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        보건분야 치과위생사들의 건강증진사업을 위한 전문교육 필요도 조사

        황윤숙 ( Yoon Sook Hwang ) 한국치위생학회 2007 한국치위생학회지 Vol.7 No.4

        The purpose of this study was to analyze dental hygienists` opinions on health promotion projects in public health and their needs for specialized education in the projects, so that it could help prepare specialized education program required for health promotion projects in the future. To meet the goals, total 364 dental hygienists working in public health were asked to join a questionnaire survey via e-mail in September 2007 for data analysis. As a result, this analysis came to the following conclusions: First, it was found that 29.9% of total respondents took in charge of health promotion projects, and 26.9% respondents considered it very necessary to be responsible for the health promotion projects(56.0% considered it necessary). Almost half respondents considered nonsmoking assistance most desirable task(48.4%) and foremost demanded(50.5%) out of all current health promotion projects. 39.8% respondents answered that they could carry on health promotion task if assigned, after completing occupational training course. Second, it was found that 39.3% respondents acquired other licenses and qualifications than certificate of registered dental hygienist, and their medical licenses or qualifications included certificate of nursing assistant (18.7%) and certificate of social worker(11.8%) by category. Third, in terms of opinions on possible ways to facilitate health promotion projects, it was found that over half respondents considered it recommended to step up specialized education(56.9%) and prepare legal basis and administrative system(53.6%). Notably, 90.7% respondents considered it necessary to step up specialized education in health promotion. Fourth, in terms of opinions on participation in health promotion projects, it was found that almost half respondents(49.7%) considered it necessary and very positive for extending dental hygienists` works in the future. Moreover, in terms of reasons for such positive answers, it was found that many respondents considered it helpful for appointment(41.8%) and contributing to capability development and job satisfaction(44.5%). In terms of opinions that such participation would be unnecessary, 29.7% respondents thought that nothing would be changed in their dental health projects even with reduced number of public health dentists, and 31.3% respondents thought that dental hygienists are professional manpower responsible only for dental health works. Finally, in terms of on-the-job training(OJT) related to health promotion, it was found that 92.9% respondents desired for OJT. In terms of experiences in OJT, 79.9% respondents answered that they never joined OJT course. In other words, only 20.1% respondents joined OJT courses for health promotion task, such as nonsmoking assistance(8.8%), health promotion FMTP training(2.2%), exercises(l.4%) and nutrition(0.6%).

      • KCI등재

        Health Promotion at Work: A Comparison of Policy and Practice Across Europe

        Sanne E. Verra,Amel Benzerga,Boshen Jiao,Kai Ruggeri 한국산업안전보건공단 산업안전보건연구원 2019 Safety and health at work Vol.10 No.1

        Background: Promoting healthy lifestyles at work should complement workplace safety programs. This study systematically investigates current states of occupational health and safety (OHS) policy as well as practice in the European Union (EU). Methods: OHS policies of EU member states were categorized as either prevention or health promotion provisions using a manifest content analysis. Policy rankings were then created for each prevention and promotion. Rankings compared eight indicators from the European Survey of Enterprises on New and Emerging Risks-2 data on prevention and promotion practices for each member state using Chi-square and probit regression analyses. Results: Overall, 73.1% of EU establishments take preventive measures against direct physical harm, and about 35.4% take measures to prevent psychosocial risks. Merely 29.5% have measures to promote health. Weak and inconsistent links between OHS policy and practice indicators were identified. Conclusion: National OHS policies evidently concentrate on prevention while compliance with health and safety practices is relatively low. Psychosocial risks are often addressed in national policy but not implemented by institutions. Current risk assessment methods are outdated and often lack psychosocial indicators. Health promotion at work is rare in policy and practice, and its interpretation remains preventive. Member states need to adopt policies that actively improve health and well-being at the workplace.

      • SCOPUSKCI등재

        Health Promotion at Work: A Comparison of Policy and Practice Across Europe

        Verra, Sanne E.,Benzerga, Amel,Jiao, Boshen,Ruggeri, Kai Occupational Safety and Health Research Institute 2019 Safety and health at work Vol.10 No.1

        Background: Promoting healthy lifestyles at work should complement workplace safety programs. This study systematically investigates current states of occupational health and safety (OHS) policy as well as practice in the European Union (EU). Methods: OHS policies of EU member states were categorized as either prevention or health promotion provisions using a manifest content analysis. Policy rankings were then created for each prevention and promotion. Rankings compared eight indicators from the European Survey of Enterprises on New and Emerging Risks-2 data on prevention and promotion practices for each member state using Chi-square and probit regression analyses. Results: Overall, 73.1% of EU establishments take preventive measures against direct physical harm, and about 35.4% take measures to prevent psychosocial risks. Merely 29.5% have measures to promote health. Weak and inconsistent links between OHS policy and practice indicators were identified. Conclusion: National OHS policies evidently concentrate on prevention while compliance with health and safety practices is relatively low. Psychosocial risks are often addressed in national policy but not implemented by institutions. Current risk assessment methods are outdated and often lack psychosocial indicators. Health promotion at work is rare in policy and practice, and its interpretation remains preventive. Member states need to adopt policies that actively improve health and well-being at the workplace.

      • 직장 건강증진사업 : Issues and Strategies 논점과 전략

        천병철 서울大學校 保健大學院 1997 國民保健硏究所硏究論叢 Vol.7 No.2

        Since the publication of the Lalonde Report in 1974, the concept of health promotion have been introduced into many health-related fields. In this report, he emphasized the self-imposed risls and environment as the determinants of major 5 diseases, and the change of the helath behavoir and environment would reduce the premature mortality from diseases. Health promotion programs have been developed within 3 main groups- schools, worksite, commuities - in USA. The employed persons are those at greatet risk for premature morbidity and mortality, those who occupies about 1/4 of whole population and those who makes social productivity. It is optimal to apply health promotion progam to worksite, because it is effective, easily accessible and even beneficial to both the employees and the employers. The examples of typical worksite health promotion programs are smoking cessation, hypertention control, nutrition, weight control, stress management, exercise and fitness and other assitance programs concernig alcohol, drugs and accident prevention. In other aspecs, these programs are too much individualized, not concordant with pre-existing occupational health system, restricted participation of the employees and lack of carefully performed cost-benefit analysis. In Korea, the problesm of worksite health promotion is more comples. The major proportion of the workers sork for small or very small worksites, and many of them for service industries. Less than half of the company have the worksite health manager. There are insufficient survey for the health needs of employees and emplyers, and many other problems- discordant with pre-existing system, lack of evoluations etc. It is need to concrete firm base to establish suitable worksite health promotion programs before imitating other contries's programs.

      • KCI등재

        건강운동관리사의 직역(職域) 확충을 위한 정책 대안

        옥정석 대한운동학회 2013 아시아 운동학 학술지 Vol.15 No.2

        [Introduction] After National Sports Promotion Act is amended, enforcement ordinances on sports/exercise professionals will be effective from 1st, January 2015. This research report will discuss points of criticism of the revised National Sports Promotion Act and suggest policy alternatives for enforcement ordinances to expand professional domain of sports/exercise specialist for health. [Body] To increase employment of sports/exercise specialists, National Sports Promotion Act should state more work places for them and also the Minister of Culture, Sports and Tourism should enact clauses for mandatory employment or, at least, encouragement of employment. The structure of qualification system for sports/exercise professionals is too complex and excessively subdivided. It is possible to train various professionals by subdividing area of expertise and levels even if qualification title is unified. Sports/exercise specialist for health can work at athletic complex, fitness training center, public institutions, related industry, community wellness center, medical institutions such as hospital, oriental medical clinic, health centers, sports organizations and sports teams, etc. Sports/exercise specialists for health are people who plan and instruct the most appropriate exercise activities for individuals considering one’s physical characteristics, therefore their field of activity should be extended to health and medical area. If sports/exercise specialist for health system is categorized in 2 levels, it is possible to classify 1st level primarily as sports specialists, clinical specialists, etc. Since occupational training after qualification will be implemented, the role of university will be extended. However, the government should only perform as qualifying body by abolishing occupational training and respect the role of university. In the amended provisions of the interim measures, former “1st level life sports leader” should be regarded as “2nd level sports/exercise specialist for health” to achieve expertise and prevent confusion. Also there should be counterplans for people who already have been working in related field. [Conclusion] The qualification system should be operated as means of employment for majors. For a virtuous cycle of national health promotion, disease prevention, and financial improvement in national health insurance in low fertility and aging society, the ministry of health and welfare should admit role of sports/exercise specialist for health or have forward-looking perspective and foster specialists in sports/exercise by itself. For employment of students, there should be one voice from university for a successful establishment of qualification system of sports/exercise professional. [서론] 국민체육진흥법이 개정되고 체육지도자 관련 개정(된) 규정은 2015년 1월 1일부터 시행될 예정이다. 이 연구는 개정된 국민체육진흥법의 문제점을 짚어보고 건강운동관리사의 직역 확충을 도모하기 위하여 국민체육진흥법 시행령에서 규정되어야 하는 사항의 대안을 제시하고자 하였다. [본론] 체육지도자들의 취업을 확대하기 위해서 체육진흥법에 체육지도자들이 일터를 확대 명시함과 동시에 문화체육장관의 명의로 고용을 의무화하던지 최소한 고용을 권장하는 조항이 필요하다. 체육지도자 자격구조가 복잡하고 유형이 과도하게 세분되어 있다. 자격명칭은 하나로 통일하더라도 전문분야 및 등급을 세분화함으로써 다양한 전문가를 양성할 수 있다. 건강운동관리사는 종합체육시설 및 체력단련장업, 공공기관․산업체․지역사회운동시설, 병원, 한의원, 보건소 등의 보건의료기관, 체육단체 및 스포츠팀 등에서 일할 수 있다. 건강운동관리사란 건강을 위하여 개개인의 체력적 특성에 적합한 운동을 계획하고 지도하는 업무를 수행하는 사람으로서 이들의 활동 영역은 보건의료 분야로 확대되어야 한다. 건강운동관리사의 등급을 2등급으로 구분한다면 1급에서는 우선적으로 스포츠전문 및 임상전문 등의 구분이 가능할 것이다. 검정 후 연수가 진행될 것이므로 대학의 역할이 커지겠지만, 사후 연수제도마저도 조기에 종결함으로써 국가는 검정기능만 가지고 대학의 교육기능 활성화를 도모하여야 할 것이다. 개정 규정의 경과조치에서 종전의 ”1급 생활체육지도자“는 ”2급 건강운동관리사“로 인정하는 것이 전문성을 드높이고 혼란을 막을 수 있으며 이미 관련 업종에서 일하고 있는 사람들의 구제방안도 마련되어야 할 것이다. [결론] 자격제도는 전공자들의 취업의 통로가 되어야 한다. 저출산고령사회에서 국민건강증진, 질병예방, 의료비절감, 국민건강보험 재정개선 등의 선순환을 위하여 보건복지부는 건강운동관리사의 역할을 인정하던지 그렇지 않으면 전향적인 자세를 가지고 자체적으로 보건의료 분야의 운동전문가 양성에 나서야 할 것이다. 더불어 대학에서도 학생들의 취업을 위해서 성공적인 체육지도자 자격제도의 정립에 대한 한 목소리를 내야 할 것이다.

      • KCI등재

        수술실 간호사의 건강증진행위와 관련요인

        최지윤,최스미 한국기초간호학회 2019 Journal of korean biological nursing science Vol.21 No.4

        Purpose: This study aimed to investigate the level and related factors related to health-promoting lifestyle in operating room nurses in Korea. Method: A cross-sectional descriptive survey design was employed. The data were collected using questionnaire for three weeks in December 2018 from 110 operating room nurses working for more than six months in a general hospital located in Seoul. The Health Promoting Lifestyle Profile-Ⅱ, The Korean Version of the Practice Environment Scale of Nursing Work Index, and Operating nurse’s Job stress Factor Scale were used. Results: Significant relationships were observed between health promoting lifestyle and educational level(p=.025), wearing a lead apron for protection from radiation during the operation(p<.001), work satisfaction(p=.016), and fatigue related to work(p=.006). Also significant correlations were identified between nursing work environment and health promoting lifestyle. However, the health promoting lifestyle was not statistically different based on occupational stress(p=.365). In multiple linear regression analyses, the level of health promoting lifestyle found to be higher in subjects who did not wear a lead apron for protection from radiation(p=.017), and who had more positive perception of the nursing work environment(p=.034). Conclusion: In order to increase health promoting lifestyle of operating nurses, the strategies to improve the nursing work environment are essential.

      • KCI등재

        산업장 건강증진을 위한 간호중재로서의 발반사마사지에 대한 이론적 고찰

        왕명자,유경혜,차남현 한국직업건강간호학회 2000 한국직업건강간호학회지 Vol.9 No.2

        This study was carried out to introduce the Foot reflexo -massage (FRM) as a met of nursing practice based on the health promotion of occupational health. Literature reviews were done to achieve study aims from October in 1999 to August in 2000. The results were as follow 1. Theory of the FRM was mainly developed from the reflexology based on function and role of foot. 2. The FRM is focused on the appropriate reflcxology of foot with pressures of light moderate light or light strong light sealed strength for 15 minutes at each feet. The massage should begin with the foot area where it is assumed as a was, of internal to external and upper to lower side. It also should start from left to light side of the feet. 3. The FRM is an alternative therapy increasingly demanded as an self applying method between eastern and western due to the benefit of natural healing power with no side effects. 4. The FRM can be recommended nursing intervention for health promotion of employees through supportive and educative am sing system in occupational health service. As a conclusion of the study, it suggested that the FRM can be recommended as a nursing intervention to promote health of employees and to prevent disease related to work.

      • 장애노인을 위한 작업치료 프로그램 연구

        김영근 ( Young Geun Kim ) 대한인지재활학회 2014 대한인지재활학회지 Vol.3 No.1

        The purpose of the study is to propose programs of occupational therapy and to consider countermeasures against the emergence and increasing of the elder with disability. For this purpose, foreign literatures on the subject was researched. The results of this study is summarized as follows. The program for the elder with disability was ‘active aging’, especially lifestyle management program through time use intervention. and ‘health promotion’ in order to improve occupational balance and prevent occupational deprivation and occupational alienation. The health promotion program consists of the activity improvement, group activity, the exercise against falling down, the prevent from cognitive disability program. The political countermeasures is necessary to realize these programs for the elderly with disability in medical system.

      • SCOPUSKCI등재

        Exploring Stress Levels, Job Satisfaction, and Quality of Life in a Sample of Police Officers in Greece

        Alexopoulos, Evangelos C.,Palatsidi, Vassiliki,Tigani, Xanthi,Darviri, Christina Occupational Safety and Health Research Institute 2014 Safety and health at work Vol.5 No.4

        Background: The ongoing economic crisis in Greece has affected both stress and quality of life (QoL) at all socioeconomic levels, including professionals in the police force. The aim of this study was to examine perceived stress, job satisfaction, QoL, and their relationships in a sample of police officers in Greece. Methods: A cross-sectional study was conducted during the first trimester of 2011 in 23 police stations in the greater Athens area. A total of 201 police officers agreed to participate (response rate 44.6%). The General Health Questionnaire-28 (GHQ-28) was used to assess general health, and the World Health Organization Quality of Life-BREF Questionnaire and Perceived Stress Scale-14 (PSS-14) questionnaires were used to assess QoL and perceived stress, respectively. Results: The PSS and GHQ subscales and total scores exhibited strong, positive, and significant correlations coefficients (r): 0.52 for somatic disturbances, 0.56 for stress and insomnia, 0.40 for social dysfunction, and 0.37 for depression, yielding an r equal to 0.57 for the total GHQ score. A higher level of perceived stress was related to a lower likelihood of being satisfied with their job; in this regard, male participants and higher ranked officers reported lower job satisfaction. The PSS and GHQ scores were inversely, consistently, and significantly related to almost all of the QoL aspects, explaining up to 34% of their variability. Parenthood had a positive effect on QoL related to physical health, and women reported lower QoL related to psychological health. Conclusion: Higher levels of stress are related to an increased risk of reporting suboptimal job satisfaction and QoL. The magnitude of these associations varied depending on age, gender, and rank, highlighting the need for stress-management training.

      • KCI등재

        Exploring Stress Levels, Job Satisfaction, and Quality of Life in a Sample of Police Officers in Greece

        Evangelos C. Alexopoulos,Vassiliki Palatsidi,Xanthi Tigani,Christina Darviri 한국산업안전보건공단 산업안전보건연구원 2014 Safety and health at work Vol.5 No.4

        Background: The ongoing economic crisis in Greece has affected both stress and quality of life (QoL) at all socioeconomic levels, including professionals in the police force. The aim of this study was to examine perceived stress, job satisfaction, QoL, and their relationships in a sample of police officers in Greece. Methods: A cross-sectional study was conducted during the first trimester of 2011 in 23 police stations in the greater Athens area. A total of 201 police officers agreed to participate (response rate 44.6%). The General Health Questionnaire-28 (GHQ-28) was used to assess general health, and the World Health Organization Quality of Life-BREF Questionnaire and Perceived Stress Scale-14 (PSS-14) questionnaires were used to assess QoL and perceived stress, respectively. Results: The PSS and GHQ subscales and total scores exhibited strong, positive, and significant correlations coefficients (r): 0.52 for somatic disturbances, 0.56 for stress and insomnia, 0.40 for social dysfunction, and 0.37 for depression, yielding an r equal to 0.57 for the total GHQ score. A higher level of perceived stress was related to a lower likelihood of being satisfied with their job; in this regard, male participants and higher ranked officers reported lower job satisfaction. The PSS and GHQ scores were inversely, consistently, and significantly related to almost all of the QoL aspects, explaining up to 34% of their variability. Parenthood had a positive effect on QoL related to physical health, and women reported lower QoL related to psychological health. Conclusion: Higher levels of stress are related to an increased risk of reporting suboptimal job satisfaction and QoL. The magnitude of these associations varied depending on age, gender, and rank, highlighting the need for stress-management training.

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