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      • KCI등재

        여성 징병제 선호 분석:누가 찬성하고 누가 반대하는가?

        박진수,이한수 한국의회발전연구회 2023 의정연구 Vol.29 No.1

        This study analyzes voters’ preferences for female conscription. The preference for the female conscription policy is a complex object and can vary according to gender, generation, and ideology. In particular, we argue that the influence of gender on the female conscription policy differs dependent on generation and ideology. To examine this argument empirically, we analyze survey results regarding the female conscription policy. According to the regression results of this study, women are more likely to agree to the female conscription policy than men, and progressive voters tend to support the female conscription policy than conservative voters. Furthermore, this study shows that the gender effects are more prominent among the old and conservatives. 이 연구는 여성 징병제에 대한 유권자 선호를 분석한다. 누가 여성 징병제를 선호하는가? 우리는 여성 징병제에 대한 선호가 성별과 세대, 그리고 이념에 따라 차이를 보이는 복합적인 대상이라고 본다. 특히, 우리는 세대와 이념에 따라 성별이 여성 징병제에 미치는 영향력이 다르다고 주장한다. 이 주장을 경험적으로 검토하기 위해 이 연구는 2021년 5월 한국갤럽조사연구소에서 성인 남녀 1,003명을 대상으로 조사한 여성 징병제에 관한 설문 결과를 분석한다. 이 논문의 회귀분석 결과에 따르면, 남성에 비해 여성이, 보수에 비해 진보적인 유권자들이 여성 징병제에 동의할 가능성이 더 높은 것으로 나타났다. 더 나아가 이 연구는 여성의 여성 징병제 동의 효과가 보수와 기성세대에서 더 두드러지게 나타나는 것을 보여준다.

      • KCI등재

        황군(皇軍)의 사랑, 왜 병사가 아니라 그녀가 죽는가 -<조선해협>, 기다림의 멜로드라마-

        이영재 한국여성문학학회 2011 여성문학연구 Vol.25 No.-

        In 1943, one film that had been commented as a total failure as a propaganda film achieved a box office success in Chosun, surpassing the previous propaganda films' records. This film <Straits of Chosun> had been fiercely criticized because of its obsolete story line-with a volunteer soldier who escaped from the matter of marriage obstacle and a girl who waited for his return-which was far apart from the state of affairs in 1943in Chosun. Nevertheless, the film made one million of people in Keijyo have tears on them. In this essay, I focus on following two matters. First, why the film still deal with the story of a volunteer solider? I am asking this on the ground that enforcing a conscription was already decided in 1943 when the film was made. Selective service was made not only because of a great cause for the Imperial but also because of private reason such as marriage obstacle. Second, the success of the film was associated with the birth of a 'female star' in Chosun. This was a long-cherished desire for Chosun's film industry to increase the stakes of the film market in Chosun. What is more important here is the fact that the female star represented a character of 'waiting girl'. In other words, although it is sure that <Straits of Chosun> is a story of Chonghu Buin(統後婦人), more important thing is that the image of 'waiting girl' was created through the film. Considering the principals of nation state, which were conscription,compulsory education, and suffrage, the scene of conscription in the film made new born 'people' of a modern nation face those principals. However, the principals of modern nation could never be naturalized because Chosun was a colony. Therefore, the colonized should prove their spontaneities when it comes to conscription. As doing so, conscription for the colonized reminded them the principals of modern nation repeatedly. In this continual reproduction, the cause of conscription 'save the country by blood' turned into 'conscious conduct'. In 1943, the film <Straits of Chosun> showed this contradiction emerging among conscription, a nation-state, and a colony. Meanwhile, women should take a certain part in this modern nation's project that is based on conscription; she became one of subjects by performing a role of 'waiting girl'. 1943년 선전영화로서는 완전히 실패했다고 평가된 한 편의 영화가 조선의모든 선전영화를 능가하는 놀라운 흥행성공을 거두었다. 혼인장애를 극복하기위해 지원병으로 떠나는 남자와 그를 기다리는 여자의 이야기로 이루어진<조선해협>은 현 시국과 맞지 않는 구태의연한 이야기라고 맹렬히 비난받았으나, 그럼에도 불구하고 백만 경성시민을 울렸다. 이 글에서 밝히고자 하는것은 두 가지이다. 첫 번째, 이미 조선에서의 징병제 시행이 결정된 1943년이라는 시간에 왜 우리는 여전히 지원병의 이야기와 마주칠 수밖에 없는가. 이지원은 심지어 그 어떤 대의를 위해서도 아닌 단지 개인의 사사로운 이유로인해 이루어진다. 두 번째, 이 영화는 1930년대 중후반 이후부터 파이를 키워나가야 했던 조선영화가 그토록 염원해오던 여성 ‘스타’를 기다리는 여자 문예봉의 서사에 집중시킴으로써 달성해낸다. <조선해협>은 명백히 총후부인의서사이지만, 중요한 것은 바로 그 속에서 ‘기다리는 여자’라는 이미지가 완성된다는 점이다. 징병제와 의무교육 그리고 참정권이 근대국가의 세 원리라고한다면 조선 최초의 징병제를 예고하는 이 순간은 새로운 ‘국민’들을 일거에이 원리 앞에 직면시킨다. 그러나 이곳이 식민지인 한에 있어서 이 근대국가의원리는 결코 자연화될 수 없다. 이들은 매번 스스로의 자발성을 입증해야 하는데, 이 행위가 요구됨으로써, 피식민지인에게 부여된 징병이라는 상황은 징병제와 보통선거와 의무교육이 함께 도착한 순간을, 근대국가의 성립의 순간을거듭 되풀이해서 재현해낸다. 따라서 이 반복재현 속에서 ‘피로써 조국을 지킨다’는 일은 매번 ‘의식적인 행위’가 된다. 1943년이라는 시간에 도착한 영화<조선해협>은 바로 이 징병제-국민국가-식민지 사이에서 발생하는 잔혹한모순을 보여준다. 한편 징병제에 기초한 국민국가의 기획이 작동하는 그곳에서 여성 ‘또한’ 이 기획에 참여해야 한다. 요컨대 그녀는 ‘기다리는 자’의 역할을 통해서 국민이 된다. 그런데 이 눈물의 멜로드라마는 바로 그 눈물 때문에1943년이라는 시간에 맞서는 일종의 감정의 진지를 구축해내고 있다.

      • KCI등재

        한국군 병역제도 변화에 관한 사회적 인식 연구: 빅데이터를 통한 모병제와 여성 징병제의 키워드를 중심으로

        김동훈,김법헌 한국정책과학학회 2022 한국정책과학학회보 Vol.26 No.1

        This study aims to analyze social recognition of the changes in Korean Military Service System, especially in volunteer military system and female conscription that became political issues with the decreasing military service resources and increasing women’s social activities and provide policy implications and developmental direction. To achieve this, recent three years (Jan. 1, 2018 to Dec. 31, 2021) were set as analysis period and big data techniques were used before collecting total 14,176 pieces of data such as web document, news, blogs, cafe, academic information, and facebook from three representative portals for identifying social recognition of volunteer military system and female conscription. Frequency, TF-IDF, degree centrality and structure, and CONCOR cluster analyses were conducted with keywords extracted from data. Based on such analyses, this study could identify social recognition and characteristics of volunteer military system and female conscription by using objective and empirical methods. This study has academic significance in that it provided the direction for changing Korean military service system in accordance with social recognition and policy development of conscription system.

      • KCI등재

        일제강점기 징병과 가사문학의 양상

        高淳姬(Ko, Soon-hee) 국어국문학회 2014 국어국문학 Vol.- No.168

        During the period of Japanese Colonial Rule, Greater East Asia War broke out in 1941. As a result, many Korean peoples were forcibly conscripted by Japan. Many Korean men went to the battleground, were not coming back, and were sacrificed. And many Korean peoples lived in pain, waiting for there husband, son, and brother. I collected the Gasa works relating to the conscription during the period of Japanese Colonial Rule. They are 〈mangbuga〉, 〈sajegok〉, 〈wonmangga〉, 〈jatanga〉, 〈choonpunggamhoerok〉,〈sinsaejatanga〉. Four works are a new Gasa materials hitherto unknown to academia. The Purpose of this study presents the Gasa works relating to the conscription during the period of Japanese Colonial Rule, and probes the literary meanings of these Gasa works. In chapter 2, I surveyed chronologically circumstances of the Korean people’s conscription during the period of Japanese Colonial Rule. In chapter 3, I presented the texts of Gasa relating to the conscription during the period of Japanese Colonial Rule. And I proved the writer, writing age, and the fact that each work related to conscription. In chapter 4, after I briefly overviewed the literary aspects of these Gasa works, I probed the literary significance of these Gasa works. These Gasa works has the significance as a documentary literature which typically shows the tragedy of the Korean people during the period of Japanese Colonial Rule. And these Gasa works shows us that traditional features of poetry existence was maintained until recently.

      • KCI등재

        전시체제기 징병취지 ‘야담만담부대’의 활동상과 프로파간다화의 역학 : ‘황군’ 연성과 ‘황민’ 연성 사이, ‘말하는 교화미디어’로서의 야담·만담가들

        공임순 한국근대문학회 2012 한국근대문학연구 Vol.13 No.2

        이 글은 식민지 말기 징병취지 ‘야담만담부대’의 결성과 활동상을 제국(주의)적 국민화의 의사 보편적인 생명정치의 관점에서 살펴보았다. 총력전의 무제한적인 전쟁 수행에 따르는 전력의 배타적 소모와 투입에 부딪혀 지금까지 방치되거나 주변화되어 있던 식민지인들을 일본 인구의 일부분으로 삼아 포섭하고 관리·통제하는 이 새로운 통치화의 면모를 필자는 황민화로 대변되는 ‘국민화’와 ‘생명정치’의 함의를 모두 담아 다소 불편한 어감에도 불구하고, 제국(주의)적 국민화의 의사 보편적인 생명정치라고 명명해 본 것이다. 하지만 식민통치권력의 이러한 새로운 통치화의 면모는 식민지인을 내부의 유용한 ‘생명’ 자원으로 관리·통제하기 위한 당면한 현실적 필요를 반영·굴절하고 있었다는 점에서, 식민지인들의 내부적 ‘생명’화란 필연적으로 ‘황군’ 연성의 죽음정치를 예비하게 된다. 이 ‘황군’ 연성의 죽음정치를 매개하고 대행했던 것이 교화와 계몽의 주축을 담당했던 식민지문(화)인이었다. 이 일련의 연쇄적인 흐름 속에서 1943년 10월 20일을 첫 스타트로 하여 반년 간 전선을 누빈 징병취지 ‘야담만담부대’의 결성이 갖는 사회정치적 의미망이 자리하고 있다. 신정언을 중심으로 한 이 징병취지‘야담만담부대’는 반년 간에 걸친 전선의 순회공연뿐만 아니라 『매일신보』 지상에 「징병취지야담만담각행」을 1943년 1월 11일부터 6월 18일까지 총 109회에 걸쳐 신정언이 연재하는 이른바 신문지면을 통한 ‘재’교화와 계몽을 펼치게 된다. 이런 점에서 징병취지 ‘야담만담부대’가 갖는 의미는 제국(주의)적 국민화의 의사 보편적인 생명정치가 ‘황군’ 연성의 죽음정치로 파탄나는 역설과 이율배반을 매개하는 연기하는 미디어적 신체로서 야담·만담의 존재방식을 새삼 제고하게 한다. 그것은 야담과 만담이 불변하는 전통 장르로서가 아니라 역사적 상황과 실천 속에서 항상 새롭게 만들어지는 뉴미디어라는 점과 무관하지 않을 것이다. This article examines the colonial period-end formation and activities of the conscription-encouraging Yadammandam Unit from the viewpoint of the imperialist universal life-politics of brainwashing the colonial people. The term of imperialist universal life-politics of brainwashing the colonial people, although somewhat uncomfortable, is used herein to mean the colonization strategy by which the imperialist Japanese, confronting the exclusive exhaustion and injection of combat power following its concerted, unlimited war campaigns, tried to turn colonists - that had thus far been neglected or decentralized - a part of Japanese population, brainwash them to that end, control and manage them. However, such Japanese colonial ruling attempted to control and manage the colonial people as its useful resources, leading the attempt of turning colonists into the Japanese internal life resources to essentially signal the death politics of Imperialist Army Unity. It was the colonial cultural (literary) people that played a pivotal role in teaching and enlightenment to mediate in and represent the death politics of Imperialist Army Unity. Amid this chain of trends, on October 20, 1943, the conscription-encouraging Yadammandam Unit, which had engaged in war frontlines for a half year, was formed, presenting a significant political and social implication. The conscription-encouraging Yadammandam Unit, led by Sin Jeong-eon, made a half-year performing tour of war frontlines, and Sin Jeon-eon ran a total of 109 seriries of articles about conscriptionencouraging historical and comic issues on the Maeilsinbo Newspaper, from January 11 to June 18, 1943, as part of the so called re-teaching and re-enlightenment campaigns. In this respect, the Conscriptionencouraging Yadammandam Unit mediated in leading the imperialist universal life-politics of brainwashing the colonial people to the death politics of Imperialist Army Unity. So, this paradox and antinomy of the existence of historical and comic talks should be reexamined. This would have something to do with the fact that historical story telling and comic talks are not an unchangeable traditional genre but a new medium that can be always made anew amid historical and practical situations.

      • KCI등재

        한국의 육군 학군단(ROTC)제도 도입

        윤시원(Yoon, Si-won) 한국역사연구회 2012 역사와 현실 Vol.- No.86

        The Army ROTC program of the Republic of Korea originated from an officer education system of the United States. But there is an important difference between the two nations" systems. In the United States, introduction of ROTC was led by people who opposed the concept of military conscription. On the other hand, in the Republic of Korea, the Ministry of Defense played a critical role in adopting the ROTC system. Before and After the Korean War, the Army of South Korea was in drastic needs of capable officers. It did not have an officer recruiting system for a modern army of mass conscription. After failing to secure proper military training methods for students, the ministry of defence prepared to introduce the ROTC system. ROTC training turned out to be successful in South Korea. Before the introduction of ROTC, for students there was only one way to meet military obligations: conscription. The ROTC system was met with positive responses by many students who had been dissatisfied with the previous policy of student conscription. The ROTC system shortly became the primary method of officer recruitment for the Korean army. By the year of 1965, universities came to provide nearly two-third of new officers for the ROK army, through the ROTC system. The success of the Korean ROTC program tells us many things. It had originated from the culture of a volunteer army, but was adopted as an institution of mass conscription for the South Korean army.

      • KCI등재

        1950~1970년대 무의촌(無醫村) 문제의 ‘한국적’ 타개와 징병제의 착종

        신창훈 대한의사학회 2023 의사학(醫史學) Vol.32 No.3

        본 논문은 1950~1970년대 한국의 무의촌 문제가 징병제와 밀착하는 흐름 속에서 대안을 모색한 양상을 검토하였다. 20세기 후반 한국의 보건의료는 식민지의 유제로 남겨진 인력 부족, 도시 편재의 문제에 한국전쟁을 기점으로 하여 점증한 군의관 대거 징집의 흐름이 더해지며 이중의 난관을 마주하였다. ‘무의촌’은 그러한 역사적 맥락에서 비롯된 문제적 기표로, 그 자체로 지방 농어촌의 만성적인 의료 위기를 상징했다. 그러나 일각에서는 징병제의 제약을 역으로 활용하여 무의촌 위기의 타개책으로 삼는 방안을 타진했다. 군의관을 무의촌에 고정 배치하여 보건의료망의 사각을 메꾼 움직임이 그 첫 걸음이었으며, 이는 의사를 무의촌에 투입하는 대신 병역을 면제하는 구상으로 발전하였다. 마침내 의료계는 5.16 쿠데타 이후 단행된 네 차례의 의사 동원을 결정적 계기로 하여 보건의료-병역 대체 논의를 공론화하며 그 논리를 확충하였다. 이는 1970년대에 이르러 지금의 공중보건의사 제도 수립로 귀결되었다. 여건의 측면에서는 타 부문의 병역 대체 도입이, 동력의 측면에서는 정부와 의료계를 아우른 외연 확장이 그를 뒷받침했다. 이로써 사반세기에 걸친 한국의 무의촌 위기는 징병제를 제도적 기반으로 삼아 타개의 국면에 진입하였다. 징병제와의 착종을 고유의 특징으로 내재한 한국적 보건의료의 일면이었다. 단, 최소 재정의, 동원 기반의 지방의료를 고착화한 점에 주목하면, 한국 보건의료의 또다른 한계를 주조해온 측면도 함께 사유할 필요가 있다. This article reviews how the crisis of doctorless villages in South Korea in the 1950s-70s was closely linked to the conscription system. In the second half of the 20th century, the public health system of South Korea faced a double challenge: one was the colonial legacy of a medical shortage and urban concentration, the other was a massive conscription of military doctors after the Korean War. The term ‘doctorless village’ was a problematic signifier that reflected these historical contexts. It itself symbolized the chronic medical crisis in rural areas. However, behind the crisis, the idea of reversing the constraints from conscription and using it as a solution of doctorless villages was germinating. At first, the Ministry of Health and Social Affairs planned two alternative conceptions to fill the gaps in the public health network. One was to station military doctor in doctorless villages and the other was to dispatch civilian doctors in doctorless villages and exempt them from military service. After a series of doctor mobilizations since the May 16 coup, the medical community generally agreed with the conception and publicized it themselves. They developed arguments of alternative services by public health work and strengthened its logics. By the 1970s, the conception culminated in the establishment of the current Public Health Doctor system. In terms of condition and momentum, not only the introduction of alternative service in other sectors, but also the extension of the consensus among the government and medical community accelerated this trend. As a result, the doctorless village crisis in South Korea, which had been a critical issue for a quarter of a century, entered a phase of resolution by utilizing the conscription system as its institutional foundation. It was an aspect of the ‘Korean’ public health system characterized by the entanglement with conscription. It is also necessary to consider that it has imposed another limitation on medical care in rural areas by institutionalizing the public health system relying on mobilization and minimum budget, though.

      • KCI등재

        Prevalence and Geographic Distribution of Herniated Intervertebral Disc in Korean 19-Year-Old Male from 2008 to 2009: A Study Based on Korean Conscription -National and Geographic Prevalence of Herniated Intervertebral Disc in Korean 19YO Male-

        이상훈,오창현,윤승환,박형천,박종운 연세대학교의과대학 2013 Yonsei medical journal Vol.54 No.5

        Purpose: This study was to determine the prevalence of herniated intervertebral disc (HIVD) among Korean 19-year-old male in a large national sample and to compare the prevalence across geographic regions based on the data of conscription. Materials and Methods: We analyzed the conscription data of 615508 cases who were 19-year-old male, given an examination for conscription at nationwide Korean Military Manpower Administration from January 2008 to December 2009. Prevalence was determined by dividing the number of cases by the number of persons enrolled for 2 years. The analyses included of a cross-tabulations and nonparametric chi-square to compare the prevalence according to geographic region, disc severity, and conscription year. Results: The prevalence of HIVD among 19-year-old male was 0.47%. Seoul had the highest prevalence of HIVD (total HIVD was 0.60%, and severe HIVD was 0.44%). The prevalence of HIVD was lower in Jeollabuk-do and Jeollanam-do (total HIVD was 0.25-0.27%, and severe HIVD was 0.16-0.17%). Annual prevalence of HIVD was slightly decreased in 2009, but geographic distribution annually was not different. Conclusion: In Korean 19-year-old male, the national prevalence of adolescent HIVD was 0.60%, but different geographic distribution was observed. It is quite possible that secondary contributing factor(s) interfere with the different geographic prevalence of HIVD.

      • KCI등재

        1950년대 병역형평성 논쟁과 병역법 개정

        윤시원 ( Yoon Si-won ) 수선사학회 2020 史林 Vol.0 No.71

        During the Korean War, the military draft system was implemented in South Korea. The characteristic of Korea in the mid-1950s is that the ruling elites of the society show dual positions on the universal conscription. The ruling elite class of society were in a position to defend the conscription system. At the same time, however, they prevented the operation of conscription and avoided military service. In such a situation, it was difficult to persuade the people to accept the universal conscription. The amendment to the Military Service Act in 1957 was aimed at carrying out the so-called “egalitarian military draft”. However, the conflict between the Ministry of Defense and the Ministry of Education in the process of enacting amendments to the Military Service Act showed the duality of the ruling elite with regard to conscription. As a result, the implementation of “egalitarian military draft” has become an incomplete task.

      • KCI등재

        「춘풍감회녹」의 작자 고증과 서술 양상

        조유영 한국문학회 2021 韓國文學論叢 Vol.89 No.-

        「Chun-pung-Gam-hoe-Nok」 was created in 1947, and is currently the only work that contains the conscription experience of Japanese colonial era the conscription person. In this paper, the author of the work, Kim Joong-wook, is specifically examined and the narrative aspects of 「Chun-pung-Gam-hoe-Nok」 are discussed together from the point of view of the work. Kim Joong-wook, the author of 「Chun-pung-Gam-hoe-Nok」, was born in 1924 in Baraemi Village in Haejeori, Bonghwa, Gyeongsangbukdo, and was forcibly conscripted at the age of 20 in 1944 to participate in the Sino-Japanese War. In March 1945, the year after Kim Joong-wook was conscripted, he fled the Japanese army and directly participated in the anti-Japanese war as a member of the Chinese army, and returned home with liberation in August of that year. And two years later, he created 「Chun-pung-Gam-hoe-Nok」 and left his conscription experience in the Gasa. It can be seen that 「Chun-pung-Gam-hoe-Nok」 focuses on the movement process of speakers who participated in the Japanese military by forced conscription. It can be seen that important memories of Kim Joong-wook's conscription experience are described in detail and expansively. 「춘풍감회녹」은 1947년에 창작된 가사로서 현재 유일하게 일제강점기 징병 당사자의 징병 체험을 담아낸 작품이다. 본고에서는 작품의 작자인 김중욱이라는 인물에 대해 구체적으로 고증하고, 작품론적 관점에서 「춘풍감회녹」의 서술 양상을 함께 논의해 보고자 하였다. 「춘풍감회녹」의 작자인 김중욱은 1924년 경북 봉화 해저리 바래미 마을에서 태어나 서울 중앙고등보통학교를 졸업하고, 1944년 20세의 나이에 일제에 의해 강제 징병되어 중일전쟁에 참전한 인물이다. 김중욱은 징병된 그 다음 해인 1945년 3월에 일본군을 탈영하여 중국군 소속으로 항일 전쟁에 참여하였다가, 그해 8월 광복과 함께 귀국하였다. 그리고 2년 뒤 「춘풍감회녹」을 창작하여 자신의 징병 체험을 가사로 남겼다. 「춘풍감회녹」은 일제의 강제 징병에 의해 일본군으로 참전한 화자의 이동 과정을 중심으로 중국의 문물과 풍속, 그리고 그 속에서의 소회를 서술하고 있음을 볼 수 있다. 이는 이 작품이 전근대 시대 기행가사의 영향 속에 창작된 작품임을 알 수 있게 한다. 또한 작품에는 김중욱의 징병 체험에 대한 중요 기억이 구체적이고 확장적으로 서술되어 있음을 확인할 수 있다. 「춘풍감회녹」은 일제강점기 식민지 청년이 암울한 시대 상황 속에서 현실을 어떻게 수용하고 대응하고 있었는지를 구체적으로 살펴볼 수 있는 작품이라는 점에서 중요한 의의를 가진다. 따라서 이 작품에 대한 다각적인 연구가 앞으로도 지속적으로 이루어질 필요가 있다.

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