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        한국어교육에서 ACTFL-OPI의 활용 방안

        나카가와마사오마 ( Nakagawa Masaomi ),위햇님 ( Haet Nim Wi ) 국어교육학회 2010 國語敎育學硏究 Vol.37 No.-

        본 연구의 목적은 한국어교육기관에서 실시되고 있는 한국어 말하기 성취도 시험의 문제점을 개선하기 위하여 ACTFL-OPI를 부분적으로 활용하는 방안을 제시하는 데에 있다. 지금까지 한국어교육에서 ACTFL-OPI는 숙달도 시험으로서 다양한 비판을 받아 왔는데, 최근에 ACTFL-OPI를 부분적으로 활용한 연구가 이루어 지고 있다. 이는 ACTFL-OPI가 숙달도 시험뿐만 아니라 성취도 시험이나 숙달도 지향 성취도 시험에도 활용할 수 있는 가능성을 시사하는 것이다. 본 연구는 먼저 선행연구 조사와 한국어 평가 연구자에 대한 인터뷰조사를 통하여 한국어교육에서의 ACTFL-OPI의 문제점과 이점을 살펴봤다. 또한 한국어교육기관에서 실시되고 있는 말하기 시험의 현황과 문제점을 파악한 후 ACTFL-OPI의 활용 방안을 제시하였다. The purpose of this study is to draw the ways of utilization of ACTFL-OPI to improve problems of speaking achievement test of Korean in a Korean education institution. Recently, there has been a study of using of ACTFL-OPI partly in Korean education, however, ACTFL-OPI was criticized as proficiency test. This suggest that ACTFL-OPI has a possibility to be able to use not only proficiency test but also achievement test and pro-achievement test. First of all, in this study, we saw the problem of ACTFL-OPI discussing in Korean education through precedence researches and interview researches into a research worker of evaluating Korean. After understanding the problems and the present conditions of speaking test by a Korean education institution, we also drew the ways of utilization of ACTFL-OPI.

      • KCI등재

        ACTFL-OPIの教育的意義と課題について - 教師と学生へのアンケート調査を通して -

        川口 慶子(가와구치 케이코) 한국일본어학회 2023 日本語學硏究 Vol.- No.78

        본고에서는 ACTFL-OPI의 교육적 활용을 다시 한번 검증하고 그 교육적 의의에 대해 재고하였다. 이를 위해 교사·학생에 대한 2개의 설문조사를 분석했다. OPI 워크숍을 수강한 교사를 대상으로 실시한 조사 1에서는 OPI를 통해 습득한 교사 역량과 교육 현장에서의 OPI 활용에 대해 검토하였다. 그 결과 주로 구두 능력 평가나 회화시험에 관해서는 큰 교육적 의의를 인정받았다. 한편, 특히 초급 수준의 커리큘럼이나 강의계획서 활용에 대해서는 과제로 다루면서 태스크 선행형 수업을 제안했다. 이어진 조사2에서는 OPI 인터뷰를 받은 학생들을 대상으로 OPI 인상과 OPI 인터뷰가 배움으로 이어졌는지를 조사했다. 그 결과 많은 학생들이 OPI 인터뷰를 긍정적으로 받아들이고 있으며, 무엇보다 OPI 인터뷰 자체를 통해 자신의 언어 능력에 대한 깨달음을 많이 얻을 수 있고 학습 동기부여로 이어지고 있음을 확인하였다. 그러나 또 다른 배움인 자율적 학습으로 이어지기 위해 학습자 주도형 평가활동을 제안했다. 이상을 통해 두 설문조사를 통해 ACTFL-OPI의 교육적 활용과 효과를 검토하고, 그 교육적 의의를 다시 한번 적으며, 본 연구를 통해 부각된 과제에 대해서는 해결책을 제안하였다. This paper reexamined the educational use of ACTFL-OPI and reconsidered its educational significance. To this end, two questionnaire surveys of teachers and students were conducted. In Survey 1, which was conducted among teachers who attended OPI workshops, I examined the teaching skills they acquired through OPI and their use of OPI in educational settings. As a result, it was found that OPI has great educational significance, mainly in terms of oral ability evaluation and conversation tests. On the other hand, the issue of how to utilize OPI in the curriculum and syllabus was raised, especially at the elementary level. To solve this issue, I proposed the use of task-first instructions. In the subsequent Survey 2, I surveyed students who had undergone OPI interviews to find out their impressions of OPI and whether or not the OPI interviews contributed to their learning. The results showed that many students viewed the OPI interview positively, and above all, the OPI interview itself helped them gain a lot of awareness about their own language abilities, and it was confirmed that it led to increased motivation for learning. However, in order to lead to further learning, i.e. their autonomous learning, I suggested that ``learner-centered evaluation activities are necessary.

      • KCI등재

        말하기 숙달도 평가에 관한 논평 -ACTFL OPI를 대상으로-

        윤은경 국제한국어교육학회 2008 한국어 교육 Vol.19 No.1

        The use of the ACTFL Proficiency Guidelines and Oral Proficiency Interview (OPI) has been widespread for language testing even though they have been criticized by researchers of second language acquisition and testing since their genesis in 1982. Much of this criticism has focused on reliability and validity for the OPI. In light of this, the purpose of this paper to identify the criticism on the oral proficiency interview and to provide recommendations for other proficiency test areas of future study. This paper presents (1) an overview of research carried out on the ACTFL OPI and Guidelines, (2) a summary of the criticism leveled against them and discussions on other points of view over the criticism learned from research, and (3) recommendations such as interrater reliability, raters’ training session, elicitation process, comparison with other oral proficiency test, analytic assessment, oral proficiency interview for multi-purposes for further research.

      • KCI등재

        OPI 발화에 있어서의 학습자의(듣는이의반응)

        고천지수 ( Tomoki Furukawa ),도웅미보 ( Miho Inaguma ) 한국일어교육학회 2009 일본어교육연구 Vol.17 No.-


      • KCI등재후보


        후루카와 토모키,이나구마 미호 한국일어교육학회 2009 일본어교육연구 Vol.17 No.-


      • KCI등재

        聞き手の理解度に影響を与える要素 - 日本語学習者のOPIデータをもとに -

        後藤?(고토 아유미) 한국일본어학회 2023 日本語學硏究 Vol.- No.78

        본 논문은 ACTFL-OPI의 평가기준 중 정확성·이해의 난이도에 초점을 맞추어 청자의 이해도에 영향을 미치는 원인을 분석 및 고찰하였다. 이 정확성에 포함된 어휘, 문법, 발음, 유창성, 어용론적 능력, 사회언어학적 능력의 6가지 요소 중 청자의 이해도에 영향을 미치는 요소는 교사 경력이나 학습자의 모국어에 익숙하든 그렇지 않든 간에 상관없이 어휘와 발음인 것으로 나타났다. 또, 일본어 학습자에게 익숙하지 않은 군은, 일본어 교사군에 비해, 상급 레벨의 발화에 관해서는 문법의 오류를 이해하기 어려운 원인으로서 파악하고 있지 않다. 교사는 일본어 학습자의 발화를 평가할 때 문법에 주목하기 쉽지만 실제로는 주의가 필요하다. 청자의 이해도에 영향을 미치는 원인으로 꼽힌 어휘와 발음에 대해 자세히 살펴보면, 어휘에 관해서는 어휘 부족이 가장 이해를 방해하는 원인이었다. 특히 일본어 학습자에게 익숙하지 않은 군은 키워드가 되는 단어를 이해하지 못 할 경우 이야기 전체를 이해할 수 없게 될 가능성이 있으므로 회화 지도를 할 때는 취급하는 화제에서 중요한 어휘는 청자가 이해할 수 있도록 사용하도록 지도해 나가는 것이 요구된다. 발음에 관해서는 악센트, 자음 교체, 모음 교체 순으로 이해하기 어려운 항목으로 꼽혔다. 종래의 선행 연구와 대조해 보면, 습득의 어려움과 난이도가 높은 항목을 제대로 발음하지 못함으로써 그것이 이해를 방해할 정도의 오용이 되어 버릴지는 또 다른 문제임을 추측할 수 있다. 마지막으로 학습자의 모국어에 익숙하지 않은 군은 어용론적 능력을 이해하기 어려운 발화의 원인으로 꼽았는데, 이는 테스터의 되묻기와 관련이 있는 것으로 보인다. 테스터뿐만 아니라 교사에게도 말할 수 있는 말이지만 학습자가 말하고 싶은 것을 이해할 수 있다고 하더라도 교사가 학습자가 의도하는 바를 이해해 주는 것이 아니라 굳이 되묻음으로써 학습자의 발화를 이끌어낼 수 있어 학습자의 배움으로 이어진다고 할 수 있다. This study focuses on the ACTFL-OPI assessment criterion of accuracy and comprehension difficulty and analyzes and discusses the factors that affect the listeners comprehension. Among the six components of Accuracy, which are vocabulary, grammar, pronunciation, fluency, pragmatic competence, and sociolinguistic competence, it was found that the components that affect listeners comprehension are vocabulary and pronunciation, regardless of the teacher’s teaching history or the teacher’s familiarity with learners native language. The group unfamiliar with Japanese learners did not perceive grammatical errors as a difficulty factor in understanding in the case of advanced level utterances, compared to the group of Japanese language teachers. Teachers tend to focus on grammar when evaluating the speech of Japanese language learners, but in reality, caution should be exercised. A closer look at vocabulary and pronunciation, which were cited as factors affecting listeners comprehension, reveals that with respect to vocabulary, lack of vocabulary was the most common cause of comprehension difficulties. In particular, for the group unfamiliar with Japanese language learners, if they could not understand key words, they might not be able to understand the entire conversation. When teaching conversation, teachers should instruct students to use vocabulary that is important to the topic under discussion so that the listener can understand it. Regarding pronunciation, accent, consonant alternation, and vowel alternation, in that order, were the most difficult items to understand. In light of previous studies, it can be inferred that the difficulty of acquisition and whether or not the inability to properly pronounce difficult items results in such errors that interferes with comprehension are two separate issues. Finally, the group that was unfamiliar with the learners native language cited pragmatic competence as the cause of their incomprehension of utterances, which could be related to questioning by the examiners. It is applicable not only for examiners but also for teachers that even if a teacher understands what the learners are trying to say, asking them questions, rather than trying to understand what they are intending to say, can elicit speech from the learners and lead to their learning.

      • KCI등재

        한국인학습자의 일본어 외래어 발음 습득 횡단 분석 ―ACTFL-OPI 방식의 회화 음성을 대상으로-

        민광준 ( Min Kwang Joon ) 한국일본어교육학회 2016 日本語敎育 Vol.0 No.77

        In this paper, we analyze the loanword pronunciation of Korean learners of Japanese, shown in Japanese conversation speech of ACTFL-OPI format. Based on the results, I discuss the following: the level of difficulty in loanwords, correlation between loanword skillfulness and Japanese proficiency, individual differences in acquiring Japanese loanword pronunciation, and Korean phoneme system`s influence on loanword pronunciation learning. The results are as follows: First of all, the pronunciation error was the most frequent in shortening of long vowels, followed by vowels, consonants, devoicing of consonants in the word-initial position and palatalization of consonants; these 5 types of error takes up 82.5% of the entire errors. Secondly, analysis on Japanese proficiency (OPI level) and Korean learners` loanword pronunciation status showed us that the Japanese proficiency itself didn`t necessarily correlate with the accuracy of pronunciation. The inaccurate pronouncing habit acquired in the early stage of Japanese learning is hard to be corrected, even when the Japanese proficiency itself gets advanced. Therefore, acquisition of accurate loanword pronunciation in the early stage of Japanese learning is important. Third, based on the analysis on pronunciation error frequency and inclination of errors for each learners, the individual differences in Japanese loanword proficiency and the procedures to acquire it are shown to be quite huge. Therefore, more integrated understanding is needed to grasp the individuals` problems in Japanese loanword pronunciation, and we ought to make strategic approaches accordingly. Fourth, the reason that Korean learners make mistakes in pronouncing Japanese loanwords was found to be because that the different phoneme rules are applied when English-which takes 80% of Japanese loanwords-is used in Japanese or used in Korean. Further studies are needed on education of Japanese loanword pronunciation using expanded Japanese syllabary table.

      • KCI등재후보

        국어교육,한국어교육 : 한국어능력시험의 말하기 평가 도입 방안 제안 -ACTFL-OPI의 말하기 평가를 중심으로-

        정원기 ( Won Ki Jung ) 한성대학교 한성어문학회 2015 漢城語文學 Vol.34 No.-

        All languages exist rated accordingly. Korean also has evaluated accordingly. These assessments will be ready for the next step for the learner can build a change in the teaching methods for instructors. TOPIK(Test of Proficiency in Korean) is this all goes this proceeding became 20 years. TOPIK(Test of Proficiency in Korean) has reached the current rating also improved through a number of directions.Korean as a foreign language learners to learn the Korean language proficiency test for this has been the only criterion for evaluating a Korean. But he has yet to say or evaluation criteria to assess the learner``s speaking in Korean language proficiency test is only a suggestion and continue not carried out.Since 2004, saying a lot of research on, or speaking assessment study on the introduction of measures of assessment, but both numerous studies on speaking Assessment of the performance assessment and research for speech evaluation in proficiency assessments are currently the most actively made the study of foreign language speaking a speaking assessment utilizing the evaluation ACTFL most often. In this study, we propose a speech evaluation when introducing improvements in Korean as a foreign language now look at the situation of foreign language speaking ongoing evaluation from domestic and abroad meet him for speaking assessment measures introduced in the Korean language proficiency test.

      • KCI등재후보


        이덕봉 한국일어교육학회 2009 일본어교육연구 Vol.17 No.-

        近い将来東アジア共同体づくりが実現した際、外国の口頭コミュニケーション能力はいっそう強調されるに違いない。そのような時代に備えて口頭コミュニケーション能力が測れるシステム構築の必要性は高い。 従来のACTFLーOPIは、日本語教育界に口頭能力指導において肯定的な役割を果たしていた反面、補わなければならない面も少なくない。たとえば、評価基準がテスターの主観に左右される傾向があることや、話者の表現能力の判定に傾いている点などがあげられる。 今後開発すべき口頭能力評価システムは、コミュニケーション機能をより充実したものであるべきであろう。同時に言語ごとの文化性の反映、判定の際はVTR資料を用いて複数テスターによる判定制度を導入し判定の客観性を高め、公認の認定書を与えることなど、日本語教育マーケットの拡大にも役立てるようなシステムにすべきであろう。 なお、日本語独自の特徴を活かした日本語専用の口頭能力評価システムの開発も求められる。レベルの設定においてもコミュニケーション機能別設定をも反映することにより実際のコミュニケーション能力が評価できるようにすべきであろう。また、サイバーテストのようなより経済的な評価システムを並行することにより学習者の自己評価や動機付けにも役立つようにしてほしい。 今後、膨大な数にのぼるはずの学習者のニーズに応えられるように、より多くのテスターの養成が求められる。東アジアの地域内公用語の口頭コミュニケーション能力を評価できるようなスタンダードの共同開発は、地域内言語教育の発展につながるものと思われる。

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