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        Security Issues and Challenges for Cambodia: Domestic and Regional

        ( Veasna Var ) 한국국방연구원 2017 The Korean Journal of Defense Analysis Vol.29 No.2

        This paper will assess Cambodia`s current and future strategic and security situation, arguing that current and future Cambodian national security will be determined by the three key strategic security issues of domestic, geographic, human and economic security. These three key security factors have significantly underpinned Cambodia`s strategic challenges. The first strategic challenge is related to the current domestic political deadlock between the two major political parties, the ruling Cambodian People`s Party (CPP), led by Prime Minister Hun and the opposition Cambodia National Rescue Party (CNRP), led by Sam Rainsy. The current political contestation has significant challenges for Cambodian national development as well as foreign policy. The second major strategic challenge for Cambodia relates to economic security, and the requirement to balance the strategic competition between China and the United States to gain influence within Cambodia. This external power competition has a significant impact on Cambodia`s political and economic circumstances as Cambodia remains heavily dependent on foreign aid for political and economic development as can be seen today. The key challenge is that while China and the United States are the largest providers, they are competing for their own interests and influence in Cambodia, and the wider Southeast Asian region. The third challenge facing Cambodia is centered around managing its relationship with China and ASEAN claimants in the context of territorial disputes over the South China Sea. This environment presents one of the most challenging difficulties for the kingdom`s contemporary foreign policy. These challenges have greatly impacted and shaped Cambodia`s reform agenda, defense posture, political system and international engagements. The paper will also consider how Cambodia`s effort and commitment towards reform and its integration with the international community will not be achieved without overcoming these three challenges.

      • KCI등재

        캄보디아 개신교 90년사에 나타난 교회 자립과 지도력 이양

        장완익 한국교회사학회 2014 韓國敎會史學會誌 Vol.37 No.-

        캄보디아 개신교회는 1923년 CMA로부터 시작되었으며, 2012년 현재, 2,697개의 교회와 168,887명의 신도로 성장하였다. 이는 캄보디아 국민의 1.19%에 해당한다. 그러나 90년의 선교역사에도 불구하고 캄보디아 개신교회는 자치, 자립, 자전 그리고 자신학화의 기준으로 볼 때, 온전히 자립된 교회라고 보기 어려우며 또한 교회의 지도력을 스스로 발휘하고 있다고 보기 어려운 실정이다. 캄보디아 개신교회의 몇 교단/선교단체별 자립과 지도력 이양의 사례는 다음과 같다. 1. CMA/KEC: 1923년부터 약 50년 동안 캄보디아 선교를 주도하였으며, 전도와 교회개척 사역을 주로 하였다. 1948년에는 현지 교단 KEC가 조직되었으며, 현재 선교단체인 CMA와 협력하고 있다. 2. OMF 캄보디아: 1973년에 캄보디아 사역을 시작하였으며, OMF 캄보디아 내 한인 선교사들의 교회 설립과 함께 교회 자립과 지도력 이양에 대한 이론적 근거를 마련하였다. 3. 캄보디아 침례교회: 1990년부터 시작된 현지인 사역자 중심의 교회개척운동을 통해 한때 캄보디아에서 가장 큰 개신교단을 형성하였으나, 여러 시행착오와 함께 체계적인 교회 자립과 지도력 이양에는 한계를 드러내었다. 4. 캄보디아 감리교회: 2003년, 네 개의 외국 감리교선교부가 MMC로 통합되면서 캄보디아 감리교회가 시작되었으며, 보다 더 온전한 교회의 자립과 지도력 이양의 시점은 2016년, 정식연회가 조직되고 캄보디아인 감독이 세워지는 때로 보고 있다. 5. 캄보디아 장로교회: 2003년, 7개 한국 장로교단 선교사들이 캄장공을 조직하였으며, 2013년, 독노회를 설립함으로 캄보디아인 목사와 장로가 참여하였다. 보다 더 온전한 교회의 자립과 지도력 이양의 시점은 2020년, 총회를 조직하는 때로 보고 있다. 교회 자립과 지도력 이양을 위해서는 외국인 선교사와 현지 교회 그리고 후원 교회/단체 각자가 맡은 역할이 있는데, 가장 중요한 역할은 외국인 선교사가 갖고 있다. 캄보디아 개신교회의 자립과 지도력 이양을 위한 방안 세 가지는 다음과 같다. 1. <MK 2021> 참여: 캄보디아 개신교회가 하나 되지 못할 경우, 캄보디아 개신교회의 자립과 지도력 이양은 더욱 멀어질 수 있다. 아울러 아직도 캄보디아 전국에 교회가 세워지지 않은 마을이 80%인데, 2021년까지 모든 마을에 교회를 세우려는 이 운동에 캄보디아 내의 모든 개신교회와 교단/선교단체가 초교파적으로 참여해야 한다. 2. 선교적 교회론의 연구와 적용: 전통적이고 제도적인 교회가 아닌 성경에서 말하는 교회의 본질인 선교적 교회론을 연구하며, 그러한 교회가 세워지도록 노력해야 한다. 3. 선교사와 목회자의 바른 역할: 외국인 선교사의 역할은 전도와 훈련 사역으로 현지인 목회자를 돕는 것이며, 현지인 목회자의 역할은 직접 교회를 설립하고 목회하는 것이다. The first Cambodian Protestant Church began in 1923 by C&MA. It grew to be 2,697 churches and 168,887 believers as of 2012. It’s 1.19% of Cambodia population. But in spite of 90 years history, Cambodia Protestant Church is not a self-standing church yet by the standard of self-governing, self-supporting, self-propagating and self-theologizing principle. The history of some of major denominations and mission agencies in their efforts to become self-supporting and hand over to local leadership is summarized as follows: 1. C&MA/KEC: It led Cambodia mission for 50 years from 1923. Their ministry focus was evangelism and church plating. In 1948, KEC (Khmer Evangelical Church), a national denomination, was established in cooperation with C&MA mission agency. 2. OMF Cambodia: It began Cambodia ministries in 1973 and provided a theoretical basis of planting self-supporting churches and leadership hand over to national leaders for Korean missionaries in OMF Cambodia. 3. CBU (Cambodia Baptist Union): It began church planting movement in 1990 in Cambodia by mobilizing local ministers and became the biggest denomination in Cambodia for a while. But soon their limitation for planting self-supporting churches and systematic leadership hand over became evident. 4. CMC (Cambodia Methodist Church): 4 different Methodist foreign mission bodies jointly established MMC(Methodist Mission in Cambodia) in 2003. It is working toward the goal of self-supporting church and complete leadership hand over in 2016 when organizing the Annual Conference of CMC and appoint the first Cambodian bishop. 5. PCC (Presbyterian Church in Cambodia): In 2003, CPCC (the Council of Presbyterian Church in Cambodia) was established by Korean missionaries representing 7 presbyterian denominations in Korea. In 2013, the first Presbytery of PCC was organized and ordained first Cambodian pastors and elders. Its plan is to hold the first General Assembly of PCC in 2020 by which establishing self-supporting church and leadership hand over will be completed. For self-supporting church and leadership hand over, local church in Cambodia, foreign missionaries and their supporting churches/agencies have roles to play. But foreign missionaries play the most important role. Here are 3 suggestions for self-supporting and leadership hand over in Cambodia Protestant Church. 1. Participation in <MK 2021>: If Cambodia Protestant Church failed to be united, self-supporting church and leadership hand over will become far from reality. There is no church in over 80% of Cambodian villages, so all Protestant Churches and mission agencies should join the interdenominational movement that aims to plan church in every village of Cambodia by 2021. 2. Research and application of the Missional Church: We should study the Missional Church as a Biblical model, not traditional and institutional church, and make effort to establish such a church. 3. Role of missionary and local pastor: The role of foreign missionary is support local pastor through evangelism and training ministry, and the role of local pastor is direct church planting and pastoral ministry.

      • KCI등재

        캄보디아 농업투자 환경에 관한 연구

        이규성 ( Kyu Seong Lee ),배동진 ( Dong Jin Bae ),김성남 ( Seong Nam Kim ),강영신 ( Young Shin Kang ) 한국국제농업개발학회 2011 韓國國際農業開發學會誌 Vol.23 No.5

        International price of cereal has been dramatically increasing for the past few years. This price hike amplified the importance of food self-sufficiency in numerous countries due to the fact that food security is directly proportional to food self-sufficiency. In this study, we conducted a survey to provide useful information of Cambodia`s agricultural environment to possible Korean agricultural investors and as to highlight Cambodia as a strong candidate for the establishment of Korea`s foreign base for cereal production. The survey conducted includes information regarding Cambodia`s agricultural environment and investment circumstances including the political, economical and other contributing factors affecting agricultural investment in Cambodia. Seventy percent of the Cambodia`s total population engage in agriculture and this comprises about 30% of the country`s GDP. This statistics reflects the possibility of Cambodia`s poverty alleviation which proves that agriculture in Cambodia is the driving force for the improvement of the country`s economy. In addition, low labor cost, fertile land, abundant water resources, like the Tonle sap lake and the Mekong river, and unreclaimed lands are the strong points that could attract agricultural investors to Cambodia. Poor infrastructure, irrigation systems, law reforms, including social and cultural differences may be the biggest setbacks for the acceleration of Cambodia`s agriculture development. However, the Cambodian government is open and willing to make adjustments for Cambodia to be both foreign and domestic agricultural investor-friendly, expecting that it will boost its country`s agricultural development. Making the best out of this opportunity, the coordination of KOICA with Korean agricultural investors in building infrastructures and with the help of the KOPIA program for the transfer of agricultural technology will benefit both countries and will play an important role in Cambodia`s agriculture.

      • KCI등재

        캄보디아 농업투자 환경에 관한 연구

        이규성,배동진,김성남,강영신 한국국제농업개발학회 2011 韓國國際農業開發學會誌 Vol.23 No.5

        최근 글로벌기업들의 신흥국 시장 쟁탈전이 격화되고 중국의 곡물수출이 금지되고 있는 상황에서 새로운 시장으로 지리적으로 아세안의 중심에 있는 캄보디아가 주목받고 있다. 캄보디아는 최근 몇 년 동안 정부의 적극적인 개혁정책으로 고도의 성장을 이루었고, 개방적인 시장경제체제를 유지하며 해외투자자본 유치에 적극적으로 힘쓰고 있다. 특히 농업은 캄보디아의 근본적인 가난과 빈곤을 해결해줄 가장 중요한 산업으로 정부 차원에서 많은 지원이 이루어지고 있다. 따라서 본연구를 통해서 대캄보디아 투자에 관심이 많은 한국투자자들에게 유익한 정보를 제공하고자 수행한 결과는 다음과 같다. 1. 캄보디아는 농업에 적합한 기후와 자연환경, 저렴한 인건비와 큰 잠재력을 가진 매력적인 투자처로서 각광을 받고 있고 우리나라 농산업체들도 많이 진출하고 있지만 대상국의 정치적, 경제적, 사회적 여건, 법제도, 양국간의 협력관계 등 철저한 사전조사가 선행되어야 할 것이다. 2. 캄보디아는 열악한 인프라와 관개시설의 미비, 만연한 부정부패, 사회문화적 차이로 인한 인력 운용 등의 문제점들을 해소하기 위해서는 농업 인프라 조성에 KOICA와 연계한 지원이 필요하고, 기술적으로는 KOPIA같은 해외농업개발을 위한 전문 기관과 연계한 인력 양성이 필수적이다. 3. 캄보디아는 현재 외국의 투자자들이 원활히 투자할 수 있도록 투자관련 기관을 총리실 직속으로 두는 등 법과 제도를정비해 나가고 있다. 그러나 법과 제도의 운영이 법에 따라시행되지 못하고 있는 점 등을 감안하여, 정부차원 뿐만 아니라 민간기업과 힘을 합쳐 투자 전에 철저한 조사와 분석이 필요할 것이다. 4. 한국의 해외식량기지 건설은 정부와 기업체 그리고 우리국민들의 관심과 지원이 필요하다. 이제는 농업을 단순히 하나의 상품을 생산하는 여러 산업 중 하나가 아니라 국가의 전략적 산업의 하나로 바라볼 때이다. International price of cereal has been dramatically increasing for the past few years. This price hike amplified the importance of food self-sufficiency in numerous countries due to the fact that food security is directly proportional to food self-sufficiency. In this study, we conducted a survey to provide useful information of Cambodia's agricultural environment to possible Korean agricultural investors and as to highlight Cambodia as a strong candidate for the establishment of Korea’s foreign base for cereal production. The survey conducted includes information regarding Cambodia’s agricultural environment and investment circumstances including the political, economical and other contributing factors affecting agricultural investment in Cambodia. Seventy percent of the Cambodia's total population engage in agriculture and this comprises about 30% of the country’s GDP. This statistics reflects the possibility of Cambodia's poverty alleviation which proves that agriculture in Cambodia is the driving force for the improvement of the country’s economy. In addition, low labor cost, fertile land, abundant water resources, like the Tonle sap lake and the Mekong river, and unreclaimed lands are the strong points that could attract agricultural investors to Cambodia. Poor infrastructure, irrigation systems, law reforms, including social and cultural differences may be the biggest setbacks for the acceleration of Cambodia's agriculture development. However, the Cambodian government is open and willing to make adjustments for Cambodia to be both foreign and domestic agricultural investor-friendly, expecting that it will boost its country’s agricultural development. Making the best out of this opportunity, the coordination of KOICA with Korean agricultural investors in building infrastructures and with the help of the KOPIA program for the transfer of agricultural technology will benefit both countries and will play an important role in Cambodia’s agriculture.

      • KCI등재

        캄보디아 훈센의 외교 전략과 전망

        이윤범 ( Beom Lee Yun ) 한국외국어대학교 동남아연구소 2012 東南亞硏究 Vol.21 No.3

        Cambodia in geomorphology is located between two powers, Thailand and Vietnam. Cambodia historically had been invaded by these two powers numerous times and lost a great deal of territory. It was under French colonial rule for tens of years and its border line was fixed by the French. Even after it was liberated from French colonial rule, it went through political chaos and a brutal massacre committed by Khmer Rouge, that killed more or less two million Cambodians. Khmer Rouge had slaughtered civilians under the pretext of fulfilling the socialist revolution. Vietnam forces had finally driven out Khmer Rouge out of Cambodia and ruled over Cambodia for ten years. But Vietnam had to pull out of Cambodia due to domestic problems and international pressure, forming a pro-Vietnam government in Cambodia, which was called later Hun Sen regime. The government consisted of some Khmer Rouge officers who fled to Vietnam owing to the threat of Pol Pot, the Prime Minister of Khmer Rouge, to kill them and Cambodians residing in Vietnam. After Hun Sen, one of the longest prime ministers in the world, has experienced ups and downs with his political power, he is currently enjoying the political stabilization. In this historical context Cambodians` antagonism toward the Thai and the Vietnamese is obvious and hostility toward the Vietnamese is even more intensified. But Hun Sen regime, which has limitation of its origin formed by Vietnam, has been maintaining a collectively strategic partnership with Vietnam. But relations with Thailand have been strained due to a lot of political conflicts caused by the border disputes. Hun Sen`s government capitalized bilateral tensions as tactic of bolstering their political clout and reducing the antagonism of Cambodians toward Vietnam. Chinese ambitions in Southeast Asia may probably force a reassessment of Cambodia`s triangular relationship with Vietnam and Thailand. The Peoples Republic of China has transformed itself from the Hun Sen`s bitter foe to its close ally, becoming the largest donor and investor to Cambodia. China continued to incerase its influence on Cambodia through what the Cambodian sees as unconditional aid and non-interference in Cambodian internal affairs. Cambodian government has placed top priority on relations with Vietnam, Thailand, and China, including multilateral relafions with Western countries. As long as Hun Sen`s regime is maintained, relations with Vietnam will last, But China might be a variable.

      • KCI등재

        Cambodia’s Foreign Policy Choice during 2010 to 2020: From Strategic Hedging to Bandwagoning

        Doung Chandy,Kang William,김재천 한국국제정치학회 2022 The Korean Journal of International Studies Vol.20 No.1

        This research traces the ways in which Cambodia has handled the escalating contention between the United States and China in Southeast Asia from 2010-2020 and the dynamics that shaped Cambodia’s foreign policy during that period. The existing literature has tended to view Cambodia’s foreign policy choices as monolithic and consistently pro-China. This research challenges this conventional assessment about Cambodia’s foreign policy. The analyses in this research indicate that the changes in Cambodia’s foreign policy choices toward the United States and China have been driven by domestic political dynamics to a substantial extent, along with the other exogenous variables such as economic, security, and diplomatic factors. In addition, internal factors are not always stable, as most observers of Cambodia’s foreign policy have claimed. Due to the unstable nature of internal factors, Cambodia’s foreign policy has not always tilted towards China continuously. Cambodia’s foreign policy has been in flux and swung between the United States and China. To drive this point home, this research adopts and applies the returns-maximizing and risk-contingency options of the strategic hedging model to demonstrate Cambodia’s foreign policy shift from hedging to bandwagoning.

      • KCI등재

        캄보디아 의류산업분야의 노동시위 증대 원인에 대한 연구 : ILO 노동기준 제고 프로그램의 한계점과 시사점

        이진우 한국세계지역학회 2020 世界地域硏究論叢 Vol.38 No.2

        The International Labor Organization’s Better Factories in Cambodia has been recognized as a success story for improving labor standards and labor rights in developing countries. Based on these successes, ILO is expanding the BFC program to a better workplace program and applying it to other developing countries. However, in Cambodia, which has been recognized as a success story, labor human rights are retreating, and more than 100 labor demonstrations are taking place every year. The EU said it will review the withdrawal of trade privileges that were granted to Cambodia in 2019 regarding human rights and labor rights in Cambodia. In February 2020, the EU announced the withdrawal of trade privileges. The U.S. Senate also submitted a bill to ask for a review of Cambodia’s benefits from the General Preferred Tariff System (GSP) for the same reason. This study analyzed the reasons for and causes of the current labor protests in Cambodia, where labor rights have been improved and BFC implementation has been judged successful. First, ILO’s labor improvement program was considered to have a great influence on labor demonstrations. Another factor is the emergence of a new generation with a strong sense of rights. It is judged that the corruption caused by the long-term ruling of the Hun-Sen government and the backlash against the unsatisfactory performance of the government have affected the labor demonstrations. These demonstrations have been affected by characteristics and limitations of the aid economy, which is particularly prevalent in Cambodia. A new generation has emerged in Cambodia, and multinational corporations have entered the field, incorporating into the international trade system, and the level of consciousness and social needs of Cambodian people have increased. However, the response of Cambodia’s government is seen as inadequate, and domestic politics remains unchanged, and it is judged that citizens’ complaints are expressed in the form of labor demonstrations. The BFC program was evaluated as a program that completed two goals: improving labor standards and effective enforcement through public-private cooperation. However, after the end of the BFC program, there were limitations that did not continue to improve the working conditions. The BFC program is being developed and expanded to the BW program and applied to other countries. Although the circumstances of each country are different, it is necessary to supplement the labor enhancement program so that its effect can continue even if that program is terminated. 국제노동기구(ILO)의 캄보디아의 더 좋은 공장프로그램(Better Factories in Cambodia, BFC)은 개도국의 노동기준과 노동인권을 개선하고 향상시킨 성공사례로 인정받았다. 이러한 성공을 바탕으로 ILO는 BFC 프로그램을 더 좋은 작업장 프로그램(Better Works Program, BWP)으로 발전 확대시켜 다른 개도국에 적용중이다. 그런데 성공사례로 인정받았던 캄보디아에서 노동인권이 후퇴되는 모습이 나타나고 있으며, 매년 100회 이상의 노동시위가 일어나고 있다. 급기야 EU에서는 2019년 캄보디아의 열악한 인권및 노동권 실태에 관련해 그동안 캄보디아에 부여해온 무역특혜 철회를 검토한다고밝혔고, 2020년 2월 EU는 무역특혜 철회를 발표하였다. 미국 상원에서도 같은 이유로 현재 캄보디아의 일반특혜관세제도(GSP)혜택에 대한 재검토를 요청하는 법안이 제출되었다. 본 연구에서는 노동인권이 향상되고 BFC시행이 성공적으로 판단되었던 캄보디아에서 왜 현재 노동시위가 격화되고 급증하고 있는지 이유와 원인을 분석하였다. 먼저ILO의 노동 제고프로그램이 노동시위에 큰 영향을 미쳤다고 판단된다. 또 다른 요인으로는 권리의식이 강한 새로운 세대의 등장을 들 수 있다. 또 다른 요인으로는 훈센정부의 장기집권에 따른 부정부패와 형편없는 캄보디아 국내 거버넌스 수준에 대한 반발이 노동시위에 영향을 미친 것으로 판단된다. 그리고 과거 개도국의 민주화과정에서 야당과 노동자들의 정치적 연대의 모습이 캄보디아에서도 나타나고 있으며 정치적 시위의 형태를 띠고 있는 특징을 보인다. 또한 캄보디아에서 특히 심화되어 나타나는 원조경제의 특징과 한계성이 노동시위에 큰 영향을 미쳤다고 판단한다. 캄보디아에 새로운 세대가 등장하였고, 다국적 기업의 현지진출, 국제무역체계로의 편입, 캄보디아 국민들의 의식수준 및 사회적 요구수준은 증가하였는데 이에 반해 캄보디아 국내 거버넌스는한없이 낮고, 국내정치는 제자리 걸음이다보니 시민들의 불만이 노동시위의 형태로 표출되는 것으로 판단된다. BFC프로그램은 민관협력을 통해 노동기준 향상과 효과적인 집행이라는 두 가지 목표를 완성해낸 프로그램으로 평가되었다. 하지만 BFC프로그램이 종결된 이후 캄보디아에서는 노동조건의 개선이 지속적으로 이어지지 못하고 후퇴되었다는 한계성을 가지고 있다. 현재 ILO에서는 BFC프로그램을 BW프로그램으로 발전 확대시켜 다른 국가에 적용중이다. 각국의 사정이 다르지만 노동제고프로그램이 종결되더라도 노동제고프로그램의 효과가 지속될 수 있도록 보완이 필요하다.

      • Faunistic Study of the Superfamily Coccoidea from Cambodia and Laos

        Pheophanh Soysouvanh,Pen Monyvott,Ki-Jeong Hong 한국응용곤충학회 2016 한국응용곤충학회 학술대회논문집 Vol.2016 No.04

        Coccoidea (scale insects and mealybugs) are some of the most potentially detrimental pests for agriculture and ornamental plant industries in worldwide and the same in Cambodia and Laos. Scale insects were collected on branches, leaves, peduncles, petioles and fruits of hosts in January to July, 2015 and February, 2016. Previously, Coccoidea fauna of Cambodia and Laos comprise 41 and 35 species respectively. Recently we collected 25 species belong to 3 families of Coccoidea. Among these, nine species are first found in these countries; [Coccidae] Ceroplastes ceriferus (Fabricius, 1798) in Laos, Ceroplastes stellifer (Westwood 1871) in Cambodia, Milviscutulus mangiferae (Green, 1904) in Laos and Cambodia, [Pseudococcidae] Kiritshenkella sacchari (Green, 1900), Phenacoccus parvus (Morrison, 1924 ) in Laos, Palmicultor lumpurensis (Takahashi, 1951) in Cambodia, Rastrococcus invadens (Williams,1986) in Cambodia and Laos, [Diaspididae] Aulacaspis tubercularis (Newstead, 1906) in Cambodia, Aonidiella aurantii (Maskell, 1879) in Laos and Cambodia.

      • KCI우수등재

        비교법연구(比較法硏究) : 일본의 캄보디아 민법 제정 지원과 제정된 민법의 내용

        이준현 ( Joon Hyun Lee ) 법조협회 2011 法曹 Vol.60 No.5

        캄보디아는 1993년 신헌법의 제정과 함께 공산주의일당독재를 포기하고 시장경제체제의 자유민주국가로 다시 탄생하였다. 이 논문은 그 후 캄보디아가 세계 각국에 법정비 지원을 요청하게 된 경위, 캄보디아 민법의 제정에 일본이 참여하게 된 과정, 일본의 지원활동의 성과 그리고 지원활동으로 제정된 캄보디아 민법의 주요 내용을 소개하기 위한 것이다. 캄보디아는 1975년 수립된 폴·포트 정권(1975~1979)에 의해 국가의 모든 시스템이 정지되고, 기존의 모든 법률이 폐지되었으며, 많은 지식인들이 숙청·살해당하는 참화를 겪었다. 이러한 지식인의 숙청·살해는 대대적인 전문인력의 공백을 가져왔으며, 결국 캄보디아는 체제전환을 선언하기는 하였으나 이를 제도적으로 뒷받침할 만한 전문인력 부족으로 인해 그 성과는 미미하였다. 이에 캄보디아는 국제사회에 법정비를 위한 지원을 요청하게 된 것이다. 캄보디아 민법은 마찬가지로 일본의 지원에 의해서 탄생된 2005년 베트남 개정민법과는 매우 다른 특색을 보여 준다. 우선 사회주의 법제도의 잔재가 거의 남아 있지 않으며, 소유권보장·계약자유의 원칙 등 시장경제체제의 법원칙에 충실하다. 그밖에 일본의 민법학자들에 의해 작업이 이루어졌음에도 일본민법과는 매우 다르고, 과거에 식민지 모국이었던 프랑스 민법과도 유사하다고 할 수 없다. 또한 그 구성이 매우 독특하여 현재 민법개정작업을 진행하고 있는 우리나라에도 참조할 만한 부분이 있다. 일본은 아시아에 한정하는 한 법정비 지원 최대 활동국이다. 일본의 아시아에 대한 법정비 지원은 특히 베트남·캄보디아·라오스 3국을 중심으로 집중적으로 전개되어 왔다. 동일한 지역을 대상으로 유사한 활동을 준비하고 있는 우리에게 있어서 일본의 경험과 성과는 많은 시사점을 주리라 생각된다. Since 1975 was Cambodia a communist socialist country. A new constitution in September 1993 reestablished Cambodia as a free and democratic country on the basis of market economy. The Khmer Rouge regime(1975-1979), established in 1975, sought to completely restructure Cambodian society. All administrative system of the old government was stopped and all laws was abolished. The new regime ordered the evacuation of all cities and towns, sending the entire urban population(Most of them were well educated elite) out into the countryside. Many of them starved or died of disease during the evacuation and its aftermath. The large scale death of the intellectual elite brought Cambodia into the drastic lack of the experts. Cambodia tried transition to a market economy after the collapse of the Soviet Union, but it took poor achievement due to the drastic lack of the well learned experts. Therefore it looked to other nations for help with reform of its legal and judicial system. The Civil code of Cambodia shows different features to the amendment of the vietnamese Civil Code, which has been completely revised in 2005 by help of Japan like it. It takes few remains of socialistic laws and follows faithfully legal principles of market economy like the protect of property right, the freedom of contract. Furthermore, it is very different to Japanese Civil Code, although Japanese lawyers and professors have played an very important role in making the draft of the Civil code of Cambodia. Japan has been supporting legal system reform of the countries in transition in Asia since 1996. Its assistances for legal and judicial system reform were especially concentrated upon Vietnam, Laos and Cambodia. Therefore, its experiencies and outstanding achievements can be very suggestive and helpful to us, who prepares similar projects in the same countries.

      • KCI등재

        캄보디아의 분쟁해결문화와 협상방식: ADR를 중심으로

        정용균 ( Yongkyun Chung ) 한국외국어대학교 동남아연구소 2018 東南亞硏究 Vol.28 No.2

        The main types of conflict resolution in Cambodia has been mediation and conciliation for a long time in local villages. Chin Lap Phong Tho Ky(1296-1297) shows that the alternative dispute resolution was dominant in Chin Lap during 13th century. Furthermore, survey results supported by Asia Foundation also shows that village chief utilizing mediation is a key person in dispute resolution within the village. Survey results suggest that local villages are insulated from outside world in terms of dispute resolution. Because, most of disputes are resolved by village chief or elders in the village. In addition, police also plays an important role of dispute resolution related with youth gang within the village. On the other hand, major disputes in modern Cambodia are characterized by two distinct areas: labor disputes and land disputes. Cambodia has recently experienced rapid economic growth in the 21st century. In particular, garment and textile industry contribute to the export growth of Cambodia. Concomitantly, it was reported that there has been labor disputes in garment and textile factories. ILO suggested to establish dispute resolution institution in Cambodia. There are three kinds of dispute resolution mechanism to deal with labor disputes: negotiation, mediation and arbitration. On the other hand, Cambodia experiences massive land disputes because of conflicts between returnees and land tenants. Faced with labor disputes, Cambodian government has endeavored to solve disputes by creating a diverse of kinds of institutions. Arbitration Council of Cambodia (ACC) is a dominant institution among them.

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