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        근대 일본의 동아시아 역사상(歷史像)의 일면 -구와바라 지쓰조(桑原隲藏 1871-1931)의 동양사요(東洋史要) 를 중심으로-

        김지훈 ( Ji Hoon Kim ) 수선사학회 2016 史林 Vol.0 No.56

        After the Meiji yushin, the Oriental history emerged as the recent-modern history science was created in Japan. As Japan underwent the 1894 (Meiji 27) First Sino-Japanese War and the 1904 Russo-Japanese War, it developed capitalism, and strengthened nationalism in terms of politics and thoughts. In those days, in order to produce and spread the knowledge of the past and present of Asia, Japan introduced the Oriental history science to its school curricula. Japan``s Oriental history science influenced the formation of Japan``s recent-modern history and China``s recent-modern history. Particularly, the Middle School Oriental History by Kuwabara Jitsuzo was translated into the Summary of Oriental History in China, and was used as China``s history textbook, heavily influencing the China``s history education in the early 20th century. Kuwabara``s Middle School Oriental History divided the Oriental history into four periods centered on China, shedding the dynasty- and emperor-oriented chronological description. Also, in its preface, it first explained the human geological environment such as geography and race by taking a description method different from the traditional history description method, influencing the Chinese academia. As the Chinese translated the Middle School Oriental History by Kuwabara into the Summary of Oriental History, they added the foundation-lacking ancient Chinese mythologies to the book. Also, the description of Oriental History by Kuwabara introduced the Mimana Nihonbu theory, etc. then popular in Japan to China, planting a wrong historical perception among Koreans and other neighboring peoples. The Mimana Nihonbu theory, mentioned in The Chronicles of Japan, was introduced to China in the 19th century, and is still described in some university textbooks even today past the 20th century. In the early 20th century, with Chinese``s traditional Chinese mentality still remaining, the Japanese view-based Oriental history science apparently contributed to the Chinese distorting their perception of their neighboring nations.

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