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        The Magnetic Mobility of Biomolecule Sanals of the Lymphatic Primo Vascular System

        Young-Il Noh,Ye-Ji Hong,Jun-Young Shin,Jin-Kyu Rhee,Sang-Suk Lee 한국자기학회 2013 Journal of Magnetics Vol.18 No.2

        The magnetic properties for sanal’s mobility inside of the lymphatic primo vascular system, the so-called Kyungrak (or meridian) system, are investigated under a low static magnetic field with the anatomy technology and optical microscope. One sanal with a size of 1 μm under microscope selected and separated from the primo vessels of the primo vascular system are observed in rabbits" lymphatic vessels around abdominal aorta and placed in PBS solution with petridish. The moving displacement of sanal versus the measuring time of 20 Oe below a magnetic field of 80 Oe is stronger in dominanting dependence according to the x-direction than ydirection.

      • KCI등재

        새로운 생명학설의 거부 과정에서 정치적 이념의 영향

        김훈기(Kim, Hoon-gi) 원광대학교 인문학연구소 2017 열린정신 인문학연구 Vol.18 No.2

        봉한학설은 1960년대 초반 북한에서 등장했다가 갑자기 사라진 생명학설로서, 인체에 혈관계와 림프관계 외에 새로운 순환계가 존재하며 이는 한의학의 경락체계에 해당한다는 파격적인 주장을 담고 있었다. 당시 소련 과학계는 김봉한 연구실을 방문한 후 긍정적인 평가를 내리며 재현 연구를 시도하려 했지만, 알렉산드로프라는 과학자의 강력한 반발에 부딪혔다. 알렉산드로프는 20세기 중반까지 소련 과학계를 강압적으로 지배해온 리센코주의 생물학자들을 강력히 비판하는 과정에서 봉한학설을 거짓 학설로 단정했다. 이 글에서는 소련 과학계에서 봉한학설이 거부된 배경에 과학적 판단보다는 정치적 이념으로 인한 편견이 중요하게 자리하고 있다는 점을 밝혔다. 알렉산드로프는 봉한학설이 리센코주의 과학자 레페신스카야의 세포기원설와 유사하다고 파악했다. 레페신스카야는 세포가 기존의 세포에서 분열돼 발생한다는 주류 생물학계의 설명을 정면으로 반박하면서 ‘살아있는 물질’인 단백질로부터 세포가 만들어진다고 주장했다. 이에 비해 김봉한 연구진은 DNA를 주요 성분으로 한 ‘산알’로부터 세포가 만들어지고 세포는 다시 산알로 분열된다고 주장했다. 또한 산알이 경락체계를 통해 순환하면서 세포의 갱신을 일으킨다고 파악했다. 두 학설은 단지 물질에서 세포가 만들어질 수 있다는 점에서 공통됐지만, 전체적인 연구의 맥락과 결과는 전혀 다른 것이었다. 그럼에도 알렉산드로프는 봉한학설을 리센코주의의 아류로 인식해 소련에서 재현의 기회 자체를 강력히 저지했다. 이 연구는 새로운 학설이 정치적 편견으로 무시될 수 있고 후대에 다시 과학적으로 평가받을 수 있다는 역사적 사례를 보여주고 있다. The Bong-Han theory was a Life theory that appeared in the early 1960s and suddenly disappeared in North Korea. It contained an extraordinary claim that there was a new circulatory system in addition to the blood vascular system and the lymphatic system in the human body, which corresponded to the meridian system of oriental medicine. Although the Soviet scientific community visited Kim Bong-Han"s laboratory and tried to re-study under positive evaluation, a scientist Alexandrov strongly opposed it. Criticizing fiercely the biologists of Lysenkoism who had oppressively controlled the Soviet scientific community until the middle of the 20th century, Alexandrov judged Bong-Han theory as a pseudoscience. In this article, I pointed out that the prejudice of political ideology was more important than the scientific judgment in the background of the rejection of the Bong-Han theory in the Soviet scientific community. Alexandrov found that the Bong-Han theory was similar to that of Lepeshinskaya, who was one of the scientists of Lysenkoism. Lepeshinskaya argued that the cells could originate from proteins called ‘living substance’, refuting the explanation of the mainstream biology that cells were formed by division in existing cells. In contrast, Bong-Han Kim claimed that the cells were made from ‘sanal’ with DNA as the main ingredient and that cells were again broken down into sanal. Also, sanal circulated through the meridian system and caused cell renewal. Both theories were common in that cells could be made from matter, but the context and outcome of the whole study were quite different. Nevertheless, Alexandrov recognized the concept of the Bong-Han theory as an imitator of Lysenkoism, and strongly inhibited the opportunity of reproduction in the Soviet scientific community. This study shows a historical example that the new scientific theory could be ignored by political prejudice and later be scientifically evaluated again.

      • SCOPUSKCI등재

        Motion Properties of the Sanals of the Primo Vascular System under a Magnetic Field

        Elsevier 2013 Journal of Acupuncture & Meridian Studies Vol.6 No.6

        The motion properties of the sanals of the primo vascular system were investigated under a low static magnetic field of 100 Oe. Sanals of about 1 μm were selected and separated from the primo vessels and nodes on a rabbit's organ surface. The average velocity of five sanals in a physiologic saline solution parallel and perpendicular to the direction of the applied magnetic field was approximately 1.0 pixel/second in random directions, which implies that the rotating motion of sanals with nuclei composed of DNA containing many inorganic magnetic elements such as manganese and cobalt is monotonically weakened by increasing an applied magnetic field.

      • KCI등재

        Motion Properties of the Sanals of the Primo Vascular System under a Magnetic Field

        이상석 사단법인약침학회 2013 Journal of Acupuncture & Meridian Studies Vol.6 No.6

        The motion properties of the sanals of the primo vascular system were investigated under a low static magnetic field of 100 Oe. Sanals of about 1 μm were selected and separated from the primo vessels and nodes on a rabbit’s organ surface. The average velocity of five sanals in a physiologic saline solution parallel and perpendicular to the direction of the applied magnetic field was approximately 1.0 pixel/second in random directions, which implies that the rotating motion of sanals with nuclei composed of DNA containing many inorganic magnetic elements such as manganese and cobalt is monotonically weakened by increasing an applied magnetic field.

      • KCI등재

        낮은 정자기장 하에서 프리모 시스템 산알의 운동특성 연구

        이상석(Sang-Suk Lee),소광섭(Kwang-Sup Soh) 한국자기학회 2011 韓國磁氣學會誌 Vol.21 No.6

        The motion features of sanals inside of the primo vascular system (PVS), that is so-called the Kyungrak system, are investigated under a low static magnetic field by using the anatomy technology and optical microscope. The sanals with a size of about 1 selected and separated from the primo vessel and node of the real PVS inside of the surface of the internal organs are observed from rabbits abdominal wall and dipped with PBS liquid inside of petri dish. The sanals moving velocity along the direction of magnetic field (xdirection) and perpendicular to the direction of magnetic field (y-direction) under the low magnetic field of 0 Oe, 20 Oe, 40 Oe, 60 Oe, and 80 Oe, respectively, is observed below a internal temperature of 38 oC. Ten sanals moving velocities versus magnetic field are shown two differently dominant tendencies with an average velocity of 0.9 pixel/s and a random velocity according to the x-direction and y-direction, respectively. This experimental results imply that the rotating motion of sanal with nuclei DNA composed of many inorganic magnetic materials of Mn and Co is monotonically weakened by the increase of applied magnetic field.

      • KCI등재

        토끼 복부 내벽으로부터 분리된 경락으로 믿어지는 관조직

        손준형 ( Joon Hyung Sohn ),윤진하 ( Jin-ha Yoon ),김영주 ( Young Joo Kim ),김민경 ( Min Kyung Kim ),김지화 ( Ji Hwa Kim ),권오현 ( Ohyun Kwon ),김현원 ( Hyun-won Kim ) 대한미용학회 2016 대한미용학회지 Vol.12 No.4

        Investigation of meridian line and acupoints as anatomical entities should be very important, as acupuncture and meridian massage for medical purpose in the hospital or for skin care in beauty shop are each based on the traditional meridian theory. We isolated tubular structures under the skin of rabbits where the traditional meridian lines are located. The characteristics of these tubular structures isolated from the abdominal wall matches those of Bonghan tubes and Bonghan tubules found by Bong Han Kim. The Bonghan theory established by Bong Han Kim suggests that meridian lines consist of Bonghan tubes and Bonghan tubules. We could observe the presence of large cells inside the Bonghan tubule and the presence of small granules referred to as Sanal in Bonghan theory inside the striae consisting of the Bonghan tubules. Present research suggests that there exist a third unique tubular structure where Sanals flow other than Bonghan tube and Bonghan tubules.

      • KCI등재후보

        Growth of Microgranules into Cell-like Structures in Fertilized Chicken Eggs: Hypothesis for a Mitosis-free Alternative Pathway

        Byung-Cheon Lee,이호성,Dae-In Kang 사단법인약침학회 2012 Journal of Acupuncture & Meridian Studies Vol.5 No.4

        According to Bonghan Kim’s theory of anatomical reality for acupuncture meridians, DNA microgranules known as Sanals are key functional components in the primo vascular system (formerly the Bonghan system). To investigate this issue, we developed a new system, an incubator bound to a phase-contrast microscope, in which we cultivated and then observed for 10 hours microgranules taken from 3-day-old chick embryos and from blastoderms of fertilized chicken eggs. With this system, we found that, over time, the microgranules grew in circular patterns to become cell-like structures. In the embryo specimens, we found two distinctive microgranule growths, which developed into celllike structures over 10 hours. In the first case, a microgranule of about 1.0 mm in size developed into a 3.3-µm-sized cell-like structure, with a pattern of concentric circles. The growth rate of the diameter of the first microgranule was, on average, 0.23 µm/hour. In the second case, a 2.5-µm-sized microgranule developed into a 5.4-µm-sized cell-like structure, which also exhibited a pattern of concentric circles. The average growth rate of the diameter of the second microgranule was 0.31 µm/hour. In the blastoderm specimens from the fertilized chicken egg, we also found three distinctive concentric growths. Interestingly, one of the three blastoderm microgranules grew very quickly, from about 2.5 µm in size to about 5.5 µm in size during 5 minutes of incubation. This was followed by steady growth to about 7.0 µm in size during the next 10 hours of incubation. In the final step of our investigation, we confirmed that the cell-like structures that had grown from the microgranules stained by acridine orange had DNA signals. We believe that the data obtained with our experimental method provide a clue that a mitosis-free alternative pathway for cell formation may, indeed, exist. We also suggest that this new function of microgranules (Sanals) might be related with the acupuncture meridian called the primo vascular system.

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