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      • KCI등재

        반다문화 담론의 타자 만들기를 통해 본 다문화-반다문화 담론의 협력적 경쟁관계

        육주원(Joo Won Yuk) 한국사회학회 2016 韓國社會學 Vol.50 No.4

        이 논문은 최근 온라인을 통해 활성화되고 있는 반다문화 담론의 타자 만들기 동학을 고찰한다. 특히 계급화/인종화/젠더화된 담론으로서의 반다문화 담론의 성격에 주목하면서, 반다문화 담론안에서 민족/국민의 경계가 구축되는 방식과 이주자가 ‘우리’에게 위협적이고 동화 불가능하며, 발전을 저해하는 존재로서 타자화되는 방식을 구체적으로 살펴본다. 통상적으로 반다문화 담론은 이민, 이주민 통합을 둘러싼 다문화 담론에 대립하는 것으로 이해되고, 다문화 사회의 발전을 저해하는 인종주의적인 선동으로 기각되었다. 그러나 이 논문은 주류 다문화 담론과 반다문화 담론이 ‘차이’를 활용하고 수용하는 방식에서는 분명 상이한 점들이 있음에도, ‘차이’를 이해하고 생산해내는 틀은 공유하고 있다는 점에 주목한다. 주류 다문화 담론이 체제에 위협이 되지 않는 ‘차이’들을 긍정하고, 국가의 존속과 경제 발전을 매개하는 존재로서의 이주자상, 사회문화적 발전을 위한 다양성의 원천으로서의 이주자상을 만들어 낸다면, 반다문화주의자들은 ‘우리’와 ‘그들’ 사이의 ‘공존 불가능한 차이’에 집중해 위해가 되는 존재로서의 이주자상을 주조한다. 그러나 차이의 ‘유용성’과 차이의 수용 태도와 관련해 나타나는 이러한 표면상의 대립에도 불구하고 다문화-반다문화 담론은 인종/문화화된 경계들을 따라 공히 ‘차이’를 생산하고, 이러한 경계를 젠더를 매개로 구축해내며, 차이들 내의 위계와 그 유용성의 정도를 신자유주의적 논리로 구성해 낸다는 점에서 상동성을 보인다. 본 논문은 양자의 관계를 다문화 담론이 열어 놓은 차이와 다양성의 위계를 둘러싸고 일어나는 협력적 경쟁관계로 분석한다. This paper examines the rise of anti-multicultural, anti-immigrant discourse and the ways in which it engages in the construction of migrants as the ‘Other’. In particular, it focuses on analyzing the gendered, classed, and racialized nature of this boundary-making practice. Since the mid-2000s, South Korea has been witnessing a proliferation of multicultural discourses and policy development. Whilst multicultural policies have largely been policies for the social inclusion of female marriage migrants and their ‘multicultural families’, multiculturalism indeed has emerged as a ‘discursive space’ within which migrant incorporation and racial/cultural diversity are discussed. In response to such policies, anti-multiculturalists who engage in anti-immigrant activism and strongly oppose the government’s multicultural policies have asserted their presence mainly via online forums. As the epithet ‘anti-multiculturalist’ was taken up by these people, it became synonymous with xenophobe or racist, although anti-multiculturalists themselves obdurately denied such associations. However, the seeming antagonism between anti-multiculturalists and multicultural discourse cannot be, in fact, explained as opposing views on racism; for example, as of racism of the former and anti-racism of the latter. Rather, the seemingly antagonistic relationship between multicultural and anti-multicultural discourses is best described as a not-so-much-inimical rivalry, in that they compete with each other, but also work together in drawing racialized boundaries between the self and the ‘Other’ while constructing the ‘Other’ in a gendered and classed way. In this sense, this paper argues that anti-multiculturalists play the role of keeping ‘too much’ or ‘bad’ diversity at bay while appropriating the logic of differentiation and hierarchization, embedded in the dominant multicultural discourse.

      • KCI등재후보

        The Impact of Feudalism and Racialism on The Construction of Self- and Gender Identities in Mohamed S. Mohamed’s Kiu and Nyota ya Rehema

        Amiri Swaleh 한국외국어대학교 아프리카연구소 2020 Asian Journal of African Studies Vol.- No.47

        This paper analyses and evaluates the impact of feudalism and racialism on the mapping and construction of self- and gender identities in Mohamed S. Mohamed’s two novels: Kiu (1972) and Nyota ya Rehema (1976). The study will use a composite approach comprising New Historicism, Gender Criticism and Stylistics. New Historicism helped to situate and map the works analyzed in relation to particular Zanzibari epochs. Gender Criticism was expended in interrogating how women and men in feudal Zanzibari society related with each other at all levels of social interaction and the impact on their self- and gender identities. Finally, stylistics was used to interrogate and evaluate the dominant structural and stylistic features of the choice texts and their impact on the study topic.The study will be guided by two hypotheses, viz, that in feudal Zanzibari society, racialism and the dominant ideologies (patriarchy, feudalism and racialism), impacted negatively on the self- and gender identities of both female and male members of Zanzibari society. Secondly, this study contends that, the stylistic devices used in each one of the choice texts, were important in delineating the mapping and construction of self- and gender identities..

      • Socio-cultural Factors Affecting Leisure in Korea: A Conceptual Approach of Gender, Sexual Orientation, and Racial Identity

        Tae-Gyou Ko 한국체육학회 2008 International journal of human movement science Vol.2 No.2

        The purpose of this paper is to examine socio-cultural factors that affect personal leisure values and involvements today in Korea: gender, sexual orientation(LGBT: lesbians, gays, bisexuals, and transgender), and racial identity. It summarizes current trends of leisure with respect to the relevant groups mentioned above. Progress in this field has been striking with respect to expanded leisure opportunities for girls and women in sports, outdoor recreation, and other leisure activities in the Korean society. Sexual orientation affects leisure pursuits in a number of ways. The majority of Koreans are still ignoring the LGBT group, while favorable attitudes toward them are gradually increasing. Racial identity has also limited many overseas laborers from full participation in organized leisure services and continues to influence their leisure involvement. This paper highlights these three issues mentioned above within the context of Korea.

      • KCI등재

        노예서사에 나타난 인종화된 젠더와 개인

        한우리(Woori Han) 한국비평이론학회 2021 비평과이론 Vol.26 No.3

        이 글은 해리엇 제이콥스와 프레드릭 더글라스의 노예서사에 나타난 흑인 개인의 등장이 젠더와 인종의 의미화 경제 속에서 흑인의 몸이 특정하게 재현되는 문제와 얽혀 있음을 논증한다. 19세기 흑인을 향한 통제적 이미지와 부정적 신화에 맞서 제이콥스와 더글라스는 스스로를 ‘존중받을 만한’ 흑인 여성 또는 남성으로 그려내고자 하며, 이는 그들의 몸을 재현하는 서술 전략과 연관된다. 구체적으로 더글라스는 자신의 신체를 과시적으로 드러냄으로써 남성이 되는 반면, 제이콥스는 과잉 성애화된 신체를 감추고, 섹슈얼리티를 사적인 비밀로 만듦으로써 여성이 된다. 나아가 흑인 여성은 남부 노예제 사회에서 북부 금융 산업 자본주의 사회로의 변화의 연결통로이자 거래 대상이 되며, 백인 남성과 흑인 남성들 사이에서 교환됨으로써 그들의 남성 되기 기획을 보충한다. 흑인이면서 여성 또는 남성이 되고자 하는 과정은 특정한 시공간에서 개인을 생산하는 권력구조이자 의미화 장치로서 젠더가 어떻게 인종화되어 작동하는지 드러낸다. 더글라스와 제이콥스의 서사 전략을 검토하는 작업은 인간 되기의 핵심에 젠더 수행이 있으며, 나아가 젠더가 인종적 구성물임을 드러낸다. This paper focuses on the emergence of Black individuals proposed in Slave Narratives of Harriet Jacobs(1861) and Frederick Douglas(1845). These narratives for emancipation interwind with the signifying economy of race, gender, sexuality of 19th America. Jacobs and Douglass describe themselves as the ‘respectable’ Black woman/man individual and citizen against controlling images and myths. Specifically, Jacobs exists in pages through her literary voice while hiding her hyper-sexualized body while Douglass displays his masculine body. By locating themselves in the proper gendered position, they become a Black woman/man individual. Womanhood/manhood is not a universal category but is an aspect of whiteness that is positioned as unobtainable for Black women/men. It implies that becoming an individual is already engaged with gendering, and that gender is also a racial structure.

      • KCI등재

        Race and Gender Politics of South Korea’s Cosmetic Surgery Culture

        ( Kwon Young Hee ) 국제비교한국학회 2018 비교한국학 Comparative Korean Studies Vol.26 No.1

        This article is an attempt to look into cultural workings of cosmetic surgery in South Korea. Beginning with some historical contexts, I argue that Koreans’ obsessive investment in appearance has important bearings on the recent shift of the nation into a multiethnic society. In the new racial imaginary, upper- and middle-class Koreans are urged to adopt multicultural whiteness. Persistent popularity of double eyelid and nose procedures, as well as the increasing demand of dangerous bone contouring, implies racial connotations of cosmetic surgery. Appearance in this way tends to function as a new discriminatory apparatus in contemporary Korea while multicultural whiteness has become symbolic capital that consolidates ethno-racial hierarchy. Further, I examine lookism’s deeper cultural meanings related to gender politics in Korea, with a focus on the recent upsurge of misogynist hate speech and feminist reaction.

      • KCI등재

        담론과 타자 재현의 양상 : 『앤토니와 클레오파트라』

        김종환(Jonghwan Kim),권진영(Jeanyoung Kwon) 한국셰익스피어학회 2004 셰익스피어 비평 Vol.40 No.2

        Discourses of racial and gender difference were widely practiced throughout the Elizabethan and Jacobean period, and they have been highlighted as the central issue in Shakespeare's Antony and Cleopatra. The purpose of this paper is to discuss those discourses about Cleopatra, an Egyptian Queen, and Shakespeare's way of representation of racial and gender differences. This paper investigates both the stereotypes applied to characterizing Cleopatra and the historical backgrounds which made the stereotypes possible. Cleopatra is represented as a dangerous racial Other by the characters in the play. Philo, a Roman general, constantly verbalizes the discourse of a racial prejudice against Cleopatra. In the beginning of the play, he criticizes Antony who became "the bellows and the fan to cool a gipsy's lust" (1.1.9-10) and "a strumpet's fool" (1.1.13). Philo calls Cleopatra a lascivious "gipsy" who seduced a Roman hero, Antony, with dangerous sexuality. His generalization about the Egyptian woman as a whore or a witch is a prime example of racist discourse and misogynist discourse. Those discourses have operated on shaping the negative stereotypes of Cleopatra. Pompey calls Cleopatra a witch who ties up Antony with her witchcraft and "the charms of love" (2.1.20-21). According to Scarus, Antony is "a doting mallard" who flies after Cleopatra, a "ribaudred of Egypt" (3.10.20). Antony calls her "a morsel cold upon dead Caesar's trencher" (3.13.116-17), a "triple-turned whore" who has betrayed him (4.12.13), and "a false soul of Egypt" or an "enchanting queen" who has "a grave charm" (4.12.24-25). These expressions reveal the prejudice against the Egyptian woman. Shakespeare's Cleopatra is not simply his own artistic creation but a cultural construction which reflects the cultural prejudice about Cleopatra and Egyptian culture. Shakespeare was influenced by racial and gender discourses of his time. However, he was skeptical about those discourses; he did not fully agree with those dominant discourses. In the play, he reveals the negative image of the white male Roman hero, Antony, and presents Cleopatra's way of resistance against those discourses, revealing Cleopatra's "infinite variety" and theatricality with which she gains control over Antony.

      • KCI등재

        ≪고용허가제 한국어능력시험을 위한 한국어표준교재≫의 성별, 국적, 피부색 표상분석

        김유리(Kim, Yuri) 한국사회언어학회 2019 사회언어학 Vol.27 No.4

        Despite the importance of the EPS-TOPIK(Employment Permit System-Test of Proficiency in Korean) exam for those who aim to work in Korea under the EPS system, not enough studies have been done on the subject of EPS-TOPIK exam and the official Textbook. In addition, studies on representation of nationality and skin color in textbooks are rare compared to such studies on gender representation. This study investigates the Textbook which hasn t been researched enough, on the matter of representation not only based on gender but also on nationality and skin color. This study analyzes the Textbook quantitatively with the focus on the 20 main characters and qualitatively on the illustrations and texts, and suggests that the Textbook should properly represent its users who intend to work in Korea under the EPS system. Stereotypes based on nationality, preference of so-called ‘Korean’ skin tone and gender inequality should be rejected. The chapter on sexual harrassment in workplace should be revised to go against victim-shaming and to contain helpful contents for sexual harrassment survivors.

      • KCI등재

        Narratives of passing: Racial and Gender Politics in Michelle Cliff`s Abeng and No Telephone to Heaven

        ( Pin Chia Feng ) 한국영미문학페미니즘학회 2013 영미문학페미니즘 Vol.21 No.1

        Blending Bildungsroman, autobiographical fiction, and the historical novel in her Abeng and No Telephone to Heaven, Afro-Jamaican writer Michelle Cliff nuances the racial and gender identity crises of her protagonist Clare Savage, most vividly in relation to passing narratives, and further complicates the story of Clare`s Bildung with her implicit lesbianism. Care Savage`s unfulfilled lesbian desire comments on the imposition of heteronormality in her native land and the ways in which race, class, and coloniality are entrenched in this practice of sexual normalization. By inserting sexual minorities into her novelistic discourse, Cliff is queering the national imagination of Jamaica and questioning the homophobic Caribbean society, even though she is practicing a kind of narrative passing by tacitly avoiding directly presenting Clare`s lesbian sexuality. Together, Abeng and No Telephone to Heaven represent Michelle Cliff`s critical project to rethink and reexamine unspeakable sexualities and their entanglement with racial issues that continue to structure and define every aspect of Jamaican public and private spheres.

      • KCI등재

        『오셀로』-타자의 타자

        강석주 ( Seok Ju Kang ) 21세기영어영문학회 2012 영어영문학21 Vol.25 No.3

        The purpose of this paper is to explore how the prejudice against ``otherness`` determine the tragic fate of Othello. Othello is not a tragic hero but rather a victim of the racial prejudice of Venetian society. Desdemona is also a victim of the gender prejudice in that society. Iago is the main character who represents the social prejudice against ``otherness.`` However, we should notice the fact that Othello is both an ``other`` and one who oppresses ``other.`` It is revealed in the relationship between Desdemona and Othello himself. He is a racial other oppressed by the prejudice of Venetian society, and also a male character who tortures Desdemona with his gender prejudice at the same time. He represents a dual persona, as a victim of racial prejudice and also as a Venetian who gets rid of himself, a jealous and cruel Moor, an ``other`` in himself. Othello seems fit to the concept of the traditional tragic discourse. A great and noble general makes a terrible mistake obsessed by uncontrollable jealousy, and at the moment he recognizes the truth he destroys himself. Tempted by the villain Iago, Othello who committed sins of jealousy and murder arouses pity and fear to the audience, warning the danger of evil and jealousy. According to this perspective, it seems Shakespeare`s view of human nature is that a great general can be a cruel monster in a moment. However, the most important element that determines the tragic result of the play is the prejudice against ``otherness`` to the eyes of both Venetian people and Othello. We should approach Othello not with the conservative view that justifies the prejudice against ``otherness,`` but with a critical view of the misfortune and pain that this prejudice results in. This play reflects a rage against other`s success, overflowing of materialism, and social reality full of deceptions and intrigues. The tragedy of ``other`` is not an imitation of an individual`s behavior but that of social prejudice and political ideology. If this play is regarded as a tragedy and we feel pity toward Othello, it enforces how wicked the conservative prejudice of white male society is.

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