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      • KCI등재

        A Consideration of Honorific Language as Viewed by Korean Learners of Japanese

        등원지영미 ( Chiemi Fujiwara ) 아시아.유럽미래학회 2011 유라시아연구 Vol.8 No.4

        With approximately 960,000 South Koreans studying Japanese as of 2009, they comprise 26.4% of the total number of all learners of Japanese as a second language, more than any other nationality (The Japan Foundation, 2009). For Korean learners of Japanese, the similarities in the structure of Japanese-vocabulary and grammar, etc.-with their native Korean are factors that further their language acquisition. However, it is not uncommon for Korean learners of Japanese to find the characteristics of Japanese communication involving speech levels, particularly honorific language, to be difficult. Although the Korean language has also developed a system of honorific language, it has many disparities with the structure and usage of Japanese honorific language. In addition, differences in normative consciousnesses regarding honorific language are considered to possibly be a frequent trigger for miscommunication. This paper considers the influence that their view of honorific language has upon Korean learners of Japanese with regard to their selection of speech levels when communicating with Japanese people. While much research in which qualitative studies were conducted on consciousness pertaining to Japanese honorific language has already been done, there has been little research with aqual it ative examination focusing on Japanese language learners` consciousness of honorific language. Through quantit ative research alone, it is difficult to gain acomprehensive understanding of aspects of “consciousness,” which change due to the influence of various contributing factors. Therefore, this paper will utilize the Analysisof Personal Attitude Construct(below, PAC analysis), which inrecent years has come to be used as a psychological approach to analyzing Japanese language education, to examine Korean learners` of Japanese consciousness pertaining to the view and usage of honorific language. A survey was conducted from August 2009 to January 2011 in Japan and South Korea. The survey respondents were four intermediate to advanced Korean speakers of Japanese, each of whom had studied in Japan. The survey followed the PAC analysis format with “What is your image of honorific language and its usage?” as the stimulus term. The results of the analysis will be given below. Sixty-six free association items were found in dendrograms of respondents` answers. Overall, they showed a positive view of honorific language with 42 items for a “positive image,” 10 for a “negative image,” and 14 for “neither.” The first common characteristic among respondents was the appearance of the two items: “manners,” and “feeling of distance.” From the appearance of these two items in all of the respondents` answers, it can be understood that, for verbal communication, honorific language is an important means of showing politeness and that respondents are aware that it has a function of maintaining and adjusting the degree of intimacy and psychological distance between speakers. In terms of the “feeling of distance,” there was also mention of the advantageousness of honorific language for keeping a comfortable level of distance, thus, respondents did not necessarily evaluate “feeling of distance” to be a negative thing. The second common characteristic of the free association items was a strongly positive image of users of honorific language. In presentations or in business, there was a shared impression among respondents of honorific language users being professional, disciplined workers who get the job done, belong to a higher class, and have refinement. The view of honorific language that emerged among respondents is clearly connected to an impression of its users as being intelligent and sophisticated. Furthermore, it was confirmed that respondents view honorific language use as a sense and skill for language and that correct usage of honorific language in communication situations connotes sociolinguistic competence-the ability to use language. In this way, honorific language users are viewed from the perspective of their ability. The tendency to tie honorific language usage to ability of speakers, sophistication, and intelligence could stem from the consciousness of Korean respondents, which is of “sophisticated, intelligent honorific language users” as having received a solid at-home education on honorific language in South Korea, and their positive image of that education in the home. The third characteristic was that respondents identified honorific language as a characteristic shared by Japan and South Korea, evincing their broad perspective that views honorific language in an overall sense as an East Asian characteristic. This differs greatly from Taiwanese speakers of Japanese, who tend to view honorific language as a characteristic limited to Japanese culture as shown by the research by Fujiwara using PAC analysis to clarify their view of honorific language (under review). The disparity between these two sets of research results indicates the possibility that the similarities between Korean and Japanese honorific language influence the way Koreans view the honorific language of Japanese. As for the fourth characteristic, just as in previous research (Fujiwara, 2011, under review), responses showed an image of honorific language as “difficult” and “complicated.” However, rather than the difficulty of honorific language itself, this refers to the difficulty of knowing when to correctly use respectful and/or humble honorific words. As Japanese humble honorific expressions display greater variation than those of Korean (Hekyon Ka, 2001), this can possibly be considered the most difficult part of Japanese honorific language for Korean learners. As seen above in the characteristics of the way in which Korean learners of Japanese view honorific language, there was a tendency to have a positive image of honorific language itself, as seen in responses to the free association items for observing the image of honorific language in native-language situations. As for Taiwanese learners of Japanese, many negative-image responses appeared, such as those indicating that honorific language “should be simplified” and “should be done away with” (under review). Whereas in data on Korean learners, items were observed stating that honorific language is “something that shouldn`t be lost” and is “a must-have skill,” reflecting a tendency to view honorific language usage as a vital part of cultural heritage necessary for running social lifestyles. Along with influencing this positive consciousness, it is possible that similarities between the structure of honorific language in their native language of Korean and their second language of Japanese also leads to a consciousness of honorific language, which is informed by a general image that lumps the honorific language of the two languages together. In addition, it can also be surmised that honorific language education within Korean families as well as daily lifestyles, which are deeply-rooted in Korean social/cultural characteristics, and the positive consciousness toward such things, also exerts an influence on the consciousness regarding honorific language. In the future, the results and observations of this paper should be pursued in greater depth through studies conducted with respondents from different groups (for example, Koreans who have not stayed in Japan) including larger groups of respondents and incorporation of qualitative analysis.

      • KCI등재

        보통체회화에 나타난 한국인 일본어 학습자의 종조사 사용실태

        요시다다카 ( Yoshida Taka ) 한국일어일문학회 2014 日語日文學硏究 Vol.89 No.1

        일본어로 대화할 경우 상대와의 관계, 정보의 유무, 성별 등에 따라 문말형식 을 구별해서 사용해야 한다. 그 중에서도 종조사는 중요한 역할을 담당하고 있 으며, 특히 보통체회화에서는 종조사를 사용하지 않으면 자연스러운 대화가 이 루어지지 않는다. 본고는 한국인 일본어학습자가 친한 친구와 보통체로 대화할 때 나타나는 종조사를 조사하여, 일본어모어화자의 사용과 비교·분석함으로써 그 특징과 문제점을 밝히는 것을 목적으로 한다. 조사 결과, 모어화자는 친한 친구와 대화를 할 때 ``ね>な>よね>よ>さ> じゃん``의 순서로 사용빈도가 높게 나타났다. 인터뷰회화에서 나타난 종조사의 사용과 비교하면, ``ね``를 가장 많이 사용한다는 점에서는 차이가 없었으나, ``よ ね``나 독백으로 사용되는 ``な``의 사용이 많았다는 점과, 인터뷰회화에는 나타나 지 않았던 ``さ``나 ``じゃん``의 사용이 증가하는 등의 특징으로 나타났다. 한편 학습자는 ``ね>な>よ>じゃん>よね>さ``의 순서로 사용 빈도가 높았 으며, 모어화자와 비교해 ``よ``의 사용빈도가 높았고, 반대로 ``よね``의 사용수가 적었다. 또한 ``じゃん``는 학습자 대부분이 사용하고 있었으나 ``さ``를 사용하는 학습자가 많지 않다는 점 등이 특징으로 나타났다. 남녀별 차이를 보면 남성학습자는 ``な``와 ``ね``, 여성학습자는 ``ね``와 ``よ``의 사 용빈도가 높았고, 남성학습자의 경우 ``そうね``처럼 체언에 직접 ``ね``를 부가하거 나 "ね"의 과잉 사용으로 인해 여성스럽다는 인상을 주는 경우도 볼 수 있었다. 일본 거주기간별로 살펴보면, 거주기간이 짧은 학습자일수록 ``よ``를 많이 사 용하고 있었다. ``よ``는 정보적으로 자신이 우세하다는 것을 나타내는 종조사이 기 때문에, 모어화자의 경우 ``よ``대신 ``よね``나 다른 문말형식을 사용하여 정보 적으로 자신이 우세한 입장에 있다는 것을 주장하지 않도록 배려하면서 대화를 진행하려고 하는 반해, 일본 거주경험이 적은 학습자일수록 이러한 대우적인 배려를 습득하기가 어렵다는 것을 알 수 있었다. 이번 조사 대상자와 같은 주로 한국에서 일본어를 학습한 학습자의 경우 주 의 환경에서 오는 자연적 입력이 절대적으로 적고, 교육현장에서도 종조사교육 이 자세히 이루어져있지 않기 때문에 종조사 습득에 어려움을 느끼고 있는 학습 자가 많을 것으로 사려 된다. 상급학습자일수록 올바르지 못한 종조사로 인해 상대에게 오해를 주는 상황도 충분히 있을 수 있기 때문에 보통체형을 도입할 때 형태적인 설명만 아니라 대우적인 면에 초점을 맞춘 교육이 필요하다. When speaking Japanese language, especially when talking in normal form, one should distinguish format of the end of each sentence according to the relationship with the conversation partner, existence of information, and gender. Especially, sentence-ending particles in Japanese plays an important role. This article aims to show features and problems of the usage of sentence-ending particles in Japanese of Korean learners of Japanese language("Korean learners") when they speak with close friends in normal form, by comparing such usage with that if Japanese who`s mother language is Japanese("Japanese speakers") and by analyzing it. As a result of research, it turned out that Japanese speakers uses such sentence-ending particles in Japanese as, in an order of frequent usage, ``ね>な>よ ね>よ>さ>じゃん,`` when they speak to close friends. When comparing it with their usage in formal interviews, it turned out that there was no difference regarding the most frequent use of ``ね``; that, however, they frequently used ``よね`` or ``な`` even though ``な`` is used for monologue; and that the use of ``さ`` or ``じゃん`` that did not appear in the interviews was increased in the conversation with close friends. In case of Korean learners, it turned out that they uses such sentence-ending particles in Japanese as, in an order of frequent usage, ``ね>な>よ>じゃん>よ ね>さ``; that, compared to Japanese speakers, they more frequently used ``よ`` and less frequently used ``よね``; and that there were not many Korean learners who use ``さ`` although most of them use ``じゃん``. As of differences according to gender, male Korean learners frequently used ``な`` and ``ね``, compared to the female Korean learners who frequently used ``ね`` and ``よ``.There were occasions where uses of sentence-ending particles in Japanese by male Korean learners give impression of use by female in that they added ``ね`` directly to an uninflected word, as shown in ``そうね``, and that they use "ね" too much. In terms of length of residence in Japan, Korean learners who have shorter period of residence in Japan is more likely to use ``よ`` frequently. Because ``よ`` is a sentence-ending particle in Japanese indicating that the speaker prevails in terms of information, Japanese speakers tend to continue conversation while considering opposite party through using ``よね`` or other different ending formats instead of ``よ``, in order not to reveal that the speaker prevails on information.In contrast to that, it turned out to be difficult for Korean learners whose residence in Japan is short to learn and use such consideration for courtesy. In case of JFL, the object of this research, it is estimated that there are many Korean learners who have difficulties in learning sentence final particles in Japanese due to lack of inputs from the surroundings and due to lack of detailed education of use of sentence final particles in Japanese in education system.Education focusing on consideration for courtesy when using plain-style, as well as on explanation of formats, is necessary, considering the possibility that Korean learners in upper levels are more likely to cause misunderstanding by their conversation partners due to their wrong use of sentence final particles in Japanese.

      • KCI등재

        일본인 한국어학습자의 자기발화수정에 관한 일고찰

        김평강 ( Kim¸ Pyung-gang ) 한국외국어대학교 일본연구소 2020 日本硏究 Vol.0 No.86

        本稿は日本人韓国語学習者の韓国語の対話に現れる自己発話修正を分析して、日本人韓国語学習者の独話と韓国人日本語学習者のそれと比較したものである。 考察の結果、日本人韓国語学習者、韓国人日本語学習者共に[外的修正]を[内的修正]より多用し、情意フィルタが高くなるほど自己発話修正の使用数も増加した。日本人韓国語学習者は心理的·認知的負担の低い時、[外的修正]で内容語代替、挿入反復のような戦略を駆使する傾向があり、情意フィルタが高くなるにつれて内容語代替戦略への依存性が大きくなった。そして[内的修正]の場合、情意フィルタが低い場合は部分反復を、高い場合は全体反復を多く使用することが分かった。 母語に差による自己発話修正の戦略にも違いがあり、[外的修正]の場合、韓国人日本語学習者は挿入反復、再構成反復、内容語代替の順に多用し、情意フィルタが高くなるにつれて挿入反復の数は多くなるが、再構成反復の数は少なくなる等、日本人韓国語学習者のそれと比較して相違点が存在した。そして[内的修正]にも差があって、韓国人日本語学習者は情意フィルタが低い場合は全体反復を、高くなる場合は部分反復を多く使用し、日本人韓国語学習者のそれと相反した結果が現れた。 This paper analyzes the self-initiated self-repair that appear in the Korean dialogue of Japanese Korean learners and compares them with those of Japanese Korean learners and Korean learners of Japanese. As a result of consideration, both Japanese learners of Korean and Korean learners of Japanese used [overt repairs] more than [covert repairs], and the higher the emotion filter, the more the number of self-initiated self-repair used. Japanese learners of Korean tend to use strategies such as content word substitution and insertion repetition with [overt repairs] when the psychological and cognitive burden is low, and as the emotion filter becomes higher, the content word substitution strategy Increased dependence on. And in the case of [covert repairs], it was found that when the affection filter was low, partial iterations were used, and when it was high, total iterations were used. There is also a difference in the strategy of self-initiated self-repair due to the difference in the mother tongue, and in the case of [overt repairs], Korean learners of Japanese use more in the order of insertion repetition, reconstruction repetition, and content word substitution, and the emotion filter becomes higher. As the number of insert iterations increased, the number of reconstruction iterations decreased, and there were differences compared to those of Japanese learners of Korean. There is also a difference in [covert repairs], and Korean learners of Japanese use total iterations when the affection filter is low, and partial iterations when the filter is high, which is contrary to that of Japanese learners of Korean. The result appeared.

      • KCI등재

        普通体会話に現れた 韓国人学習者の終助詞使用状況

        요시다 다카(Yoshida Taka) 한국일어일문학회 2014 日語日文學硏究 Vol.89 No.1

        When speaking Japanese language, especially when talking in normal form, oneshould distinguish format of the end of each sentence according to the relationshipwith the conversation partner, existence of information, and gender. Especially,sentence-ending particles in Japanese plays an important role. This article aims toshow features and problems of the usage of sentence-ending particles in Japaneseof Korean learners of Japanese language(“Korean learners”) when they speak withclose friends in normal form, by comparing such usage with that if Japanese who’smother language is Japanese(“Japanese speakers”) and by analyzing it. As a result of research, it turned out that Japanese speakers uses suchsentence-ending particles in Japanese as, in an order of frequent usage, ‘ね>な>よね>よ>さ>じゃん,’ when they speak to close friends. When comparing it withtheir usage in formal interviews, it turned out that there was no difference regardingthe most frequent use of ‘ね’; that, however, they frequently used ‘よね’ or ‘な’even though ‘な’ is used for monologue; and that the use of ‘さ’ or ‘じゃん’ thatdid not appear in the interviews was increased in the conversation with close friends. In case of Korean learners, it turned out that they uses such sentence-endingparticles in Japanese as, in an order of frequent usage, ‘ね>な>よ>じゃん>よね>さ’; that, compared to Japanese speakers, they more frequently used ‘よ’ andless frequently used ‘よね’; and that there were not many Korean learners who use‘さ’ although most of them use ‘じゃん’. As of differences according to gender, male Korean learners frequently used ‘な’and ‘ね’, compared to the female Korean learners who frequently used ‘ね’ and‘よ’.There were occasions where uses of sentence-ending particles in Japanese by male Korean learners give impression of use by female in that they added ‘ね’directly to an uninflected word, as shown in ‘そうね’, and that they use “ね” toomuch. In terms of length of residence in Japan, Korean learners who have shorter periodof residence in Japan is more likely to use ‘よ’ frequently. Because ‘よ’ is asentence-ending particle in Japanese indicating that the speaker prevails in terms ofinformation, Japanese speakers tend to continue conversation while consideringopposite party through using ‘よね’ or other different ending formats instead of ‘よ’,in order not to reveal that the speaker prevails on information.In contrast to that,it turned out to be difficult for Korean learners whose residence in Japan is shortto learn and use such consideration for courtesy. In case of JFL, the object of this research, it is estimated that there are manyKorean learners who have difficulties in learning sentence final particles in Japanesedue to lack of inputs from the surroundings and due to lack of detailed educationof use of sentence final particles in Japanese in education system.Education focusingon consideration for courtesy when using plain-style, as well as on explanation offormats, is necessary, considering the possibility that Korean learners in upper levelsare more likely to cause misunderstanding by their conversation partners due to theirwrong use of sentence final particles in Japanese. 일본어로 대화할 경우 상대와의 관계, 정보의 유무, 성별 등에 따라 문말형식을 구별해서 사용해야 한다. 그 중에서도 종조사는 중요한 역할을 담당하고 있으며, 특히 보통체회화에서는 종조사를 사용하지 않으면 자연스러운 대화가 이루어지지 않는다. 본고는 한국인 일본어학습자가 친한 친구와 보통체로 대화할때 나타나는 종조사를 조사하여, 일본어모어화자의 사용과 비교·분석함으로써그 특징과 문제점을 밝히는 것을 목적으로 한다. 조사 결과, 모어화자는 친한 친구와 대화를 할 때 ‘ね>な>よね>よ>さ>じゃん’의 순서로 사용빈도가 높게 나타났다. 인터뷰회화에서 나타난 종조사의사용과 비교하면, ‘ね’를 가장 많이 사용한다는 점에서는 차이가 없었으나, ‘よね’나 독백으로 사용되는 ‘な’의 사용이 많았다는 점과, 인터뷰회화에는 나타나지 않았던 ‘さ’나 ‘じゃん’의 사용이 증가하는 등의 특징으로 나타났다. 한편 학습자는 ‘ね>な>よ>じゃん>よね>さ’의 순서로 사용 빈도가 높았으며, 모어화자와 비교해 ‘よ’의 사용빈도가 높았고, 반대로 ‘よね’의 사용수가적었다. 또한 ‘じゃん’는 학습자 대부분이 사용하고 있었으나 ‘さ’를 사용하는학습자가 많지 않다는 점 등이 특징으로 나타났다. 남녀별 차이를 보면 남성학습자는 ‘な’와 ‘ね’, 여성학습자는 ‘ね’와 ‘よ’의 사용빈도가 높았고, 남성학습자의 경우 ‘そうね’처럼 체언에 직접 ‘ね’를 부가하거나 “ね”의 과잉 사용으로 인해 여성스럽다는 인상을 주는 경우도 볼 수 있었다. 일본 거주기간별로 살펴보면, 거주기간이 짧은 학습자일수록 ‘よ’를 많이 사용하고 있었다. ‘よ’는 정보적으로 자신이 우세하다는 것을 나타내는 종조사이기 때문에, 모어화자의 경우 ‘よ’대신 ‘よね’나 다른 문말형식을 사용하여 정보적으로 자신이 우세한 입장에 있다는 것을 주장하지 않도록 배려하면서 대화를진행하려고 하는 반해, 일본 거주경험이 적은 학습자일수록 이러한 대우적인배려를 습득하기가 어렵다는 것을 알 수 있었다. 이번 조사 대상자와 같은 주로 한국에서 일본어를 학습한 학습자의 경우 주의 환경에서 오는 자연적 입력이 절대적으로 적고, 교육현장에서도 종조사교육이 자세히 이루어져있지 않기 때문에 종조사 습득에 어려움을 느끼고 있는 학습자가 많을 것으로 사려 된다. 상급학습자일수록 올바르지 못한 종조사로 인해상대에게 오해를 주는 상황도 충분히 있을 수 있기 때문에 보통체형을 도입할때 형태적인 설명만 아니라 대우적인 면에 초점을 맞춘 교육이 필요하다.

      • KCI등재

        한국인일본어학습자의 일본문화 관심도에 관한 일고찰 -일본어교재를 개발하기 위한 시점을 중심으로-

        윤호숙 ( Youn Ho-sook ),윤정훈 ( Yoon Jeong-hun ),최진희 ( Choi Jin-hui ) 한국일어일문학회 2016 日語日文學硏究 Vol.99 No.1

        국제사회와의 관계 속에서 일본어 학습의 문화 이해와 문화 학습의 중요성에 의해 한국인일본어학습자가 구체적으로 어느 분야에 관심을 가지고 있는지에 대한 조사가 필요하다. 그러나 기존연구에서는 일본어교육의 관심도에 관한 연구는 그리 많지 않고 특히 문화에 관한 관심도 연구는 대부분이 제2언어에 있어서의 동기부여의 요인 가운데 하나로 다루어지고 있다. 따라서 본고에서는 한국인일본어학습자를 대상으로 일본문화에 대한 관심도에 관해 상세하게 고찰하였다. 그 결과 한국인일본어학습자가 높은 관심을 나타내고 있는 일본문화는 `일본의 미디어` `일본의 일상생활(특히 식문화)` `일본 여행`이고 낮은 관심도를 나타내고 있는 일본문화는 `일본의 개요` `일본의 대중문화`라는 것을 알 수 있었다. 따라서 향후 한국인을 대상으로 한 일본어교육 시 필요한 학습항목에 관해 알 수 있었으며 한국인일본어학습자가 높은 관심도를 나타내고 있는 `일본의 미디어` `일본의 일상생활` `일본 여행`이 앞으로 일본어 수업과 교재개발 시 가장 우선시되어야 할 학습내용이라고 생각된다. 그러나 관심도가 낮은 항목이라고 해도 교육적인 관점에서 필수적으로 학습해야 할 내용은 존재한다. 즉, 학습자가 관심이 높다고 해서 `일본의 미디어` `일본의 일상생활` `일본 여행`에만 너무 국한되면 교육의 기본 가치가 문제시 될 수 있을 것이다. 따라서 일본어와 일본 문화를 학습할 때 전제가 되는 `일본의 개요` 등은 교재개발과 수업에 반드시 고려해야 하며 `유학` 등 장기체류를 희망하는 학생들에게는 `일본의 생활 정보`에 관한 학습내용도 필요하다. 본고의 의의는 선행연구에 비해 구체적인 조사항목을 추출하여 세부적으로 한국인일본어학습자의 관심도를 조사할 수 있었으며 일본어교육과 교재개발에 고려할 점을 시사하였고 학습내용의 방향성을 규명하였다는 점이다. 또한 본 연구를 통해 규명된 한국인일본어학습자의 일본문화에 관한 관심도를 더욱 검토하여 금후 일본어 교육과 교재개발에 적극 활용하려고 한다. Due to the importance of the cultural understanding on learning Japanese and learning culture of the target language in international relations, an investigation on the interest of Korean learners of Japanese is required. However, there were not much research conducted on this area which concerned in Japanese language education in previous studies. Especially, cultural impact has been merely dealt with as a motivational factor in the second language acquisition. Therefore, this study tried to review as detailed the degree of the interest in Japanese culture of Korean learners of Japanese as possible. In the result of that, Korean learners of Japanese are highly interested in Japanese culture such as “Japanese Media”, “Japanese daily life style (Specially about food)” and “Travel to Japan” whereas “Overview of Japan” and “Japanese public Culture” are less popular. Thus, this issue of learning items is needed for the Korean learners of Japanese in future and the items like “Japanese Media”, “Japanese daily life style” and “Travel to Japan” are considered to put in priority when people make lesson plans and its textbooks. However, the parts which the learners felt less interested in is also needed to be considered carefully since there are some learnable contents in it. In other words, it would cause some problems when instructors only focus on this area which learners prefer to learn. Therefore, the part like “Overview of Japan”, a prerequisite to learn Japanese language and its culture, must be considered in the process of lesson planning and textbook development.Also“General information about living in Japan”is recommended to learners who want to stay in Japan for a longer period. The significance of this study is identifying the direction and we can examine the specific survey items which detailed in Korean Japanese learner`s interest. To further examine the interest of the Japanese culture, Korean Japanese learners will identify through this study. They can take advantage of the future development of Japanese language education and textbooks.Media`, `Japan`s daily life`, `Travel to Japan`. Therefore, the part like `Overview of Japan`, a prerequisite to learning the Japanese language and its culture, must be considered in the process of lesson plan and textbook development. Also, `General information about living in Japan` is recommended to the learners who want stay in Japan for a longer period of time. The significance of this study is identifying the direction and we were able to examine the extract specific survey items detailed in interest in Korean Japanese learners in comparison to the previous study was uninteresting points to consider in the Japanese education and textbook development considering the high learning content future needs was is that. To further examine the interest of the Japanese culture, Korean Japanese learners identified through this study will try to take advantage in the future development of Japanese language education and textbooks.

      • KCI등재

        日本語の意見文における「譲歩」の形式と機能 : 日本語母語話者と韓国人学習者の比較

        申媛善 韓國外國語大學校 外國學綜合硏究센터 日本硏究所 2014 日本硏究 Vol.0 No.59

        This study examines forms and functions of concessions through statements of opinion written by Korean Japanese learners and Japanese native speakers. Japanese native speakers are slightly larger than Korean Japanese learners in terms of the entire numbers of occurrence of concession and the average numbers of occurrence. Japanese native speakers overwhelmingly use tashikani 'certainly' as a form of concession. This result is consistent with previous studies. However, Korean Japanese learners use mochiron 'of course' a lot as a form of concession. In fact, they never use tashikani. The reasons for this could be considered as followed: firstly, mochiron has loose co-occurrence unlike tashikani. Secondly, there is difference in strength of the nuance between mochiron in Korean and tashikani in Korean. In the case of darou, Japanese native speakers also use it a lot unlike Korean Japanese learners. Instead, Korean Japanese learners express it through the other modality forms or the bare statements. Japanese and Korean speakers show similar distribution in terms of function, however, Japanese native speakers are slightly more than Korean Japanese learners in terms of concession which is in confrontation with, whereas Korean Japanese learners are slightly more than Japanese speakers in terms of concession which expresses their own opinions. For the partial affirmation which is in confrontation with, we need to educate Korean Japanese learners presentation of the typical pattern by native speakers and corresponding language form, because (i) numbers of occurrences by the Korean Japanese learners come to only half of ones by Japanese speakers and (ii)misuses by the Korean Japanese learners also stand out. Moreover, for the entire denial which expresses their own opinions, there is only one case of the form that Japanese native speakers and Korean Japanese learners overlap and in this type of concession, Japanese native speakers' favorite forms could be different from Korean Japanese learners' favorite forms. However, further research needs to be done.

      • KCI등재

        중국어와 일본어 모어 화자의 한국어 음절 종성 산출 차이 연구

        장향실 ( Hyang Sil Chang ) 우리어문학회 2016 우리어문연구 Vol.55 No.-

        본고는 한국어 음절 종성에 대한 일본어와 중국어권 화자의 산출 차이에 대해고찰하였다. 중국어권 학습자와 일본어권 학습자는 공통적으로 한국어의 종성 ‘ㄱ, ㄷ, ㅂ’ 등을 제대로 발음하지 못하는데, 그 이유는 학습자의 모국어인 중국어 및 일본어와 목표어인 한국어의 음절 구조가 다르기 때문이다. 그런데 주목을 요하는 것은 두 언어권 학습자의 발음 산출이 다르게 나타난다는 점이다. 중국어권 학습자들은 대개 음절 종성을 탈락시켜 발음하는 경향이 강한 반면, 일본어권학습자들은 음절 종성을 후행 음절의 초성으로 재음절화하여 발음하는 경향이 나타난다. 한국어의 CVC 음절을 가지는 단어에 대해 일본어권 학습자는 CV.CV로 산출하는 데 비해 중국어권 학습자는 CV로 산출하는 것이다. 이에 대해 기존의 음운론 연구에서는 외국인 학습자의 목표어 음절 종성 발음은 목표어의 음절종성이 가진 특성에 영향을 받는다고 하였다. 하지만 한국어의 같은 종성 자음에 대해 두 언어권 학습자가 달리 산출한다는 것은, 그 원인이 학습자 모어의 음절구조 및 음절화 원리에서 비롯된다고 보아야 할 것이다. 이에 본 연구에서는 일본어와 중국어의 음절 구조 특징 및 음절화 원리를 살펴보았다. 특히 두 언어가 모두 기본적으로 CV 음절 구조를 가지는 언어임에도 불구하고 다른 산출 결과가 나오는 원인에 대해 주목하였다. 분석 결과일본어권 학습자가 한국어의 CVC 음절을 CV.CV로 산출하는 이유는 그들이 한국어의 음절 종성을 일본어의 촉음 廷와 발음 ん로 대응하는 데서 비롯되는것으로 파악된다. 일본어권 화자는 한국어의 종성을 일본어의 촉음이나 발음으로 대응시키는데, 이들은 CV-Q.CV, CV-N.CV의 구조로만 나타나야 하는 음절 구조 제약을 가진다. 이 때문에 한국어의 CVC 음절을 CVC.CV구조로 발화하는 것이다. 중국어권 학습자의 경우, 한국어 종성 탈락은 그들이 하나의 형태소를 하나의 음절로 인식하여 음절화하기 때문으로 분석된다. 하나의 형태소(문자)를 하나의 음절로 인식하기 때문에 한국어를 인식할 때에도 음절 단위로 표기되는 한국어의 표기에 많이 견인되어 오류를 발생시키는 것이다 This thesis aims to investigate different outputs of Korean syllable-final consonant that are pronounced by Chinese and Japanese learners. The Chinese and Japanese who are learning Korean samely pronounce Korean syllable-final consonant incorrect especially, syllable final consonant ㄱ, ㄷ, ㅂ. The inaccuracy results from the difference in syllable structure among the Korean, Chinese, and Japanese. Other study on Korean phonology regard the error of foreign learners`` pronounce as being due to the nature of syllable-final consonant of target language. But different output of syllable-final consonant in Korean between Chinese and Japanese learners shows that the causes of error result from the syllable structure of foreigners`` mother tongue. By the way, it is different that the output of Korean syllable-final consonant pronounced by Chinese and Japanese learners. The Chinese learners are generally apt to eliminate syllable-final consonant of Korean. But the Japanese learners usually resyllabicate the consonant in coda as the next initial consonant. It means that the Chinese learners pronounce the word which is CVC syllable structure like CV syllable structure word. But the Japanese pronounced like CV.CV structure word. The reason for the Japanese learners output as CV.CV structure in pronounce CVC structure word is that the Japanese learners unconsciously regarded the syllable-final consonant as Japanese ``廷`` or ``ん``. As result, the Japanese learners outputs as CV-Q.CV CV-N.CV structure. But the Chinese learners`` eliminating the syllable-final consonant are resulted from the characteristics of Chinese which is the certain syllable boundary. The Chinese learners are affected by the characteristic of their syllable structure. This thesis investigated the outputs of Korean syllable-final consonant produced by foreign learners, especially Janpanese and Chinese learners. The foreign learners`` error are caused by the syllable structure of their mother tongue.

      • KCI등재


        藤原 智栄美 아시아유럽미래학회 2011 유라시아연구 Vol.8 No.4

        한국인 학습자에게는 어휘, 문법 등의 일본어 체계가 모국어인 한국어와 유사하기 때문에 일본어 습득을 촉진시키는 요소로 작용하지만, 일본어 커뮤니케이션 상의 가장 큰 특징 중 하나인 대우 표현(待遇表現)과 경어(敬語)는 한국인 학습자뿐만 아니라 대부분의 일본어 학습자에게 습득이 어려운 부 분이다. 한국어도 일본어와 같이 경어가 발달된 언어이지만 양 언어 간에는 경어체계와 그 사용법에 차이 점도 존재하기 때문에 커뮤니케이션 상 오해도 자주 발생한다. 그래서 본고에서는 일본인과의 커뮤니케이 션에서 대우(待遇) 레벨의 선택에 영향을 주는 한국인 학습자의 경어관(敬語觀)에 대해서 살펴보았다. 이러 한 일본어 학습자의 경어 의식에 대해서는 양적 연구는 많지만 경어 의식에 초점을 맞춘 질적 연구는 적 다. 여러 가지 요인이 작용하여 변화하는 「의식」에 대해서는 양적 연구만으로는 그 양상을 포괄적으로 파악하기는 어렵다. 따라서 본고에서는 개인별 태도구조 분석법(Analysis of Personal Attitude Construct; 이하, PAC 분석)을 이용하여 한국인 학습자의 경어관과 경어 사용에 대한 의식을 살펴보았다. 다음은 조사에 대한 분석 결과이다. 피험자의 덴드로그램(dendrogram)에 나타난 자유연상항목(自由連想項 目)은 모두 66항목이다. 그 중에「긍정적 이미지 항목」이 42항목,「부정적 이미지 항목」이 10항목,「어느 쪽도 아닌 항목」이 14항목이 나타난 것으로 보아서 한국인 학습자는 전체적으로 긍정적인 경어관을 가지 고 있다는 것을 알 수 있다. 피험자에게 공통적으로 나타난 경어관중에서 가장 특징적인 것은「예의」, 「거리감」의 2항목이고, 이 이미지는 피험자 전원에게 나타났으며 이것은 경어를 커뮤니케이션에 있어서 정중함을 나타내는 주요한 수단으로 인식하고, 화자간의 친소(親疏)관계와 심리적 거리를 유지하고 조절하 는 기능으로 인식하고 있다는 것을 나타낸다고 할 수 있다.「거리감」에 대해서는 경어를 사용함으로써 상대방과 기분 좋은 거리를 유지할 수 있다고 장점으로 보는 것으로 보아서 부정적 평가만 하고 있지는 않다는 것을 알 수 있다. 두 번째 특징은 자유연상항목(自由連想項目)에서 「경어 사용자」에 대한 긍정적 이미지가 강하게 나타 난 점이다. 발표나 비즈니스 등 공적인 장면에서 프로페셔널하게 일을 잘하는 것, 세련된 하이클라스의 사 람들 등의 공통된 이미지를 들 수 있으며, 지성・교양과 경어 사용자상이 명확한 연관 관계가 있다고 인 식하는 경어관이 뚜렷하게 나타났다. 또한 경어 사용은 언어적 센스와 언어를 사용하는 기법으로 보고 있 고, 언어 장면에서의 적절한 언어 사용 능력이라고 할 수 있는 사회 언어 능력으로 보고 있는 양상도 확 인할 수 있었다. 이와 같이 피험자가 경어 사용을 화자의 능력적인 관점에서 파악하고, 교양・지성과 관련 지어서 보는 것은 「교양・지성을 가진 경어 사용자」는 한국의 가정에서 제대로 경어 교육을 받은 사람 이라고 생각하고, 그러한 가정교육에 대한 긍정적 이미지가 반영된 것이라고 할 수 있을 것이다. 세 번째 특징은 피험자가 경어 사용을 일본과 한국의 공통된 특징이라고 평가하고 「동아시아」의 특 징이라고 보고 있으며, 넓은 시점에서 총체적으로 파악하려고 한다는 점이다. 이것은 PAC 분석을 이용해 서 조사한 藤原(인쇄중)의 연구에서 대만인이 일본어의 경어를 일본 문화에 한정된 특징으로 보고 있는 결 과와는 크게 다르다. 이 두 가지 연구결과를 종합적으로 살펴보면 한일 양언어간의 경어 체계의 유사성이 제2 언어인 일본어의 경어관에 영향을 주고 있다는 것을 알 수 있다. 네 번째 특징은 본 연구에서도 선행 연구(藤原2011, 藤原인쇄중)와 같이 경어의「어려움」과 「복잡성」 이라는 항목이 출현했지만 이것은 경어 체계 그 자체에 대한 것이 아니라, 존경어 ․겸양어의 올바른 사 용법에 대한 어려움에서 기인된 것으로 생각된다. 일본어의 겸양 표현은 한국어에 비해서 다양하기(賈惠 京, 2001) 때문에 한국인 학습자가 일본어 경어를 가장 어렵게 느끼게 되는 원인이라고 생각된다. 이상에서 본 바와 같이 한국인 학습자의 경어관의 특징은 모국어의 경어에 대한 이미지가 자유연상항 목(自由連想項目)으로 나타났으며 경어 자체를 긍정적으로 보고 있다는 점이다. 대만인 학습자가 부정적 이미지가 많으며 경어에 대해서「간단했으면 좋겠다」「없는 게 좋다」고 지적하는(藤原, 인쇄중) 것과는 상 반적으로, 한국인 학습자는「없어져서는 안 된다」「반드시 몸에 익히는 편이 좋다」는 항목이 나타났으며, 경어 사용을 사회생활을 영위하기 위한 중요한 문화적 산물로 보는 경향이 있다. 향후에는 서로 다른 속 성의 피험자(예:일본 체재 경험이 없는 한국인)를 선정하여 조사를 실시함과 동시에 피험자수를 늘려서 정량조사를 실시하여 본연구의 결과와 고찰을 한층 더 심화시킬 필요가 있다고 생각된다. With approximately 960,000 South Koreans studying Japanese as of 2009, they comprise 26.4% of the total number of all learners of Japanese as a second language, more than any other nationality (The Japan Foundation, 2009). For Korean learners of Japanese, the similarities in the structure of Japanese— vocabulary and grammar, etc.—with their native Korean are factors that further their language acquisition. However, it is not uncommon for Korean learners of Japanese to find the characteristics of Japanese communication involving speech levels, particularly honorific language, to be difficult. Although the Korean language has also developed a system of honorific language, it has many disparities with the structure and usage of Japanese honorific language. In addition, differences in normative consciousnesses regarding honorific language are considered to possibly be a frequent trigger for miscommunication. This paper considers the influence that their view of honorific language has upon Korean learners of Japanese with regard to their selection of speech levels when communicating with Japanese people. While much research in which qualitative studies were conducted on consciousness pertaining to Japanese honorific language has already been done, there has been little research with aqual it ative examination focusing on Japanese language learners’ consciousness of honorific language. Through quantit ative research alone, it is difficult to gain acomprehensive understanding of aspects of “consciousness,” which change due to the influence of various contributing factors. Therefore, this paper will utilize the Analysisof Personal Attitude Construct(below, PAC analysis), which inrecent years has come to be used as a psychological approach to analyzing Japanese language education, to examine Korean learners’ of Japanese consciousness pertaining to the view and usage of honorific language. A survey was conducted from August 2009 to January 2011 in Japan and South Korea. The survey respondents were four intermediate to advanced Korean speakers of Japanese, each of whom had studied in Japan. The survey followed the PAC analysis format with “What is your image of honorific language and its usage?” as the stimulus term. The results of the analysis will be given below. Sixty-six free association items were found in dendrograms of respondents’ answers. Overall, they showed a positive view of honorific language with 42 items for a “positive image,” 10 for a “negative image,” and 14 for “neither.” The first common characteristic among respondents was the appearance of the two items: “manners,” and “feeling of distance.” From the appearance of these two items in all of the respondents’ answers, it can be understood that, for verbal communication, honorific language is an important means of showing politeness and that respondents are aware that it has a function of maintaining and adjusting the degree of intimacy and psychological distance between speakers. In terms of the “feeling of distance,” there was also mention of the advantageousness of honorific language for keeping a comfortable level of distance, thus, respondents did not necessarily evaluate “feeling of distance” to be a negative thing. The second common characteristic of the free association items was a strongly positive image of users of honorific language. In presentations or in business, there was a shared impression among respondents of honorific language users being professional, disciplined workers who get the job done, belong to a higher class, and have refinement. The view of honorific language that emerged among respondents is clearly connected to an impression of its users as being intelligent and sophisticated. Furthermore, it was confirmed that respondents view honorific language use as a sense and skill for language and that correct usage of honorific language in communication situations connotes sociolinguistic competence—the ability to use language. In this way, honorific language users are viewed from the perspective of their ability. The tendency to tie honorific language usage to ability of speakers, sophistication, and intelligence could stem from the consciousness of Korean respondents, which is of “sophisticated, intelligent honorific language users” as having received a solid at-home education on honorific language in South Korea, and their positive image of that education in the home. The third characteristic was that respondents identified honorific language as a characteristic shared by Japan and South Korea, evincing their broad perspective that views honorific language in an overall sense as an East Asian characteristic. This differs greatly from Taiwanese speakers of Japanese, who tend to view honorific language as a characteristic limited to Japanese culture as shown by the research by Fujiwara using PAC analysis to clarify their view of honorific language (under review). The disparity between these two sets of research results indicates the possibility that the similarities between Korean and Japanese honorific language influence the way Koreans view the honorific language of Japanese. As for the fourth characteristic, just as in previous research (Fujiwara, 2011, under review), responses showed an image of honorific language as “difficult” and “complicated.” However, rather than the difficulty of honorific language itself, this refers to the difficulty of knowing when to correctly use respectful and/or humble honorific words. As Japanese humble honorific expressions display greater variation than those of Korean (Hekyon Ka, 2001), this can possibly be considered the most difficult part of Japanese honorific language for Korean learners. As seen above in the characteristics of the way in which Korean learners of Japanese view honorific language, there was a tendency to have a positive image of honorific language itself, as seen in responses to the free association items for observing the image of honorific language in native-language situations. As for Taiwanese learners of Japanese, many negative-image responses appeared, such as those indicating that honorific language “should be simplified” and “should be done away with” (under review). Whereas in data on Korean learners, items were observed stating that honorific language is “something that shouldn’t be lost” and is “a must-have skill,” reflecting a tendency to view honorific language usage as a vital part of cultural heritage necessary for running social lifestyles. Along with influencing this positive consciousness, it is possible that similarities between the structure of honorific language in their native language of Korean and their second language of Japanese also leads to a consciousness of honorific language, which is informed by a general image that lumps the honorific language of the two languages together. In addition, it can also be surmised that honorific language education within Korean families as well as daily lifestyles, which are deeply-rooted in Korean social/cultural characteristics, and the positive consciousness toward such things, also exerts an influence on the consciousness regarding honorific language. In the future, the results and observations of this paper should be pursued in greater depth through studies conducted with respondents from different groups (for example, Koreans who have not stayed in Japan) including larger groups of respondents and incorporation of qualitative analysis.

      • KCI등재

        한국어 연결어미 ‘-면서’의 일본어 대응 표현 연구

        박기선 중앙어문학회 2023 語文論集 Vol.96 No.-

        한국어 교육 문법에서 ‘-면서’는 일반적으로 ‘동시’의 의미기능을 나타내는 연결어미로 제시된다. 그리고 일본인 한국어 학습자를 고려한 한국어 교재나 문법서 등에는 한국어 연결어미 ‘-면서’가 일본어 ‘ながら(nagara)’에 대응하는 경우가 많다. 그러나 한국어 ‘-면서’ 와 일본어 ‘ながら’를 비교하면 그 의미기능이 항상 일치하는 것은 아니다. 이러한 점은 일본인 한국어 학습자들에게 ‘-면서’와 ‘ながら’의 비대칭적인 의미기능에 대한 이해 부족으로 이어져 오류 발생의 한 원인이 될 수 있다. 이에 이 연구에서는 한국어 연결어미 ‘-면서’의 일본어 대응 표현에 대한 선행연구와 관련 문헌자료(한일사전, 일한사전, 한국어 교재, 문법서)를 조사하고 이와 함께 한국어-일본어 번역 말뭉치를 분석하였다. 이 연구에서 한국어 ‘-면서’의 일본어 대응 표현은 맥락에 따라서 ‘ながら(nagara)’뿐만 아니라 ‘て(te), ているうちに(teiruutini), とし,(tosi,), てがら(tegara), につれ(nitsure), ため、(dame), により(niyori), 중지법(中⽌法)’ 등이 다양하게 나타나고 있음을 알 수 있었다. In Korean Pedagogical Grammar, Korean connective ending ‘-myeonseo’ is generally learned as a connective ending with the semantic function of ‘simultaneity’. And in a Korean textbook for Japanese learners of Korean, ‘-myeonseo’ corresponds to the Japanese expression ‘nagara(ながら)’. However, when comparing Korean ‘-myeonseo’ and Japanese ‘nagara(ながら)’, their semantic functions do not always correspond. This can be one of the reasons why Japanese learners of Korean make errors when using the Korean ‘-myeonseo’. Therefore, this study investigated previous research and various materials(Korean-Japanese dictionary, Japanese-Korean dictionary, Korean textbook, grammar book) and analyzed the Korean-Japanese translation corpus. As a result of this study, various expressions are used for the Japanese corresponding expression of the Korean ‘-myeonseo’ depending on its semantic function. For example, there is ‘nagara(ながら)’, but there are also ‘て(te), ているうちに(teiruutini), とし,(tosi,) てがら(tegara), につれ(nitsure), ため、(dame), により(niyori), and 中⽌法(use of the continuative form as a conjunction in Japanese).

      • KCI등재

        일본인 학습자 대상의 한국어교육용 조사 목록 연구 -사용 빈도와 난이도를 바탕으로-

        오기노신사쿠 한국언어문화교육학회 2021 언어와 문화 Vol.17 No.4

        This paper aims to prepare the Korean postpositional particles list for native Japanese learners based on frequency and difficulty through survey research. This paper is divided into five chapters. First, chapter one mentions the necessity and purpose of this study by introducing the background that students who want to major in Korean at Japanese universities have constantly been increasing. Still, there is almost nothing to prepare systematic contents of education for them. Chapter two introduces a general tendency to advanced studies on Korean grammar education in Japanese universities and various other lists related to Korean grammar. Chapter three explains the subjects and the method of this study. Chapter four shows the Korean postpositional particles list for native Japanese learners based on the analysis results of postpositional particles frequency and difficulty. Finally, chapter five argues the conclusion and limitations of this study. Details of this study are as follows. A total of 69 Korean postpositional particles listed on the grammar list as supplements in "Stage 2 of International Common Korean Education Model Development(국제 통용 한국어교육 표준 모형 개발 2단계)" were set to the subjects of this study, and 58 Korean postpositional particles were elected and 11 oof them were excluded by the analysis result of survey reserch about frequency and difficulty to 46 native Japanese learners. Among all 58 selected Korean postpositional particles, 28 of them as elementary level, 14 of them as intermediate level, 11 of them as advanced level, and 5 of them were classified as superlative level. the Korean postpositional particles list for native Japanese learners that were prepared through this study, will help students who are major in Korean at Japanese universities to study Korean postpositional particles systematically and efficiently.his paper aims to prepare the Korean postpositional particles list for native Japanese learners based on frequency and difficulty through survey research. This paper is divided into five chapters. First, chapter one mentions the necessity and purpose of this study by introducing the background that students who want to major in Korean at Japanese universities have constantly been increasing. Still, there is almost nothing to prepare systematic contents of education for them. Chapter two introduces a general tendency to advanced studies on Korean grammar education in Japanese universities and various other lists related to Korean grammar. Chapter three explains the subjects and the method of this study. Chapter four shows the Korean postpositional particles list for native Japanese learners based on the analysis results of postpositional particles frequency and difficulty. Finally, chapter five argues the conclusion and limitations of this study. Details of this study are as follows. A total of 69 Korean postpositional particles listed on the grammar list as supplements in "Stage 2 of International Common Korean Education Model Development(국제 통용 한국어교육 표준 모형 개발 2단계)" were set to the subjects of this study, and 58 Korean postpositional particles were elected and 11 oof them were excluded by the analysis result of survey reserch about frequency and difficulty to 46 native Japanese learners. Among all 58 selected Korean postpositional particles, 28 of them as elementary level, 14 of them as intermediate level, 11 of them as advanced level, and 5 of them were classified as superlative level. the Korean postpositional particles list for native Japanese learners that were prepared through this study, will help students who are major in Korean at Japanese universities to study Korean postpositional particles systematically and efficiently.

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