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      • KCI등재

        범죄 예방 환경으로서 제주의 골목공간 ‘올래’에 관한 연구 -제주 신산머루 일대 중심으로-

        오성훈,이윤규,이강희,이용규 한국셉테드학회 2019 한국셉테드학회지 Vol.10 No.2

        Jeju’s traditional dwelling system has created unique special structure and hierarchy called “Olle”. It can be assessed that there is CPTED elements such as natural surveillance and territorial matrix in this characteristic of Olle. However, development work of the Olle and construction of new roads accompanied by modernization have brought chaos. In particular, population in the original city center has decreased and aged rapidly by development policy in the 1960s and development for new downtown in the 1980s. As the living condition of Jeju’s original city center has been deteriorated by increase in empty houses and worn out, the risk of crime has increased as well. Having selected the original city center to be a vulnerable area, Jeju municiple government has progressed a project creating safe alley as a pilot project for crime prevention environment design in order for improvement for safe living and quality of village environment since 2014. There is a criticism, however, on the poor maintenance as the physical facilities such as the murals and the emergency bells have been worn out, accordingly analysis for suitable CPTED for spatial structure of Jeju city center has been desperately required. Here upon, firstly this study examined characteristic of crime prevention in the alley space via literature review. Secondly, crime prevention environmental design project has been carried out, the overview and reality of CPTED project for Sinsan-Muru area in where Olle is well deserved has been looked into, and the spatial hierarchial system such as the depth of Olle and the number of route through individual Olle. Lastly, a checklist has been derived through guideline for alley space design proposed to establish crime prevention environment and review on the Jeju Olle, feasibility and issues on the Olle space in Sinsan-Muru area as a crime prevention environment have been analyzed. It can be said that the outcome of this study is highly utilizable in that this basic data for preservation and utilization of Olle in establishing crime prevention environment in the future in Jeju can be provided.

      • KCI등재

        제주창조 여신을 통해 본 제주다움과 올레 개발 방향성 고찰

        강준수,송영민 한국해양관광학회 2023 해양관광학연구 Vol.16 No.4

        The purpose of this study is to carry out specific discussions on the direction of Jeju Olle development through the presentation and realization of a specific image of the nature of Jeju seen through the value of Jeju's creative goddess. This study discusses the development direction of the Jeju tourism industry through the discussion of the creative goddess culture with unique values of Jeju. Jeju Island, as the hometown of mythology, is unique in that most of the gods are composed of goddesses. Goddess culture can be said to be a special value unique to Jeju Island as a value of matrilineal society in the Neolithic Age. The core elements of the nature of Jeju identified through the culture of the Jeju Creation Goddess include the vitality of the land, subjective femininity, altruistic maternal love, equal compromise, closeness between humans and nature, and sacredness of nature. Despite the long and arduous journey of the Camino de Santiago, hikers have a sacred and holy experience towards their destination rather than complaining. On the other hand, Jeju Olle hikers complain of various inconveniences. This means that Jeju Olle brought only the motif of ‘road’ from the Santiago pilgrimage route. The pilgrimage route to Santiago does not mean a simple ‘road’, but has symbolic images, sacredness, and storytelling of holiness that can be recognized as the hardships and journeys of life. Santiago hikers experience joy in the process of realizing the special image and value of the pilgrimage route. This means that Jeju Olle needs to build values and images of sanctity, holiness, and mystery through storytelling using the Jeju creation goddess.

      • KCI등재후보

        언론의 특정 지역공간 담론화에 대한 분석 -"제주올레"를 중심으로

        이영윤 ( Young Yun Lee ) 제주대학교 탐라문화연구소 2010 탐라문화 Vol.0 No.36

        본 논문은 특정 지역공간에 대한 담론을 형성하는 주체로서 언론의 역할에 대한 연구다. 연구를 위한 사례는 `제주올레`다. 제주올레는 현재 제주가 자랑하는 전국적인 관광상품이다. 제주올레가 전국적 인기를 얻은 배경에는 언론의 역할이 컸다. 언론이 적극적으로 제주올레에 담론을 형성하면서 제주올레는 `길`을 넘어 관광상품으로까지 정체성을 확대하였다. 한편 담론을 통해 일상에서 누구나 걷고 체험하는 `길`이 `상품`으로 재생산되면서 제주인이 제주의 길에 소외되는 현상이 벌어지는 것 아닌지 연구할 필요가 제기됐다. 이에 본 논문은 언론이 형성하는 담론에 따라 길에서 출발한 제주올레가 관광상품으로 만들어지는 과정을 탐색하였다. 언론이 담론을 형성하는데 있어서 주체가 된 권력에 대해서도 분석하였다. 이를 통해 언론과 특정 권력관계가 형성한 담론에 따라 제주의 길이 분할, 배제되고 있지 않은지 탐색하였다. 궁극적으로 제주올레를 둘러싼 담론에 제주주민이 제주의 길에 소외되지 않은지 파악해보았다. This study examined the role of mass media as the subject of producing a discourse of a certain regional place-Jeju Olle. The pathway walking, Jeju Olle, is a popular tourist commodity of Jeju Province. The mass media have played an important role in promoting the commodity. As they produced a discourse of Jeju Olle trekking that aroused the public attention, the trekking has been extended beyond simply a pathway walking to a tourist attraction. However, the study raised the question "Is the value proper to Jeju pathways rightly understood by tourists and Jeju citizens?" because Jeju Olle trails, along which the citizens of Jeju walk in their everyday life, were transformed into goods and as a result they could be alienated from their roads. From this perspective, this study explored the process through which Jeju Olle tails which used to be ordinary pathways have been changed into a tourist commodity by mass media discourse. In addition, the study examined the so-called power, or the subject of discourse, which is influential in forming a discourse, with the aim of seeing if Jeju Olle was structured in social discourse produced by mass media and groups of power, and ultimately if the citizens of Jeju was excluded from such a discourse and distant from their roads.

      • KCI등재

        Cultural Meaning of the Craze for Walking Jeju Olle Trail

        Min, Joo Sik(민주식) 한국전시산업융합연구원 2017 한국과학예술융합학회 Vol.31 No.-

        The purpose of this paper is to explore the cultural significance of the Jeju Ollegil Trail, which has recently sparked the craze for walking in Korea. Jeju Olle trail achieved fame as a travel destination through the development and promotion of planned course. Not only did it contribute to tourism in Jeju Island, it also brought about a nationwide craze for walking. As many philosophers and poets walk along, walking is a good opportunity to organize ideas and to come up with new ideas. People who want to make a new start in life also visit Jeju Olle. They look forward to seeing themselves in front of nature, and having the courage to go to the world with comfort and hope. Although Jeju Olle has the characteristics of a walking trip, it just walks along the trail without any burden. It is enough to enjoy various beautiful sceneries such as the ocean, the field and the ascent there. We can read three cultural codes in the Jeju Olle craze: the change in leisure and tour pattern, the break from daily life, and the unity of body rhythm and spiritual reflection.

      • KCI등재

        ‘카미노’와 ‘올레’를 중심으로 본 문화콘텐츠로서의 길[道]

        김치완(Kim, Chi-Wan) 인문콘텐츠학회 2013 인문콘텐츠 Vol.0 No.30

        오늘날 우리는 ‘문화지향사회’라는 말에 적응해야 하는 시점에 이르렀다. 그리고 산업에서 문화로 시대정신이 변화하고 있고, ‘글로컬라이제이션(glocalization)’의 담론이 실현될 수 있다는 기대에 부풀어 있다. 하지만 이 희망은 문화와 콘텐츠라는 말이 사실상 모호하다는 점에서부터 벽에 부딪힐 수밖에 없다. 그래서 이 연구에서는 문화콘텐츠가 상품 이상의 의미를 가질 수 있다는 전제에서 출발하여, 카미노 데 산티아고와 제주올레를 비교함으로써 문화 콘텐츠로서 길[道]의 의미를 모색하고자 하였다. 카미노 데 산티아고는 기독교 전통의 순례를 잘 표현해낸 문화콘텐츠이다. 왜냐하면 현실의 삶에서 지친 이들이 그렇지 않은 낯선 공간을 찾아 떠나서, 결국은 다양한 방식으로 자기 자신의 기대, 그리고 결과를 카미노 데 산티아고의 풍경 가운데 하나로 승화시킬 수 있도록 했기 때문이다. 이에 비해 제주올레는 카미노 데산티아고의 亞流 수준을 넘어서지 못하고 있다. 왜냐하면 ‘집으로 가는 길’을 뜻하는 올레의 의미를 제대로 구현해내지 못하였기 때문이다. 결국 문화는 없고 ‘콘텐츠-상품’만 남은 것이다. 동양문화의 전통에서 길은 본래 공간에 새겨진 시간의 표시이다. 왜냐하면 길은 공간과 시간의 양 측면에서 여기와 저기, 과거와 미래가 교차하는 일종의 특이점이기 때문이다. 제주의 길로서 제주올레가 문화콘텐츠로서 성공하려면, ‘집으로 가는 길’이라는 올레 본래의 정체성을 회복해야만 한다. 그리고 아울러 길의 보편성 위에서 제주의 문화와 역사를 제대로 녹여 넣을 수 있어야 한다. At present, we reached a point of time to be adapted to the words of ‘culture-oriented society’. Therefore, the spirit of the times is changing from industry to culture and we are full of expectations that discussion over glocalization will be materialized. However, this hope can not help facing a barrier because the words of culture and contents are actually vague. In this context, this study started from the premise that cultural contents can have significance more than products and attempted to search for the meaning of The Way(道) as a traditional content of the oriental culture by comparing Jeju Olle with Camino de Santiago. Camino de Santiago is a cultural content that expresses very well a traditional pilgrimage of Christianity. It is because Camino de Santiago enabled those exhausted from the real life to leave for strange space different from the real life and eventually sublimate their own expectations in various ways and results as one of the scenes of Camino de Santiago. Compared to this, Jeju Olle is unable to overcome the imitation level of Camino de Santiago. It is because Jeju Olle could not properly realize the meaning of Olle that means ‘a walk to a home’. In fact, culture is not seen but only ‘content-product’ exists. The way in the tradition of the oriental culture is a mark of time carved in original space. It is because The way in the qualitative aspects of space and time is a specific point in which here and there, the past and the future intersect. In order for Jeju Olle to be successful as The way of Jeju and a cultural content, the Olle’s original identity as The way to a home should be recovered. Furthermore, over the universality of The way, Jeju’s culture and history should be sufficiently contained in Jeju Olle.

      • KCI등재

        슬로우 투어리즘에 대한 탐색적 연구

        최화열(Hwa Yeol Choi),박연옥(Yeon Ok Park),윤병국(Byeong Kug Yoon) 한국관광연구학회 2015 관광연구저널 Vol.29 No.2

        Slow tourism, following the increasing social atmosphere to pursue the quality of healthy life on the value of life, is a tourism concept of the newly emerged in the 21st century, which started slowly and leisurely to live a life. Walking tour that combines walking and tourism has firstly started with the name of Olle Tour in Jeju Island in 2007. Currently, many municipal governments have provided the opportunity of walking tour to the local residents since they constructed a similar walking tour courses and Jeju Olle Tour for each municipality of the country. Therefore, Walking Paths in South Korea have technically started in Jeju Olle. However, around the world, Santiago Pilgrimage Trails, Japan Shikoku Pilgrimage Trails, Kumano Kodo Pilgrimage Trails, India Varanasi Pilgrimage Trails, and Mecca Pilgrimage Trails in Islamic countries all have already been widely spread among their local people. In the literature study, we apply the sense of accomplishment that you can feel in the walking pilgrimage road to Jeju Olle Tour and Jeju Olle Walking Festival. This research was focused on seeking the development plan of the Jeju Olle Walking Festival as slow tourism. The results of the study show that it is possible to provide their visitors with positive effects of the quality and healthy life, while maintaining the purpose of Jeju Olle Tour. In the last section, we have suggested 5 effective ways to vitalize Jeju Olle Courses to satisfy the tourists and local residents at the same time.

      • KCI등재

        Cultural Meaning of the Craze for Walking Jeju Olle Trail

        민주식 한국전시산업융합연구원 2017 한국과학예술융합학회 Vol.31 No.-

        The purpose of this paper is to explore the cultural significance of the Jeju Ollegil Trail, which has recently sparked the craze for walking in Korea. Jeju Olle trail achieved fame as a travel destination through the development and promotion of planned course. Not only did it contribute to tourism in Jeju Island, it also brought about a nationwide craze for walking. As many philosophers and poets walk along, walking is a good opportunity to organize ideas and to come up with new ideas. People who want to make a new start in life also visit Jeju Olle. They look forward to seeing themselves in front of nature, and having the courage to go to the world with comfort and hope. Although Jeju Olle has the characteristics of a walking trip, it just walks along the trail without any burden. It is enough to enjoy various beautiful sceneries such as the ocean, the field and the ascent there. We can read three cultural codes in the Jeju Olle craze: the change in leisure and tour pattern, the break from daily life, and the unity of body rhythm and spiritual reflection.

      • KCI등재

        텍스트마이닝을 활용한 코로나19 전후 제주올레 게시글 분석

        김근현,이수광 (사)한국관광레저학회 2023 관광레저연구 Vol.35 No.1

        The purpose of this study is to collect posts about Jeju Olle Trail uploaded to blogs and cafes (Naver, Daum) and to understand the perception and the behavior of Jeju Olle Trail users. After collecting posts with the keyword "Jeju Olle" using Textom, CONCOR analysis was performed using word cloud, N-gram, 2-way word tree, and Ucinet (ver.6.0). As a result of word cloud analysis, static words such as 'cafe, restaurant, drive course, hotel' showed high frequency in 2019, and dynamic words such as 'walk, road, pension' showed high frequency in 2020 and 2021. In particular, it was characterized by a high frequency of words related to small lodging facilities such as pensions. As a result of N-gram and 2-way word tree analysis, it was found that the frequency of crowded places has decreased, while the frequency of little-known places with fewer people has increased. As a result of the CONCOR analysis, words such as 'accommodation recommendation, one of the best' grouped together, which shows the behavior of people visiting places recommended by other people, before COVID-19, whereas lesser-known places such as 'Onpyeong-ri, Samdali, and Nandr' grouped together after COVID-19. In conclusion, the study is intended to provide basic data for tourism policies to revitalize Jeju Olle Trail in the post-COVID-19 er

      • KCI등재

        제주 Place Branding을 위한 올레길의 가치 창출 연구

        성용석,임경호 사단법인 한국브랜드디자인학회 2020 브랜드디자인학연구 Vol.18 No.1

        Products and attractions created through the introduction of Place Branding' are recalled as one value. As a result, Jeju's attractions have the advantage of creating the value of Jeju's image in increasing originality and affinity. In this study, we want to actively enhance Jeju Olle-gil, a representative place built with differentiated images, by using it as a success story. Place Branding in Jeju is a way of establishing Jeju's image in accordance with the value of Place Branding by clarifying brands with identity, symbolism and originality using natural resources. The place where the brand has been materialized provides a symbolic means of lifestyle and self-expression. In Jeju, however, it is also an inevitable reality to spend time and budget trying to create and build a visible type of thing without any specific vision or strategy. It is drawing attention as a place to maximize and preserve the existing given value elements, a common feature in the cases of Jeju Olle-gil and overseas Olle-gil, adding a groundbreaking strategy. If the "Place Branding" value creation study continues to be applied simultaneously to brand development, improving the nation's brand and image will be a great advantage in promoting Jeju tourism. We hope that this study will continue to demonstrate specific expected effects and produce successful 'Place Branding' values. ‘Place Branding’의 도입을 통하여 만들어진 상품 및 명소는 하나의 가치로 상기된다. 그 결과 제주의 명소는 독창성 및 호감도가 상승함에 있어 제주의 이미지의 가치를 창출하는 장점이 있게 된다. 본 연구에서는 차별화된 이미지로 구축된 대표적 플레이스 제주 올레길을 성공사례로 두어 적극적으로 제고하고자 한다. 제주에서의 ‘Place Branding’은 자연 자원을 활용한 정체성, 상징성, 독창성을 지닌 브랜드의 구체화를 통해 제주를 찾는 관광객의 요구를 ‘Place Branding’의 가치에 부합시켜 제주의 이미지를 설정해 나가는 하나의 방법이라 판단하였다. 브랜드가 구체화 된 장소는 생활양식과 자아 표출의 상징적 수단을 제공한다. 그러나, 제주의 경우 구체적 비전이나 전략 없이 눈에 보이는 유형의 무언가를 만들고, 구축하는데 급급한 예산과 시간을 소요시키고 있는 것 또한 피할 수 없는 지금의 현실이다. 제주 올레길과 해외 올레길의 사례에서의 공통된 특징인 기존의 주어진 가치 요소를 최대한 극대화하고, 보존하면서 획기적인 전략을 더한 플레이스로 주목받고 있다. 길에서 출발한 본 연구를 계기로 ‘Place Branding’ 가치창출 연구가 지속되어 보다 경제적이고 환경적인 측면이 브랜드 개발에 동시 접목된다면 제주 올레길에서 더 나아가 국가브랜드 및 이미지 향상이 제주 관광 활성화를 도모하는 데 있어 큰 이점이 될 것이다. 본 연구를 계기로 구체적 기대효과가 입증되어 성공적인 ‘Place Branding’ 가치의 결과물이 도출할 수 있는 연구가 지속되어지길 기대해 본다.

      • KCI등재

        MICE 활성화를 위한 제주도내 관광상품 디자인개발 연구

        신장섭 ( Jang Seop Jang ),문영만 ( Young Man Moon ) 한국상품문화디자인학회(구 한국패키지디자인학회) 2010 상품문화디자인학연구 Vol.27 No.-

        제주특별자치도는 국제자유도시 조성을 위해 2006년 개편된 제주도의 행정체제이다. 섬이라는 독특한 지리환경과 옛탐라국의 역사가 깃든 특이한 민속문화로 하여 다른 곳에서는 볼 수 없는 고유한 관광성을 자랑하며 지리적으로 인접국가와 연계가 가능하고 또한 유네스코 세계자연유산과 세계지질공원인중 등 아름다운 자연환경과 유형, 무형의 자원을 보유하고 있다. 따라서 제주도는 MICE산업의 훌룡한자원을 보유하고 있다. MICE산업은 높은 경제적 파급효과는 물론 도시브랜드를 높이는 일석이조의 산업이다. 본 논문의 목적은 이러한 제주도의 MICB산업의 활성화를 위해 관광상품의 가치를 높이고 재 창출하여 MICE만의 관광상품 브랜드를 연구, 디자인 한다. 그리고 이를 위한 이론적 고찰 및 조사는 각종문헌과 논문, 인터넷 등과 관광상품 판매점을 통해 진행한다. 지역문화의 콘텐츠이며 이슈중에 하나인 제주올레 라는 브랜드를 접목시켜 제주MICB산업이 그린MICE산업으로 무게중심이 옮겨가는 현실에 부합 및 일조하고자 한다. Jeju Special Self-Governing Province is the administrative system of Jeju-do which was reorganized for building Free International City in 2006. It is famous for its unique tourist attractions which are impossible to see in other regions with its unique geographic settings of a island and exquisite folk culture containing the history of the ancient Tamra land. It can be geographically connected with a neighboring country and in addition, has beautiful natural environments and tangible and intangible resources including UNESCO`s World Natural Heritage and approved Global Geographical Park etc. Accordingly, Jeju Island holds good resources for the MICE industry. The MICE industry is an industry with the effect of killing two birds with one stone to enhance city brand as well as great economic impacts. The aim of the current study is to investigate and design a brand of tourist products only for MICE by increasing and remodeling the values of tourism packages in order to activate the MICE industry of Jeju Island. And theoretical investigations and research for this are conducted via every kind of literature, articles, internet etc and tour packages shops. It aims to correspond and contribute to the reality that Jeje MICE industry is positioning itself again as green MICE industry by grafting a brand of Jeju Olle which is one of the contents in regional culture and one of the popular issues.

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