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      • KCI등재

        변주곡에 관한 연구: 바흐 《골드베르크 변주곡》, 베토벤 《디아벨리 변주곡》, 브람스 《헨델 주제에 의한 변주곡》을 중심으로

        Fang Lan,조대명 사단법인 한국융합기술연구학회 2024 아시아태평양융합연구교류논문지 Vol.10 No.6

        본 연구는 변주곡 작품 중에서 가장 유명하고 널리 연주되는 3개의 작품을 선정하여 변주곡 음악의 공통점과 차이점을 연구하고자 바흐의 《골드베르크 변주곡》과 베토벤 《디아벨리 변주곡》, 브람스의 《헨델 주제에 의한 변주곡과 푸가》를 분석하였다. 작품 분석에는 각 변주곡의 주제와 대위법적인 ‘캐논’ 기법으로 변주한 악장을 하나씩 선정하였다. 《골드베르크 변주곡》의 <주제>와 <제21변주>, 《디아벨리 변주곡》의 <주제>와 <제19변주>, 《헨델 주제에 의한 변주곡과 푸가》의 <주제>와 <제16변주>를 형식 구조, 음악 요소, 변주 기법의 측면에서 분석해 비교한 결과 다음과 같은 결론을 도출했다. 단락적 변주곡인 세 작품은 주제에서 나타나는 두 개의 반복 형식과 변주 악장에서 나타나는 화성 종지감 약화, 여러 가지 변주 기법의 결합은 시대와 관계없는 보편적인 특징이었다. 한편, 바흐는 대위법, 행진곡, 춤곡 등을 활용하여 변주한 점, 베토벤은 주제의 음악 요소를 바탕으로 새로운 동기를 구성한 점, 브람스는 성격 자체를 바꾸며 주제를 자유롭게 변주한 점에서 성격 변주곡의 다른 양상을 확인할 수 있었다. 본 연구는 중요한 변주곡 작품 분석을 통하여 변주곡 형식이 전개되는 모습을 살펴보았기에 의의가 있으나, 연구 결과는 독창성을 지닌 작품까지 적용하는 데는 한계가 있었다. 앞으로 시대별 여러 변주곡 작품을 분석해 다양성을 연구할 필요가 있으며 지속적인 연구는 현시대 작곡가들이 변주곡 형식을 활용하는 데 이론적 토대를 제공할 수 있을 것으로 기대한다. This study selected three of the most famous and widely performed works of variations to examine the similarities and differences in variation music. The works analyzed were Bach's 《Gold¬berg Variations》, Beethoven's 《Diabelli Variations》, and Brahms' 《Variations and Fugue on a Theme by Handel》. For the analysis, a theme and one variation movement utilizing the contrapuntal canon technique, which transcends different eras, were selected from each set of variations: the <Theme> and the <Variation 21> from the 《Goldberg Variations》, the <Theme> and the <Variation 19> from the 《Diabelli Variations》, and the <Theme> and the <Variation 16> from the 《Variations on a Theme by Handel》. Through comparative analysis in terms of formal structure, musical elements, and variation techniques, the following conclusions were drawn: These three discrete variations works share universal characteristics, such as the presentation of two repeated phrases in the Theme, the weakening of harmonic cadences in the variation movements, and the utilization of various combinations of variation techniques, regardless of the era. However, each composer was influenced by the musical characteristics of their respective eras in terms of musical elements. Furthermore, Bach combined contrapuntal, march, and dance elements in his variations, Beethoven constructed new motives based on the musical elements of the Theme, and Brahms freely varied the Theme by altering its character, illustrating how the 'character variation' varied according to the era. At the same time, Bach varied his themes by incorporating contrapuntal techniques, marches, and dance forms. Beethoven constructed new motifs based on the musical elements of the theme, and Brahms freely varied the theme itself, changing its character, thus revealing different aspects of character variations. The study's significance lies in its exploration of how the variation form unfolds through the analysis of important variations compositions, although the findings have limited applicability to works with originality. Further analysis of variation works from various eras is necessary to explore diversity, and ongoing research can provide theoretical foundations for contemporary composers utilizing variation forms.

      • KCI등재

        Variation simulation and diagnosis considering in-plane/out-of-plane welding distortion

        Hyeonkyeong Lee,Hyun Chung 대한조선학회 2019 International Journal of Naval Architecture and Oc Vol.11 No.1

        Geometric variation including welding distortion accumulates as many parts are joined together, ultimately affecting the final product. This variation is then subjected to correction, which requires considerable effort, time, and cost. This variation can be categorized as in-plane/out-of-plane variation. To date, studies on variation simulation have largely focused on the out-of-plane variation, however the variation generated in the in-plane direction requires more time and efforts to correct afterwards. This research aims to construct a variation simulation model considering both the in-plane and out-of-plane variations. A geometric analysis was performed to derive an equation that reflects the coupling effect of the out-of-plane variation on the in-plane variation. The proposed model is validated with case study analysis and the results shows that good fidelity in predicting and diagnosing the in-plane variation during the block assembly process considering welding distortion.


        Variation simulation and diagnosis considering in-plane/out-of-plane welding distortion

        Lee, Hyeonkyeong,Chung, Hyun The Society of Naval Architects of Korea 2019 International Journal of Naval Architecture and Oc Vol.11 No.1

        Geometric variation including welding distortion accumulates as many parts are joined together, ultimately affecting the final product. This variation is then subjected to correction, which requires considerable effort, time, and cost. This variation can be categorized as in-plane/out-of-plane variation. To date, studies on variation simulation have largely focused on the out-of-plane variation, however the variation generated in the in-plane direction requires more time and efforts to correct afterwards. This research aims to construct a variation simulation model considering both the in-plane and out-of-plane variations. A geometric analysis was performed to derive an equation that reflects the coupling effect of the out-of-plane variation on the in-plane variation. The proposed model is validated with case study analysis and the results shows that good fidelity in predicting and diagnosing the in-plane variation during the block assembly process considering welding distortion.

      • KCI등재후보

        관용구의 변이형과 사전의 표제어 설정에 대한 연구

        권경일(Kwon Kyung-il) 한국사전학회 2010 한국사전학 Vol.- No.15

        The purpose of this study is to clarify the lexical variation and systematic variation of Korean Idioms to explore the characteristics of patterns and investigate their features and title of idioms in dictionary. Idioms can be defined as multiple word units that contain fixdeness and idiomaticity. Fixedness is a key property of idioms, yet some of idioms have two or more variation on their form. The variation divided into lexical variation and systematic variation. Idioms are usually known as fixed unit but they have variations present with various expressive effects. The variation of idioms can be classified into lexical variation, systematic variation. The lexical variations has verb variations, noun variations, adjective, truncation etc. The reason of variation is expressive effectiveness of idioms. The variation of idioms has difference with modification of idioms whether they have difference of lexical meaning. The variation of idioms reflect relation of literal meaning of idioms. These feature of idoms must be presented in dictionary for learner to study usage of idioms. It is necessary to explore and analyze various characteristics of idioms that express and deliver ideas.

      • KCI등재

        성서 히브리어의 언어 변이

        김동혁 한국구약학회 2022 구약논단 Vol.28 No.1

        The present study explores language variation in Biblical Hebrew from a sociolinguistic perspective. Language variation refers to the situation in which the same linguistic or grammatical meaning is realized by two or more forms (e.g., both mamlākāh and malkût in Biblical Hebrew mean “kingdom” or “reign”). So far, language variation in Biblical Hebrew has been studied mainly in the context of the Documentary Hypothesis of the Pentateuch. However, a field that focuses primarily on this phenomenon is sociolinguistics. Thus, upon defining language variation, the study surveys how linguists of the past regarded it as unimportant and arbitrary and how contemporary sociolinguists consider it foundational in understanding language. Language variation includes historical (or chronological) variation, regional variation, and social variation. The study examines the cases in Biblical Hebrew which represent these three kinds of language variation. First, mamlākāh and malkût (“kingdom”, “reign”) are an exemplar of historical variation, the choice of which in the Hebrew Bible is best explained by chronology. Second, the two relativizers ’ăšer and še- and the near homonyms šibbolet and sibbolet each illustrate regional variation. The first pair shows the contrast between the southern Judahite Hebrew and the northern Israelian Hebrew. The second pair discloses the difference of the consonant repertoire between the Gileadites and the Ephraimites. Last, in referring to oneself, the Biblical Hebrew speaker could choose from the first person singular pronoun and ‘abdĕkā/’ămātĕkā/šipḥātĕkā (“your servant”). The choice is conditioned by factors such as situation and the social statuses of the speaker and the addressee. Through studying language variation from a sociolinguistic perspective, we will have a deeper understanding of the language of Biblical Hebrew, the literary strategies of biblical writers, and the world of the Hebrew Bible.

      • KCI등재

        Genetic and epigenetic variation in mass selection populations of Pacific oyster Crassostrea gigas

        Qun Jiang,Qi Li,Hong Yu,Lingfeng Kong 한국유전학회 2013 Genes & Genomics Vol.35 No.5

        Selective breeding often produces an improvementin phenotype. Much of the phenotypic change withina species is a consequence of genetic variation. However,there is growing evidence for phenotypic change even inthe absence of DNA sequence polymorphisms, termedepigenetic variation. This study’s goal was to investigatethe genetic and epigenetic variation in the mass selectionpopulations of the Pacific oyster (Crassostrea gigas),determine if any correlation exists between the genetic andepigenetic variations. This can serve as a first step ininvestigating the potential role epigenetic variations havein selective breeding. Amplified fragment length polymorphismanalysis and methylation-sensitive amplifiedpolymorphism methodology were used to monitor geneticand epigenetic variation in two populations (the base stockand the third selected generation) from a mass selectionline in the Pacific oyster. The correlation between geneticand epigenetic variation was evaluated by Co-InertiaAnalysis. The genetic difference was mainly found in thegene frequency shift revealed by the FST value (0.0151,P\0.01) and no significant reduction in genetic diversitywas detected. The percentage of methylation in C. gigaswas 26.4 %. No significant difference was observed on theaverage state of methylation, but a few bands showed differentfrequencies between the two populations. Co-InertiaAnalysis revealed a significant association between thegenetic and epigenetic profiles (P\0.01). Selective breeding often produces an improvement in phenotype. Much of the phenotypic change within a species is a consequence of genetic variation. However, there is growing evidence for phenotypic change even in the absence of DNA sequence polymorphisms, termed epigenetic variation. This study’s goal was to investigate the genetic and epigenetic variation in the mass selection populations of the Pacific oyster (Crassostrea gigas), determine if any correlation exists between the genetic and epigenetic variations. This can serve as a first step in investigating the potential role epigenetic variations have in selective breeding. Amplified fragment length polymorphism analysis and methylation-sensitive amplified polymorphism methodology were used to monitor genetic and epigenetic variation in two populations (the base stock and the third selected generation) from a mass selection line in the Pacific oyster. The correlation between genetic and epigenetic variation was evaluated by Co-Inertia Analysis. The genetic difference was mainly found in the gene frequency shift revealed by the FST value (0.0151, P\0.01) and no significant reduction in genetic diversity was detected. The percentage of methylation in C. gigas was 26.4 %. No significant difference was observed on the average state of methylation, but a few bands showed different frequencies between the two populations. Co-Inertia Analysis revealed a significant association between the genetic and epigenetic profiles (P\0.01).

      • KCI등재

        Investigation of Influential Factors of a Brake Corner System to Reduce Brake Torque Variation

        김선호,한은준,강상욱,Sungsun Cho 한국자동차공학회 2008 International journal of automotive technology Vol.9 No.2

        This paper investigates the brake corner system to reduce brake torque variation in the brake judder problem. A numerical model for determining brake torque variation was constructed using the multi-body dynamics model. Using this model, the brake torque variation for a given disc thickness variation was obtained in the time domain. The multi-body dynamics model was verified by a dynamometer test via the comparison of brake torque variation and load distribution patterns of the pad. To reduce the simulation time and cost required to determine factors that influence the reduction in brake torque variation, a simple mathematical model was constructed and used to determine both the brake torque variation and influential factors. The multi-body dynamics model and dynamometer test were modified on the basis of the results of the simple mathematical model and deformed shape of the multi-body dynamics model. These influential factors were verified to reduce the brake torque variation. This paper investigates the brake corner system to reduce brake torque variation in the brake judder problem. A numerical model for determining brake torque variation was constructed using the multi-body dynamics model. Using this model, the brake torque variation for a given disc thickness variation was obtained in the time domain. The multi-body dynamics model was verified by a dynamometer test via the comparison of brake torque variation and load distribution patterns of the pad. To reduce the simulation time and cost required to determine factors that influence the reduction in brake torque variation, a simple mathematical model was constructed and used to determine both the brake torque variation and influential factors. The multi-body dynamics model and dynamometer test were modified on the basis of the results of the simple mathematical model and deformed shape of the multi-body dynamics model. These influential factors were verified to reduce the brake torque variation.

      • SCOPUSKCI등재

        자궁경부암의 고선량율 강내치료 선량계획 분석

        채규영,Chai, Gyu-Young 대한방사선종양학회 1994 Radiation Oncology Journal Vol.12 No.3

        Purpose : This study was done to confirm the reference point variation according to variation in applicator configuration in each fractioation of HDR ICR. Materials and Methods : We analyzed the treatment planning of HDRICR for 33 uterine cervical cancer patients treated in department of therapeutic radiology from January 1992 to February 1992. Analysis was done with respect to three view points-Interfractionation A point variation, interfractionation bladder and rectum dose ratio variation, interfractionation treatment volume variation. Interfractionation A point variation was defined as difference between maximum and minimum distance from fixed rectal point to A point in each patient. Interfractionation bladder and rectum dose ratio variation was defined as difference between maximum and minimum dose ratio of bladder or rectum to A point dose in each patient, Interfractionation treatment volume variation was defined as difference between miximum and minimum treatment volume which absorbed over the described dose-that is, 350 cGy or 400 cGy-in each patient. Results The mean of distance from rectum to A point was 4.44cm, and the mean of interfractionation distance variation was 1.14 cm in right side,1.09 cm in left side. The mean of bladder and rectum dose ratio was $63.8\%$ and $63.1\%$ and the mean of interfractionation variation was $14.9\%$ and $15.8\%$ respectively. With fixed planning administration of same planning to all fractionations as in first fractionation planning-mean of bladder and rectum dose ratio was $64.9\%$ and $72.3\%$.and the mean of interfraction variation was $28.1\%$ and $48.1\%$ reapectively. The mean of treatment volume was $84.15cm^3$ and the interfractionation variation was $21.47cm^2$. Conclusion : From these data, it was confirmed that there should be adapted planning for every fractionation ,and that confirmation device installed in ICR room would reduce the interfractionation variation due to more stable applicator configuration.

      • KCI등재

        On Toponymic Variations Engendered by Phonetic Variations

        김정태 한국학중앙연구원 한국학중앙연구원 2012 Korea Journal Vol.52 No.1

        This study is an analysis of phonemic variation and its relationship with toponymic variations. The phonemic variation instantiated in a toponym initially resulted in the variation of toponymic forms. Then, through homonymic attraction, the variant toponymic forms change the meaning of toponyms. On the one hand, there are pronounced processes in toponymic front morphemes, such as replacement, deletion, and contraction of phonemes, which include palatalization, articulation place assimilation, umlaut, vowel rising, and monophthongization. These aforementioned processes have a variation of toponymic forms that are brought about by phonemic variation. Moreover, through homonymic attraction, the ariant forms of toponymic front morphemes engender variation in the meaning of toponyms. On the other hand, in toponymic back morphemes, honemic variations come about only with replacement and deletion. Therefore, the phonemic variation in both front and back toponymic morphemes adapts to the phonemic variation in common, everyday language. And because the lexicon that undergoes variation is chiefly those that represent toponymic particularities, it frequently appears in toponyms.

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