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      • KCI등재

        近江朝 以前의 文學과 政治

        尹永水(Yoon Young-Soo) 한일관계사학회 2009 한일관계사연구 Vol.32 No.-

        近江朝(A.D. 667~972년) 以前의 문학과 정치가 어떠한 양상을 띠고 전개해 왔는가 하는 문제를 문학을 중심으로 한국인 연구자의 관점에서 살펴보았다. 즉, 일본문학의 黎明期라 볼 수 있는 仁德朝의 문학과 역사에 대한 고찰을 비롯하여 和歌기원의 문제, 記紀歌謠와 萬葉歌와의 관련성, 그리고 初期萬葉歌의 세계에 나타난 정치적 상황을 고찰해 본 결과, 다음과 같은 결론을 얻을 수 있었다. 近江朝 이전의 문학과 정치를 역사사회학적인 관점에서 살펴보았을 때, 고대한국에서 일본열도로 진출한 渡倭人들의 역할에는 지대한 면이 있었다. 즉, 일본고대문학이나 萬葉歌(和歌)의 탄생에 있어서 일본에 한자를 전해주고, 漢學에 뛰어나며, 고대일본에 있어서 문필과 기록을 주로 담당했던 한국에서 건너간 도왜인들의 역할은 참으로 컸던 것이다. 그들은 대륙과의 오랜 접촉과 창조적인 역사 속에서 형성된 선진의 문학관과 높은 정치적인 교양을 지니고, 서정시로서의 和歌의 발달을 촉진시켜 왔을 뿐만 아니라, 萬葉歌의 탄생과 발전에도 중심적인 역할을 담당해 왔고, 정치적인면에 있어서도 두드러진 역할을 하고 있음을 알 수 있었다. 또한 구승적·서사적·집단적인 성격의 고대가요(記紀가요)가 기록적·서정적·개인적인 성격의 和歌로 발전해 가는 初期萬葉시대에 있어서 천황 주위에서 궁정과 밀접한 관계를 맺고 궁정을 대표하여 노래를 지어 바치기도 하고, 때로는 타인을 위해 代作도 하면서 和歌의 筆錄이나 傳承의 역할까지 담당한 사람들이 전통적으로 한문학과 문필에 뛰어난 도왜인이었다는 사실도 확인하였다. 이상과 같이, 일본문학의 형성초기부터 萬葉歌를 비롯한 和歌가 한문학과 문필에 뛰어난 고대한국으로부터의 도왜인들의 주도적인 역할에 의해 탄생·발전·제작·代作·필록·전승·편찬이 거의 이루어졌다는 사실과, 정치적인 면에 있어서도 천황이나 궁정 주변에 머물러 있으면서 지배계층과 밀접한 관계를 맺고 있다고 볼 때, 近江朝 이전의 문학과 정치에 있어서 도왜인들의 역할이 얼마나 컸던가를 단적으로 나타내줄 뿐만 아니라, 도왜인들을 제외하고는 일본문학의 역사나 고대정치를 논할 수 없음을 말해 주는 것이라고도 볼 수 있는 것이다. The Writer has pursued this study on aspects of literature and politics before the omi Dynasty (A.D. 667~672)through the sociological viewpoint. The research findings have derived the following conclusions after examining literature and history of Nintoku Dynasty regarded as the dawning of the Japanese literature, relation between Kikipoems and Manyoshu"s poems, and historical circumstances revealed in earlier Manyoshu"s poems. Korean people moved to Japan in Ancient Korea played an important role from historical sociologic point a view on literature and politics before the Omi Dynasty. The emigrants form ancient Korea were experts in Chinese literature and they transferred Chinese characters to Japan. The emigrants especially played an active part in scholarship and literature in ancient Japan. The emigrants had sophisticated viewpoint on literature which is obtained from the continuous contact with a continent. They contributed to creation and development of Manyoshu"s poems, expedited the progress of Waka regarded as a lyric poem, and performed a primary role in politics. In addition, the study shows that it was these emigrants who had talent in Chinese literature and writing that recorded Waka and transmitted it to descendants during the earlier Manyoshu"s poems when oral, descriptive, and common poems were developed into documentary, lyric, and personal poems. Moreover, the emigrants had close relevance to the court, wrote poems on behalf of the court, and sometimes wrote poems for other people. As a result, from the fact that creation, development, and transmission of poems including the Manyoshu"s poems were almost accomplished by the emigrants from Ancient Korea who were excellent in Chinese literature and writing, as well as the fact that the emigrants closely related to the court, the study clearly shows that the emigrants had great influence on literature and politics before the Omni Dynasty and examining Japan literature and politics without the emigrants" contributions isn"t reasonable.

      • KCI등재

        近江朝의 文學과 政治

        尹永水 동아시아고대학회 2004 동아시아고대학 Vol.10 No.-

        This research inquires into the literature and politics of the Omi Dynasty (A.D. 667~672), which is regarded as 'a great transitional period' in the history of Japanese culture. The Omi Dynasty, which was established after the fall of Baekje, was a period in which Baekje's exiled intellectuals had a great influence on the history of Japanese culture and the development of the Ancient Japan through profound participation and activities in politics and literature of that time. Therefore, this paper examines the contributions to and the roles in the Omi Dynasty's literature and politics performed by the exiled intellectuals from Baekje, and explicates their influence on Japanese history and the cultural history of Japan and its meaning. As a result, it is shown that in the political and social stability of the Omi Dynasty, the knowledge of the exiled intellectuals from Baekje, who were experts in administration, military tactics, law, education, medicine, Confucianism, the Yin-Yang, and Chinese literature, was greatly utilized in constructing the Ancient Japan. The exiled intellectuals especially played an active part in scholarship and literature. It was these exiled intellectuals with profound knowledge who took the responsibility of education necessary for training talented men in the first public school in Japan. Chinese literature became popular for the first time in Japan and the traditional Japanese poetry (the Manyoshu's Poem) was highly developed, and these were due to the Omi Dynasty's splendid court culture and literary atmosphere lead by the exiled intellectuals who had rich academic attainments. Therefore, it is possible to conclude that the Omi Dynasty's scholarship and literature were initiated and lead by Baekjae's exiled intellectuals, and the Omi Dynasty can be said to be a great transitional period in the history of Japanese literature as well as a decisive opportunity to bring about the development of Japanese literature and the Manyoshu's Poem. Baekje's elegant and graceful culture was transplanted on a large scale in the Omi Dynasty, and the Dynasty was newly born politically, socially and timely with no similar cases in the history of Japan being found. Furthermore, Baekje's exiled intellectuals were active politically being able to practice advanced politics, which after all brought a turning point in Japanese history to develop greatly. Therefore, the significance of the Omi Dynasty's literature and politics toward the history of Japan and of its culture can be concluded as immense.

      • KCI등재

        萬葉集 七夕歌의 硏究

        尹永水 동아시아고대학회 2003 동아시아고대학 Vol.8 No.-

        This study takes as the subject 132 poems of the Seventh Day of the Seventh Moon in the Manyoshu and discusses the following: the characteristics of the poems of the Seventh Day of the Seventh Moon in the Manyoshu; the characteristics of the poems of the Seventh Day of the Seventh Moon in The Hitomaro's poetry; the transmission of the legend of the Seventh Day of the Seventh Moon to Japan; and the relationship between the poems and the Korean people moved to Japan in Ancient Korea. The following is the conclusion. The characteristics of the poems of the Seventh Day of the Seventh Moon are, first of all they are the only work in the Manyoshu with stars in a night sky as the theme, and the fact that all the authors are the intellectuals with noble bureaucratic background and males. Also, unlike the Chinese legend of the Seventh Day of the Seventh Moon or the Chinese poems of the Seventh Day of the Seventh Moon, other characteristics of the poems in terms of the story are: it is Gyeon Woo who crosses the Milky Way on the night of the Seventh Day of the Seventh Moon; Gyeon Woo and Jik Nyeo accept as their fate their heartbreaking love which only allows them to meet each other once a year; and there are many instances of expressions fused with Japanese myths. Thus, even though the poems of the Seventh Day of the Seventh Moon in the Manyoshu have been influenced by the Chinese legend of the Seventh Day of the Seventh Moon, there are significant differences from China. Therefore, it can be stated as Japanese transform or characteristics of the legend of the Seventh Day of the Seventh Moon. The status of the 38 poems of the Seventh Day of the Seventh Moon in The Hitomaro's poetry draw attention since they were written in the earliest period among the poems of the Seventh Day of the Seventh Moon in the Manyoshu. They are presumed to have been written after A.D. 680 or in the TenmuㆍJito Dynasty (A.D. 672~696), and the author to be Hitomaro himself. The characteristics of the poems of the Seventh Day of the Seventh Moon in The Hitomaro's poetry are that the poems are superb than other poets' work in terms of originality, and that they sing a celestial sad love story as a humanly love story on earth closely connected to the realities of life. According to the literature, the period in which the Chinese legend of the Seventh Day of the Seventh Moon was introduced in Japan is presumed to be much earlier than the TenmuㆍJito Dynasty and by the people who moved from Korea. This paper concludes that in the Omi Dynasty's (A.D. 667~672) rigorous literary pursuit, the Chinese poems of the Seventh Day of the Seventh Moon were widely introduced by the intellectual exiles from Baekje, who were competent in Chinese literature, and in this process the poems of the Seventh Day of the Seventh Moon of the Manyoshu were began to be written. Through this research it was possible to confirm that the influence of the people moved from Ancient Korea is revealed also in a Japanese ancient collection of poems, the poems of the Seventh Day of the Seventh Moon of the Manyoshu.

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