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      • 공공공사의 공기연장 추가소요 비용 확보방안 연구 - 장기계속공사계약의 총 공사기간 연장에 따른 실비산정 개선방안 -

        양창호 ( Yang Chang Ho ) 한국건설경제산업학회 2021 건설경제산업연구 Vol.8 No.2

        When a public institution places an order for a facility construction contract, it concludes a contract that must be fulfilled for two fiscal years instead of one year in the case of a relatively large business. These kinds of contracts are called long-term construction contracts. A feature of this contract is that it fulfills the contract within the budget of each fiscal year, according to the principle of one-year budget. 2018.10.30. the Supreme Court ruled that claims for additional costs due to the extension of the construction period are not an increase in construction costs that is required when the construction company has entered into long-term construction contracts with an ordering agency and the total construction period is extended. The construction industry was shocked by the ruling. So, the Construction Association of Korea made a lot of effort to resolve this issue, including a policy discussion session at the National Assembly. But no real results have been seen, and the construction industry is frustrated with the unresolved issues. This study respects the Supreme Court's decision where the Supreme Court ruled based on the characteristics of the system that long-term construction contracts are implemented within the budget stipulated on an annual basis, and the occurrence of gaps at the time of contract signing is predictable. On the one hand, the study is looking for ways to compensate construction companies for additional costs - which are caused by an extension of the total construction period - for fulfilling long-term construction contracts. In other words, this study suggests ways to improve these problems based on the review on characteristics of the long-term construction contracts system under the current national contract law, identification of problems, and analysis of Supreme Court rulings. In particular, the key of this study is to ensure that actual costs are compensated to the contracting party with an equal position by modifying an unfair or unequal contract. More specifically, if the budget secured over the cost is insufficient in the year, the contract period should be determined in proportion to the budget matching the cost. The rest of the period must be set as a blank period until the next annual contract is signed (1 year if no gap period is specified) by which the ordering organization compensates the contracting party for maintenance and management of construction sites within the scope of the actual cost occurred during the same blank period. The budget for compensation is used from the budget for the current year with consideration of the principle of one-year budget and the budget review authority of the National Assembly. If this method is not available, a method for additional reflection in the budget for the next annual construction is required. In the end, the lack of budget related to long-term construction contracts ordered by public institutions based on the national contract law is the responsibility of the ordering organization. Therefore, it is suggested that a blank period is set as much as the amount that the budget is insufficient, and the ordering agency compensates for the additional costs incurred during that time. Through this, the construction company, which is the counterparty to the contract, is paid a fair price even if the total construction period is extended.

      • Seasonal Occurrence and Developmental Characteristics of Ussur Brown Katydid, Paratlanticus ussuriensis (Orthoptera: Tettigoniidae)

        Sang-Rae Moon,Doo-Jin Noh,Jeong-Oh Yang,Changmann Yoon,Ki-Su Ahn,Gil-Hah Kim 한국응용곤충학회 2009 한국응용곤충학회 학술대회논문집 Vol.2009 No.05

        This study was performed to investigate the seasonal occurrence, developmental characteristics of each nymphal stages with different temperatures (20, 25, 30℃), longevity and fecundity of ussur brown katydid, Paratlanticus ussuriensis, damaging by outbreaks in the orchard areas of Bitan-ri, Yeongdong, Chungbuk. Paratlanticus ussuriensis occurred from late-March to late-August with peak of mid-May. Newly emerged nymphs appeared from March and do damaged fruit orchards with peak of mid-May when P. ussuriensis existed as 4th and 5th nymphal stages. P. ussuriensis adult occurred from early-June to mid-Aug. with peak of mid-July. Total density of P. ussuriensis was showed highest in mid-May. P. ussuriensis goes through nymphal stages to 7th nymph, the ovipositor began exposed to outside from the 4th instar and the body weight increased heavily from this stage and the wings were observed from 6th instar. Developmental period was longer as increased the nymphal stages. Sex ratio of collected insect was showed as 0.57; females more than males. As increased the temperature, developmental period was to be short. Preoviposition was also to be short as 5.0, 4.3, and 3.4 days at 20, 25, 30℃, respectively, and fecundity increased as 69.0, 87.1, and 104.3 at 20, 25, 30℃, respectively. Longevity of male and female at 25℃ was showed the longest with 35.7, and 32.9 days and showed the shortest with 30.1 and 28.1 days at 30℃, respectively. The difference of developmental period in male and female were showed longer in female without relation of temperature. The eggs laid were frequently distributed 3 to 4 cm from soil surface, and showed the behavior laying eggs intensively when early oviposition period.

      • KCI등재

        우리나라 일별 강수발생의 확률과 주기성의 특성

        문승의,김백조,하창환 한국환경과학회 1997 한국환경과학회지 Vol.6 No.2

        The characteristics on the transtion probabilities and periodicity for the daily precipitation occurrence in Korean peninsula are investigated by applying the Markov chain properties to daily precipitation occurrence. In order to examine the responses of Markov Chain properties to the applied period and their magnitudes, three cases (Case A: 1956∼1985 at 14 stations, Case B: 1965∼1994 at 14 stations, and Case C: 1985∼1994 at 63 stations) are considered in this study. The transition probabilities from wet day to wet day for all cases are about 0.50 and in summer, especially July, are higher. In addition, considering them in each station we can find that they are the highest at Ullung-do and lowest at Inchon for all cases. The annual equilibrium probabilities of a wet day appear 0.31 in Case A, 0.30 Case B, and 0.29 Case C, respectively. This may explain that as the data-period used becomes shorter, the higher the equilibrium probability is. The seasonal distributions of equilibrium probabilities are appeared the lowest(0.23∼0.28) in winter and the highest(more than 0.39) in spring and monthly in July and in October, repectively. The annual mean wet duration for all cases is 2.04 days in Case A, 1.99 Case B, and 1.89 Case C, repectively. The weather cycle obtained from the annual mean wet and dry duration is 6.54∼6.59 days, which are closely associated with the movement of synoptic systems. And the statistical tests show that the transitions of daily precipitation occurrence for all cases may have two-state first Markov chain property, being the stationarity in time and heterogeneity in space.

      • KCI등재

        보험약관상 보험금 지급사유인 ‘장해상태’의 법적 의미에 관한 연구 - 대법원 2014. 7. 24. 선고 2013다43956(본소), 43963(반소)판결의 평석을 중심으로 -

        임호산(Lim, Ho San) (사)한국보험법학회 2019 보험법연구 Vol.13 No.2

        보험자는 보험약관에서 정한 기간 내에 보험사고가 발생한 경우에 보험금 지급 의무를 부담한다. 여기서 보험기간 내의 보험사고가 무엇에 해당하는지는 약관의 해석의 문제이다. 보험약관에서 ‘소정의 기간 내에 장해상태가 된 경우’를 보험사고로 정하고 있는 경우, 그 보험약관의 해석에 대하여 대법원 2014. 7. 24.선고 2013다43956(본소),43963(반소) 판결은 ‘소정의 기간 내에 장해상태가 발생하면 족하고 장해상태의 진단확정은 소정의 기간이 경과한 이후나 보험기간 만료 후에 이루어져도 무방하다’는 취지로 판시하였다. 보험약관의 해석의 원칙인 통상해석의 원칙, 객관적 해석의 원칙, 작성자불이익의 원칙 등에 따르면 대상판결이 ‘장해상태가 된 경우’를 장해상태의 ‘발생’으로 해석하고, 장해상태의 ‘진단 확정’ 으로 확대해석하지 않은 것은 타당하고 본다. 다만 대상판결의 보험약관해석과 같이 ‘일정 기간 내에 소정의 장해상태가 발생’한 경우를 실제로 입증하기 위해서는 결국 소정의 장해상 태가 발생하였다는 진단이 요구될 수밖에 없다는 한계가 있다. 또 보험자가 인수한 위험의 범위 내에서 보험자의 책임을 인정하고 보험자의 책임을 무한정 확대하지 않기 위해서는 대상판결의 보험약관 해석에 덧붙여 보험기간 후에 진단 확정된 장해상태가 보험기간 내의장해상태를 입증한다는 점이 전제되어야 할 것이다. 구체적으로 살펴보면, 장해상태의 진단 확정은 보험기간 만료 후 이루어졌다고 하더라도 그러한 장해상태의 검사는 해당기간 내에 이루어졌다거나, 보험기간 내 발생한 장해상태가 고정되어 보험기간 만료 후 진단 시점까지 악화된 사실이 없거나, 해당 장해가 일정한 정도로 악화 또는 개선되어 보험기간 내의 장해 상태를 보험기간 후에 진단 확정할 수 있다는 점 등이 전제되어야 한다. An insurer is responsible for paying insurance benefit to the insured in the event of insured accident taken place within the contracted term of insurance. To determine the insured accident within the contracted term of insurance, the insurance clauses must be referred to. The decisions 2013Da43956 (Original) and 2013Da43963 (Counter) -- decisions made on Jul. 24, 2014 -- state that ‘it is acceptable that the confirmative diagnosis of impairment, if occurred within a certain period of time, is made after the lapse of such period’ -- or even the contracted term of insurance – if the insurance clauses set forth that ‘impairment occurred within a certain period of time’ falls under an insured accident. According to the doctrines of general interpretation and objective interpretation and contra proferentem, it is deemed reasonable for such decisions to interpret ‘entering into the state of impairment’ as ‘occurrence’ of such impairment, weeding out broad interpretation of such state as ‘confirmative diagnosis.’ However, the decisions are quite limited in that a diagnosis of occurrence of such impairment is needed to factually evidence the ‘occurrence of the certain state of impairment within a certain period of time.’ To properly limit the insurer’s responsibility to the extent that the risk assumed by the insurer is not exceeded, it must be assumed that the state of impairment that has been confirmatively diagnosed after the lapse of the contracted term of insurance properly verifies the state of such impairment valid within such term, in addition to the interpretation of the insurance clauses made by the decisions above. More specifically, even though a confirmative diagnosis of the state of impairment has been made after the lapse of the contracted term of insurance, it must be assumed that the screening for confirmative diagnosis of the state of impairment must have been made within the contracted term of insurance, OR the state of impairment occurred within the contracted term of insurance has not been aggravated to the point of confirmative diagnosis made after the lapse of the contracted term of insurance, OR impairment has to certain extent been aggravated or improved such that the state of such impairment within the contracted term of insurance can be confirmatively diagnosed after the lapse of such term.

      • KCI등재

        우리나라 강풍의 발생성인별 계속시간 추정

        우수현,김효정,하영철 한국풍공학회 2017 한국풍공학회지 Vol.21 No.3

        강풍으로 인한 구조물의 파괴는 한계상태 이상의 풍하중으로 인한 파괴와 한계상태 보다 레벨은 낮지만 반복적인 풍하중에 의한 피로파괴로 나눌 수 있다. 한계상태설계 파괴에 대한 연구는 많이 이루어져 있으나, 강풍에 의한 피로파괴에 관한 연구는 드물다. 본 논문은 강풍에 의한 피로파괴 해석 시 사용할 수 있는 풍속의 계속시간에 관한 모델을 기상관측소로부터 획득한 자료를 사용하여 확률통계방법에 의하여 제시한 것이다. 강풍의 발생성인은 한국의 기상 특성에 따라 태풍, 전선풍, 계절풍으로 나누었고, 년최대풍 속자료에 대한 통계적인 처리는 극치Ⅰ형 누적분포함수를 사용하였다. 1회 강풍이 불었을 때 어떤 레벨에서 풍속의 계속시간은 풍속의 확률밀도함수와 최대풍속값에 의해 일반화된 누적신간의 곱으로 각 강풍의 발생성인에 따라 주어진다. In general, structural failures due to strong wind shall be divided into two categories, the one is failure by limit state wind loadings, the other is the cumulative fatigue failure under repeated wind loadings which have values less than that of limit state wind loadings. Various research results for limit state design were provided to engineers, however a study on the cumulative fatigue failure of structures under strong winds was rare. This paper aims at providing empirical models for wind-duration of strong wind to those who estimate fatigue damage of structures. The empirical models for wind-duration of strong wind were suggested by probabilistic analysis of meteorological wind speed data. The origin of occurrence of strong winds were divided into three types, Typhoon, Frontal system storm and Monsoon, due to the characteristics of climatical conditions in Korean. The statistical analysis on annual extreme wind speed data was investigated by cumulative density function of Type I. Empirical models of wind-duration of arbitrary wind speed level attacked one strong wind were constituted to the product of cumulative time generalized by maximum wind speed and probabilistic density function of wind speed in according to the origin of occurrence.

      • Occurrence and Damage of Stink Bugs in the Rice Paddy Field

        Geon-Hwi Lee,Chae-Hoon Paik,Seok-Min Kang,Mi-Hyung Kang,Tae-Hwan Noh,Du-Ku Lee 한국응용곤충학회 2009 한국응용곤충학회 학술대회논문집 Vol.2009 No.05

        The occurrence and damage of stink bugs were monitored at South Korea from 2007 to 2008. A total of 11 stink bug species were observed in paddy field and occurrence periods of stink bugs were significantly differed by species. In occurrence period and damage of stink bug feeding in paddy field, Scotinophara lurida occurred from June, Cletus punctiger, Eysarcoris aeneus, Rhopalus maculatus, Riptortus clavatus, E. ventralis, Stenotus rubrovittatus occurred from August and Pachygrontha antennata, C. schmidti, Trigonotylus caelestialium, Paromius exiguus occurred from September. When we were classified into two region with mountain and plain area cultivated rice, generally C. puntiger population was higher in mountain area than plain area, and E. aeneus was higher in plain area than mountain area. Also, stink bug species were higher in environment condition formed with a paddy field and a waterway overgrown with weeds. Control threshold for E. aeneus in paddy field was 1-2 individuals/heading stage, and then rate of pecky rice made to 5.0% while milk stage, dough stage and yellow ripe stage made to less than 5.0%.

      • KCI등재

        노인의 은퇴 이후 우울발생까지의 기간에 영향을 미치는 요인

        이성진 ( Sung-jin Lee ),윤기혁 ( Gi-hyeok Yun ),이진열 ( Jin-yeol Lee ) 아시아문화학술원 2017 인문사회 21 Vol.8 No.5

        본 연구는 은퇴 이후 노인의 우울의 발생 시기, 노인집단별 우울의 발생위험도 차이, 은퇴 이후 우울 발생까지의 기간에 영향을 미치는 요인을 고찰하였다. 이를 위해 부산광역시와 경상남도의 복지관(사회복지관 및 노인복지관) 이용 노인과 지역 거주노인들 320명을 대상으로 설문조사를 실시하여 자료를 수집하였으며, 생존분석법의 생명표법모델과 콕스회귀모형을 사용하였다. 분석결과는 다음과 같다. 첫째, 우울감 인지는 성별과 연령별로 차이를 보이고, 우울증 진단은 성별·연령별·동거형태별로 차이를 보인다. 둘째, 생명표분석에 의하면, 우울감과 우울증의 발생 비율은 은퇴이후 1-2년 뒤가, 우울증 발생 위험률은 6년차, 11-16년 등의 시기, 그리고 노인집단별 차이는 우울증에서만 나타났다. 셋째, 노인들의 은퇴 후 우울감 발생 기간에는 자녀와의 동거, 정서폭력, 방임, 종교활동, 생산노무직 등이 은퇴이후 우울증 진단까지의 기간에는 정서지원과 기초생활보장지원 등이 영향을 미치는 것으로 나타났다. 본 결과를 바탕으로 노인우울의 예방과 대응을 위한 방안을 제언하였고 향후 은퇴이후 노인의 우울증 등을 경감시킬 수 있는 실천적인 연구를 후속 연구로 제안한다. This study intends to examine the time of occurrence of depression in the elderly after retirement, the difference in degree of risk of occurrence of depression by elderly group, and the factors influencing the period from their retirement to occurrence of depression. Data was collected through a survey targeting 320 elderlies visiting social welfare centers in Busan and Gyeongsangnam-do as well as those residing in the regions, and actuarial model and cox regression model of survival analysis were used. Results are as follows. First, the diagnosis of depression varies by gender and age, and diagnosis of depression varies by gender, age, and cohabitation. Second, the incidence of depression and depression in the second half of the year ranged from one year to two years after the onset of depression, and the incidence of depression in depression occurs in periods ranging from six to 16 years of age, and the difference between the elderly and the elderly. Third, when the retirement elderly, such as retirement, emotional violence, neglect, religious activities, and manufacturing age, emotional support and support for depression, emotional support and basic welfare support were affected. Based on the results of this study, suggestions for the prevention and countermeasures of depression in the elderly are suggested and future research is suggested to reduce the depression of elderly people after retirement in the future.

      • KCI등재

        『승정원일기』(1623-1910)의 조선후기 서리(霜) 기상기록 연구

        김일권 조선시대사학회 2018 朝鮮時代史學報 Vol.- No.87

        This research focuses on the periodic progressions of the first occurrence of frost as a temperature indicator. The basis of this research is the records of Seungjeongweon Ilgi (Diary of the Royal Secretariat, 1623-1910) for the 228 years of Joseon dynasty (1392-1910). This contains 776 frost-related articles, among which 467 are from Hanyang (present Seoul). These records of the first frost in fall and the latest frost in spring or summer, provide a pivotal resource for the long-term establishment of a meteorological indicator for the Korean peninsular. Through a statistical analysis of the dates of first frost in Hanyang, based on a hundred-year unit period, this research extracted the statistical dates for each century. They are October 6th (10.6) in the 1600s, 10.9 in the 1700s, and 10.12 in the 1800s. This result indicated that every hundred years the first frost delays an average of three days. Given this tendency the estimated date for the 1900s would be 10.15. Although it may appear on the whole as though the temperature was continually moving upward during late Joseon, when examined in the shorter term unit of 25 years, the century average temperature revealed the repetitive motion of low-middle-high-high-low progression in the form of cyclical motion and symmetry. Further examinations in a shorter unit of 10 years resulted in the discovery of drastic climate fluctuations that occurred between the 1600s and the 1700s. There appeared rapid fluctuations in the cold-warm-cold model rotating every ten years in the mid-1600s. In such condition the average first frost date of 10.3 in the 1650s went up to 10.14 in the 1670s. It hit 10.2, the lowest in the 1680s then jumped up to 10.15 in the 1690s, and again dropped back to 10.2 in 1770s. The total sixty year period (1650s-1770s) was thus charged with drastic fluctuations which formulates the ‘cold-warm-cold-cold-warm-cold-’ model. At this time the number of meteorological observations over the whole country soared, and the problems caused by the dense frost in the months of September and May were readily observed. What this research considered most significant however is the 25 year period from 1625 to 1649 for its record low of 10.3, the lowest in late Joseon. The continuously low temperature variations of the time caused natural and agricultural calamities. It is the fact that the occurrence of the Manchu War (1636) may have been related to these climate-ecological disturbances. Frost, unlike other meteorological elements, has the characteristics to revert temperature variations to periodic phenomena. Thus it was considered as a special indicator for meteorological variations during the Joseon period, when no thermometer was available. This study of historical meteorology is now much in demand especially in order to understand past climate variations and with it as an indicator for the future in Korea. 본 연구는 전통시대 역사기상자료 중 온도지표 특성을 보이는 서리(霜. 下霜, 霜降)에 대하여 『승정원일기』(1623-1910)의 288년간 기상기록을 추출 검토하여, 첫서리 기록일의 시기적 추이를 분석하였다. 『승정원일기』에는 한양 서리기록이 467건, 지방기록은 309건으로 총 776건을 수록하고 있었다. 이들은 가을 첫서리와 봄여름철 늦서리에 대한 관측기록이어서, 한반도 장기적 기상기후 변동지표로서 매우 주목되는 자료이다. 한양 기준의 초상기록일을 100년 단위구간으로 통계분석하면, 17세기 10월6일, 18세기 10월9일, 19세기 10월12일로 추산되어, 100년 동안 평균 3일씩 늦어지는 흥미로운 기후주기가 추출되었다. 이 추세대로라면, 20세기는 여기에서 3일 더 늦은 10월15일이 예상된다. 자세히 보기 위해, 처음 기록된 인조대부터 25년간 단위로 한양 첫서리 기록일의 추이를 분석하면, ①17세기는 2/4분기(1625-1649) 10월(이후 생략) 3.00일, ②3/4분기(1650-1674) 7.50일, ③4/4분기(1675-1699) 7.59일을 보였고, 그 75년간 평균은 10월 6.05일이었다. 다음 ④18세기는 1/4분기(1700-1724) 10월 4.24일, ⑤2/4분기(1725-1749) 8.14일, ⑥3/4분기(1750-1774) 11.42일, ⑦4/4분기(1775-1799) 11.10일이었고, 이 100년간은 평균 9.01일로, 17세기 대비 약 3일(2.96)이 늦춰졌다. 다음 ⑧19세기는 100년간 평균 10월 11.85일이어서 다시 약 3일(2.84)이 늦춰진 가운데, 1/4분기(1800-1824) 8.52일, ⑨2/4분기(1825-1849) 11.17일, ⑩3/4분기(1850-1874) 13.78일, ⑪4/4분기(1875-1899) 14.62일을 보여, 19세기초에 비해서는 100년간 6.1일간의 변동을, 18세기초에 비해서는 200년간 10.38일의 변동을, 17세기 인조조 대비 280년간은 무려 11.62일간이나 늦춰지는 대폭의 기후변동을 보였다. 반면에 ⑫20세기 10년간(1900-1909)은 10월 12.00일로 도리어 크게 앞당겨지는 반대의 흐름을 보였다. ⑬전체 288년간 평균 초상일은 10월 9일(9.47일)로, 상강 절기일(10.24)보다도 15일 가량 이른 기후상황이었다. 전체로 볼 때, 조선후기 내내 서리일이 지속적으로 늦춰져 기온이 올라가는 온난화 현상으로 변동하지만, 25년 단위구간으로 분석할 때, 세기 분기별 평균 온도가 ‘저-중-고-고-저’ 형태로 승강하면서 되풀이하는 이른바 ‘순환대칭적 승강계단형 기후변동’ 흐름을 보였다. 이를 10년 단위구간으로 재차 분석한 결과, 17세기와 18세기 초엽 사이는 변동폭이 크게 요동하는 기후변동기 상황으로 파악되었고, 그 제1차 기후변동기는 1650년대 10.3일에서 1660년대 10.14일로, 다시 1670년대 10.4일로 급격한 상승과 하강이 연속되는 17세기 중반 현종대이며, ‘한-난-한’의 기후변동이 10년 단위로 급격히 교차하고 있었다. 제2차 기후변동기는 『승정원일기』 중 가장 이른 10.2일의 평균초상일을 보인 1680년대에서 시작하고, 이어지는 1690년대는 10.15일로 급상승하고, 다시 1770년대는 급하강한 10.2일로 변동하여, 역시 ‘한-난-한’ 기후변동을 되풀이한 숙종조 30년간(1690-1709)으로 파악되었다. 이들 1, 2차 변동기를 통합하면, T65-T70까지 효종-현종-숙종대의 60년간은 급격한 ‘한-난-한-한-난-한-한’의 승강폭을 보이는 대변동기였으며, 바로 이 대변동기 시기에 팔도지방별 기상기록이 급증하였고, 월별로는 9월과 5월 서리의 비중이 높아 가을의 조상(早霜)과 춘하철의 하상(夏霜)이 전국적인 서리 재해(霜災)로 확산되고 있음을 고찰하였다. 그렇지만 더욱 주목되는 시기는 인조대 17세기 중반 25년간(1625-1649)으로, 10월 3일 초상일을 기록...

      • KCI등재

        『승정원일기』(1623-1910)의 조선후기 서리(霜) 기상기록 연구

        김일권 ( Kim Il-gwon ) 조선시대사학회 2018 朝鮮時代史學報 Vol.87 No.0

        This research focuses on the periodic progressions of the first occurrence of frost as a temperature indicator. The basis of this research is the records of Seungjeongweon Ilgi (Diary of the Royal Secretariat, 1623-1910) for the 228 years of Joseon dynasty (1392-1910). This contains 776 frost-related articles, among which 467 are from Hanyang (present Seoul). These records of the first frost in fall and the latest frost in spring or summer, provide a pivotal resource for the long-term establishment of a meteorological indicator for the Korean peninsular. Through a statistical analysis of the dates of first frost in Hanyang, based on a hundred-year unit period, this research extracted the statistical dates for each century. They are October 6th (10.6) in the 1600s, 10.9 in the 1700s, and 10.12 in the 1800s. This result indicated that every hundred years the first frost delays an average of three days. Given this tendency the estimated date for the 1900s would be 10.15. Although it may appear on the whole as though the temperature was continually moving upward during late Joseon, when examined in the shorter term unit of 25 years, the century average temperature revealed the repetitive motion of low-middle-high-high-low progression in the form of cyclical motion and symmetry. Further examinations in a shorter unit of 10 years resulted in the discovery of drastic climate fluctuations that occurred between the 1600s and the 1700s. There appeared rapid fluctuations in the cold-warm-cold model rotating every ten years in the mid-1600s. In such condition the average first frost date of 10.3 in the 1650s went up to 10.14 in the 1670s. It hit 10.2, the lowest in the 1680s then jumped up to 10.15 in the 1690s, and again dropped back to 10.2 in 1770s. The total sixty year period (1650s-1770s) was thus charged with drastic fluctuations which formulates the ‘cold-warm-cold-cold-warm-cold-’ model. At this time the number of meteorological observations over the whole country soared, and the problems caused by the dense frost in the months of September and May were readily observed. What this research considered most significant however is the 25 year period from 1625 to 1649 for its record low of 10.3, the lowest in late Joseon. The continuously low temperature variations of the time caused natural and agricultural calamities. It is the fact that the occurrence of the Manchu War (1636) may have been related to these climate-ecological disturbances. Frost, unlike other meteorological elements, has the characteristics to revert temperature variations to periodic phenomena. Thus it was considered as a special indicator for meteorological variations during the Joseon period, when no thermometer was available. This study of historical meteorology is now much in demand especially in order to understand past climate variations and with it as an indicator for the future in Korea.

      • Two-way ANOVA를 활용한 공동주택 내 타일 하자의 유형 및 위치에 따른 발생기간 차이 특성

        편수정 ( Pyeon Su-jeong ),김규용 ( Kim Gyu-yong ),최병철 ( Choi Byung-cheol ),김문규 ( Kim Moon-gyu ),이예찬 ( Lee Ye-chan ),남정수 ( Nam Jeong-soo ) 한국건축시공학회 2022 한국건축시공학회 학술발표대회 논문집 Vol.22 No.1

        Tile defects in apartment houses are caused by a combination of various factors. These factors cannot be specified, and it is difficult to determine the exact cause because a number of causes are intertwined. In addition, because the climate of Korea is different by season, the coefficient of thermal expansion between materials is different, which is a major cause of tile defects. Therefore, this study analyzed the difference between the construction location and the period of defect occurrence according to the types of tile defects caused by environmental differences between indoor and outdoor environments. Two-way ANOVA was used, indoor and outdoor spaces were selected, and defect types were selected accordingly to show the difference in the occurrence period of each defect.

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