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        질적 연구의 ‘원형’으로서 사례 연구의 방법론적 성격: 사례와 연구자의 대칭적-되기

        서덕희 ( Seo¸ Deokhee ) 한국교육인류학회 2020 교육인류학연구 Vol.23 No.4

        이 글은 사례 연구란 무엇인가라는 질문에 대한 잠정적 답변이다. 이를 위해 나는 지속적 사례 연구의 수행 과정에서 가지게 된 상심으로부터 출발하여 내 연구자로서의 체험을 선배 연구자들의 실천적 지혜와 더불어 숙고하고 해명하는 해석적 순환의 과정을 거쳤다. 그 결과 나는 사례 연구란 질적 연구의 ‘원형’으로서의 ‘질’을 갖고 있으며 그 ‘질’의 핵심은 어떤 ‘무언가’와 연구자가 서로 만나 내부 작용을 통하여 사례-되기와 사례연구자-되기가 대칭적으로 이루어지는 과정으로 해석할 수 있었다. 그리고 그러한 과정에 대한 의식적 명료화와 그에 따른 방법적 엄밀성이 사례연구를 하나의 방법론으로 자리매김한다고 보았다. 사례-되기와 사례연구자-되기의 대칭적 과정은 각각 사례 연구의 주요 방법적 쟁점인 사례, 비교, 맥락, 일반화 그리고 그 실제적 가치에 비추어 확인할 수 있었다. 즉, 사례-되기의 과정을 사례, 비교, 맥락, 일반화의 방법적 쟁점을 통해 구체화하였으며, 그 사례-되기의 과정에서 연구자가 그 사례를 포괄한 모집단에 관한 실천적 지혜를 갖추어가는 과정을 사례연구자-되기로 구체화하였다. 사례는 사례-만들기로, 비교는 비교를 통한 사례 선택과 비교를 위한 사례 선택으로, 맥락은 닫힌 체제에서 열린 체제로, 일반화는 사례 선택을 통한 일반화와 사례 분석을 통한 일반화로 유형화할 수 있음을 논의하였고 이러한 과정을 통해 사례연구자가 실천지(phronesis)를 획득해 나가는 과정을 사례연구자-되기로 이해할 수 있음을 논의하였다. 요컨대, 사례 연구란 연구자인 나에게 다가오는 어떤 것을 연구하기로 결단하고 그것과 만나면서 결과적으로 그것을 ‘무언가’의 사례로 이름 부르며 그 보편적 의미를 추구해 나가는 윤리적이며 정치적이고 교육적인 과정이다. 또한 하나의 사례를 이해하는 일은 그 맥락과 불가분의 관계에 있으며 그 맥락의 한계가 없다는 점에서 사례에 대한 이해는 결국 모집단에 대한 이해를 넘어서 세계를 이해하는 일로 나아간다. This paper is my provisional result as an answer to the question whether case study could be determined as a methodology. As a researcher who has conducted a series of case studies over 10 years, I have deliberated on my lived experiences in terms of the phronesis embedded within established studies regarding case study methodology. Namely, as an interim result of hermeneutical circulation, I realized that case study, as a prototype of qualitative research, has a distinctive ‘quality’ in comparison with other quantitative research and the core of that quality is the process of symmetrical-becoming of a case and a researcher during their encounters. I have analyzed and delineated these results in terms of main methodological issues: case, comparison, context, generalization, and its practical value. First, ‘case’ should be understood as ‘casing’ and comparison is embedded in selecting cases: case selection through comparison or for comparison. As for context, an open system should be considered rather than a closed one. Generalization could be typologized as that through selecting cases and that through analyzing cases. Finally, the practical value of a case study could be interpreted as Aristotle’s concept of phronesis. Through the process of hermeneutical circulation, I have realized that a critical methodolgical quality of a case study could be understood as an existential process of determining to do a research upon something that is approaching toward me, and also as an ethical and political process of giving it a certain name of a case of ‘something’. Also, I have realized that understanding a case of something is necessarily related with its contexts and that such understanding is no other than that of the world itself.

      • KCI등재

        문화기술지연구, 실행연구와 사례연구의 비교분석

        최기호 한국조형교육학회 2013 造形敎育 Vol.0 No.46

        The purpose of this study is to analyze and examine the possibility and the uses of three different kinds of qualitative research, ethnographic study, case study,and action research in art education. Since the 1990s, the qualitative approaches to educational research has called attention by virtue of their advantages to describe and understand the complexity and dynamics of humans and human societies within authentic contexts of learning and schooling. Notwithstanding aforementioned advantages of the qualitative approaches,researchers in the field of art education have struggled to sort out the differences and similarities for the uses of different qualitative approaches. This study explores the applicability of three qualitative research methods, such as ethnographic study,action research, and case study among others. The findings of this study include:① ethnographic study is designed to delineate the value systems and believes underlying particular cultural practices and it is to suggest alternative perspectives on preexisting educational practices: ② action research is geared toward the improvement of educational practices and further the empowerment of educators along with their students as active learners and researchers: ③ case study is aimed to describe and understand “a bounded system - a case” undergoing changes over time. Employing a pragmaticist view point, case study incorporates almost every possible research methods for the pursuit of the rich description of a case or cases and the interpretation of results of a case study is completed by readers, not by researchers.

      • KCI등재

        질적 연구방법으로서 사례연구의 특성

        이원석(Lee, Wonsuk) 질적연구학회 2020 질적연구 Vol.21 No.2

        Purpose: To analyze key characteristics of qualitative case study different from other qualitative research methods designs and provide useful guidance to researchers who conduct qualitative case studies in the field to fully demonstrate characteristics and benefits of case study. Methods: This study was conducted mainly through the literature analysis of case study. Results: Results showed that key characteristics of qualitative case study were selection of cases, research questions inherent in cases, the importance of context and the pursuit of a heuristic understanding. Researchers should also pay attention to checking the suitability of the case, identify research questions inherent in the case, focus on the case and its contexts, and provide thick description of the case. Conclusion: Case study is the most powerful research method design to understand a particular case in depth and integration and to solve its actual problems through these characteristics.

      • KCI등재

        중소기업 의사결정 과정에 관한 연구

        정한석,문재승 한국유통과학회 2015 유통과학연구 Vol.13 No.10

        Purpose – A rapidly changing business environment places great demands on small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs). These SMEs need to find strategic alternatives for continued growth and, ultimately, survival. Thus, mergers and acquisitions (M&A) are deemed an acceptable solution. Research to date has dealt with M&A in major organizations and focused on post merger integration (PMI). Our study focuses on SMEs, as they are relatively new and unknown to the public. Therefore, this study highlights successful M&A and decision making for SMEs through a case study analysis. Research design, data, and methodology – For this study, we examined an M&A case between company S, which produces cell phone parts, and company P, which produces SSD cases. We reviewed theories and previous studies in M&A literature. We comprehensively examined the decision-making procedure at each M&A stage, describing the situation of the buying company and the selling company from the period of the M&A announcement through deal completion. In addition, we conducted interviews with both companies. The data regarding this case study were collected through interviews with managers of both companies who actively participated in the M&A process. When necessary, we asked them about additional relevant information during the interviews. Results – The result of the M&A between company S and company P was deemed acceptable with the exception of the long negotiation period. However, company S was not able to prepare for PMI after the acquisition due to a controversy over acquisition values. Moreover, the employees of the newly formed company, especially those who came from company P,complained about the M&A and attempted to leave. Thus, implications for successful M&As of SMEs are as follows: First, the procedural compliance of the M&A is needed. Second, support is needed from the CEO for the working group, rather than excessive intervention during due diligence. Third, the right, talented members of the organization should be part of the process of the M&A. Fourth, the use of various types of outside expert or business consultants is needed. Fifth, the strategic intervention by Human Resource managers is required. Last, sharing M&A information among employees is important as information dissemination will help employees be more receptive to such a change. However, this study has several limitations as a single case study; more varied SME M&A case studies are needed in order to generalize the results of the study. Conclusions – Most of the research dealing with M&As has focused on major companies and PMI and neglected SMEs. Thus, our study focuses on SMEs and the decision-making procedures for M&A. This study has significantly contributed to the literature in this area and has provided practical information around the implications of sound decision-making during M&As. Specifically, the results of the study contribute to the need for research on M&A among SMEs, which to date has often been neglected as a topic of choice.

      • How to Write a Powerful Case Study?: Emerging Issues for a Case Study and Writing in Asia

        Sunil Venaik,Emily M. Nason,Joyce Linghua Wang,Kannika Leelapanyalert,Bryan Hong Academy of Asian Business (AAB) 2016 Academy of Asian Business Review Vol.2 No.2

        Main purpose of this article is to make a dynamic interaction between Award winning scholars and audience (or readers), particularly those who would like to focus on case writing on Asian consumers and businesses for journals like Harvard Business Review (HBR) and Academy of Asian Business (AABR) or competitions like WACC (World Asian Case Competition). The authors provided important guidelines to write a powerful case study. First, several key decisions before writing a case are presented with some issues in case pedagogy, writing and analysis. Then discussed are three key elements such as themes, protagonists, and challenges in case study. Some tips for writing a powerful case study are also provided. The importance of highlighting turning points and “Asian ways” also presented. Several important emerging issues and tips are presented to help readers write an influential case study for their research and career.

      • KCI등재후보

        Sample Size and Statistical Power Calculation in Genetic Association Studies

        Hong, Eun-Pyo,Park, Ji-Wan Korea Genome Organization 2012 Genomics & informatics Vol.10 No.2

        A sample size with sufficient statistical power is critical to the success of genetic association studies to detect causal genes of human complex diseases. Genome-wide association studies require much larger sample sizes to achieve an adequate statistical power. We estimated the statistical power with increasing numbers of markers analyzed and compared the sample sizes that were required in case-control studies and case-parent studies. We computed the effective sample size and statistical power using Genetic Power Calculator. An analysis using a larger number of markers requires a larger sample size. Testing a single-nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) marker requires 248 cases, while testing 500,000 SNPs and 1 million markers requires 1,206 cases and 1,255 cases, respectively, under the assumption of an odds ratio of 2, 5% disease prevalence, 5% minor allele frequency, complete linkage disequilibrium (LD), 1:1 case/control ratio, and a 5% error rate in an allelic test. Under a dominant model, a smaller sample size is required to achieve 80% power than other genetic models. We found that a much lower sample size was required with a strong effect size, common SNP, and increased LD. In addition, studying a common disease in a case-control study of a 1:4 case-control ratio is one way to achieve higher statistical power. We also found that case-parent studies require more samples than case-control studies. Although we have not covered all plausible cases in study design, the estimates of sample size and statistical power computed under various assumptions in this study may be useful to determine the sample size in designing a population-based genetic association study.

      • KCI등재후보

        Sample Size and Statistical Power Calculation in Genetic Association Studies

        홍은표,박지완 한국유전체학회 2012 Genomics & informatics Vol.10 No.2

        A sample size with sufficient statistical power is critical to the success of genetic association studies to detect causal genes of human complex diseases. Genome-wide association studies require much larger sample sizes to achieve an adequate statistical power. We estimated the statistical power with increasing numbers of markers analyzed and compared the sample sizes that were required in case-control studies and case-parent studies. We computed the effective sample size and statistical power using Genetic Power Calculator. An analysis using a larger number of markers requires a larger sample size. Testing a single-nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) marker requires 248 cases, while testing 500,000 SNPs and 1 million markers requires 1,206 cases and 1,255 cases, respectively, under the assumption of an odds ratio of 2, 5% disease prevalence, 5%minor allele frequency, complete linkage disequilibrium (LD), 1:1 case/control ratio, and a 5% error rate in an allelic test. Under a dominant model, a smaller sample size is required to achieve 80% power than other genetic models. We found that a much lower sample size was required with a strong effect size, common SNP, and increased LD. In addition, studying a common disease in a case-control study of a 1:4 case-control ratio is one way to achieve higher statistical power. We also found that case-parent studies require more samples than case-control studies. Although we have not covered all plausible cases in study design, the estimates of sample size and statistical power computed under various assumptions in this study may be useful to determine the sample size in designing a population-based genetic association study.

      • 교사로서의 자기 성장 사례 연구

        오선주 청주교육대학교 교육연구원 2018 학교와 수업 연구 Vol.3 No.2

        The purpose of this study is to propose self-study as a way to enhance the professionalism of a teacher by releasing the self-study case of a researcher. There have been various attempts to improve the professionalism of teachers. Teachers are trying to improve their individual expertise through self-study, training courses, guidance & consulting, graduate school and participation in learning communities. However, it is difficult for teachers to improve their professionalism due to the fact that they are made out of external force, and that guidance and training are not so effective. Most of all, teachers do not study 'himself/herself as a teacher' and there is no guidance about how to do it. The purpose of this study is to help the teachers who are concerned about the growth of professionalism by showing the cases how a teacher has improved her expertise through self-study. To do this, the research was carried out as follows. First, I presented the significance of self-study, key elements, and major methods. Secondly, I recorded diachronic self-study case and synchronic self-study case. The diachronic self-study was divided into two parts in order to understand how the researcher's identity as a teacher was formed : from the period of elementary school till the period just before being a teacher and the subsequent process of growth in the teacher community. In order to understand how the researcher's beliefs and identity are revealed in the classroom or to the students in the informal self-study, 50 pre-service elementary teachers of C National University of Education helped the synchronic self-study as critical colleagues in art, social practice, technology. The preliminary teachers' criticism of the researcher's class was analyzed based on Johari's Window and the part of the criticism and the thought of the researcher were included with subtitle. The conclusions of the researcher's self-study are as follows. The point of this study, which began as a question of the professionalism of the teacher, was to find my identity as a teacher and the self-study was used as the method. The process of experiencing a self-study can provide an experience of growth that clearly sees the teacher's own identity. In addition, it is not only able to raise the teacher 's own educational sensibility, but also has an expanding character that fosters the educational sensibility of pre-teachers and fellow teachers. Finally, it is possible to propose a different method of professional growth in pre-service teacher education programs and teacher education programs.

      • KCI등재

        한국어교육학의 질적 사례연구 연구방법론적 양상

        구민지 인문사회 21 2023 인문사회 21 Vol.14 No.2

        The purpose of this study is to identify how the ‘qualitative case study’ method is being used in the academic field of Korean language education and to provide implications for the use of the case study method in Korean language education. To this end, 79 papers explicitly presented as ‘case studies’ in the title were extracted from academic papers on Korean education and qualitatively analyzed in terms of research subjects and research methods. The research papers could be classified into class case studies, intensive case studies, operation case studies, and experimental case studies, and class case studies accounted for a large proportion. Observation and interview methods were found to be actively applied in terms of data collection, and factual case studies were actively applied in terms of analysis methods. As a result of the analysis, there is a clear perception of ‘case’ in terms of research subjects, but few papers fully capture the essence of qualitative case studies in terms of data collection and analysis.

      • KCI등재

        연구자의 역할과 담론적 사례연구: 행정학자들의 사례연구 논문 검토를 중심으로

        윤견수 고려대학교 정부학연구소 2019 정부학연구 Vol.25 No.3

        The purpose of this study was to review the case study papers of Korean public administration scholars. Reviewing the papers contributed to the Korean Journal of Public Administration over the past five years, the types of case studies could be classified into theory-oriented, data-centered, and researcher-driven. Among the three types, the most frequently used classification was the theory-oriented case studies. Many studies emphasized theories first and data were used as only small examples to validate or invalidate those theories, such as the analytic procedure of hypothesis testing. Very few studies have conducted the inductive process of describing and categorizing data. Noteworthy is that there have been many forms of research that are not traditional case studies. It is a form of study in which data and theories on specific issues in a particular context are combined by researchers. The study named this type of research a discursive case study. The discursive case study uses logic of abduction rather than deductive or inductive logic. It also emphasizes the interpretive role of researchers who bridge the theoretical and empirical worlds. 이 연구는 한국 행정학자들이 사례연구방법을 사용해 완성한 논문들에 대한 리뷰논문이다. 최근 5년간의 한국행정학보에 기고된 사례연구논문들을 검토한 결과 사례연구의 유형을 크게 이론중심 사례연구, 자료중심 사례연구, 연구자 중심 사례연구로 나눌 수 있었다. 3가지 유형의 사례연구 가운데 가장 많은 비중을 차지한 것은 이론 중심 사례연구였다. 상당수의 연구가 가설검증 연구처럼 이론을 먼저 제시하고 자료는 이론을 확인하거나 검증하기 위한 도구로 활용되었다. 자료를 기술하거나 요약하면서 귀납의 과정을 거치는 연구는 극히 드물었다. 주목할 만한 점은 전통적인 분류 방식으로는 사례연구에 속하지 않는 형태의 연구들이 꽤 있었다는 점이다. 그것은 특정 맥락 속에 존재하는 구체적 이슈에 대한 자료와 이론이 연구자에 의해 결합되는 형태의 연구다. 이 연구는 이런 유형의 연구를 담론적 사례연구라고 이름을 붙였다. 담론적 사례연구는 연역이나 귀납보다는 귀추의 방법론을 사용하고, 법칙보다는 맥락화를 염두에 둔 연구자의 해석을 강조한다.

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