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        러시아연방 티바공화국의 언어상황

        김민수(Kim, Min-Soo) 한국외국어대학교 동유럽발칸연구소 2013 동유럽발칸연구 Vol.34 No.-

        Unlike the other republics of the Russian Federation language situation in the Republic of Tuva is relatively stable. The population of the tuvinian people(about 250,000) is 82% of the total population of the Republic of Tuva and the majority of tuvinian people knows tuvan language. After integration of Republic of Tuva to the Soviet Union in 1944 language situation in the Republic of Tuva has been directed to tuvan-russian bilingualism under Soviet language policy. But to the end of 1960s there was maintained tuvan language centered situation. But from 1970s to the end of 1980s language situation was changed to russian language centered situation under the pressure of the new Soviet language policy, which was oriented to integration all the nations to the "Soviet nation". After disintegration of Soviet Union in Republic of Tuva they started developing tuvan traditional culture and language. So in 1990s tuvan language was determined as the national official language. The Law on languages of Republic of Tyva played an important role in this process. On the other hand situation of russian language got worse. So in 2000s Government of Republic of Tuva started emphasizing the function of Russian Language. But as a result of language policy of 1990s Russian language situation can not be recovered quickly. Besides language situation of tuvan literary language got worse too. Now it is necessary to give attention to development of russian language and tuvan literary language so that there can be made more balanced tuvan-russian bilingual condition. 러시아연방 티바공화국의 언어상황은 연방 내 다른 민족공화국들과는 달리 비교적 안정적이다. 2010년 기준 공화국 인구 구성에서 티바인이 차지하는 비율이 82%(약 250,000명)이며, 그 중 대부분이 티바어를 구사한다. 티바공화국은 러시아연방의 여타 민족공화국들과는 달리 1944년에야 소련에 편입되었다. 그 후 1970-80년대 소비에트 정부의 러시아어 중심의 강력한 언어정책의 영향으로 티바어의 상황이 약화되고 러시아어의 위상이 크게 제고되었다. 그러나 1990년대 소연방 붕괴 및 제 민족의 민족의식 부활 시기에 티바공화국에서도 티바어 위상 제고 및 발전을 위한 여러 가지 노력이 전개되었다. 이 과정에서 티바어는 공화국 국어의 지위를 얻었고, 티바어 중심의 언어상황이 형성되었다. 그러나 2000년대 들어서 티바공화국의 헌법을 러시아연방 헌법에 맞게 개정하고 '제 민족 언어에 관한 법률'을 개정하는 과정에서 티바어와 더불어 러시아어도 공화국의 국어로 지정하여 러시아어 상황을 개선해 나가고자 노력했다. 그 결과 러시아어의 사회적 위상과 기능은 크게 강화되었지만, 티바인이 수준 높은 러시아어 교육을 받아 균형적인 티바어-러시아어 이중언어 구사자가 되기에는 아직 미비한 점이 많다. 따라서 현재 티바어는 주로 일상생활 영역에서 사용되고 러시아어는 공공생활 영역에서 사용되는 상황이 전개되고 있다. 티바공화국 명목 민족어 티바어는 시베리아의 다른 민족 공화국 명목 민족어와는 달리 소멸 위기와는 거리가 멀다. 그러나 러시아어의 사회적 기능과 위상이 강화되어 가는 와중에 티바어 문학어 발전이 지체되고 있다. 따라서 티바공화국에 균형적인 티바어-러시아어 이중언어 상황이 조성되기 위해서는 티바 문학어 발전을 위한 정책적 조치와 더불어 러시아어 교육 분야 발전을 위한 적극적인 정책시행이 필요한 상황이다.

      • KCI등재

        Language Situation in Post‐soviet Kyiv: Surzhyk as sociolinguistic phenomenon and its perception by Kyivites

        shchegelolena 한국외국어대학교(글로벌캠퍼스) 동유럽발칸연구소 2011 동유럽발칸연구 Vol.27 No.1

        This paper focuses on the language situation in the capital of Ukraine, Kyiv, twenty years after the country has become independent. It concentrates on perception of Russian and Ukrainian languages by Kyivites and makes special accent on their perception of such sociolinguistic phenomena as surzhyk. Through looking at the roots of surzhyk in Ukraine and using the data gathered through detailed survey conducted in Kyiv this paper distinguishes major tendencies among educated Kyivites in their perception of current language situation in Ukraine as well as their understanding and perception of surzhyk. Attention is focused on how linguists and common people understand surzhyk, and whether their approaches coincide. Also, the paper analyzes how Kyivites percept the situation of bilingualism that still exists in Kyiv even after twenty years of country’s independence and what their desires for future generations are from the point of view of language. The paper shows that despite the fact that after twenty years of independence the Ukrainian language still strives for taking its niche as the commonly spoken language in Ukraine, many Ukrainians (specifically Kyivites on whom this research concentrates) see it as a language of the future which can been clearly seen from their desire that their children speak the language. Moreover, the survey finds that Ukrainians strive for their language to be pure and correct which reveals itself from their perception and evaluation of surzhyk as impure language of poorly educated people. This paper focuses on the language situation in the capital of Ukraine, Kyiv, twenty years after the country has become independent. It concentrates on perception of Russian and Ukrainian languages by Kyivites and makes special accent on their perception of such sociolinguistic phenomena as surzhyk. Through looking at the roots of surzhyk in Ukraine and using the data gathered through detailed survey conducted in Kyiv this paper distinguishes major tendencies among educated Kyivites in their perception of current language situation in Ukraine as well as their understanding and perception of surzhyk. Attention is focused on how linguists and common people understand surzhyk, and whether their approaches coincide. Also, the paper analyzes how Kyivites percept the situation of bilingualism that still exists in Kyiv even after twenty years of country’s independence and what their desires for future generations are from the point of view of language. The paper shows that despite the fact that after twenty years of independence the Ukrainian language still strives for taking its niche as the commonly spoken language in Ukraine, many Ukrainians (specifically Kyivites on whom this research concentrates) see it as a language of the future which can been clearly seen from their desire that their children speak the language. Moreover, the survey finds that Ukrainians strive for their language to be pure and correct which reveals itself from their perception and evaluation of surzhyk as impure language of poorly educated people.

      • KCI등재

        Сопоставительный анализ современной языковой ситуации на Украине и в Республике Беларусь

        Sławomir Kozłowski 한국노어노문학회 2010 노어노문학 Vol.22 No.4

        The author of this article discusses language situation in East Slavic countries since the late 80's to the present day, attempts a comprehensive comparison of the linguistic situation, analyzing the factors that affect it, and showed signs of language situations inherent to East Slavic countries. Issues of language situation and policy are relevance in our time, especially in Belarus and Ukraine. The sociolinguistic studies of language and trends in linguistic situation are based of factual material, the results of questionnaires, statistical analysis of language functioning in these states/ The studies give extremely valuable material for understanding the social and political processes and trends of linguistic situation in the past, present and possible future development. For several decades preceding the collapse of the USSR, the language situation in the republics largely determined the policy of Russification, which was source of current widespread Russian languages, along with the indigenous population. This proximity of the Ukrainian, Belarusian and Russian languages of the same Slavic group, promoting interference led to the creation of Belarusian and Ukrainian mix-languages. The emergence of new states and the process of “constructing national identity” in the first years of independence in the former Soviet republics had a significant impact on the linguistic situation. In Ukraine policies designed to protect the Ukrainian language from Russification, in Belarus president Aleksandr Lukashenka keeps going russificationing processes. Since the last Soviet census in 1989 lowered percentage of Russian population in Belarus. By results of 2009 census in Belarus Belarusian population accounted for 83,7% (in 1989 - 77,9%), the Russian population accounted for 8,3% (in 1989 - 13,2%), but growth the percentage of Russian-speaking population (62,8% in 1999, 70,2% in 2009) and the population for whom the Russian is mother language (31,9% in 1989, 41,5% in 2009). In Ukraine also lowered percentage of Russians (22,1% in 1989, 17,3% in 2002) and lowered the percentage of population, who treat Russian as mother language (32,8% in 1989, 29,6% in 2001). In Belarus are two state languages: Belarusian and Russian, but if they are equal in theory, in practice the situation is entirely different. Russian language is dominant, and almost all the cities and eastern villages are Russian, Belarusian was completely superseded by Russian and trasyanka, but is still in western villages and small towns. Russian captured practically whole space of media, culture, science and is the language of institutions. Dramatically fell numbers of books, newspapers, magazines, which are publishing in Belarusian. In Ukraine the situation of native language of the nation looks better. Despite the regular pressures from the side of Russian-speaking population, Ukrainian language is the state language. Russian language usually prevails in most cities of Ukraine (except Western), and in some (especially the East) is strictly dominant. TV and radio broadcasts are carried in most Russian, as most books and periodicals printed in Russian. Some progress is observed only in the administrative and business and educational sectors. The main driver of change in the linguistic situation in Belarus and Ukraine is the language’s policy in all spheres of public life. Next up is the communicative power of language, scope and usage, and prestige level of language, and the number of speakers and place of their living. Especially important is the presence of this language in the media, science and culture, language education of children, and also important is attitude and wish to assimilate language by speaker.

      • KCI등재

        러시아연방 하카스공화국의 언어정책과 언어상황

        김민수(Kim Minsoo) 한국외국어대학교 동유럽발칸연구소 2014 동유럽발칸연구 Vol.38 No.2

        러시아연방 하카스공화국의 명목 민족어인 하카스어는 1993년부터 유네스코의 '소멸 위기 언어' 목록에 포함되어 있다. 하카스공화국의 언어상황은 기본적으로 공화국 내 하카스인 인구가 2010년 기준 63,643명 불과하고 공화국 인구에서 하카스인이 차지하는 비율도 12%에 지나지 않아 가까운 장래에 대폭 개선될 것으로 보기 어렵다. 그렇지만 공화국 정부가 헌법과 제 민족 언어에 관한 법률, 교육에 관한 법률 등 각종 언어관련 법률을 통해 하카스어 보존, 발전을 위한 노력을 전개하고 있고, 하카스인이 전통문화 부흥을 위해 노력하고 있는 한편, 하카스 청년들의 모어에 대한 인식이 제고되고 있어 점진적으로나마 상황이 개선되는 경향을 보이고 있다. 이런 경향이 후퇴하지 않고 하카스어 상황이 지속적으로 개선되는 데는 연방정부의 하카스어 교육 프로그램과 교재 개발에 대한 적극적인 지원과 더불어 하카스공화국이 '제 민족 언어에 관한 법' 등 언어관련 법률 규정을 하카스어의 사회적 기능이 대폭 강화될 수 있는 방향으로 개정하는 등 국가적 차원의 노력이 필요하다. 그러나 하카스어 상황개선에 무엇보다 중요한 것은 하카스 전통문화 부흥과 하카스어 보호 및 발전에 대한 하카스인 자신의 의지와 노력이다. Since 1993 Khakas language is included in the list of endangered languages by UNESCO. But the language situation in the Republic of Khakassia can not be improved a lot because of the fact that the population of Khakas is only 63,643 and the Khakas people account for only about 12% of the total population of the republic But we can expect that Khakas language situation will improve slowly but steadily. Because the republican government is making efforts to preserve and promote the Khakas language through the constitution of the republic and the law on languages and Khakas people are also making efforts to restore the traditional culture. Furthermore, the consciousness of young Khakas people about the native language improves. But still need the support of the federal government for the development of the curriculum and textbooks for teaching Khakas language. Yet the Republic of Khakassia need to amend various laws relating to languages to increase social function of Khakas language and create a normal situation of khakas-russian bilingualism. However, the most important thing for improving the Kakas language situation is their own will and effort to revive Khakas traditional culture and protect Khakas language.

      • KCI등재

        언어 상황의 종합적 판단을 위한 요소 - 키르기스어를 중심으로 -

        김보라 중앙대학교 외국학연구소 2015 외국학연구 Vol.- No.31

        This study aims to describe the language situation of a country more structurally and comprehensively. First, I examine how Ethnologue (www.ethnologue.com) precisely presents the language situation in Kyrgyzstan. The Kyrgyz language is classified as a ‘statutory national language’ and the Expanded Graded Intergenerational Disruption Scale (EGIDS) 1 in Ethnologue, but this does not reflect the prevalent Russian usage in the Kyrgyz society. Thus, I propose three elements for describing the language situation: language policy, language planning, and language attitude. These elements interact with each other and they all must be considered for an accurate study of the language situation.

      • KCI등재

        러시아 연방의 언어정책과 한국어 교육 현황

        한용 한국외국어대학교(글로벌캠퍼스) 동유럽발칸연구소 2010 동유럽발칸연구 Vol.24 No.1

        This study is to pursue the linguistic policy of Russian Federation as a multiracial country. Russia consists of about 180 ethnic groups. These groups have their own language. So this study aims at finding out what is the status of their own language which Russia guarantees in Russian Constitution and a law of nations' languages. And this study tries to find out what kinds of programs to guarantee and protect the right of each nation's language and point out the problem of linguistic policy of Russian Federation. Particularly this article tries to find out the situation of korean nation who is living in Russia and education situation of korean language too. And this study presents several proposals for education of korean language as a identifying factor of korean who live in Russian Federation. 본 논문은 다민족, 다언어 국가인 러시아 연방에서의 언어 정책에 관한 연구이다. 소련이 붕괴된 이후 국어였던 러시아어가 구소련 각 공화국들에서 소수 언어의 지위를 면치 못하고 있던 상황에서, 구소련 구성 국가들이 독립국가연합으로 재편된 뒤 러시아 연방 내에서의 러시아어의 위상과 기타 러시아 연방 구성 공화국들 및 그 구성 민족들의 모국어에 대한 법적 지위에 대하여 선언한 러시아 연방 헌법과 러시아연방 민족들의 언어들에 관한 법을 기초로 러시아 연방의 언어 정책의 일반적 기조에 대해서 살펴본다. 이를 위하여 러시아 헌법과 러시아 연방 민족들의 언어들에 관한 법에 나타나고 있는 러시아어의 지위와 러시아 연방 민족들의 언어에 관한 권리와 모국어 보호 및 발전 프로그램의 내용 등을 살펴보고 그의 문제점을 지적해 본다. 또한 이러한 러시아 연방의 언어 정책과 관련되어 러시아 연방 내에 거주하는 소수 민족으로서의 한인들의 현황과 그들의 한국어 구사 현황을 살펴보고, 러시아 연방 내 거주 한국인의 대부분이 러시아어를 구사하는 상황에서 언어적 측면에서의 한국인의 민족적 정체성을 확인하는 인자로서의 한국어의 교육 현황 및 한국어 교육 여건의 개선을 위한 향후 제안을 제시해 본다.

      • KCI등재


        김란 서울대학교 국어교육연구소 2011 국어교육연구 Vol.28 No.-

        China is a large country with a population of over 1.3 billion. The official language of China is Mandarin Chinese and dialects and minority languages are also used in many areas, resulting in an important dilemma for language policy makers in China: dealing with the complex issues of language. Language planning in China started in the 1950s. There have been 3 stages of language planning since then. The first stage was the establishment of standards. The second stage was to further standardize the language. The third stage was the legislation of language. At present, the dialects, minority languages, foreign languages and language used on the internet are main concerns of the language policy makers in China. They proposed a new concept called "building a harmonious language life" to handle the relationship between subjectivity and diversity and ultimately, to contribute to the harmony of social life. 인구 13억 중국의 주된 언어는 한어이지만 방언과 민족이 많은 국가이다. 중국의 공식 언어는 한어이고, 보통어는 전국에서 통용되는 표준어이며, 사용하는 문자는 간소화된 한자이다. 표준어 외에도, 한어에는 몇 개의 큰 방언 지역이 있다. 중국의 소수 민족은 55개이고 100여종에 가까운 언어가 있어 언어 정책 결정자들이 큰 어려움을 겪고 있다. 그래서 어떻게 복잡한 언어 문제를 해결하고, 그 사용 기준을 정하며, 문자 사용의 규범을 정할지와 표준어 보급 문제 및 소수 민족의 언어와 방언을 보호할지에 대한 문제가 중요 연구 과제가 되고 있다. 신중국의 언어 계획은 상반세기 50년대부터 시작되는데, 크게 다음 세 단계로 나누어진다. 첫 단계는 언어 기준을 확립하는 단계인데, 1955년에 간체자와 한어 병음 방안이 확정되었다. 두 번째 단계는 한층 더 언어를 규범화 하였다. 20세기80년대 후반에, 표준어는 외국어와 어느 지역 언어의 영향을 받게 되면서, 언어 혼란 상황이 나타나게 된다. 이로 인해 중국정부는 일련의 규범화된 공문 및 법규를 공포하고 실시한다. 세 번째 단계는 언어 입법 단계이다. 2000년 10월 31일, 중국전국인민대표회의의 상무위원회 제 18차 회의에서"중국국가 통용 언어 문자법"을 통과시켰고, 이 법률은 2001년 1월 1일부터 실시되었다. 오늘날 중국의 언어 정책 역시 새로운 문제에 직면해 있다. 방언, 소수민족의 언어문제, 외국어 교육 문제, 인터넷 언어 문제 등은 언어 정책가 들의 주된 관심사 이다. 이 같은 이유로 중국의 국가 언어 위원회는 "조화로운 언어 생활을 만들자"라는 새로운 이념을 제기했으며, 중요성과 다양성 사이의 관계를 잘 조정함으로써, 사회 언어 생활의 조화로움을 추진하고자 한다.

      • KCI등재

        Language Situation in Post‐soviet Kyiv

        Olena Shchegel 한국외국어대학교 동유럽발칸연구소 2011 동유럽발칸연구 Vol.27 No.1

        This paper focuses on the language situation in the capital of Ukraine, Kyiv, twenty years after the country has become independent. It concentrates on perception of Russian and Ukrainian languages by Kyivites and makes special accent on their perception of such sociolinguistic phenomena as surzhyk. Through looking at the roots of surzhyk in Ukraine and using the data gathered through detailed survey conducted in Kyiv this paper distinguishes major tendencies among educated Kyivites in their perception of current language situation in Ukraine as well as their understanding and perception of surzhyk. Attention is focused on how linguists and common people understand surzhyk, and whether their approaches coincide. Also, the paper analyzes how Kyivites percept the situation of bilingualism that still exists in Kyiv even after twenty years of country’s independence and what their desires for future generations are from the point of view of language. The paper shows that despite the fact that after twenty years of independence the Ukrainian language still strives for taking its niche as the commonly spoken language in Ukraine, many Ukrainians (specifically Kyivites on whom this research concentrates) see it as a language of the future which can been clearly seen from their desire that their children speak the language. Moreover, the survey finds that Ukrainians strive for their language to be pure and correct which reveals itself from their perception and evaluation of surzhyk as impure language of poorly educated people.

      • KCI등재

        국제어로서의 영어교과 문화교육

        고영진 ( Ko Young-jin ) 대한영어영문학회 2011 영어영문학연구 Vol.37 No.3

        Since a language is created in a society and the language bounds the lives of the people living in the society, the language and the culture of the society are closely related. So it is not possible to study a language departed from the culture of the people using the language to communicate perfectly with them in the language. Thus, whenever we study English, we have studied the culture of the people using English as their mother tongue. This kind of learning is the studying English as a foreign language. And the aim of the learning of a foreign language is to communicate perfectly with the people using the language as their mother tongue. However, the globalization of the world increases rapidly the number of the people and the country using and teaching English, and that changes the role of English from a foreign language to an international language using all together to communicate with the people having different languages and cultures. So the learning and teaching method of English, especially in teaching culture, has to be changed with the step. The aim of this study is to suggest the teaching method to have, the foreign cultures to teach and the principles to be considered to select the foreign cultures in English education as an international language. And the study suggests ‘learners’ culture centered foreign cultures teaching and the principles considering the multi-cultural situation of the learners of English to select foreign cultures to teach. (Daejin University)

      • KCI등재

        서울 거주 방언 화자의 코드 선택 양상 - 20∼30대 경상도 출신 방언 화자를 중심으로 -

        김경아 ( Kim Kyungah ),김신각 ( Kim Shingak ),이창봉 ( Lee Changbong ),진혜경 ( Jin Hyekyung ) 연세대학교 언어정보연구원(구 연세대학교 언어정보개발원) 2016 언어사실과 관점 Vol.39 No.-

        The purpose of this study is to examine and consider the aspects of code choices of “dialect speakers residing in Seoul,” who have moved to Seoul from other regions of South Korea. The dialect speakers experience dialect contact and language conflict on individual levels after moving to Seoul. In this process, they learn new codes and perform a code choice according to the situation they face. Seoul, the target region in this study, is the capital of South Korea and has seen population increase due to migration from other regions of the country. Thus, the city is appropriate for examination of migrations between the regions in South Korea. In addition, Seoul dialect is a local dialect based on which the standard language of the country is established. Therefore, Seoul dialect is regarded as the standard language itself, having social prestige higher than other local dialects. For this reason, the migrants experience language conflict in Seoul. In this study, three codes of the standard language, Seoul dialect, and the hometown dialect, are proposed, and an inquiry is conducted on the awareness of each code and code choices according to various situations. The inquiry includes an interview (responses from 17 people) and a survey of which the target is limited to the dialect speakers in Seoul in their 20s and 30s (responses from 146 people). The result of the survey showed the response rate of 68.5% by the Gyeongsang-dialect speakers; thus, an analysis is performed concentrated on the Gyeongsang-dialect speakers. According to the result of the analysis, few migrants showed negative perception toward the standard language, Seoul dialect, and the hometown dialect. Meanwhile, the migrants generally felt negative to the obligatory use of the standard language, and showed more or less neutral responses to the use of the standard language in official situations such as announcements, presentations, job interviews, or business meetings. Nonetheless, the dialect speakers in Seoul chose the standard language as the basic code in most situations, their perception and attitudes toward each code not coinciding with their aspects of code choices. A limited number of the code choices were shown for the hometown dialect. The code conversion from the standard language to the hometown dialect occurred only when at least one of the factors of “talking with the person who also uses the hometown dialect,” “feeling intimacy towards the person involved in the conversation,” and “having an experience of talking in the hometown dialect in Seoul” is satisfied, though the priority among these factors could not be investigated due to individual differences. These three factors respectively represent “the same linguistic community,” “a close personal relationship,” and “an experience of using the code of the hometown dialect,” which means that the code conversion to the hometown dialect by the Seoul-residing dialect speakers appears only in the environment where “the psychological distance to the person involved in the conversation is very close.” This result seems to be related to the language use in the cities, where contacts with strangers are frequent, and also seems to indicate that the dialect speakers feel very distant from others in language use under the linguistic environment of Seoul.

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