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        기하 및 측정과 연계한 지리교육활동이 유아의 지리개념과 수학 개념에 미치는 영향

        김경후 ( Kyung Hu Kim ),김규수 ( Kyu Soo Kim ) 한국어린이문학교육학회 2016 어린이문학교육연구 Vol.17 No.1

        본 연구의 목적은 기하 및 측정과 연계한 지리교육의 활동을 구성하고, 구성한 교육활동이 유아의지리 개념과 수학 개념에 미치는 영향을 규명하는 것이다. 연구대상은 전라북도 J시에 위치한 어린이집 2곳의 만 5세 유아 40명을 대상으로 하여 실험집단에 기하 및 측정과 연계한 지리교육활동을 실시하였고, 비교집단에게는 생활주제에 따른 지리교육활동을 하였다. 이 프로그램은 2013년 9월 2일부터11월 22일까지 12주에 걸쳐 주 3회 총 36회 진행되었으며 수집된 자료는 SPSS WIN 18.0 프로그램을 이용하여 분석하였다. 연구결과 실험집단이 비교집단보다 유아의 지리 개념과 수학 개념 증진에 긍정적 영향을 미칠 수 있음을 알 수 있었다. 이러한 결과는 기존의 지리교육이 사회교육의 일부로만 인식되고 지리적 지식에 편중되게 가르치는 것을 보완하여 유아에게 다양한 지리교육을 할 수 있음을 시사한다. The purpose of this study was to constitute geographically educational activities related to geometric and measurement concepts and to understand the underlying effects that constituted educational activities in the geographic and mathematic concepts of children. The subjects of this study were forty 5 year-old children from 2 nursery schools located in Jeonju and were divided into an experimental group and control group. The subjects of the experimental group were given geographically educational activities related to geometric and measurement concepts three times a week, and the subjects of the control group were given geographically educational activities, based on the topic of daily life. This program was conducted three times a week for 12 weeks, for a total of 36 times, from September 2, 2013 to November 22, 2013. The collected data were statistically analyzed with the SPSS WIN 18.0 program. From the results of this study, the experimental group had more positive effects on the improvement of the children``s geographic and mathematic concepts than that of the control group. This result suggests that the existing geographic education should be taught to children alongside several other geographic educational contents by not being recognized as a part of social studies and by not making too much of geographic knowledge.

      • KCI등재

        계룡산 풍수지리의 특성 개관: 산지풍수 연구의 관점에서

        최원회 ( Wonhoe Choi ),이근화 ( Geunwha Lee ),성정락 ( Jeongrak Seong ) 한국지리학회 2018 한국지리학회지 Vol.7 No.3

        Since the 1980s, the study of fengshui topography has been developed mainly focused on housing fengshui and cemetery fengshui established by Murayama Jijun in the Japanese colonial era, as a result the mountain fengshui study is assumed to have consequences that are almost extinct in the academic society. Accordingly, this study overviewed the characteristics of fengshui topography in case of Kyeryong mountain known for the model of mountain fengshui among the Korean mountains from the point that the individual mountain fengshui need to be studied for the development of mountain fengshui study in Korea. This study researched concretely about the original form and transformational form of fengshui topography of Kyeryong mountain, the element linked to the fengshui topography of Kyeryong mountain, and the phenomena caused by the element linked to the fengshui topography of Kyeryong mountain for the purpose of the overview of the characteristics of fengshui topography in case of Kyeryong mountain from the perspective of mountain fengshui study based upon the advanced studies and the field research materials by the researcher.

      • KCI등재

        교린체제 확립기(1636∼1655) 통신사의 三都 인식

        정은영 ( Eun Young Jeong ) 한민족어문학회 2014 韓民族語文學 Vol.0 No.68

        The late Joseon dispatched Tongsinsa (communication envoys) to solve internal and external anxieties. Especially, the growth of Qing Dynasty weakened even Joseon`s hostility towards Japan. Joseon dispatched Tongsinsa justifying congratulations to the accession of Gwanbaek apart from the purpose of existing dispatches of the repatriation of prisoners for the promotion of peaceful relations with Japan. Accordingly, Tongsinsa in the period of the establishment of Gyorin (Neighborly Relations) System could experience Japan in a freer atmosphere and explore knowledge about Japan. At this time, Tongsinsa explored Japan`s cities, especially, Osaka, Kyoto and Edo with a great attention. It was difficult for them to fulfill their assignments as envoys and at the same time, understand a variety of information about Japan. Thus, Tongsinsa attempted to understand knowledge about Japan cohesively through the cities in a short time. Tongsinsa during the stage of establishment looked at the three cities of Japan from perspectives of urban functions and Fengshui (geometric geography). In terms of urban functions, Osaka, Kyoto and Edo were economic, cultural and political centers of Japan, respectively. In terms of Fengshui, Kyoto could play a role of capital for a long time as there was fertile land, but with such openness, it could not but be a place with vulnerability to defend against enemies. In contrast, since Edo, which was hard ground was good for defense, was a good location as the capital of the country. In sum, Tongsinsa understood the direction of power through the functions and natural positions of the major cities of Japan and got help in establishing relations with Japan considering those. Consequently, Tongsinsa`s exploration of the three cities of Japan was the start of an interest in the humanistic elements, which became an opportunity through which the areas of the knowledge about Japan explored by Tongsinsa could be diversified.

      • KCI등재

        전통적 풍수환경요인으로부터 공동주택단지내 주거환경요인의 도출

        반은석(Bhan, Eun Seuk),장희순(Jang, Hee Soon) 한국주거환경학회 2017 주거환경(한국주거환경학회논문집) Vol.15 No.3

        Unlike the West, the preference for natural environment suitable for human adaptation is considered as the choice of settlement in the East. Pung shui geography is a theory that systematically develops and develops the experience of selecting a good environment. The from of modern housing has changed from the horizontal residential style centered on agriculture to a vertical style due to industrialization and urbanization. The purpose of this study is to clarify how the environmental factors of urbanization are reflected in the housing in consideration of the fact that the natural environment factors of the agrarian society have been changed as the housing style has changed. For this purpose, we conducted a telepine survey for experts related to Fung shui, and tried to understand how environmental factors are being applied and recognized in apartment complexes. As a result of the Delphi survey, 34 Fung shui factors were extracted and classified into physical, geographical and environmental factors. Of the 34 factors, only the factor 4.001 of the mean value of the descriptive statistics was selected as the respective factors. first, the physical factors were selected as left (4.92), east-west house (4.04), virtual (4.04) Factors such as the presence of rivers (4.44), water (presence of ponds (4.32), archers of rivers (424)) were selected. these factors are considered to be important feng-shui factors in apartment houses in the city, and they are almost similar factors when compared with the conditions of the traditional feng shui, which is presented by the dual feng shui. It is considered that the apartment complex with the feng shui factor directly affects the preference of the consumer and the value of the residence, and the Fung shui factor is inherent in the modern residential arrangement and space

      • KCI등재

        洪晉猷의 필기 저작 『終南漫錄』 연구

        정하정 고전문학한문학연구학회 2021 고전과 해석 Vol.34 No.-

        洪晉猷의 필기 저작 『終南漫錄』은 그간 학계에서 연구된 적 없는 새로운 자료이다. 본고는 그러한 자료에 대한 기초 연구로서, 『종남만록』을 개관하고 그 내용의 핵심적인 부분들을 살펴보고자 하였다. 『종남만록』은 1718년(숙종44)에서 1720년(경종 즉위년)까지의 짧은 기간 내 저자의 견문을 바탕으로 한 기록으로, 다양한 필기의 하위 유형을 갖추고 있다. 권1에서는 주로 사적 영역의 견문을, 권2에서는 공적 영역의 당대 정치 현안을 담고 있다. 이로 볼 때 『종남만록』은 현재성과 사실성에 기반한 公私의 영역을 아우르는 필기 저작이라고 할 수 있다. 『종남만록』의 주된 내용은 크게 세 가지로, ‘時流에 휩쓸리는 世態를 향한 비판’, ‘移葬으로 인한 風水地理에 대한 관심’, ‘黨爭과 거리를 두는 자세의 견지’이다. 첫 번째, ‘時流에 휩쓸리는 世態를 향한 비판’은 풍습의 연원과 의미를 파악하지 않은 채 유행만 좇거나, 벼슬을 통해 입신양명하려다 자신의 지조를 잃거나, 시류에 휩쓸려 자신의 주견 없이 행동하는 세태를 비판하는 일화에서 확인할 수 있다. 이는 다른 필기 저작에서도 쉽게 찾을 수 있는 보편적인 면모지만, 『종남만록』의 여러 기사들에게서 확인되는바, 중심 내용 중 하나라고 할 수 있다. 두 번째, ‘移葬으로 인한 風水地理에 대한 관심’은 『종남만록』에서 보이는 다수의 移葬 관련 일화와 異人 일화에서 확인된다. 이는 『종남만록』 집필 당시 홍진유가 집안 묘소의 이장을 준비하던 배경에서 비롯되었다. 그는 자신의 집안이 정한 묘 터에 대해 의견이 분분하자 풍수지리에 해박한 인물을 필요로 하였고 그러한 인물의 일화를 듣고서 만나보지 못한 것을 아쉬워하였다. 그만큼 선조의 묘소를 명당으로 이전하고자 한 염원이 강했던 것인데, 이는 묘터를 두고 다른 집안 간의 갈등을 겪은 일화에서도 동일하게 나타난다. 이러한 일화들은 당시 홍진유의 개인적인 관심사를 반영할 뿐만 아니라 가문 의식의 강화로 인해 가문의 위상을 정립하는 활동이 활발해져 갔던 18세기의 시대상을 담고 있다는 점에서 의미가 있다. 세 번째, ‘黨爭과 거리를 두는 자세의 견지’는 대부분 권2의 기록에서 나타난다. 이는 예비 관원으로서 알게 된 정치 현안에 대해 자신만의 견해를 정립하고, 당시 상대당을 공격하려고만 하는 붕당 정치의 풍조를 비판적으로 보고자 했던 홍진유의 모습을 보여 준다. 이러한 점은 성균관 유생으로서 당쟁에 직접적으로 개입되지 않았던 당시 그의 상황과 아울러, 노론의 온건파로서 활동하였던 부친의 배경이 작용한 결과라고 할 수 있다. 이처럼 『종남만록』은 필기 저작이라면 으레 예상되는 보편적인 면모는 물론이고, 18세기 활발하게 이루어졌던 爲先事業에서 비롯된 사회 갈등 및 상대당과의 공존을 기대하기 어려울 만큼 극심하게 대립했던 노소의 당쟁을 홍진유라는 프리즘을 통해 담아내고 있다. 이러한 부분이야말로 홍진유의 개인 문집이 확인되지 않는 상황에서 『종남만록』을 주목하게 하는 점이다. ‘Jongnam Manrok(終南漫錄)‘, written by Hong Jin-You(洪晉猷), has never been studied in the academia before. This study aims to overview 'Jongnam Manrok' and investigate the main themes of the book. 'Jongnam Manrok' is a record of a short period from 1718(King Sukjong’s region) to 1720(King Gyeongjong’s region). ‘Jongnam Manrok’ contains various types of Pilgi(筆記), and mostly based on the experiences of the author Hong Jin-You at the time. 'Jongnam Manrok' has three main themes; ‘Social criticism’, ‘The desire to find a good graveyard(明堂)’, and ‘Distancing from the party strife(黨爭)’. The first theme is revealed from criticizing behavior that seeks personal gain, loses one’s principle and belief or jumps on the bandwagon. Many other Pilgi(筆記) also deal with the theme of social criticism. Yet, this theme appears frequently in ‘Jongnam Manrok’, which makes it one of the main themes of the book. Anecdotes of moving graves and eccentrics show its second theme, ‘The desire to find a good graveyard(明堂)’. It derives from the background of Hong Jin-you preparing to move the graves of his family, while writing 'Jongnam Manrok'. As he prepared to move the graves, he needed a person who had deep knowledge in feng shui. When he heard the anecdotes of such a person, he regretted not being able to find such a person. He also recorded anecdotes of conflicts with other families over the same graveyard. This reflects the author's personal interests as well as the aspects of the 18th century society where one’s life was oriented for ancestors and family. Distancing from the party strife(黨爭) can be found mainly in the records from Volume 2. In this respect, it can be analyzed that Hong Jin-you established his own views on political issues, and took a critical view on the Bungdang(朋黨) politics at that time. This attributes to his attitude and family tradition that was not engulfed in the strife. In summary, ‘Jongnam Manrok’ captures the aspects of the family-centered society and the Bungdang(朋黨) politics in the 18th century through a prism called Hong Jin-you. In this regard, the true value of 'Jongnam Manrok’ distinctive from other Pilgi(筆記) works can be found.

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