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      • KCI등재후보

        주택산업의 풍수마케팅 모형 정립에 관한 연구

        김종섭 한국유통과학회 2012 유통과학연구 Vol.10 No.5

        This paper aims to establish a Fengshui-based marketing model that companies engaged in selling dwelling spaces can utilize to increase their sales. The study is based on an investigation of appraisal statements and analysis techniques used in Fengshui. The Fengshui marketing model can be used for corporate advertising, sales promotions, public relations events, and for framing an overall marketing strategy according to changing consumer demand. As a sales promotion strategy, it can be used to influence consumer psychology and behavior. Although this study is limited to the all-pervasive advertising and marketing of houses by construction companies under installment plans, the Fengshui marketing method can also be used for the sale of store locations, space for product display, and so on. Initially, I analyze living spaces according to traditional Fengshui theory, and subsequently apply the modern method to study topographical space structures and geomagnetism disturbances. I present a standard form for writing the Fengshui appraisal statement based on the objective analytical method of Fengshui. With its shortcomings remedied, the appraisal statement can lead to high-quality advertising and increased valuations because it is based on objective data analysis and systematic evaluation of houses . In brief, I have designed the Fengshui marketing model as a sales promotion technique for the housing industry. I believe this study will contribute to the application of Fengshui in the housing industry’s sales promotion efforts through high-quality advertising. Future research should evaluate Fengshui marketing in the housing industry based on case studies. Research questions to be addressed could include how Fengshui marketing has affected installment sales of houses and how Fengshui architectural practices affect general well-being. These studies would help propagate Fengshui marketing by validating its effectiveness. In addition, case studies should be undertaken to consider the practical applications of Fengshui marketing, how it can contribute to maximizing a company’s image and profits, and how it can promote customer satisfaction.

      • KCI등재

        계룡산 풍수지리의 특성 개관: 산지풍수 연구의 관점에서

        최원회 ( Wonhoe Choi ),이근화 ( Geunwha Lee ),성정락 ( Jeongrak Seong ) 한국지리학회 2018 한국지리학회지 Vol.7 No.3

        Since the 1980s, the study of fengshui topography has been developed mainly focused on housing fengshui and cemetery fengshui established by Murayama Jijun in the Japanese colonial era, as a result the mountain fengshui study is assumed to have consequences that are almost extinct in the academic society. Accordingly, this study overviewed the characteristics of fengshui topography in case of Kyeryong mountain known for the model of mountain fengshui among the Korean mountains from the point that the individual mountain fengshui need to be studied for the development of mountain fengshui study in Korea. This study researched concretely about the original form and transformational form of fengshui topography of Kyeryong mountain, the element linked to the fengshui topography of Kyeryong mountain, and the phenomena caused by the element linked to the fengshui topography of Kyeryong mountain for the purpose of the overview of the characteristics of fengshui topography in case of Kyeryong mountain from the perspective of mountain fengshui study based upon the advanced studies and the field research materials by the researcher.

      • KCI등재

        경복궁의 풍수 지형과 풍수 요소에 관한 고찰

        김규순 ( Kyoo Soon Kim ),박현규 ( Heon Kyu Park ) 한국지리학회 2018 한국지리학회지 Vol.7 No.2

        Before commenting that geographical features of Gyeongbok Palace, we have to mention geographical features of Seoul Capital. Geographical features of Hanyang and Gyengbok Palace are inseparable. Although moving the capital and Gyengbok Palace were chosen for its political and economic merits, fengshui was also considered in depth. In fengshui, it's divided into 'theory of the situation' and 'lichi theory'. Though theory of the situation involves Goryeo's fengshui, it is assumed that new theory of Hu Shun Shen was used to build confucian nation. Even though Hu Shun Shen's theory had been useful to moving the capital, it lost its use as time goes by, due to the opposition forces and King SeonJo's will. This proves that his idea was unsuccessful.

      • KCI등재

        한국의 산 연구전통에 대한 유형별 고찰

        최원석 한국역사민속학회 2011 역사민속학 Vol.0 No.36

        The mountain and mountain culture come to a head a paradigm shift in the 21th century. Korea has been deep relationship with the mountains in both aspects of the nature and culture historically, it come to be a background to produce the knowledge system on the mountain. This paper reviews on the research tradition of the mountain knowledge written in Joseon dynasty. I evaluate meanings and significances of the Korean creative results about the mountain knowledge system. I can classify the research tradition types of the mountain knowledge in Joseon dynasty as follows: topography, traveling record, encyclopedia, mountain family tree, cartography, fengshui document. The mountain knowledge system was reflected well in topographies in middle dynasty of Joseon. The information on the mountain traveling record, encyclopedia, fengshui document spread to the general public in late dynasty of Joseon. Korean description way on the system of the mountain lay, like as the mountain family tree and cartography, is an academic achievement in the East Asian traditional research and knowledge system. 21세기에 ‘산과 산악(산지)문화’의 가치와 비전은 문명사적 패러다임의 전환을 맞고 있다. 한국은 역사적으로 자연과 문화 양면에서 산과 큰 관련을 맺고 있으며, 이는 산에 대한 연구와 지식정보를 생산하고 체계화한 배경이 되었다. 이 글은 한국의 산 연구전통과 그 가치를 유형별로 검토하였고, 동아시아에서 한국의 독창적인 산에 대한 지식체계의 성과는 무엇인지 살펴보았다. 조선시대에 걸쳐 이루어진 산에 대한 연구전통은 地理誌類, 遊覽記類, 百科全書類, (山)譜類, 地圖類, 風水錄類로 분류될 수 있다. 산에 대한 지식체계가 형식과 내용의 양면에서 체계적으로 정립된 것은 조선후기에 이르러서였다. 유형별로 보자면, 산에 대한 기록 및 지식정보는 조선시대의 地理誌類에 잘 반영되어 있고, 조선후기에는 遊覽記類, 地圖類, 風水錄類의 산 정보가 사회전반에 널리 확산되었으며 특히 百科全書類, (山)譜類에서 산에 대한 연구성과가 체계적으로 정리되었다. 산의 지리정보에 대한 지식 체계의 축적은 산줄기(山系)의 계통적이고 체계적인 파악과 이것을 재현한 지도의 표현방식에서 잘 드러났다. 山經 體系와 山譜의 서술방식, 산과 산줄기에 대한 지도 표현 방식 등은 동아시아의 산 문헌기록 및 연구전통에 비교해 보아서도 독창적이고 체계적인 성과로서 꼽을 수 있다.

      • KCI등재

        한국의 산 연구전통에 대한 유형별 고찰

        최원석(Choi Won-Suk) 한국역사민속학회 2011 역사민속학 Vol.36 No.-

        21세기에 '산과 산악(산지)문화'의 가치와 비전은 문명사적 패러다임의 전환을 맞고 있다. 한국은 역사적으로 자연과 문화 양면에서 산과 큰 관련을 맺고 있으며, 이는 산에 대한 연구와 지식정보를 생산하고 체계화한 배경이 되었다. 이 글은 한국의 산 연구전통과 그 가치를 유형별로 검토하였고, 동아시아에서 한국의 독창적인 산에 대한 지식체계의 성과는 무엇인지 살펴보았다. 조선시대에 걸쳐 이루어진 산에 대한 연구전통은 地理誌類, 遊覽記類, 百科全書類, (山)譜類, 地圖類, 風水錄類로 분류될 수 있다. 산에 대한 지식체계가 형식과 내용의 양면에서 체계적으로 정립된 것은 조선후기에 이르러서였다. 유형별로 보자면, 산에 대한 기록 및 지식정보는 조선시대의 地理誌類에 잘 반영되어 있고, 조선후기에는 遊覽記類, 地圖類, 風水錄類의 산 정보가 사회전반에 널리 확산되었으며 특히 百科全書類, (山)語類에서 산에 대한 연구성과가 체계적으로 정리되었다. 산의 지리정보에 대한 지식 체계의 축적은 산줄기(山系)의 계통적이고 체계적인 파악과 이것을 재현한 지도의 표현방식에서 잘 드러났다. 山經 體系와 山譜의 서술방식, 산과 산줄기에 대한 지도 표현 방식 등은 동아시아의 산 문헌기록 및 연구전통에 비교해 보아서도 독창적이고 체계적인 성과로서 꼽을 수 있다. The mountain and mountain culture come to a head a paradigm shift in the 21th century. Korea has been deep relationship with the mountains in both aspects of the nature and culture historically, it come to be a background to produce the knowledge system on the mountain. This paper reviews on the research tradition of the mountain knowledge written in Joseon dynasty. I evaluate meanings and significances of the Korean creative results about the mountain knowledge system. I can classify the research tradition types of the mountain knowledge in Joseon dynasty as follows: topography, traveling record, encyclopedia, mountain family tree, cartography, fengshui document. The mountain knowledge system was reflected well in topographies in middle dynasty of Joseon. The information on the mountain traveling record, encyclopedia, fengshui document spread to the general public in late dynasty of Joseon. Korean description way on the system of the mountain lay, like as the mountain family tree and cartography, is an academic achievement in the East Asian traditional research and knowledge system.

      • KCI등재

        書院立地의 水勢論 分析 -辛未存置 書院을 中心으로-

        박정해,한동수 한국역사민속학회 2011 역사민속학 Vol.0 No.37

        This study aims at finding features of 21 Seo-won(書院) in relation with water flowing with the point of geomantic topography(形勢) and the Li & Ch’i(理氣) of Feng shui(風水), and finding the importance and awareness of water which is a component of yin and yang(陰陽) theory. Almost all the water flowing shapes of Seo-won architecture are Kum-sung-su(金星水), in which type water surrounds entire site. And the next, Toh-sung-su(土星水) and Su-sung-su(水星水) followed it. Mock-sung-su(木星水) is only applied with Nam-gae Seo-won(南溪書院). However, it seems that Pil-ahm Seo-won(筆巖書院) is not applied to theory of water flowing shape or power(水勢論). Though it has Kum-sung-su(金星水), it shows evil water flowing shape. According to the result from some examinations by means of the three method; Sah-kook(四局水法), Hu-cheon(後天水法), Bo-sung(輔星水法), only four Seo-wons exactly applied to the theory of water flowing shape or power which based on the theory of Li & Ch'i. So it looks that the theory of Li & Ch'i has clear limitation in Seo-won architecture. The Seo-won architecture has environmental friendly spaces by being applied and adopted to several logics of Feng shui. 辛未存置 21개 서원을 중심으로 書院立地의 水勢論에 대하여 형세론적 관점과 이기론적 관점에서 어떤 특징을 가지고 있는지 고찰하고, 아울러 陰陽論의 한 軸을 형성하고 있는 물의 중요성과 인식에 대하여 살펴보는 것을 목적으로 한다. 書院立地의 형세론적 水勢論은 環抱하는 형상으로 金星水가 主를 이루고 있고 다음으로 土星 水 와 水星 水 순이며 木星 水와 火星 水의 서원은 남계서원과 옥동서원이 유일하다. 필암서원은 金星 水 형상이나 反背하는 형상으로 水勢論의 요구에 부응하지 못하고 있다. 반면에 理氣論的 水勢論은 四局水法과 後天水法 그리고 輔星水法으로 검토해본 봐, 4개서원만이 공통적인 결과가 도출되는 것으로 나타나고 있어 理氣論의 한계성을 보여주고 있다. 지형조건에 부합하고 주변 환경과 조화를 이루는 書院立地는 다양한 풍수논리를 수용하고 활용하여 가장 친환경적인 건축공간을 창조하고 있다.

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