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      • KCI등재

        러시아인의 한국이미지에 관한 연구

        방교원(BANG, gyo young) 한국슬라브유라시아학회 2014 슬라브학보 Vol.29 No.2

        This study is the second report among the three-phased research on the national image between Korea and Russia, image on the nation, its people and the government held in Russian minds in their twenties. To study images on Korea, the theoretical grounds to qualitatively define ethnic culture were proposed for the purpose of identifying the categories of responses that enable respondents to differentiate a nation’s exclusive image: 5 categories based on brand theories (people, government, culture, travel and products). These categories would be investigated and interpreted with appropriated questions. In general, Korean people and government have positive national image in Russian young women’s mind. But the Korean tradition and modernity is overlapped in their mind which makes Korean image deeply engraved in a kind of compound or synthetic one. In the eyes of Russian young women, the Korean government and people are democratic and communicative with their modern aspects in many dimensions. Korean culture has highly sophisticated aspect and its products have modern and common image. But the sightseeing and products history of Korea are not overlapped with the positive image of the Korean government, people and culture. The Korean nation’s image is defined by firstly its people and government in Russian young women’s imagination whereas the sightseeing and products are not considered essential. In other words, it is the image reflected from the real power that they support its positive aspects but not from their own free will or free participation. By studying Russian young women who make their national image of Korea, this paper explores how a country develops ‘identity as its image’ to make itself known in a specific market. Korean national image, and the image of its government, people, culture, travel sites and products have almost intersubjectivity to comunicate and promote the history, tradition, ideology, friendship and social values, democracy and equality that Koreans have desired to guard and protect. They need to be better communicated for due recognition outside the nation.

      • KCI등재

        정치인의 이미지 커뮤니케이션 -인터뷰 텍스트와 인스타그램 게시물을 중심으로-

        조국현 ( Cho Kukhyun ) 한국텍스트언어학회 2021 텍스트언어학 Vol.51 No.-

        Man sagt, ‘Politiker leben von dem Image’. Sie streben nach der Pflege des Images. D.h. sie versuchen ein positves Image zu erwerben und ein negatives Image zu verbessern. Vor allem sind Massenmedien und SNS ein Hauptmittel, um ein Image einer Person oder eines Objekts kommunikativ zu erzeugen. In der vorliegenden Arbeit wird untersucht, wie die kommunikative Erzeugung von Politiker-Images in journalistischem Interview und Instagram funktioniert. Dabei wird der multimodale Aspekt von kommunikativen Resultaten, also Texten berücksichtigt. Sowohl Äußerungen eines Politikers als auch seine Gestalt, Handlungen oder Gestik in bildlichen Formen nämlich beeinflussen die Erzeugung des Images. Nach der Untersuchung gelten drei Verfahren als Mechanismen der ImageErzeugung, also sprachliche Problematisierung, bildliche Symbolisierung und sprachliche/bildliche Framing. In der vorliegenden Arbeit wird darauf näher eingegangen.

      • KCI등재후보

        국가이미지가 소비자 신뢰와 구매의도에 미치는 영향

        정한경(Han-Kyung Jung) 융복합지식학회 2018 융복합지식학회논문지 Vol.6 No.1

        이 연구는 국가이미지의 구성요인을 확인하고, 국가이미지가 소비자 신뢰와 구매의도에 어떠한 영향을 미치는 가를 검토하기 위한 목적으로 수행되었다. 이를 위해 실증분석에서는 서울시내 소재 직장인과 대학생 166명을 대상으로 한 일본의 국가이미지에 관한 설문조사 결과를 SPSS 25.0과 AMOS 23을 사용하여 분석하였는데, 그 결과는 다음과 같다. 첫째, 일본의 국가이미지 차원은 경제이미지, 정치이미지, 관계이미지, 문화이미지, 국민이미지, 환경이미지의 6 가지 차원으로 구성될 수 있는 것으로 나타났다. 둘째, 경제이미지와 국민이미지가 소비자 신뢰에 영향을 미치고 있는 것으로 나타났다. 셋째, 소비자 신뢰가 고몰입 제품인 자동차의 구매의도에 유의한 영향을 미치는 것으로 나타났다. 넷째, 저몰입 제품인 맥주의 경우에는 관계이미지와 국민이미지가 유의한 영향을 미치고 있는 것으로 나타났다. 반면에, 고몰입 제품인 자동차의 경우에는 문화이미지가 유의한 영향을 미치는 것으로 나타났다. This study was conducted to identify the factors of the Japanese country image and to examine how the country image affects consumer trust and purchasing intention. For this purpose, a survey of 166 college students and workers in Seoul was analyzed using SPSS 25.0 and AMOS 23. The results are as follows. First, it has been revealed that the Japanese country image level can be composed of six dimensions: economy image, politics image, relations image, culture image, people image, environment image. Second, it turns out that the economy image and the people image are influencing consumer trust. Third, it has been shown that the consumer trust has a significant influence on the purchasing intention of the car that can be considered high involvement product. Fourth, it turns out that the relations image and people image having a significant influence on the purchasing intention of the beer that can be considered low involvement product. On the other hand, it turns out that culture image having a significant influence on the purchasing intention of the car.

      • KCI등재

        Multi Cycle Consistent Adversarial Networks for Multi Attribute Image to Image Translation

        조석희(Seok Hee Jo),조규철(Kyu Cheol Cho) 한국컴퓨터정보학회 2020 韓國컴퓨터情報學會論文誌 Vol.25 No.9

        이미지-이미지 변환은 입력 이미지를 통해서 목적 이미지를 만들어내는 기술로 최근 비지도 학습 구조인 GAN을 활용하여 더 실제와 같은 이미지를 만들어내는 높은 성과를 보였다. 이에 따라 GAN을 활용한 이미지-이미지 변환 연구는 다양하게 진행되고 있다. 이때 일반적으로 이미지-이미지 변환은 하나의 속성 변환을 목표한다. 그러나 실제 생활에서 사용되고 얻을 수 있는 자료들은 한 가지 특징으로 설명하기 힘든 다양한 특징으로 이루어진다. 그래서 다양한 속성을 활용하기 위하여 속성별로 이미지 생성 과정을 나누어 학습할 수 있도록 하는 다중 속성 변화를 목표로 한다면 더 이미지-이미지 변환의 역할을 잘 수행할 수 있을 것이다. 본 논문에서는 GAN을 활용한 이미지-이미지 변환 구조 중 높은 성과를 보인 CycleGAN을 활용해 이중 속성 변환 구조인 Multi CycleGAN을 제안한다. 이 구조는 입력 도메인을 두 가지의 속성에 대하여 학습하기 위하여 3개의 도메인이 양방향 학습을 진행하는 이중 변환 구조를 구현하였다. 새로운 구조를 통해 생성된 이미지와 기존 이미지-이미지 변환 구조들을 통해 생성된 이미지를 비교할 수 있도록 실험을 진행하였다. 실험 결과 새로운 구조를 통한 이미지는 입력 도메인의 속성을 유지하며 목표한 속성이 적용되는 높은 성능을 보였다. 이 구조를 활용한다면 앞으로 더 다양한 이미지를 생성하는 일이 가능지기 때문에 더 다양한 분야에서의 이미지 생성의 활용을 기대할 수 있다. Image-image translation is a technology that creates a target image through input images, and has recently shown high performance in creating a more realistic image by utilizing GAN, which is a non-map learning structure. Therefore, there are various studies on image-to-image translation using GAN. At this point, most image-to-image translations basically target one attribute translation. But the data used and obtainable in real life consist of a variety of features that are hard to explain with one feature. Therefore, if you aim to change multiple attributes that can divide the image creation process by attributes to take advantage of the various attributes, you will be able to play a better role in image-to-image translation. In this paper, we propose Multi CycleGAN, a dual attribute transformation structure, by utilizing CycleGAN, which showed high performance among image-image translation structures using GAN. This structure implements a dual transformation structure in which three domains conduct two-way learning to learn about the two properties of an input domain. Experiments have shown that images through the new structure maintain the properties of the input area and show high performance with the target properties applied. Using this structure, it is possible to create more diverse images in the future, so we can expect to utilize image generation in more diverse areas.

      • KCI등재

        현대시와 이미지― 감각, 비유, 사건으로서의 이미지

        권혁웅 한국시학회 2018 한국시학연구 Vol.- No.55

        The poetic image, as opposed to the literal proposition, can sometimes be regarded as a second-order product of consciousness. However, this paper attests to the power of poetic images and aims to determine their significance. The image is not only a representation, but also a sensory product. Sensuousness is one of the mechanisms underlying meaning, and helps cause the transformation of a poetic subject. The study of poetic imagery is ① an inquiry into the profound meaning of poems, which is generated through their sensuous effects, and ② an examination of the process of transformation of the poetic “I” in terms of their movement, body, emotions, and reasoning. The image is also the basic unit of figurative communication. Metaphor, synecdoche, metonymy, symbolism, and allegory are all based on the unit of meaning constituted by the image. Through metaphor, for example, the two objects being compared represent two different worlds. When an image is comprised of a metaphor, it reflects the true character of the world as perceived by the subject. Finally, the image is a condensation of time. It is not representative of a single moment or a snapshot of time, and includes motion and transience. As such, it represents an event or circumstance in a manner that is unlike other forms of communication. An event in poetry is an “image-event” in the sense that it is archetypal, symbolic, repetitive, and latent. The author hopes to spur the re-discovery of the potential of the image and thereby to stimulate related research and the emergence of new perspectives in the field. 시에서의 이미지는 표상의 일종으로 다루어지고 있으며, 이 때문에 의식의 산출물로서 빈약하게 취급되고 있다. 이 논문은 이미지의 역량을 증언하고 그 의미를 살펴보려는 의도에서 작성되었다. 이미지는 표상이 아니라 감각의 소산이다. 감각은 의미화의 기제이며, 주체의 변용을 야기한다. 시에서 이미지를 연구하는 일은 ① 감각을 통해 생성되는 시의 진정한 의미를 연구하는 일이며, 나아가 ② 주체의 변용과정 전반―‘나’의 운동, 신체, 감정, 사유 등―을 파악하는 일이다. 이미지는 또한 비유의 기본단위이다. 은유, 제유, 환유, 상징, 알레고리 등은 이미지를 단위로 삼아서 성립한다. 비유에서 비유되는 두 항은 접면하는 서로 다른 두 세계를 대표한다. 비유의 단위로서 이미지가 도입될 때, 그것은 주체가 파악한 세계의 참모습을 보여준다. 이미지는 시간의 단면(정지)이 아니라 응축이며, 운동의 배제가 아니라 포함이다. 따라서 이미지는 (통상의 서사물과는 다른 방식으로) 사건을 표현한다. 시에서의 사건은 원형적, 상징적, 잠재적인 사건이라는 점에서 ‘이미지-사건’이다. 이미지가 가진 잠재력이 재발견되어 정체된 이미지 연구에 새로운 돌파구가 마련되기를 소망한다.

      • KCI등재

        의복이미지와 화장이미지에 관한 기존 연구 분석

        이현정(Hyun Jung Lee),김미영(Mi Young Kim) 한국복식학회 2004 服飾 Vol.54 No.7

        The purpose of this study was to review the previous researches, analyze the clothing image, the make-up image and compare the analyses of clothing image and make-up image. The previous researches of clothing image and make-up image were reviewed in 6 kinds of journal. The results of previous research review and analysis were followed as: Measuring mean of image are used to similarly that semantic differential technique and summated rating technique. Attention to proposed researcher abstraction image in make-up image, but there is problem that this hard to explain objectivity of image abstraction. There are a lot of occasions that 4 or 5 image factors were extracted by factor analysis. The make-up image researches that presented image stimulus were more than study that do not present. Image words were classified which were compiled words have similar sub image. Grace. activeness, lively, unique, modernity, attractive, feminine. sexy and ripeness clothing images were classified factors, which were representative clothing image. Elegance. Sophisticate, romantic, natural, modern and youthfulness make-up image for factor were representative make-up image factors. However the problems were found that some representative image factor included the sub images which were different from some factor image. Compared with representation image words. same image words were used to not agree what clothing image and make-up image. Standardization of word should be made that show that clothing image and make-up image.

      • KCI등재

        DETR 기반의 객체 임베딩을 활용한 이미지 검색

        반충기,박다영,황영배,이용,장래영,최명석 한국차세대컴퓨팅학회 2022 한국차세대컴퓨팅학회 논문지 Vol.18 No.5

        Image retrieval is a problem of finding an image suitable for the purpose of search for a given image. Recent work utilizes a feature map of pre-trained deep learning models from large dataset for image classification to solve the content-based image retrival (CBIR) problem, mainly finding visually similar images. This paper proposes an object-based image retrival (OBIR) problem of finding an image containing an object same as a given image. Traditional image retrieval techniques use global or local features to search for similar images, which makes it difficult to obtain object information if a given image has a complex background or if the object of the image is small. To address this, we propose object embedding and image retrieval techniques using the latest object recognition models, DETR (Detection Transformer) and Bag of Visual Words (BoVW), which can represent object information regardless of background. This paper conduct a comparative experiment with existing image retrieval techniques using COCO data mainly used in object recognition problems and AID, Oxford & Paris data used in existing image retrieval techniques, and show that DETR-based BoVW outperforms existing methods in OBIR problems.

      • KCI등재

        김혜순 시에 나타난 시간-이미지 연구

        박한라 ( Park Han-ra ) 현대문학이론학회 2017 現代文學理論硏究 Vol.0 No.70

        김혜순 시를 들뢰즈의 시간-이미지를 통해 살펴보면 불규칙한 이미지들의 나열 속에서 구조를 살펴볼 수 있다. 우선 `경계의 무화와 크리스탈-이미지`에서는 김혜순 시에 있어서 `현실성-잠재성`, `실재적인 것/상상적인 것`, `현재/과거` 사이의 판별이 불가능한 특징을 크리스탈-이미지를 통해 살펴보았다. 이는 거짓의 서사를 통한 새로운 시적 층위를 살펴볼 수 있는 장을 제공한다. `단절적 연결과 현대적 몽타주`에서는 파편적인 이미지가 인과적이지 않은 채 나열되는 경향을 현대적 몽타주를 통해 살펴보았다. 현대적 몽타주에서 이미지들 간의 간격은 `바깥`에 대해 사유할 수 있는 통로이다. 바깥이란 언어로 표현할 수 없는 불가능한 사유의 지점이다. 이미지들의 간격, 즉 바깥을 실재로 볼 때 김혜순 시에서는 `트라우마`의 반복강박과 같이 고통의 이미지가 계열을 이루며 반복 등장하는 것도 살펴볼 수 있다. 또한 서사대신 계열을 통해 이미지의 역량이 강화되며, 이미지가 관념에서 벗어나 즉자적으로 존재하기 때문에 이미지 자체에 집중하게 된다. If we look at Kim Hye-soon`s poem through Deleuze`s time-image, we can find out the structure in the list of irregular images. First of all, in `Borderless and Crystal - Image`, I examined the features that can not be distinguished between `reality - potential`, `actual / imaginary`, and `present / past` in crystal - image in Kim Hye - soon. This provides a place to look at the new poetic level through the narrative of the false. In `Disconnected Connection and Modern Montage`, I looked at the fragmentary image through a modern montage. The spacing between images in a modern montage is the reason for `out`. Outside is a point of impossible reason that can not be expressed in language. When I look at the spacing of images in reality, I can see that the poetry of repetition of `trauma` appears in Kim Hye-soon`s poem. In addition, the capacity of the image is strengthened through the series instead of the narrative, and the image concentrates on the image itself because it exists outside the narrative or idea.

      • Image Denoising Algorithm Based on Non Related Dictionary Learning

        Yao Nan,Wang KaiSheng,Cai Yue 보안공학연구지원센터 2016 International Journal of Signal Processing, Image Vol.9 No.3

        In allusion to the partial texture information loss during image deniosing process, an image denoising algorithm based on non related dictionary learning is proposed in this article. In this algorithm, the noise image is firstly divided into mutually overlapped image blocks, and a certain quantity of these image blocks are randomly selected for subsequent dictionary learning; then, non related dictionary learning technology is adopted to obtain the redundant dictionary with relatively strong irrelevance; finally, the sparse encoding algorithm is adopted to obtain the sparse representation coefficient of each image block in the redundant dictionary, and such sparse representation coefficients are used to recover the original image. The experiment result shows: since the redundant dictionary obtained through non related dictionary learning technology can strongly represent the image texture information, PSNR (Peak Signal to Noise Ratio) of the algorithm proposed in this article is superior to that of the existing advanced algorithm, and the algorithm can well keep the image detail and texture information, thus to improve visual effect.

      • 이미지 메이킹 교육의 인식도와 필요성에 관한 연구

        진형여 ( Hyung Yeong Jin ),김지연 ( Ji Yuon Kim ) 대한미용문화예술학회 2013 대한미용문화예술학회지 Vol.2 No.1

        The purpose of this study is to seize the awareness and necessity of image making education for 20s and 30s people who would have the interview or find a job, and live in society. Therefore, the ultimate goal of this study is to have desirable image making training for them. 20s and 30s men and women living in Seoul or Gyeonggi province who have interviews or finding a job, and live in society were selected as research subjects for samples. The period of questionnaire was from March 19 th to April 17th in 2012. The study was conducted a total of 400 copies for the questionnaire and the collected data were done by SPSS (Statistical Package for the Social Science) WIN 18.0 program for analysis. As the analysis technique, t-test and frequency analysis were carried out to identify the general characteristics of participants, general data of image making education, and an actual condition survey of image making education, and awareness and necessity of image making education. The results obtained from the study are as follows. First, 79.3% which recorded the highest answer among the participants thought “It is the creating process to realize their seeking image.” Second, the phone manner (importance and characteristics of answering phones) ranked the first and general manner (greeting, posture, and attitude) was the next rank in the question of the necessity of image making education. Third, 93.0% of the total respondents said that they need the image making education and 90.5% of them responded that image making education is important. Fourth, 86.5% of participants answered that they are willing to take part in classes for image making education and 34.8% of the total subjects thought the proper number of image making education is twice. Finally, 52.0% of the whole participants answered that image making education is helpful for their social life, job interviews or employment. All things considered, the significance of this study is to identify the awareness and necessity of image making education of 20s and 30s men and women. When considering the social awareness changes, this study suggests the basic data for desirable and necessary image making educational programs in modern society where image making education is growing important.

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