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      • KCI등재

        유엔기념공원의 중층적 정체성과 구조적 문제점-묘역의 공간구성과 의미구조를 중심으로-

        정성윤 부산광역시사편찬위원회 2019 항도부산 Vol.29 No.-

        UN Memorial Cemetery in Korea was constructed as a military cemetery of the United Nations Army during the Korean War. In the periods of urban development of Busan, its location found itself in urbanizing periphery and the cemetery became a part of urban landscape. In 2000 the role of the cemetery was broadened to a place of commemoration. Three identities of UN Cemetery such as cemetery, urban green zone and memorial, have been not in accordance with one another. This cemetery as a place of mourn was divided from the area of daily life, but through regional development, the place’s identity as a Cemetery was hidden or eased, and instead the space has been recognized as part of urban space. Since the 2000s, the space has been reorganized as a memorial for visitors other than bereaved families. However, the characteristics of the military cemetery remain strong in this space. Based on this spatial analysis, the study pointed out that spatial composition and semantic structure of the UN Memorial cemetery function as the reasons of the structural problems, which weaken the persuasiveness of the cemetery as a commemorative space. To suggest guidelines for further research to build a solution of these problems, this research recommends maintaining its historical and representative reputation, getting the main value of the site to be reinterpreted by universal and contemporary dimension, and enhancing the network with its neighbor institutions. 한국전쟁기에 건립된 유엔기념공원은 유엔군 전몰장병을 위한 군사묘지로 만들어졌으나 부산의 도시개발 과정에서 도시공간의 일부로 편입되었고, 2000년대 이후 기념과 교육의 중심으로 그 역할을 넓히고 있다. 유엔기념공원이 지닌 묘지, 도시공간, 기념시설이라는 세 층위의 정체성은 서로 간섭하거나 길항하며 중층적으로 작동한다. 본래 이 군사묘지는 추도의 공간으로서 일상의 공간과는 구분되었지만 1960년대 이후 묘역 일대에서 지역개발이 진행되었다. 그에 따라 유엔기념공원의 ‘묘지’로서의 정체성은 숨겨지거나 완화되었고, 그 대신 이 공간은 녹지 및 문화공간으로 기능하며 ‘도시공간’의 일부로 거듭났다. 한편 2000년대 이후 이 공간은 유가족 이외의 방문객을 대상으로 하는 ‘기념공간’으로 재편되었다. 그러나 이 공간에서는 냉전 시기의 전쟁인식을 바탕으로 하는 군사묘지의 특징이 여전히 강하게 드러난다. 이와 같은 공간분석을 바탕으로, 본 연구에서는 유엔기념공원의 공간구성과 의미구조가 기념공간으로서 충분한 설득력을 갖추지 못하는 원인이 된다는 점을 지적하였다. 유엔기념공원의 공간구성은 기념의 대상인 외국인과 기념의 주체인 한국인 사이의 불일치를 드러내므로, 한국인의 기념공간으로서는 설득력이 부족하다. 또한 냉전 시대의 전쟁인식을 무비판적, 관습적으로 제시하는 공간구성은 전쟁을 직접 경험하지 않았거나 매장된 전몰장병과 직접적인 관련이 없는 방문객의 공감을 이끌어내기 어렵다. 마지막으로 유엔기념공원은 인접 도시공간 및 다른 기념시설들과의 의미있는 연계가 미비하여 이 장소가 기념공간으로서의 갖는 한계를 보완하지 못하고 있다. 이상의 분석을 통해 제기된 문제점에 대한 개선방안 마련을 위한 제언으로서, 본 연구는 유엔기념공원의 역사성과 상징성을 인정하는 가운데 동시대적, 보편적 가치를 중심으로 하는 의미상의 재편이 필요하다는 점과, 이는 구체적으로 공간구성 개선 및 주변 시설들과의 연계를 중심으로 논의되어야 한다는 결론을 제시하였다.

      • KCI등재

        한국전쟁기 유엔묘지에는 왜 미군 전사자가 안장되지 않았는가? - 미군 전사자 유해의 전시 중 동시 송환 정책과 일본 고쿠라(小倉)에서의 신원 확인을 중심으로 -

        이정선 부산광역시사편찬위원회 2020 항도부산 Vol.40 No.-

        This study addresses the research question of why the United States (US), which dispatched the largest number of United Nations (UN) combatants during the Korean War, did not bury its war dead at the UN Cemetery in Tanggok, near Busan. The research is an outcome of tracking back to the identification process of the US soldiers at the Kokura port of Japan, aligned with the US policy of Concurrent Return of the bodies of the fallen soldiers. In a broad sense, it is an attempt to make a trilateral link among the evacuation process conducted in the Korean Peninsula, the identification of the American soldiers in Japan as a rear base of the war, and the flow of repatriation of US war dead to their homeland. Through carrying out the multi-archival analysis of the National Archives and Records Administration (NARA) documents, United Nations Archives and Records Management Section (UNA) historical reference, US military articles, veterans' records, and Japanese anthropologists' paper, this study is believed to fill the gap in the existing studies. Furthermore, it examines the overall status of the research conducted in the US, Japan, and Korea. In particular, this research would be the first notable work to introduce the identification process held in Camp Kokura in the academic disciplines in Korea. Research findings illustrate that the US military's policy to repatriate remains during wartime operations was a pivotal clue to the UN Cemetery and that the Korean War was a crucial turning point in the military history of the US. Therefore, the research concludes that today's United Nations Memorial Cemetery in Korea (UNMCK) is a by-product created at the intersection of US military policy and Japanese ports under the influence of the multilateral dynamics of the conflict. Marking the 70th anniversary of the outbreak of the Korean War, this timely study is expected to lay a foundation for the origin of the UNMCK located in Busan. 본 논문은 한국전쟁 당시 유엔 참전국 중 최대 규모의 병력을 파병한 미국이 어떠한 배경에서 대다수의 자국 전몰장병들을 1951년 1월에 건립된 유엔묘지에 안장하지 않았는가에 대한 문제의식에서 출발하였다. 주요 배경으로 한국전쟁기에 미군이 최초로 작동시킨 ‘미군 전사자 유해의 전시 중 동시 송환 정책’과 그 일환으로 일본 항도 고쿠라(小倉)에서 실시한 전사자 신원 확인 과정을 고찰하였다. 이는 거시적 관점에서 유엔군을 주도하던 미국의 군사정책과 전쟁의 후방기지였던 일본에서의 미군 전사자 신원 감식, 그리고 유해가 본토로 송환되는 흐름을 연계시켜 추적하려는 시도이다. 연구 방법으로 미 군사 문헌과 참전군인 기록, 미군 중심의 유엔군 전사자 신원 확인을 담당했던 일본 인류학자들의 논문을 다각도로 논고함으로서 미국, 일본, 국내에서 이루어진 기존 연구 간의 공백을 보완하며 전체상을 조망하였다. 특히 그간 알려지지 않았던 고쿠라 부대의 신원 감식 및 송환 사료(史料)를 국내 학계에 처음으로 소개하였다. 연구 결과 본고는 1951년 미군이 도입한 전시 중 동시 송환 정책이 자국 전사자를 같은 시기에 조성된 유엔묘지에 안장하지 않은 핵심 단서임을 제시하였고, 한국전쟁이 본 방침을 미 군사상 최초로 출범시킨 역사적 전환기가 되었다는 점을 밝혀냈다. 무엇보다 현재 유엔기념공원에 안장된 일부 유엔군의 유해가 고쿠라에서 신원 확인을 거쳤다는 사실을 감안할 때 전사자의 가매장과 발굴, 이송과 감식 등 제반 경위를 고찰하는 작업은 초기 유엔묘지 조성 배경의 일단을 규명하는 데 주효하다. 그러므로 오늘날의 유엔기념공원은 부산뿐 아니라 한국전쟁기 한반도 전역에 걸친 전투 흐름과 미 군사 정책, 일본 항만 간의 복합적인 역학관계와 맞물려 생성된 산물로 이해되어야 한다. 한국전쟁 발발 70주년을 맞이하여 본 연구는 지역 차원에서 항도부산에 소재한 유엔기념공원의 기원과 더불어 국제 전쟁사의 중요한 장(章)을 규명하는 토대를 마련했다는 데 의의를 찾을 수 있다.

      • KCI등재

        유엔묘지에서 재한 유엔기념묘지로의 변천과정에 관한 연구 - 1955~1960년을 중심으로 -

        이정선(Lee, Chung-sun) 국방부 군사편찬연구소 2021 군사 Vol.- No.119

        Following the 70th anniversary of the Korean War outbreak in 2020, the year of 2021 marks the 70th anniversary of establishing the United Nations (UN) Cemetery in 1951. In light of these two significant milestones, this thesis examines the transition period from the UN Cemetery to the United Nations Memorial Cemetery in Korea (UNMCK), mainly focusing from 1955 to 1960. The study researches the historical process from the adoption of UN General Assembly Resolution 977(X) (Resolution 977(X)) in 1955 to the signing of the “Agreement with the United Nations and the Republic of Korea on the Establishment and Maintenance of the United Nations Memorial Cemetery in Korea (Agreement)” in 1959. Also, the research scrutinizes the aspects of the transfer ceremony from the UN Command to the United Nations Commission for the Unification and Rehabilitation of Korea (UNCURK) of taking over the UNMCK in March 1960, which remain unexplored in the existing literature. Expanding its meaning as the UN"s symbolic milieu, the decision-making process of contention, compromise, and cooperation among the UN allied nations during the Korean War demonstrates a collective response of common destiny in the period of Cold War. In this regard, Resolution 977(X) and the Agreement, which provide the cause for the burial ground of the fallen soldiers fought under the UN Command, can be understood as significant milestones in the history of both the Republic of Korea and the UN. Moreover, the study suggests that we should correct the misinformation regarding the management and signing of the UNMCK by analyzing the historical papers of the United Nations Archives and Records Management Section (UN ARMS), UN materials, and newspaper articles. In particular, the UN archival documents, which are the first materials to be released, are expected to expand the scope of existing military research by filling the gap in academic discourse on the Korean War and the UN.

      • KCI등재

        재한 유엔기념공원의 조성 경위와 관리의 성격에 대한 연구

        김선미 ( Kim Sun-mi ) 부경역사연구소 2013 지역과 역사 Vol.- No.32

        This article is a study on UNMCK(United Nations Memorial Cemetery in Korea) in Busan. I investigate the UN troops’ participation in the Korean War and the meaning of it, in the background of establishment of UNMCK. And I research the formation of the cemetery and the interment state of the fallen soldier, furthermore study the legal meaning of the establishment of UNMCK and the management of it. The result is followings : Firstly, United Nations Commander is not different GHQ/FECOM(General Headquarters Far East Commander) essentially. Although 90% of UN troops is U. S. Army, and also 90% of the combat fatalities is U. S. Army, merely 2,300 persons which interred at UNMCK are only a little more than 5% of the fallen soldiers, because of the all fallen U.S. forces repatriated to their homeland. Secondly, UNMCK had been the official equipment which is based on a legal foundation in 1959 after nine years from the formation of it. At this time, the legal right was ‘be inviolable’ and ‘complete title’, had a èxtraㆍterritórial meaning. Thirdly, after 1973 which UNCURK(United Nations Commission for the Unification and Rehabilitation of Korea) was dissolved, UNMCK had been unrelated with UN. Finally, UNMCK is faced with new present, in the condition that the Korea Government contribution out of management costs is increased revolutionary and the needs in regard of development of the local community is increased gradually.

      • KCI등재

        유엔기념공원의 중층적 정체성과 구조적 문제점 -묘역의 공간구성과 의미구조를 중심으로-

        정성윤 ( Chung Sung-youn ) 부산광역시사편찬위원회 2019 항도부산 Vol.38 No.-

        UN Memorial Cemetery in Korea was constructed as a military cemetery of the United Nations Army during the Korean War. In the periods of urban development of Busan, its location found itself in urbanizing periphery and the cemetery became a part of urban landscape. In 2000 the role of the cemetery was broadened to a place of commemoration. Three identities of UN Cemetery such as cemetery, urban green zone and memorial, have been not in accordance with one another. This cemetery as a place of mourn was divided from the area of daily life, but through regional development, the place’s identity as a Cemetery was hidden or eased, and instead the space has been recognized as part of urban space. Since the 2000s, the space has been reorganized as a memorial for visitors other than bereaved families. However, the characteristics of the military cemetery remain strong in this space. Based on this spatial analysis, the study pointed out that spatial composition and semantic structure of the UN Memorial cemetery function as the reasons of the structural problems, which weaken the persuasiveness of the cemetery as a commemorative space. To suggest guidelines for further research to build a solution of these problems, this research recommends maintaining its historical and representative reputation, getting the main value of the site to be reinterpreted by universal and contemporary dimension, and enhancing the network with its neighbor institutions.

      • KCI등재

        1951년 유엔묘지 전몰장병 헌정식 - 1950~1951년 임시 유엔묘지의 통합에서 헌정식에 이르는 과정 고찰 -

        이정선 ( Lee¸ Chung-sun ) 부산광역시사편찬위원회 2021 항도부산 Vol.42 No.-

        2021 marks the 70th anniversary of establishing the United Nations Memorial Cemetery in Korea (UNMCK), the official cemetery of UN soldiers who participated in the Korean War. As these monumental events intersect, it would be timely to re-examine the status of the UNMCK and reflect on the historical implications of the place. This research explores the integration progress of temporary UN graveyards scattered on the Korean Peninsula from July 1950 to the completion of the Tanggok UN Cemetery in April 1951. I attempted to examine the aspect of the dedication ceremony of the UN Cemetery held on April 6, 1951, which has not been thoroughly investigated in the existing literature. Notably, this study looks into unreleased historical documents and video materials conducted through multi-archival surveys. The study thus seeks to fill the research gap of the UN graveyards in the 1950s and expand the scope of academic discourse. Considering that the UN Memorial Cemetery is one of the major components of the “War-time Capital Busan Heritage” in Busan in preparation for the UNESCO’s World Heritage listing in the 2030s, this study is expected to be vital for World Heritage listing. This research will also play a consolidating role for the future-oriented relationship between Korea and the UN allied nations in 2021, commemorating the 70th anniversary of the construction of the UN Cemetery.

      • KCI등재후보
      • KCI등재후보
      • KCI등재

        동작동 국립묘지와 그 내부 불평등의 역사적 기원

        강인철 한국종교학회 2017 宗敎硏究 Vol.77 No.3

        This article is a study on the historical formation and change of the Korean National Cemetery, established in Dongjakdong, Seoul. I searched for the historical origin of the Dongjakdong National Cemetery. Previous studies have emphasized the impact of Arlington National Cemetery in the United States on the formation of the Korean National Cemetery. In this article, however, I argued that ‘the Japanese Military Cemetery before 1938’ had the greatest influence on the formation of the Korean National Cemetery. Dongjakdong National Cemetery was built in 1955. At that time, the National Cemetery was very similar to the Japanese military cemeteries before 1938, where equality and inequality inside the cemetery coexisted. The most important feature was (1) the principle of equality in the ‘size’ and ‘form’ of the tomb, and (2) the inequality principle in the classification of the graveyards and the size of the tombstones(grave markers). However, since 1970, the National Cemetery has retrograded to full-scale discrimination based on rank. Even the principle of equality in the size and form of the grave has collapsed since then. What I call “refeudalization of the National Cemetery” found in Korea is an extremely rare case in the world. This is the first study that clarified systematically the refeudalization of the Korean National Cemetery.

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