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        萬葉集 七夕歌의 硏究

        尹永水 동아시아고대학회 2003 동아시아고대학 Vol.8 No.-

        This study takes as the subject 132 poems of the Seventh Day of the Seventh Moon in the Manyoshu and discusses the following: the characteristics of the poems of the Seventh Day of the Seventh Moon in the Manyoshu; the characteristics of the poems of the Seventh Day of the Seventh Moon in The Hitomaro's poetry; the transmission of the legend of the Seventh Day of the Seventh Moon to Japan; and the relationship between the poems and the Korean people moved to Japan in Ancient Korea. The following is the conclusion. The characteristics of the poems of the Seventh Day of the Seventh Moon are, first of all they are the only work in the Manyoshu with stars in a night sky as the theme, and the fact that all the authors are the intellectuals with noble bureaucratic background and males. Also, unlike the Chinese legend of the Seventh Day of the Seventh Moon or the Chinese poems of the Seventh Day of the Seventh Moon, other characteristics of the poems in terms of the story are: it is Gyeon Woo who crosses the Milky Way on the night of the Seventh Day of the Seventh Moon; Gyeon Woo and Jik Nyeo accept as their fate their heartbreaking love which only allows them to meet each other once a year; and there are many instances of expressions fused with Japanese myths. Thus, even though the poems of the Seventh Day of the Seventh Moon in the Manyoshu have been influenced by the Chinese legend of the Seventh Day of the Seventh Moon, there are significant differences from China. Therefore, it can be stated as Japanese transform or characteristics of the legend of the Seventh Day of the Seventh Moon. The status of the 38 poems of the Seventh Day of the Seventh Moon in The Hitomaro's poetry draw attention since they were written in the earliest period among the poems of the Seventh Day of the Seventh Moon in the Manyoshu. They are presumed to have been written after A.D. 680 or in the TenmuㆍJito Dynasty (A.D. 672~696), and the author to be Hitomaro himself. The characteristics of the poems of the Seventh Day of the Seventh Moon in The Hitomaro's poetry are that the poems are superb than other poets' work in terms of originality, and that they sing a celestial sad love story as a humanly love story on earth closely connected to the realities of life. According to the literature, the period in which the Chinese legend of the Seventh Day of the Seventh Moon was introduced in Japan is presumed to be much earlier than the TenmuㆍJito Dynasty and by the people who moved from Korea. This paper concludes that in the Omi Dynasty's (A.D. 667~672) rigorous literary pursuit, the Chinese poems of the Seventh Day of the Seventh Moon were widely introduced by the intellectual exiles from Baekje, who were competent in Chinese literature, and in this process the poems of the Seventh Day of the Seventh Moon of the Manyoshu were began to be written. Through this research it was possible to confirm that the influence of the people moved from Ancient Korea is revealed also in a Japanese ancient collection of poems, the poems of the Seventh Day of the Seventh Moon of the Manyoshu.

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