 아직도 많은 사람들이 대형시설에 살고 있어 삶의 장소를 지역사회로 옮기는 탈시설이 필요하며, 지역사회 서비스가 확충되어야 한다. 또한 지역사회 공동체를 만드는 과업도 중요하다. 이에 본 연구는 커뮤니티 케어 정책이 다음을 포함할 것을 제안하였다. 첫째, 시설에 사는 사람들의 지역사회 이주를 도우면서, 보통 사람들의 삶의 공간과 유사하게 거주시설을 혁신하고, 공유생활이나 지원주택과 같은 다양한 모델을 개발한다. 둘째, 가정지원 서비스, 통소형 서비스, 특별한 욕구에 대응하는 서비스 등 지역사회서비스를 확충한다. 셋째, 서비스 진입체계를 정비하고, 서비스가 유기적으로 연계되도록 한다. 넷째, 서비스 이용자와 제공자의 협력관계를 만들고, 취약한 사람들과 함께 할 수 있는 지역사회 역량을 개발하고, 캠프힐과 같은 대안 공동체를 지원한다. Recently, the government announced that it will change the care system for the socially vulnerable to community care. In this context, this study aims to present the directions and contents that community care policy should aim for. In the western society, community care is a long-standing slogan that aims to encourage vulnerable people to live in a community environment rather than separate institution. It also means creating a good community where neighbors live well with vulnerable people. In Korea, many people still live in large institutions, so we need to carry out deinstitutionalization. And the community service provision should be expanded. It is also important to increase interdependence of community members. This study suggests that community care policy should include the followings. First, we must help people move from institutions to the community, and also develop diverse residential service models similar to ordinary people's living condition. Second, local community services should be expanded, such as home help services, day services, and services that meet specific needs. Third, the service system should be improved so that services should be easily accessible and well connected. Fourth, we need to create a good relationship between service users and providers, develop community capacity to get along with vulnerable people, and create alternative communities such as Camp Hill Village.

      • KCI등재

        The Effect of Community-Based Services on Functional Limitations of American Older Adults in Retirement Community

        박소정(So jung Park),김민희(Min hee Kim) 연세대학교 사회복지연구소 2014 한국사회복지조사연구 Vol.40 No.-

        노화에 대한 담론과 더불어 독립적인 노년기를 위한 다양한 환경적 요소들이 논의되고 있는 가운데, 본 연구는 미국 노인의 지역사회서비스 사용과 건강 간의 관련성을 검토하였다. 이 둘간의 관련성을 탐색하는 기존 연구는 취약노인층에 한정되어 검토되는 경우가 대부분이며, 다수가 개별적인 서비스의 효과성에 초점을 두고 있다. 본 연구는Health and Retirement Study (1998~2008)의 패널자료를 사용해 개인의 서비스 사용패턴을 도출하고, 서비스 사용패턴과 건강 추이의 관련성을 검토하였다. 또한 비공식적 자원과 의료서비스 사용의 영향이 서비스이용- 건강 간의 관련성에 어떠한 영향을 미치는 지도 함께 분석하였다. 분석은 지역사회서비스에 대한 정보가 있는 시니어하우징 거주 노인으로 한정하였으며, 건강 수준 및 추이는 (도구적) 일상생활능력정도 점수를 사용하였다. 군집분석을 통해 지역사회의 공식서비스 (가사, 간병, 돌봄, 교통, 식사)에 대한 사용패턴을 구성한 결과 다수의 노인이 모든 서비스를 이용하지 않았으며 (집단1), 그 외에 모든 서비스를 이용하는 노인 (집단 2), 세부의 성격을 다르지만 대부분의 서비스를 사용하는 노인 (집단 3과 4)으로 구분할 수 있었다. 성장곡선모델(Growth Curve Model)을 통해 서비스 이용과 건강의 관련성을 분석한 결과, 모든 서비스를 이용한 집단의 경우 서비스를 전혀 사용하지 않은 집단에 비하여 건강이 악화되는 경향을 보였다. 하지만 이들이 주위의 비공식적 자원을 활용하는 경우 가파른 건강 악화가 완화되는 추이를 나타냈다. 본 연구는 지역사회서비스 사용이 건강을 유지하는데 도움을 주고 있는지, 그렇다면 그 정도는 어떠한 지에 대한 주요한 근거를 제시하는데 그 의의가 있다. 무엇보다 지역사회 서비스의 영향을 검토하는데 있어 서비스 및 의료 영역에서의 비공식적, 공식적 자원의 효과를 통합적으로 고찰할 필요성을 시사한다. There is extremely limited empirical evidence to support the relationship between community based service use and functional health. In examining the effect of community based formal service use, we argue a range of services should be considered together in their use rather than examining an individual effect. Also, other service use including informal support and health service also should be considered together. Purpose: First, it looked at the trajectory of functional health of community-dwelling older adults over time. Second, we derived the empirical use pattern of five services including meal service, transportation services, PCS services, and in-home nursing service, chore service. Third, it looked at how the community based formal service use affect their functional health. In doing so, the focus will be on how the formal services use affect the functional limitation in combination of the informal support and health services. Method: First, in order to examine the pattern of different service use combination, we first derive the empirical pattern of service use with clustering analysis. Second, in order to examine the association between the different combination of service uses and the functional health status over time, growth curve modeling was conducted with a longitudinal data from the year 1998 through 2008 in a national sample. Using data from the Health and Retirement Study (HRS), an analytic sample (N=6210) was drawn from six waves (1998-2008) of data, focusing on non-institutionalized older adults aged 65 and older who reside in senior housing that provided relevant long term care services. Functional health status was measured by a sum of ADL and IADL limitations. Uses of long term care services, including group meals, chore service, personal care services(PSC), transportation were measured dichotomously. Hospitalization was measured dichotomously whether the respondent had hospitalized in the past 2 years. For informal support, the number of days of help and the number of helpers the respondent receives for ADL and IADL limitations. Results: Functional impairment at the mean age of 73 of follow- up was .32 out of a total 10 points and it increased over time (a linear slope of .02 , p<.0001). Second, four groups of service uses were identifid: in No Users group (cluster 1), most of individuals do not use any of services, while All Users (cluster 2) stands out with members using most of the services, followed by Trans_Chore_Nursing group (cluster 3) and Most_No PAS group (cluster 4) both of which members use four out of five services. Compared to the cluster of least service users, No Users, All Users of the most service users showed that informal support is significantly associated with lower functional impairment by .72 (p<.0001) while other cluster does not show any effect. Implications: It provides important information as to whether and to what extent long-term care services have a beneficial effect on health outcomes when older adults use health services within the community. This finding can serve as meaningful background knowledge in designing a more efficient provision of community based services that aim to help seniors age in place.

      • KCI등재

        지역사회 서비스에서 관계혜택과 관계품질, 관계지속의도와의 관계연구

        이현주,허무열 한국유통과학회 2017 The Journal of Industrial Distribution & Business( Vol.8 No.4

        Purpose - This study aims to examine the correlations between relationship benefits, quality, and continuity intention of community services. It further investigates the mediation effect of relationship quality operating on the association between relationship benefits and relationship continuity intention. Thus, this study will aim to elucidate the correlations between relationship benefits, quality and community services intention. Research design, data, and methodology - To achieve these objectives, this study executed a questionnaire from the users of the child․adolescent psychological support service which represents part of community services. The research framework that was utilized in this study was of three main factors. They were relationship quality, relationship benefits, and intention of relationship continuity. In relationship quality, factors such as trust and commitment was included in this section. For relationship benefits, factors such as society benefits and commitment benefits were the essence. The control variable in this study was gender, age, income, hours of service used, and the number of times service was used in community services. Results - The key research findings are as follows. First, this study found out that the more the social benefits was enhanced in the community services, the higher the relationship continuity intention was. Second, this study has found out that the higher the trust of community services, the higher the relationship continuity intention. Third, this study has shown that the more the relationship benefits was enhanced in the community services, the higher the recognition by the users’ relationship quality was. Fourth, the trust in the community services played a mediating role between the relationship benefits and relationship continuity intention. Conclusions – Many associations could be discovered on the correlations between relationship benefits, quality, and community service continuality intention. These results will have important implications for the future of child and adolescent psychological support services. In terms of relationship marketing, the three factors; benefits, quality, and continuity intention in community services were proved to be pivotal. In order for the continuity intention in community services, the two factors of benefits and quality were the influential factors. From a policy maker’s standpoint, the relationship continuity was the most important factor.

      • Research on the “NIMBY” Dilemma of Embedded Elderly Care Service in Community: Take the elderly care institutions in the M community as an example

        任代俊(Ren Daijun) 아시아사회과학학회 2021 International Science Research Vol.1 No.1

        In the context of the increasingly severe situation of population aging, although the community embedded pension service was born in line with the development of the times and has many advantages, there are still a series of problems to be solved in practice, especially the “NIMBY” (Not in My Back Yard) dilemma. From the perspective of community pension, this paper reviews the connotation of community embedded elderly care service, analyzes the advantages of community embedded elderly care service, the “NIMBY” Dilemma and its causes when the embedded elderly care institution actually enters the community, and puts forward the “Trinity” governance model of government, neighborhood committee and elderly care service institution, so as to promote the development of community embedded elderly care service so that the community embedded elderly care service institutions can enter the community smoothly and give full play to its service function.

      • KCI등재

        우리나라 지역주민의 보건소 구강보건서비스이용률 분석: 2011-2012년 지역사회건강조사 자료이용

        박수경 ( Su Kyung Park ),김춘배 ( Chun Bae Kim ),정원균 ( Won Gyun Chung ),안양희 ( Yang Hee Ahn ),김남희 ( Nam Hee Kim ) 대한예방치과·구강보건학회 2014 大韓口腔保健學會誌 Vol.38 No.3

        Objectives: To determine the utilization of oral health services in community health centers in Korea. Methods: This cross-sectional study involved secondary analysis of data obtained from the 2011-2012 Community Health Survey. The data were analyzed to determine the utilization of community oral health services. A total of 458,417 people (weighted sample was 80,268,227) were included. A multistage probability proportional systematic sampling method was used. The dependent variable was the utilization of community oral health services. The independent variables were region (city, town, and district), demographic characteristics (gender, age, education, income, occupation, and basic livelihood security), oral health status, and overall health status. The differences in the utilization of community oral health services related to independent variables were analyzed using an independent t-test and ANOVA. Additionally, a Scheffe post-hoc test was performed. Statistical analysis was performed using PASW statistics 20.0 (SPSS Inc., Chicago, IL, USA), at the 5% significance level. Results: The average utilization rate was 26.3% for community health care services and 4.3% for oral health services during the study period in Korea. Utilization was associated with old age and lower education and income levels (P<0.01). Furthermore, residents having poor oral health, chewing discomfort, and unmet dental needs most frequently used the community oral health services. Conclusions: The utilization of community oral health services was low in Korea. The needs and circumstances of communities should be considered and unique regional structural characteristics should be identified to plan and execute oral health programs and incorporate them with community health care services for overall community health.

      • KCI등재

        사회봉사명령의 기능에 대한 응답

        박미랑,이정민 대검찰청 2019 형사법의 신동향 Vol.0 No.63

        A community service order refers to ordering those who are found guilty or need for probation to work in society without pay for a certain period of time. As a representative system of treatment in the community, the number has been increasing every year. But what the subjects of this treatment, which requires time and labor to be administered as freedom was restricted for a certain period of time, needed to be verified of the function of the community service order. To that end, the survey was conducted on those who fulfill the community service order, the probation officer who executes it, and the staff of the agency that cooperates with the execution. As a result, the subjects of the community service order recognized the community service order as a punishment before the fulfillment of the community service order, but the recognition changed as a system that gives reflection, contribution to the community and another opportunity while carrying out the social service order. Proation officers and associated the staffs of the agency also recognized the system as a reflection, community contribution and giving another opportunity. On the other hand, among the three groups, the probation officer tended to view the community service order as a punishment strongly. All three groups believe that the community service order has a function as a punishment, but in terms of reflection and another opportunity, we were able to find that the community service order actually plays a real role in re-integration in the community. If we view the community service order as a legal nature of punishment, then a community service order should be predictable. However, the current community service order does not have the standard for the criminal group to be sentenced, nor does it have the standard for the proper service hours for the criminal group. Just as we have created guideline standards to prevent arbitrary, discriminatory and unpredictable sentencing, there is a need for a standards of community service sentencing. As the community service performs the functions of re-integration, reflection, and community contribution of criminals, it is recommended to diversify the interpersonal service type, to motivate volunteer activities (expression of appreciation), and to execute order discontinuously. 사회봉사명령이란 유죄가 인정되거나 보호처분 등의 필요성이 인정된 사람에 대하여 일정시간 동안 무보수로 사회에 유익한 근로를 하도록 명하는 것을 말한다. 사회내 처우의 대표적 제도로서 매년 그 수가 증가하고 있다. 그러나 일정시간 동안 자유가 제한되면서 시간과 노동력을 투여해야 하는 이 처우를 대상자는 어떻게 생각하고 있을지, 보호관찰관 및 협력기관 관계자는 사회봉사명령을 어떻게 인식하고 있는지, 사회봉사명령은 어떠한 기능과 효과가 있는지에 대한 검증이 필요했다. 이를 위해 사회봉사명령을 이행하는 대상자, 집행하는 보호관찰관 그리고 집행을 협력하는 기관의 담당자를 대상으로 설문조사를 실시하였다. 그 결과 사회봉사명령 대상자들은 사회봉사명령을 이행하기 전에는 사회봉사명령을 처벌로서 인식했지만, 사회봉사명령을 수행하면서 반성과 지역사회에 대한 기여, 또 다른 기회를 주는 제도라고 인식이 바뀌었다. 보호관찰관과 협력기관 담당자 역시 반성과 지역사회 기여, 또 다른 기회를 주는 제도라고 인식하고 있었다. 세 집단 모두 사회봉사명령은 처벌로서의 기능을 갖는다고 생각하고 있지만, 그보다 반성과 또다른 기회라는 측면에서 사회봉사명령이 재사회화에 실질적 기능을 담당하고 있음을 발견할 수 있었다. 사회봉사명령이 처벌이라는 법적 성격이 있다면, 사회봉사명령은 예측가능성이 전제되어야 한다. 그런데 지금의 사회봉사명령은 선고되는 범죄군에 대한 기준도 없을 뿐만 아니라 범죄군에 적정한 봉사 시간에 대한 기준도 없다. 우리가 양형기준을 통해 자의적이고 차별적인 예측 불가능한 선고를 예방하려 하듯이 사회봉사명령 선고 기준안 내지 가이드라인이 필요하다. 사회봉사명령이 범죄자의 재사회화, 봉사와 지역사회 기여라는 기능을 갖는 이상, 대인원조형 봉사 분야의 다양화, 봉사 활동에 대한 동기부여(감사표현), 탄력집행 및 야간·휴일집행의 활성화가 필요해 보인다.

      • 지역사회중심 장애인서비스 정책의 쟁점과 과제

        김용득 한국사회서비스학회 2016 사회서비스연구 Vol.6 No.2

        본고는 지역사회중심의 장애인서비스 정책을 좌표로 설정하고 이를 세 가 지 접근으로 나누어 정책방향을 구체화하였다. 첫째는 생활의 장소로서 지역 사회를 천명하고 지역사회 중심의 서비스를 강화하는 정책 방향이다. 이와 관 련된 우리나라 장애인정책의 핵심은 ‘탈시설’과 ‘지역사회서비스의 강 화’로 요약될 수 있다. 둘째는 지방정부 주도의 장애인서비스 정책의 실현이 다. 이와 관련된 과제는 중앙정부와 지방정부가 합리적으로 역할을 분담하고, 기획은 중앙정부가 실행은 지방정부가 담당하는 관계를 강화하는 방향이다. 셋째는 지역사회가 주체가 되도록 지원하는 장애인서비스 정책이다. 지역사회 의 친구가, 이웃이 적극적인 지원자 또는 옹호자가 되는 역할을 강조하는 것 으로 이를 위해서는 지역사회의 다양한 주체들이 자발적으로 장애인서비스에 참여하도록 지원하는 것이 중요하다. 지역사회 중심을 지향하는 정책 방향을 전제로 우리나라 장애인정책의 중 요 영역들의 문제점을 제기하고 개선 방향을 제시하였다. 이를 위하여 장애인 활동지원, 발달재활서비스 등의 이용자 선택형의 바우처 서비스, 장애인거주 시설과 탈시설 관련 서비스, 지역사회재활시설과 관련서비스, 고용 및 직업재 활서비스, 보조기구 서비스, 장애등급제 폐지와 맞춤형 전달체계, 발달장애인 법 관련 지원체계 등의 영역을 다루었다. 지역사회 중심으로의 장애인정책의 강화는 지방정부가 자신들의 역할을 지 역밀착 영역을 중심으로 강화하면서 동시에 지역사회 민간 주체들의 참여와 역할을 적극적으로 지원함으로써 가능해질 수 있다. 또한 지역사회 중심의 서 비스 기반을 제공하는 중앙정부의 역할이 확립되는 것이 전제되어야 한다. 그 리고 이런 흐름으로의 변화가 얼마나 가속화 될 것인가의 문제는 장애인 당 사자 단체들의 적극적 역할에 달려있다. 우리나라 장애인서비스 분절의 핵심적인 원인이 되고 있는 제도적 잠금 현 상을 해소하고, 이용자의 공평한 서비스 접근이 보장되고, 이를 통하여 궁극 적으로 서비스 일상에서 사회모델과 자립생활이 실천되기 위해서는 ‘지역사회 중심의 장애인서비스 정책’이 라는 기반이 꼭 필요하다. 당사자 단체, 민 간서비스 주체, 중앙정부, 지방정부 등의 협력적 역동성이 이 기반을 튼튼하 게 만들어 줄 수 있을 것이다. It was aimed here to explain the present conditions, current issues and future directions of the Korean social services policies for disabled people. For this purpose, this paper sets community centeredness as framework for policy review on disability services. Community centeredness is specified by three points. The first is to see community as place for living of disabled people. In this view, disabled people must not be sent to institutions but to continue to live in their own houses and community. The second is the reinforcement of local government initiated disability services policies. In this context, clearer role difference and relevant partnerships between central government and local government are important. The third is to locate natural community itself as subjects of support for disabled people. Rationale for this view is based on strengths of natural supports than public or artificial supports. In this thesis, diverse areas of disability services are included: activity supporting services and developmental rehabilitation services by voucher scheme, residential services and de-institutional policy, community rehabilitation facilities and relevant services, employment and vocational rehabilitation services, technical aids services, abolition of grade scheme on disabled people and new substitutive delivery system, supporting schemes by law for developmental disabled people. Reinforcement of community centered disability services policy is can be accomplished by the activation role of local government and participation of diverse civil subjects. For this, central government should declare policy directions for community centeredness and make clear role for supporting community.

      • KCI등재

        벌금대체 사회봉사제도의 실효성 확보방안

        박광민(Park, Kwang-Min),이인곤(Lee, IN-Gon) 성균관대학교 법학연구소 2012 성균관법학 Vol.24 No.3

        The financially poor people had a method to discharge of payment or imprisonment by doing community service. A special law on the community service execution for the fine defaulters’ was set and started from September 26, 2009. This law was considered, because financial inequality such as a tremendous gap between the rich and the poor caused the punishment inequality. There are a few advantages in the community service order system, as compared to detention in a prison workshop(labor imprisonment). First, laboring workers do not experience the separation from society under community service orders. This is the prominent merit of community service orders. Second, the community service order is the most advanced method of the inner-social treatment, in the view of openness and socialization. Third, the community service order, an alternative execution for fine payment, corresponds to purpose of the laboring imprisonment system. In other words, the community service order is to commit laboring workers to public labor work instead of paying fine as laboring imprisonment means to pay one’s unpaid fine by working. The improvement of legislation system based the criminal law should be necessary for successful community service system first, and the legal reformation such as extension of execution period and the intensification on the condition for permission. Especially, the poor fine defaulters should be led to use the community service system by lightening the service conversion time. In conclusion, the community service order system must need heartful support and effort of our government and people because this system not only fulfill punishment purpose by community service works, but it also stops them to repeat crime, and supports them to return to our society successfully and to become our good neighbors.

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