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      • Multigene Phylogeny Uncovers Oviposition-related Evolutionary History of Cerambycinae (Coleoptera: Cerambycidae)

        Seunghyun Lee,Seunghwan Lee 한국응용곤충학회 2018 한국응용곤충학회 학술대회논문집 Vol.2018 No.04

        Evolutionary relationship between ovipositior and oviposition behaviour in insect is an intriguing yet poorly understood topic. Gigantic member of phytophagan, the subfamily Cerambycinae provide us a unique opportunity to understand the topic because they have diversified but specialized host plants, oviposition strategies and ovipositors. The evolutionary pathway of these traits is totally unknown because no robust internal phylogeny of Cerambycinae has been studied. Here we construct a multi-locus phylogeny of Cerambycinae (134 taxa, 9 gene regions, 5211bp) focusing on wide range of oviposition site, host plant and ovipositor length. Ancestral state reconstruction analyses show some general trends in cerambycine evolution: i) host plant use evolved from stressed broad leaved trees to conifers and herbaceus plants; ii) oviposition site evolved from bark crevice to wood fissure or plant surface; iii) extremely shortened and elongated ovipositor independently evolved at least four times, respectively. Correlated evolution test show that ovipositor length and oviposition strategy evolved with very strong correlation, while any of other two traits did. This study unveils the complex evolutionary history of ovipositor, oviposition site, host plant use and their correlation within Cerambycinae for the first time.

      • Multigene phylogeny uncovers oviposition-related evolutionary history of cerambycinae (Coleoptera: Cerambycidae)

        Seunghyun Lee,Seunghwan Lee 한국응용곤충학회 2018 한국응용곤충학회 학술대회논문집 Vol.2018 No.10

        Correlated evolution of biology and morphology of related organs of insects is an intriguing yet poorly understood topic. Gigantic member of phytophagan, the subfamily Cerambycinae provide us a unique opportunity to understand the topic because they have wide range of host plants, oviposition strategies and various forms of ovipositors. The evolutionary pathway of these traits is totally unknown because no robust internal phylogeny has been studied. Here we construct a multilocus phylogeny of Cerambycinae (134 taxa, 9 gene regions, 5211bp) focusing on wide range of oviposition strategies, host plant and ovipositor length. Ancestral state reconstruction analyses show that shortened ovipositor in Cerambycinae evolved at least four times independently; host plant use evolved from stressed hosts to dead and living host, broad leaved trees to conifer and herbaceus plants. Continuous mapping of ancestral state reconstruction shows extremely shortened ovipositor evolved independently at least four times. The correlated evolution test revealed the only correlation is between the ovipositor length and the oviposition strategy. This study unveiled the complex evolutionary history of ovipositor, oviposition strategy, host plant usage and their correlation within Cerambycinae for the first time.

      • A new species of the genus Clytus Laicharting (Coleoptera: Cerambycidae) from Korea

        Youngeun HAN,Jongok LIM,Sangwook PARK,Bongkyu BYUN,Seunghwan LEE,Dongpyeo LYU 한국응용곤충학회 2010 한국응용곤충학회 학술대회논문집 Vol.2010 No.05

        Up to days, 5 species belonging to the genus Clytus, one of the large genera among the tribe Clytini have been recorded from Korean peninsula. The genus Clytus can be distinguished from the other genera by combination of following characteristics: width of head between each antennal socket longer than length of scape; carinae on frons absent; 1st segment of hind-tarsus 2 times shorter than combined length of 2nd+3rd segments; hind-femora weekly swelled in middle part; posterior part of metasternum without process in ventral view. Clytus sp. nov. is most similar to C. clavicornis Reiche, an endemic species to Sicily island in Southern Italy, having thickened 5th or 6th to apical antennal segment. However, this species can be distinguished from the latter species by specific morphological characteristics. As a result of this study, we report Clytus sp. nov. as new to science with brief description and illustrations diagnostic characteristics with key to the Korean Clytus species.

      • A New Record of Xylotrechus Species (Coleoptera: Cerambycidae) from Korea

        Youngeun Han,Sangwook Park,Jongok Lim,Bongkyu Byun,Seunghwan Lee,Dongpyeo Lyu 한국응용곤충학회 2009 한국응용곤충학회 학술대회논문집 Vol.2009 No.05

        Up to days, 15 species of the genus Xylotrechus, which have most diverse species among the tribe Clytini, have been recorded from Korean peninsula. The genus Xylotrechus can be distinguished from the other genera by combination of following characteristics: length of antennal socket longer than 1st segment of antenna; antennae reaches about 2/3 of elytra or less; carinae on frons well developed; 1st segment of hind tarsus 2 times longer than total length of 2nd+3rd segment; carinae on frons exceeding vertex; compound eye joined prothorax. In 2007, we collected a specimen which is belong to the genus Xylotrechus from Goyang-si, Gyeonggi province and we identified this specimen with Xylotrechus pavlovskii Plavilstshikov. Xylotrechus pavlovskii Plavilstshikov is easily distinguished from the congeneric species by following characteristics: femora black except basal half pale brown; antennal socket with yellow pubescence patch; pronotum black with distinct six yellow pubescence patches; elytra black with four pairs of yellowish linear pubescence patches except anterior 1/5 part reddish, apice blunt with inner and outer small sharpen projection. As a result of this study, we report this species for the first time from Korea with description and illustrations of diagnostic characters.

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