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      • KCI등재

        종족별 말레이시아의 정치에 대한 인식조사 : 쿠알라룸푸르 내 대학생을 중심으로

        김유미 ( Yoo Mi Kim ) 한국외국어대학교 동남아연구소 2013 東南亞硏究 Vol.23 No.1

        Political instability would be an obstacle of economic growth in Malaysia. This is come from historical background. Since the independence from British Empire, an alliance among elite that represents each ethnics has won general elections in Malaysia. But ruling party have materialized policies for a long time without resolution of public sector disputes. Regarding public sector disputes, the most important issue in Malaysia society is social integration and united community. Especially, ethnic tensions and potential conflicts among ethnics would be a critical issue in malaysia. dissatisfaction of minority group could be provoked by political affairs such as electioneering because minority group in malaysia felt they had been discriminate against under government. In fact, NEP(New Economy Policy is oriented to development stratus and economy of Malay in Malaysia. This policy have been criticized from malaysia citizen including progressive Malay. Currently, these basic trend is prevalent in malaysia society. In 2008 general election, BA(Barisan Alternative), the opposite party, swept 1/3 seats of parliaments. Then, BN is afraid of these atmosphere so that Malaysia government impeded 13th general election that must be held by June 2013 as possible as they can. In these social atmosphere, this study aims to analyze citizen`s opinion and perception on malaysia politics by ethnics. This is because not only minority group such as Chinese, Indian but also several Malay have complain against Malaysia government according to the media in Malaysia. So, hypothesis of this paper is that: Malaysia citizen has same perception on politics in Malaysia without distinction of ethnics. Namely, all of them have discontentment on Malaysia politics. In the result of empirical analysis, Non-Malay perceive that political institution in Malaysia is not democratic while Malay have a positive attitude on political regime in Malaysia. Also, Non-Malay though that government set a limit on social activity while Malay regard government`s regulation as protection from social risk. Consequently, 1) this study confirmed gap of perception on politics in Malaysia between Malay and Non-Malay and 2) only few Malay young people take a progressive stance on politics in Malaysia facing against government and ruling party.

      • KCI등재

        한국 기업의 말레이시아 B2C 전자상거래 시장 진출 전략에 관한 연구

        최한별,최석범 중앙대학교 한국전자무역연구소 2015 전자무역연구 Vol.13 No.4

        Purpose: The purpose of this study is to contribute to the development of e-Commerce markets in Korea and Malaysia by studying market entry strategies of Malaysia e-Commerce market for Korea e-commerce enterprises through the comparison of current development of e-Commerce markets in both nations. In particular, now is the best time to study the market entry strategies in view of Hanrue hot blast in Malaysia and saturation of Korean e-commerce market. Composition/Logic: This paper analyzed Malaysia e-commerce conditions and compared them with Korean conditions. The data is collected from web sites which provide latest information of Malaysia e-commerce and SWOT analysis was conducted by using the data. This paper deals with the preceding research analysis, the comparison of the current development of e-Commerce markets in both nations, Korean enterprises’ market entry strategies in Malaysia. Findings: According to SWOT analysis, SO strategy(giving know-how, building a cooperative relation with Malaysia government and making a marketplace for selling Korean products and contents) will be the most realistic strategy. Korean enterprises seek to the ways to enter the e-commerce market in Malaysia such as joint venture with logistics companies in Malaysia, networking with Korean companies entered in Malaysia, merger and acquisition of e-commerce companies in Malaysia and opening the sites for reverse direct purchase. Originality/Value: Korea e-commerce enterprises have to try to enter Malaysia e-commerce market by trading their know-how and Malaysia local workforce. Especially they have to focus on the type of e-commerce like m-commerce and social commerce. As a further study, if the market situation can be analyzed by survey it can provide more realistic conclusions to shopping mall company, logistics company and manufacturers.

      • KCI등재

        말레이시아의 이민정책과 한국인 은퇴이주의 조우(遭遇)

        홍석준(Suk-Joon Hong) 한국콘텐츠학회 2016 한국콘텐츠학회논문지 Vol.16 No.4

        본 연구는 현대 말레이시아를 대상으로 말레이시아의 이민정책(migration policy)과 한국인들의 말레이시아로의 은퇴이주(retire migration)의 조우(遭遇, encounter)의 문화적 특징과 의미, 즉 말레이시아 이민정책의 특징과 한국인들의 말레이시아로의 은퇴이주가 어떻게 상호 조우하고, 또한 그 과정이 어떻게 진행되며, 그 의미는 무엇인지에 관해 이를 말레이시아 이민정책의 사회문화적 맥락 내에서 검토하는데 목적이 있다. 본 연구에서는 문헌조사와 현지조사가 병행되었는데, 특히 현지조사에서는 주요 제보자들(key informants)에 대한 인터뷰(interview)와 관찰(observation) 방법을 주로 활용하였다. 구체적으로 먼저 말레이아 이민정책의 특징을 살펴보고, 이를 한국인들의 말레이시아로의 은퇴이주와 연관시켜 접근함으로써, 말레이시아의 이민정책과 한국인들의 말레이시아로의 은퇴이주와는 어떠한 상호관계가 있으며, 그 문화적 특징과 의미는 무엇인지를 고찰하였다. 본 연구의 결과는 다음과 같다. 말레이시아 은퇴이주는 MM2H(Malaysia My 2nd Home) 제도 및 은퇴이주에 대한 잘못된 이해로 인해 자녀교육을 위한 도구로 변용되어 활용되거나 혹은 은퇴이주 자체를 취미활동이나 여가생활의 일부로 간주하는 경향이 나타났다. 이런 이유로 타국으로의 이주임에도 불구하고 은퇴 및 이주에 대한 체계적인 준비 없이 임하거나 혹은 낭만적인 기대로 임함으로써, 결국 대부분 별다른 성과 없이 귀국하는 사례들이 증가하였다. 본 연구는 말레이시아의 이민정책과 한국인들의 말레이시아로의 은퇴이주를 대상으로 그 특징과 의미를 사회문화적 맥락 내에서 고찰함으로써, 한국과 말레이시아 사이의 인적 교류와 이주를 통한 한국과 말레이시아 사이의 교류와 협력의 문화적 특징과 의미를 이해하고, 나아가 한국과 말레이시아 사이의 교류와 협력을 증진시킬 수 있는 학술적, 실천적 방안을 마련하는 데에도 기여할 수 있을 것으로 기대된다. This study aims to examine the characteristics and meanings of the encounter between Malaysian migration policy and Korean retirement migration in contemporary Malaysia. For this purpose, I describe and analyze the features and implications of migration policy in Malaysia, and understand the cultural characteristics and meanings of migration policy, especially Malaysian migration policy in Malaysia, and examine and explore the characteristics and meanings of retirement migration, especially Korean retirement migration to Malaysia in contemporary Malaysia, in the socio-cultural context. The research outcomes of this study are followings. Firstly, because of the misunderstanding and misuse of MM2H(Malaysia My 2nd Home) program and Malaysian migration policy among Korean retirement migrants in contemporary Malaysia, Korean retirement migration in Malaysia cannot be regarded one of the appropiate and effective migration policy for Koreans. It has been utilized as an instrument of their childrens education among Koreans in Malaysia. Secondly, in this regard, it has been increased the number of Koreans to return to Korea without any constructive results in their childrens education and their successful retirement lives in Malaysia. It is noted to understand that Korean retirement migration to Malaysia is the movement and migration of the special forms of human migration or human exchange and cooperation in the socio-cultural context. The cultural characteristics and meanings of Korean retirement migration to Malaysia has been one of the important cultural phenomena between Korea and Malaysia in contemporary Malaysia. In this sense, it is expected that this study can be contributed to understand the cultural characteristics and meanings of the encounter and exchange between Malaysian migration policy and Korean retirement migration to Malaysia in contemporary Malaysia, and to enhance the exchange and cooperation between Korea and Malaysia through human exchange and migration, especially Korean retirement migration to Malaysia in contemporary Malaysia.

      • KCI등재

        이슬람에서 보편주의의 실현 가능성 연구

        황병하(Hwang, Byung-Ha) 명지대학교 중동문제연구소 2013 중동문제연구 Vol.12 No.2

        This paper was written to explore the possibility of universalism and pluralism in Islam through the case of Malaysia. Malaysia is one of the Islamic countries that have allowed pluralism and universalism in the fields of religion, culture, society, and politics. So the ethnic pluralism, religious pluralism, and political universalism of Malaysia will be a good model to the Arab and Islamic countries, including Egypt. In Chapter Ⅱ, the Islamic situation of Malaysia and its problems are presented. Malaysia has accomplished notable economic and technological developments and has achieved political stability and inter-ethnic peace and inter-religious cooperation. But this fragile ethnic peace, political democracy, women and minorities' rights, and religious freedom all have many critics. In chapter Ⅲ, the possibility of universalism in political Islam is depicted. On the basis of inter-ethnic pluralism and inter-religious peace, Malaysia has to some extent achieved a kind of universalism in politics. But the Malay community, the majority ethnic group within the majority multiethnic Muslim community in Malaysia, has been faced with new challenges, especially with regard to religious, political, economic, sociocultural, and demographic issues. Now the minorities want to change the characteristic of Islam from Malay Islam to Malaysian Islam. In chapter Ⅳ, new challenges by religions (including Islam) and other ethnicities (Chinese and Hindu) on the political universalism in Malaysia are explained. Religious conversion and Muslim apostasy are new challenges and hot issues in Malaysia, and deeply related with the country's complex pattern of ethnicity, religiosity, and power structure. In chapter Ⅴ, the possibility of change in political Islam is presented. Political Islam is a central force in Malaysia. This can be inferred from both demographic and historical facts. Demographically, the Malay Muslim majority is a strong political power. Historically, Malaydominated power structure has been regarded as a Malaysian political reality. As long as the destiny of the Malay identity is closely tied up to Islam and ethnicity, political Islam in Malaysia will not be changed sharply. In the case of Malaysia, it is said the political universalism will be possible, because religious and ethnic pluralism has been developed for more than three decades. But in the case of Egypt, it is hard to say if a similar political universalism will ever be possible, because in spite of the Arab Spring in 2011, there has been no movement towards religious and cultural pluralism and because strong political Islam is still influential.

      • KCI등재후보

        동남아시아 문화연구의 특징과 전망

        홍석준(Hong, Seok-Joon) 한국문화연구학회 2013 문화연구 Vol.2 No.1

        이 글에서는 우선 영국에 기원을 둔 문화연구의 특징과 발전과정, 그리고 그 내용과 전술, 전략에 대해 살펴보고, 말레이시아를 중심으로 동남아시아 문화연구의 동향과 전망, 그리고 말레이시아에서 문화연구가 출현하게 된 배경과 특징, 말레이시아 문화연구와 포스트콜로니얼리즘과의 상호 관계, 말레이시아 문화연구와 인류학적 연구와의 상호 관련성이라는 각각의 주제를 고찰한다. 문화연구 전체의 구도 속에서 동남아시아의 문화연구, 특히 말레이시아 문화연구의 동향과 전망에 대한 고찰은 문화연구의 역사적 기원이나 계보학이 그다지 중요하지 않다고 하더라도 레이먼드 윌리엄스나 스튜어트 홀, 그리고 그 이후의 주요 문화연구자들이 문화연구를 둘러싸고 어떠한 상황에 직면해 ‘문화’와 관련된 연구 질문이나 문제를 제기하고, 어떠한 구체적인 기술과 분석을 수행해 왔는지에 대해 살펴보는 일과 불가분의 관계에 있다. 이는 문화연구의 특수성과 보편성의 변증법적 상호작용에 대한 관심과 필요를 불러일으킬 것이다. 이 글에서 영국 문화연구의 초기 역사와 활동 내용을 소개하고, 설명하는 데 상당한 분량을 할애한 것은 동남아시아, 특히 말레이시아에서는 ‘문화연구’라는 용어가 아직까지도 인문사회과학계를 포함한 학계일반에 널리 소개되지 않고 있을 뿐만 아니라 그 내용의 특성이나 의미에 대한 해석과 주장을 둘러싸고 의견이 분분한 사정이 현재까지도 지배적이라고 보기 때문이다. 마지막으로, 말레이시아 문화연구의 동향과 그 특징에 대한 설명에 이어서, 앞으로 말레이시아 문화연구의 나아갈 방향을 제시하고, 말레이시아 문화연구의 문제점에 대해 비판적 진단과 평가를 한 후에, 이를 극복하기 위한 방안을 제언하는 것으로 말레이시아 문화연구의 동향과 전망에 대한 검토 작업을 마무리하고자 한다. This paper examines the current situation and future prospects of cultural studies in Southeast Asia, with special reference to cultural studies in Malaysia. In this paper, I review the characteristics and the processes of development of British cultural studies, and the contents, methodological strategies and tactics of cultural studies, originated from British cultural studies. Then, I investigate the historical backgrounds and cultural characteristics of cultural studies in Malaysia, the thema on the interactions between Malaysian cultural studies and postcolonialism, and the interrelationships between cultural studies and anthropological studies in Malaysia as well. This has relation to explore the reason why cultural studies in Southeast Asia with special reference to Malaysia is important to understand the non-Western societies and postcolonial situation in the age of globalization. In the world of cultural studies, the investigation of the current situation and future prospects of cultural studies in Southeast Asia, especially cultural studies in Malaysia is an inseparable relations to the examination or review of the description and analysis of the concept of culture in cultural studies in Malaysia as well as in British cultural studies. This work evokes the interest in the dialectical interactions between specialty and universality of cultural studies in general and that of cultural studies in Malaysia in particular. For this purpose, I do explain the current situation and its characteristics of cultural studies in Malaysia, and suggest the future prospect of cultural studies in Malayisia. Then, from a critical point of view, I do diagnose and estimate the problems of cultural studies in Malaysia. In conclusion, I propose how to develop and improve the current situation of cultural studies in Malaysia more successfully and meaningfully.

      • KCI등재후보

        패드라 브랑카(싱가포르)/플라우 바투 푸티로(말레이시아) 도서 영유권 분쟁에 대한 국제법적 평석

        이장희 ( Jang Hie Lee ) 고려대학교 법학연구원 2009 고려법학 Vol.0 No.52

        This article treats Territorial Title Disputes over Pedra Branca (Malysia)/Pulau Batu Puteh(Singapore) & Its International legal Comments. This Article divided into six parts: Preamble, Facts Findings, Legal issues of two parties, Contents of judgements & its analysi, International Legal comments and its implications for Dokdo Issue. The main subject matter of the disputes is a small island called Pedra Branca(Malysia)/Pulau Batu Puteh(Singapore) situated in the middle of the Straights of Singapore at entrance to the South China. Pedra Branca has been part of Singapore`s territory since the 1840s. On 21 December 1979, Malaysia published a map entitled "Territorial Waters and Continental Shelf Boundaries of Malaysia". By this map, Malaysia purported to include Pedra Branca within Malaysia`s territorial waters. Singapore duly lodged a protest with Malaysia against this paper claim on 14 February 1980. By a special Agreement dated 6 February 2003 and notified to the court on 24 July 2003, Malaysia and Singapore agreed to submitted the above dispute to the court. By article 2 of the special Agreement, the court is requested to determine whether sovereignty over (1)Petra Branca/Pualu Batu Puteh, (2) Middle Rocks, (3) South Ledge, belongs to Malaysia or the Republic of Singapore. The Special Agreement does not request the court to enter into an exercise of delimitation or to make declarations concerning fishing or other economic rights. Arguments of the parties as follows: Malaysia has an original title to Petra Branca of long standing. Petra Branca is and has always been, part of the Malaysia State of Johor. Nothing has happened to displace Malaysia`s sovereignty over it. Singapore`s presence on the island for the sole purpose of constructing and maintaining a lighthouse there-with the permission of the territorial sovereign-is insufficient to vest sovereignty in it. Singapore sums up its positions as follows: 1) The selection of Pedra Branca as the site for building of the lighthouse with the authorization of the British Crown constituted a classic taking of possession a tire de souverain. 2) Title was acquired by the British Crown in accordance with the legal principles governing acquisition of territory in 1847-1851. 3) The Title acquired in 1847-1851 has been maintained by the British Crown and Uts lawful successor, the Republic of Singapore. At the stage of oral pleadings Singapore also referred to the legal status of Pedra Branca as terra nullius. In his statement, the Agent of Singapore as follows: "Singapore`s title to Pedra Branca is based upon the taking of lawful posessuion of the island by the British Authorities in Singapore during the period 1847 to 1851. Malay claims that, prior to 1847, Pedra Branca was under the sovereignty of Johor. However, there is absolutely no evidence to support Malaysia`s claim. Mr. President, the truth is that, prior to 1847, Pedra Branca was terra nullius, and had never been the subject of a prior claim, or any manifestation of sovereignty entity". The Question to which the court must now respond is whether in the light of the principles and rules of international law it stated earlier and of the assessment it has undertaken of the relevant facts, particularly the conduct of the Parties sovereignty over Pedra Branca passed to the United kingdom or Singapore. The conduct of the United Kingdom and Singapore was, in many respects, conduct as operator of Horsburgh lighthouse, but that was not the case in all respects. Without being exhaustive, the court recalls their investigation of marine accidents, their control over visits, Singapore`s installation of naval communication equipment and its reclamation plans, all of which respond in any way to that conduct, or the other conduct that charcter identified earlier in this judgement, of all which it had notice. Further, the Johor authorities and their successors took no action at all on Pedra Branca from June 1850 for the whole of the following century or more. It is the clearly stated position of Acting Secretary of the State of Johor in 1953 that Johor dis not claim ownership of Pedra Branca. That ststement has major significance. The Court is of opinion that the relevant facts, including the conduct of the Parties, previously reviewed and summarized in two preceeding paragraps, reflect a convergent evolution of the positions of the Parties regarding title to Pedra Branca. The court concludes, especially by reference to the conduct of Singapore and its predecessors a titre de souvran, taken toghther with the conduct of Malaysia and its predecessors including their failure to respond to the conduct of Singapore and its predecessors, that by 1980 sovereignty over Pedra Branca had passed to Singapore. For that above reasons, the court concludes that sovereignty over Pedra Branca belongs to Singapore. This PB judgement implies that the burden of proof in territorial disputes would be vital to decision of ICJ for the Dokdo territorial issue in the future.

      • KCI등재

        말레이시아 화인화문 시문학의 트랜스내셔널리즘과 문화적 정체성 연구

        박남용(Park, Nam-yong) 한국중어중문학회 2021 中語中文學 Vol.- No.83

        This paper studied the transnationalism and cultural identity through the development of the Overseas Chinese poetry in Malaysia. In Malaysia, the Overseas Chinese formed a single ethnic group and developed the cultural identity of the Overseas Chinese in a multiracial and multicultural society. In this paper, I studied the transnationalism and cultural identity that appeared in their poems, focusing on the works of 20th-century Overseas Chinese poetry in Malaysia. Through these studies, it is possible to understand the poetry world of Southeast Asia’s Overseas Chinese and to form a unique collective and cultural consciousness through the sinophone literature of Overseas Chinese. This article mainly considered the works of leading Malaysia’s Overseas Chinese writers Liu-si, Wen-renping, Wen-ruian, Wu-an, and Tian-si. By examining their world of poetry, one could understand the ethnic diversity and homogeneity of Overseas Chinese included in their world of poetry. In particular, in their poetry literature, the identification, ethnic and cultural identities of the Overseas Chinese are emerging. Homesickness about China, Taiwan, and hometown were expressed. And imaginative features of the transnational and ethnic group emerged. Thus, since the 20th century, they have moved to Malaysia, settled down, established their world of poetry, and developed Malaysia"s Overseas Chinese literature. In conclusion, it can be seen that he was able to achieve literary achievements by studying the poetry literature of Malaysia’s Overseas Chinese, understanding the lives and culture of Chinese diasporas who moved to Malaysia. It is considered very important for Malaysia’s Overseas Chinese to overcome their identity, develop into a ethnic group in Malaysia, and acquire their own cultural identity. In Malaysia"s multiracial society , they had their own consciousness as a ethnic, overcame their ethnocentrism culture, and mixed with other ethincs and other cultures to form a poetical literature of others.

      • KCI등재후보


        John Cheong 횃불트리니티신학대학원대학교 한국이슬람연구소 2018 Muslim - Christian Encounter Vol.11 No.2

        The establishment of Syariah law in Malaysia’s pre-independence history is examined with respect to Malay customs and the sultanate. Post-independence developments and legislative reforms in Malaysia’s legal system that favoured syariah law strengthened Islamic law but weakened Malay customs (adat ) in areas such as kinship and marriage which introduced social conundrums. Conflicts also surfaced over its authority and applicability over interreligious relationships with non-Muslims. The article discusses Christian witness and relationships with Muslims in these areas of contestations in order to understand the hurdles. Furthermore, the article also seeks to promote specific proposals which aim to prompt cooperation from the Church to engage in Malaysia’s coming future. This paper concludes with an incarnational theology of ministry and reasons for guarded optimism in light of recent socio-religious dissensions amongst the ummah in recent decades.

      • KCI등재

        Chinese University Students’ Perception of the Korean Wave and Future Preparation Plan in Malaysia

        이상협 (사)한국조리학회 2020 한국조리학회지 Vol.26 No.10

        The purpose of this study is to investigate the general perception of Korean Wave in Malaysia and to understand which factors influenced Korean Wave. It is also to get a detailed opinion on whether the Korean Wave is leading the current trend in Malaysia. A total of 14 Chinese university students participated in the interview. In order to collect more objective data, we interviewed the Korean club of Sunway university, which has a high percentage of Chinese students in Malaysia. As a result, it has been shown that Korean Wave is mainly influenced by Hallyu star, Korean dramas and movies, and purchases products such as Korean food, clothing, and cosmetics there, and recommends them to other people. This is closely related to the current trend in Malaysia, which shows that the young people are highly satisfied with and interested in Korean Wave. In recent years, the popularity of Korean Wave has been increasing in the world, which is a great help in making the image of Korea as positive. Meanwhile, the importance of the Korean Wave and the positive aspects of the Korean Wave perceived by Malaysia consumers can give more realistic services to Korean entrepreneurs who plan to carry out projects related to the Korean Wave in Malaysia in the future. Thus, this study is more useful because it was conducted on Chinese consumers who have the largest consumption power in Malaysia. In this reality, this study will be a great help to grasp Korean Wave more specifically and objectively in Malaysia.

      • KCI등재

        말레이시아의 아랍어 교육에 관한 연구: 이슬람의 영향을 중심으로

        정규영 조선대학교 국제문화연구원 2020 국제문화연구 Vol.13 No.1

        This study aims to elucidate the situations of Arabic education in Malaysia after the inflow of the Islamic religion to Malaysia. As witnessed in the process of the early conquest and spread of Islam and Arabic Language towards the North Africa, the Fertile Crescent and Persia etc., Islam and Arabic language was definitely inseparable in Arabic education in Malaysia in the viewpoint that Arabic was the language of Koran and Koran was written in Arabic. Islamic religion was introduced to Malaysia through the commercial activities by Muslim traders around 10th century. After Islam was introduced to Malaysia, Arabic began to be taught by pondok system. The situation of Arabic education in Malaysia was not always stable. At one time Arabic in Malaysia was triggered and undermined depending on the political conditions especially during the British rule. After the independence of Malaysia there was a Malayan awakening of Islamic and their Identity resulting in the support of muslims. And today Arabic language is being taught in many and various educational organizations such as different levels of schools, universities, and cottages etc. 말레이시아의 이슬람 유입은 말레이시아에 아랍어 교육의 실시와 직접적인 관련이 있다. 말레이시아에서 아랍어 학습과 교육은 처음에는 간접적으로 비공식적으로 시작되었으나 이슬람의 발전과 함께 공식적이고 직접적 성격으로 변했다. 아랍어 학습과 교육의 성격 변화는 이슬람의 영향이라는 것이 분명하다. 이슬람의 영향은 아랍어와 말레이어의 동화로 나타나는 한편, 말레이시아에서 아랍어 교육을 촉진하고 장려했다. 특히, 말레이시아가 영국으로부터 독립한 이후 무슬림들 사이에서 이슬람교에 대한 자각과 각성이 일어났고 이는 다시 아랍어 교육 강화에 큰 영향을 주었다.

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