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      • KCI등재

        留置權에 의한 不動産 競賣에 관한 管見

        朴性珉 민사법의 이론과 실무학회 2008 民事法理論과 實務 Vol.12 No.1

        Forced auctions based on the executory title of debt under the Civil Execution Act and auctions for exercising a security right (optional auction) are called substantial auctions in the sense that they are executed by creditors in order to satisfy the creditors’ claim, and auctions for the price compensation or liquidation of properties are called formal auctions. With regard to formal auctions, Article 274 of the Civil Execution Act stipulates that auctions by a lien and those according to the Civil Code, the Commercial Law, and other relevant laws shall be executed according to the cases of auctions for the exercise of a security right. In general, auctions according to what is stipulated by the Civil Code, the Commercial Law, and other relevant laws are called formal auctions in a narrow sense, and these auctions plus auctions by a lien are called formal auctions in a broad sense. It is questionable, however, whether it is an interpretation of law adapted for the information society of the 21st century that, while the legal nature of a lien is considered a statutory lien, it is regarded as an auction for realization, namely, a kind of formal auction rather than an auction for exercising a security right. That is, as the paradigm on the institutional purpose of lien regulating the social condition of the 1950s and 1960s has been changed, we need new interpretations and theories adapted for the institutional function of lien regulating the information society of the 21st century. With regard to delayed payment for construction due to unsold units, etc., the ultimate goal of creditors such as constructors who occupy the construction site and claim a lien as a means of getting payment for the construction contract is to get the liquidation of claims on the corresponding construction. Accordingly, if an auction applied by a lienor has to be included in the category of formal auctions, it cannot be regarded as a formal auction for encashment in a pure sense, and should be regarded as a formal auction for the liquidation of the object property like an auction applied for selling inherited properties in order for a qualified acceptor to repay to an obligee of the person succeeded to or the person to receive the bequest (Article 1037 of the Civil Code). Among the procedural issues related to real estate auctions by a lien, first, application for a real estate auction by a lien requires the attachment of objective evidence for the claim secured, and with regard to this, it is necessary to improve the system by adapting the procedure of provisional attachment. That is, it is necessary to prepare for delayed processing and to secure objectivity and transparency by getting the court’s prompt decision on the existence and scope of lien through the procedure of provisional attachment and attaching the decision to the application for real estate auction by the lien. Second, it is considered an interpretation adapted for the nature of a lien as a real right to see that the lienor’s right ceases to exist on receiving an adequate amount of dividend at his turn. Third, it is considered possible for other security right holders and creditors with the right to obtain preferential satisfaction to claim a dividend in auction procedure applied by a lienor. Summing up, liens in the 1960s, which expected that lienors’ object of security would be a movable property or a small amount of property, has been changed considerably due to the claim of lien in which the claim secured is payment for construction due to recent unsold units, etc. The core of change in the paradigm of the legal nature of lien reflecting such a change in the pattern of claiming a lien is securing the real right of lien in real estate auctions adapted for the system of the Law of Property in the Civil Code.

      • 日本의 擔保不動産收益執行制度와 그 導入 必要性

        권은경 고려대학교 2009 虎院論集 Vol.17 No.-

        In 2003, japan established the secured real estate profit executive system in civil judgment enforcement law and reformed article 371 of the civil law to clarify a base of substantial law. In japan, a mortgagee′s traditional methods of redemption were the public auction procedure in civil judgment enforcement law and distress by surrogation on the secured real estate profit. but since 1990s, these two methods have proved limitation as the japan economy has lain in the doldrums. The secured real estate profit executive system is established as additional measure to cope with that problem. Now, the secured real estate profit executive system in Japan is not used actively and do mearly complementary function of the public auction procedure different from the original purpose. But in that a redemption through the public auction procedure is not always an effective and well-directed method, a complementary function of the secured real estate profit executive system can be a merit, as long as performing function properly, and from a viewpoint of diversification of method to executive of mortgage, usefulness of the secured real estate profit executive system is still. Unlike japan, a mortgagee′s method of redemption is only the public auction procedure in civil judgment enforcement law in Korea. In conclusion, in that there is the need to cope with delaying of the public auction procedure and there is no problem in an interpretation on article 359 of the Civil Law in relation to a nature of mortgage, the necessity of introduction of the secured real estate profit executive system can be recognized. However, as our article on surrogation in civil law differs from japan, when we review the need to introduce, when it comes to surrogation, there is not an actual profit to discuss. Together, when we introduce the secured real estate profit executive system in japan, matters to be attended to. First, we would use that system as complimentary measure of the public auction procedure, Second, using term, the mortgaged real estate profit executive system rather than that in japan law, and secured law system, Last, systems, applicating situations of germany, france as well as japan must be reviewed minutely. Feb. 2. 2009, the committee on an amendment of the civil law in Ministry of Justice was founded. This time, an amendment of the civil law is to be done by total 6 subcommittees. And an amendment of the mortgage system is placed on 5th subcommittee. In this amendment of the civil law, I expect that introduction of the Secured Real Estate Profit Executive System will be reviewed thoroughly.

      • KCI등재

        강제집행면탈죄에서의 강제집행의 개념과 보호법익*1) - 권리행사방해죄와의 구분을 중심으로 -

        임석원(Lim, Seok-Won) 대검찰청 2018 형사법의 신동향 Vol.0 No.60

        Obstruction compulsory exercise(criminal law article 327) which has problem on abuse of accusation for satisfaction of private bonds is offense which infringe on personal benefit and protection of the law, protect personal bonds firstly. Also, this offense is closely related with civil law because of purpose, which is doing for evasion of compulsory exercise of civil execution act. Due to this characters of obstruction compulsory exercise of criminal law two questions happen. First, it is whether voluntary auction of conservation action bond done by the creditor who has real right granted by way of security with compulsory exercise can be included in conception of compulsory execution or not. Second, is it possible to divide clearly with interpretation of benefit and protection of the law between obstruction compulsory exercise and obstruction exercise of right of criminal law. The results of this study about the questions are as follows : First, conception of compulsory execution on obstruction compulsory execution of criminal law don’t mean only forced sale by auction for the purpose of protection of creditor who don’t have real right granted by way of security. This means that the conception should protect voluntary auction of conservation action bond done by the creditor for the bond of creditor including formal aution and preservative measure. Second, it is possible for us to divide as standard time when is in default between obstruction compulsory execution of criminal law which protect only bond and obstruction exercise of right of criminal law which protect bond of others right and all limited real right as distinguishing of creditor having real right granted by way of security with compulsory exercise from not. 주로 채권의 만족을 얻기 위해서 남고소되고 있는 문제점이 있는 형법 제327조의 강제집행면탈죄는 개인적 법익을 침해하는 범죄이며, 개인의 채권을 최우선으로 보호하고 있다. 또한 민사집행법상의 강제집행을 면할 목적으로 행하는 범죄인 점에서 민사법리와 매우 밀접한 관련을 맺고 있다. 이러한 개인의 채권보호라는 보호법익상의 특징 때문에 강제집행면탈죄에는 두 가지 의문사항이 발생한다. 첫 번째는 강제집행의 개념과 관련하여 담보물권설정 등의 채권 보전조치를 취해 놓은 채권자가 담보권의 실행으로서 행한 강제집행인 임의경매가 강제 집행의 개념에 포함되느냐이다. 두 번째는 이러한 강제집행면탈죄의 보호법익과 관련하여 권리행사방해죄(형법 제323조)와의 명확한 해석상의 구분이 가능한가이다. 이러한 의문사항에 대한 본 연구의 결과는 다음과 같다. 우선 첫 번째로, 강제집행면탈죄는 개인의 재산권인 채권자의 채권을 최우선으로 보호하는 범죄인 만큼 채권보전조치를 취해 놓지 않은 채권자만을 보호하는 협의의 강제집행만을 강제집행의 개념에 포함시켜서는 아니된다. 채권보전조치를 취해 놓은 채권자의 만족을 위한 국가의 강제집행절차인 담보권의 실행절차(임의경매)를 포함한 형식적 경매와 보전처분까지도 강제집행의 개념에 포함시켜서 보호해야 한다. 두 번째로, 보호법익과 관련하여 소유권을 제외한 권리를 보호하고 있다는 점을 공통점으로 가지고 있는 강제집행면탈죄와 권리행사방해죄는 타인의 권리인 채권과 제한물권을 보호법익으로 하고 있는 권리행사방해죄와 채권 그 자체만을 보호법익으로하고 있는 강제집행면탈죄는 보호법익의 구분과 관련하여 채권의 성립과 실현 및 소멸 과정에서 채권보전조치를 해 놓은 경우와 그렇지 않은 경우로 구분하여 양 범죄의 분리를 위한 해석을 시도한 결과 채무불이행을 기준시점으로 하여 양 죄를 구분할 수 있었다.

      • KCI등재

        관습법상 법정지상권의 성립요건과 건물소유권의 보호에 대한 고찰

        전장헌(Jun, Jang Hean) 한국부동산학회 2012 不動産學報 Vol.51 No.-

        1. CONTENTS (1) RESEARCH OBJECTIVES When land and building once belonged to the same owner and later the possession of the land and building was yielded to different owners by disposal or other reasons, owner of the building shall acquire Legal Superficies in Customary Law for owner of the land, unless there is condition that the building should be Demolition. However, when the possession of the land and building, which belonged to the same owner, was yielded to different owners without creating superficies or right of lease for the land, any surface structure must be demolished as the owner becomes a deforciant of the land. That the surface structure must be removed for the failure to create land usufruct may lead to a huge personal and national loss. Thus Legal Superficies in Customary Law stipulates this, under the cloak of usage, as a real right under the Customary Law since the advent of civil law, but has a number of problems, including overprotection of building ownership, with an acknowledgement of legal superficies in customary law as complex judicial relation of requirement for establishment as well as compulsory sale by auction irrespective of disposal and bestowal. In this respect, this research aimed to review the grounds and requirement for establishment of legal superficies in customary law through literatures, to pursue equality between owners of land and building and subsequent legal stability by inquiring into new interpretational and legislative improvements for the protection of building ownership by legal superficies in customary law, provided that the grounds and requirement for establishment of legal superficies in customary law are clearly stated. (2) RESEARCH METHOD Some domestic literatures and Supreme Court’s precedents are demonstrated and analyzed to shed a new light on new interpretational and legislative tasks for institutional problems. (3) RESEARCH FINDINGS Seeing the grounds of acknowledging legal superficies in customary law as ‘customary’, Chosun Supreme Court seeks the basis of acknowledgement from customary law. However, it is found that the conventional idea of selling off land and building separately is not plausible due, in large part, to its invisibility. In the meantime, land and building should belong to the same owner at the time of disposal, for the legal superficies in customary law to come into existence. If the land and building are owned by the same person, an unregistered, unauthorized building can create legal superficies in customary law. But the person who purchased such unregistered building shall reserve no right to register or claim legal superficies in customary law to the land owner according to the Article 187 of Civil Law, and the land owner shall have no right to request for the demolition of building according to the principle of good faith. 2. RESULTS Although it is often said that the legal superficies in customary law must be acknowledged for unauthorized buildings, this research suggests no possibility of acknowledgement for such structures for there is no reason to protect the ownership for unauthorized building against land owner. In terms of compulsory sale by auction or public auction, the concept of Article 366 of Civil Law shall be extensively interpreted to protect building ownership, as it is hard to establish land usufruct at the will of person concerned. However, if legal superficies in customary law is not acknowledged or lease contract for land is not concluded, it is impossible to protect the ownership of building.

      • KCI등재

        민사집행법의 제·개정 경과와 기본구조

        손흥수 한국민사집행법학회 2020 民事執行法硏究 : 韓國民事執行法學會誌 Vol.16 No.-

        우리 민사집행법은 1960. 7. 1. 구 민사소송법 시행으로 출발하였는데, 그 내용은 대체로 독일의 민사소송법을 계수한 일본의 구 민사소송법을 번역적으로 계수한 것이다. 종래 우리 강제집행절차의 가장 큰 문제점은 절차의 지연과 구 민사소송법이 채택한 평등주의로 인한 폐단이었고 이후의 개선입법은 이에 대한 개선책을 마련해 가는 과정이었다. 일본의 민사집행법 제정에 자극받아 1990. 1. 13. 구 민사소송법이 대폭적으로 개정되었고 이는 민사소송법에서 독립하여 2002. 7. 1.부터 시행된 현행 민사집행법의 토대가 되었다. 향후 입법에 있어 채권자의 보호 및 채무자의 보호 매수인 등 이해관계인의 보호라고 하는 기존의 민사집행법의 이념기조는 앞으로도 유지될 것이지만 당분간은 강제집행 과정에서의 충돌완화와 이해관계의 조정에 입법이 , 관심을 기울일 것이다 가혹집행 금지 규정을 도입하려는 움직임도 있다 . . 당분간 신속 경제라는 이념은 강조되기 어려운 분위기이다. 민사집행업무의 상당부분을 최일선에서 담당하고 있는 집행관을 현행과 같이 법원이나검찰 출신 고위공무원으로 계속하여 충원할 것인지 여부도 심도 있게 논의될 것이다. 부동산버블 처리로 경매사건이 폭증하는 상황이 오면 일본처럼 보다 저렴하고 신속하게 경매사건을 처리하는 방향의 입법이 추진될 가능성도 있다. 민사집행사건은 꾸준히 증가하는 추세를 유지할 것으로 전망되고 채권집행사건에 대비한 부동산경매사건의 상대적인 비중의 감소는 불가피해 보인다. 채권집행사건 중 배당절차 사건의 비중은 점진적이겠지만 커질 것이다. 현행 민사집행법에는 강제집행에 관한 규정들을 준용하기 위하여 제4편으로 보전처분에 관한 내용이 들어와 있으나 민사보전절차는 집행권원을 만드는 절차와 그 집행권원을 실행하는 절차가 함께 혼합되어 있어 만들어진 집행권원의 실현을 목적으로 하는 민사집행절차와 하나로 묶기에는 다소불편하고 부자연스러운 부분이 있다. 민사집행법이라는 독립된 법률을 제정함으로써 판결절차와는 별개의 단행법으로 강제집행절차를 규정하는 입법례를 따른 이상 실무가 발전하고 연구역량이 뒷받침한다면 장기적으로는 일본처럼 민사보전법이라는 단행법으로 보전절차가 독립할 가능성이 크다. Korean Civil Execution Law started with the Enforcement of the former Civil Procedure Law of 1960. 7. 1., and it’s content is largely a translation of Japanese former Civil Procedure Law, which took over the German Civil Procedure Law. Previously, the biggest problems in Korean execution procedures were the delay of the procedures and the abolition of the egalitarianism adopted by the former Civil Procedure Law, and the subsequent amendment was the process of preparing improvement measures for them. Encouraged by Japan's enactment of the Civil Execution Act, the former Civil Procedure Law was drastically amended in 1990. 1. 13., which became independent from the Civil Procedure Law and laid the foundation for the current Civil Execution Act, which went into effect from 2002. 7. 1. Ideological principles of the existing civil enforcement law, which are the protection of creditors, the protection of debtors, the protection of stakeholders such as buyers, will continue to be maintained in the future; however, legislators will pay more attention to easing conflicts and adjusting interests in the execution process for the time being. There are also moves to introduce a ban on harsh execution. The ideology of promptitude and efficiency is hard to be emphasized for a while. It will also be discussed in depth whether to continue to fill bailiffs who are in charge of most of the civil execution, with high-ranking officials from the court or prosecution as it is. If real estate bubble processing leads to a surge in auction cases, there is a possibility that legislation will be pushed in the direction of handling auction cases more cheaply and quickly, as in Japan. Civil execution cases are expected to maintain a steady increase in the trend, and a reduction in the number of real estate auction cases compared to bond execution cases seems inevitable. The portion of dividend procedures among bond-enforcement cases will grow, although it will be gradual. The forth section of current Civil Execution Law contains statutes about preservative measure which apply the provisions on compulsory execution; however, the civil preservation process is a mixture of procedures for creating schuldtitels and the procedures for implementing them, making it somewhat inconvenient and unnatural to bind it together with civil execution procedures aimed at executing the schuldtitels. As long as the government opts to the legislation measure that defines compulsory execution procedures as a separate law from the judgment process, it is highly likely that the preservation process will become independent as Civil Preservation Law in the long run as in Japan, if the practice is developed and research capability is reinforced.

      • KCI등재후보

        競賣不動産의 鑑定評價

        김용민 ( Kim Yong Min ) 한국부동산학회 2003 不動産學報 Vol.20 No.-

        1. CONTENTS (1)RESEARCH OBJECTIVES Real estate transaction by auction has been increased. On former days, fixed purchasers had been taken part in auction. But, now general citizens become accustomed in auction participation. As many purchasers have been taken in auction, auction is becoming a main part of real estate market. Real estate analysis connected with auction in addition to this is increasing. So various and deep research in auction analysis is more required. (2) RESEARCH METHOD Valuation of auction real estate among auctions is important. People can do purchase decision-making when auction appraisal of real estate is achieved properly. By the way, auction appraisal of real estate can be divided into two parts greatly. One is technical valuation. Another one is random personal valuation. Specially more important thing among these is random personal valuation. Valuation which purchaser dose by himself, that is to say, is important. I did literature research as adjusting focus in that. (3) RESEARCH RESULTS As a result of research, I discovered that valuation of auction real estate has some characteristics. 2. RESULT Environment on auction real estate is composed with physical, economic, institutional environment, and then institutional environment is specially complex. Market price rises and becomes low according to systematic environment. Legal increase and legal discount, that is, are commonly happening, It is a main point that judge exactly in auction appraisal of real estate how much legal increase and legal discount of purchase real estate are.

      • KCI등재

        건축계약상 수급인의 유치권제한

        박진근 한국민사법학회 2007 民事法學 Vol.39 No.1

        If a contractor goes into bankruptcy while a contract-caker is building a structure by contracts of completion works, then a contract-caker has the right to assert his lien on the structure, and, if necessary, he can also assert his lien on the estates. This is because the money collected from the auctioned structure may not be able to cover all the construction costs. In this case, the lien for the estate is on the line of “a lien of commercial Law", not “a lien of Civil Law." This is because an estate doesn't come into being a lien of Civil Law. Moreover, a lien of commercial Law can increase infinitely on the ground or the existence without connection between the object and an obligatory right. Therefore, the gain and loss between a mortgagee and a lien person would run counter to each other. It stands to reason that an ahead real right takes precedence of a later real right as a general principles of the Law of reality. However, if a lien of commercial Law comes into being, it goes against general principles of a Civil Law, and a later lien may be in defiance of a former mortgagee. For this reason, it is reasonable that a lien of commercial Law needs to be restricted. To prevent this unreasonable problem from occurring, we must negate Contract-Caker's lien of commercial Law about an estates. However, a lien of commercial Law comes into being, we must put a construction that a former mortgagee take preference of a later lien.

      • KCI등재

        미술품경매회사와 배임죄

        이유경(Rhie, Yuh-kyoung) 한국형사정책학회 2021 刑事政策 Vol.33 No.2

        미술시장의 확대와 더불어 서울이 홍콩에 이어 아시아 미술시장의 중심지로 떠오르고 있다. 미술시장의 규모의 확대에 따라 미술품 경매시장의 시장점유율 또한 증가하여, 경매회사들은 정보수집이나 전문가 확보에 있어서 개별 화랑이나 개인 소장가에 비하여 월등한 지위를 획득하였다. 이에 비하여 우리 법은 미술품 거래의 특성을 반영한 법률을 제정하는 대신 여전히 민법 및 상법상 위탁매매에 관한 규정을 적용하고 있어, 경매절차의 공정성을 확보하기 위한 법적 장치를 제대로 마련하지 못하고 있다. 경매회사는 위탁자의 수임인으로서 원칙적으로 위탁자에게 공정한 경매절차를통하여 최선의 매매가격을 확보할 의무를 가진다. 이 의무를 실현하기 위하여 경매회사의 주의의무와 신인의무가 인정되며, 이 의무들은 단순히 부수의무에 그치지 않고 위탁매매계약의 본래적 내용을 구성하므로, 경매회사 대표기관이 이 의무들을 위반하는 경우 형법상 배임죄가 성립할 수 있다. 낙찰자와 경매회사의 관계는 위탁자와 경매회사의 위탁매매계약에 부수하여 성립하고 양 당사자 간의 법률관계를 확정하기 어렵다는 문제가 있지만, 경매회사가미술시장에서 우월적 지위를 점하고 있다는 점과 낙찰자의 경매회사에 대한 신뢰가미술시장 질서에 대한 신뢰로 직결된다는 점을 고려하여, 경매회사 대표기관의 낙찰자에 대한 의무를 배임죄의 타인의 사무라고 볼 수 있을 것이다. 경매회사는 단순히 위탁자의 계약상대방으로서의 지위만을 가지는 데 그치지 않고 미술시장의 공정성 및 안정성을 유지할 공적 의무를 지고 있기 때문에 계약의무불이행에 대한 배임죄 성립을 저어하는 대법원의 최근 경향에도 불구하고 미술시장 참여자에 대한 형법적 보호를 적극적으로 고려할 필요가 있다. Seoul is emerging as a new art hub in Asia since the recent political turmoil in Hong Kong. With remarkable growth of the Korean art market, art auction houses have occupied significant market share up to 48%. Auction houses are enjoying their supreme status with abundant expert resources and information power. Different from the center cities of art transaction like London and New York, Korea has not implemented specific legislations for the fairness of the art auction market. Art auction houses are basically agents for consignor and bear a duty to obtain the best price through the fair auction proceedings. In order to fulfill this obligation, a duty of care and diligence and a fiduciary duty should be satisfied. Since these duties compose the duty to obtain the best price, the violation of these duties shall be punished as the breach of trust under criminal law. Regarding the successful bidders, auction houses own no obligation under the civil law and the transaction law. However, considering the information gap between auction houses and auction participants and the supreme status of auction houses, we should impose criminal responsibility on auctioneers when they violate the duty to disclosure and the fiduciary duty to successful bidders.

      • KCI등재

        民法 第366條에 의한 競賣의 實行과 法定地上權

        함철훈 한국토지법학회 2006 土地法學 Vol.22 No.-

        법정지상권은 토지와 건물을 별개의 부동산으로 취급하는 우리 법제도 하에서 저당물의 경매로 인하여 토지와 그 지상건물이 각각 소유자를 달리하게 된 경우에 건물을 위한 토지 이용권을 설정할 기회가 없었던 건물소유자를 위하여 법률상 지상권을 설정하여 토지와 건물의 이용관계를 조절하는 특유한 제도이다. 법정지상권이 성립하는 대표적 경우는 토지와 지상건물이 동일인에게 귀속된 상태에서 어느 한 쪽에만 저당권이 설정되었다가 그 저당권이 실행됨으로써 토지와 지상건물의 소유자가 다르게 된 때이다. 이 경우 경매절차에서 토지소유권을 취득하는 자는 건물소유자에 대하여 지상권을 설정한 것으로 간주된다. 민법 제366조의 법정지상권제도는 건물소유자의 대지 이용을 보장하려는 것이 주요목적이나, 최근에는 부동산 경매에 관한 일반인의 관심이 높아짐에 따라 경락부동산에 대한 법정지상권의 존부는 경락인의 지위에 중대한 영향을 미친다. 이 논문에서는 법정지상권의 성립요건을 중심으로 학설 및 판례의 동향과 사례를 통하여 쟁점을 검토하고 결론으로서 주요사항에 대한 의견을 제시하였다. In our legal scheme, land and building are dealt with as a different real estate. In case the owner of land and building are separated by auction of security, legal superficies is a specific system on control of using land for the building's owner who has not an opportunity to acquire right in order to utilize land. Under our civil law, it happens the owner of land and building that once belonged to the same person to be separated by auction of land or building only which is mortgaged. This is the typical case admitted legal superficies by article 366 of our civil law. In this case superficies is legally admitted to the buyer of land by auction of pledge. The main purpose of legal superficies is to guarantee utilization of land for the owner of building. The existence of legal superficies to the land purchased by auction is very important for the legal position of the buyer of land. Therefore I tried to study the main issues on the conditions and contents of legal superficies and introduced the tendency of the existing theories and precedents. Finally, based on the above analysis I suggested my opinions and expectation on the major problem.

      • KCI등재

        부동산경매에서 즉시항고에 대한 매수인의 보호방안에 관한 연구

        전장헌(Jun, Jang Hean) 한국부동산학회 2014 不動産學報 Vol.58 No.-

        민사집행법은 구 민사소송법이 사회ㆍ경제적 발전에 따른 신속한 권리구제의 필요성에 부응하지 못하고 있다는 지적에 따라 출발하여 구 민사소송법에서 강제집행편(제7편)을 따로 떼어내 2002년7월1일에 민사집행법이라는 독립된 법률을 만든 것이다. 그중 중요한 내용 중 하나가 집행절차의 신속을 도모하고 즉시항고의 남용을 방지하기 위하여 매각허가여부 결정에 대한 즉시항고시 항고이유서 제출강제제도(민집법 제15조)와 보증공탁제도(민집법 제130조) 등이다. 그런데 매각허가여부 결정에 대한 즉시항고는 2005.7. 1.부터 사법보좌관 업무로 되어 상위법인 민사집행법이 하위법인 사법보좌관 규칙에 의하여 사실상 사문화되고 그 효력이 저해되는 결과를 초래하여 이에 대한 개선방안을 제시하고자 한다. 그리고 부동산경매에서 중요한 구제수단인 매각허가여부결정에 대한 즉시항고는 여전히 집행지연 등의 수단으로 악용되어 경매업무를 마비시키고 매수인의 권리를 일방적으로 침해하고 있기 때문에 근원적인 해결방안으로 즉시항고가 기각이 된 경우에는 매수인의 동의를 받아야 경매를 취하를 할 수 있도록 개정하여 법적 안정성과 매수인의 권리를 보호하여야 할 것으로 본다. 1. CONTENTS (1) RESEARCH OBJECTIVES The purpose of this study, in the real estate auction process, is that by studying the improvements legislative theory and efficient approach for the immediate appeal, taken all Legal stability and the protection of the rights of the buyer. (2) RESEARCH METHOD The methodology is to analyze and investigate major literature and supreme court precedents, and compare with foreign legislation cases and case law in order to suggest any legislative problems and improvement plans. (3) RESEARCH FINDINGS Civil judgement enforcement law have brought the results that have been dead letter by the rules of lower Judicial assistant rule. Auction, that permission decision of sale is made the contract of judicial in the auction. So, Improvements legislative theory is necessary in order to be unable to abuse of immediate appeal. 2. RESULTS The immediate appeal, on the basis of the Civil Judgement Enforcement Law of the current improvements to be processed by the business of the judge deemed desirable for quick auction of the real estate auction. Then, if the immediate appeal is rejected, it is need of the a legislative amendment theory to be unable to withdraw the auction, unless the consent of the buyer, to protect the rights of the buyer and legal stability.

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