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      • KCI등재

        마이스터 에카르트에게 있어서 신비주의, 언표불가능성, 그리고 영성

        김정두 한국실천신학회 2013 신학과 실천 Vol.0 No.34

        영적 고갈과 침체, 그리고 깊이의 상실로 진단되는 오늘날, 영성에 대한 재조명과 함께 신비주의에 대한 관심은 다시금 르네상스를 맞이하고 있다. 신비주의는 다양하고 광범위하게 전개되고 이해되어 왔지만, 경험의 차원과 언표불가능성 개념은 신비주의에서 중심이 되는 요소가 되어왔다. 특히 마이스터 에카르트의 신비주의에서 언표불가능성은 그의 전체적 신학방법론을 근거 짓는 개념이다. 에카르트에게 있어서 신은 신을 넘어서 있는 신이다. 그 신은 모든 존재와 인간의 표현을 초월해 있고 가장 깊이 감추어져 있는 존재이고 따라서 그 신은 무로 묘사될 수밖에 없고 언표불가능한 존재로서만 접근된다. 그러므로 에카르트의 신비주의에 있어서 신과 합일을 추구하는 영성은 부정신학의 길을 통해서만 이루어진다. 무로서의 신과 자아가 만나는 길은 자아도 무가 되는 것이다. 즉 초탈을 통해 모든 형상들과 이름들을 해체하는 것이다. 이러한 과정들을 통해 신은 초월과 내재, 일상의 부정과 일상의 긍정 사이의 상호작용 또는 제3의 역동성 속에 있음을 발견한다. 에카르트에게 있어서 신비주의는 신 이해에 있어서 성상타파적인 의도를 포함하고 있고 인식론적 전략이 되기도 한다. 따라서 그의 신비주의에서 언표불가능성은 사변적 개념, 이론적 신학, 또는 고정된 도그마의 한계를 노출시킨다. 에카르트의 신비주의의 영성은 우리들로 하여금 신비주의적 인식론의 가능성, 경험의 차원의 신학적 의미, 신학의 새로운 가능성, 실천신학의 의의, 그리고 신학에서의 실천과 이론의 상호순환적인 관계를 발견할 수 있도록 초청하고 있다. The contemporary world has been losing the dimension of depth and is going through a spiritual bankruptcy. With the retrieval of spirituality, in this context, we see the renaissance of the interest in mysticism. Though mysticism has been developed and understood in various ways and broad horizons, the dimension of experience and the notion of ineffability have become central elements in mysticism. In Meister Eckhart’s mysticism, especially, ineffability is the ground for his theological methodology. For Eckhart, God is the God beyond God. God is beyond all creatures and human sayings. God is the hidden God. Thus, God is described and proposed only as nothing and the ineffable one. For that reason, spirituality of seeking the unity of God and the soul is formed by the way of apophatic theology. The way to encounter God as nothing is that the self also becomes nothing. In other words, it is the procedure of deconstruction of all images and names through detachment. In this process, we can find that the divine is in the interactions or the third dynamic between transcendence and immanence or the negation of the ordinary and the affirmation of it. Mysticism in Eckhart includes iconoclastic intentions and epistemological strategies in the understanding of God. For him, ineffability exposes the limitation of abstract concept, theoretical theology, or fixed dogma. Spirituality in Eckhart’s mysticism invites us to find the possibility of the epistemology of mysticism, the theological implication of experiential dimension, the new possibility of theology, the significance of practical theology, and the inter-circulatory relationship between practice and theory in theology.

      • KCI등재

        영상 시퀀스의 언표 가능성

        김태진 한국영상학회 2015 한국영상학회 논문집 Vol.13 No.4

        존재는 시선의 잉여를 부여잡거나 포기하려는 이중적 태도를 견지하는 가운데 개방성을 갖는 자율적 존 재로 거듭날 수 있다. 관계항의 바깥으로부터의 사유를 검토하는 이 논의는 변화의 불가피성과 필연성을 강조하는데, 이는 시퀀스의 흐릿함에 대한 다음의 논의에서 그 진동하는 장으로서의 속성을 우회적으로 해명한다. 영화 속에서 사용되는 흐릿함의 기술은 시퀀스의 긴장을 이완하는 효과가 있다. 즉 대상에 부 여된 안정된 지위를 거부하고 서사의 구조를 이완시키며 정서가 개입하도록 함으로써 장면이 유동적인 상태로 전환하도록 한다. 일반 언어학과 영화 기호학의 논의를 이 연구에 접목한 것은 장으로서의 시퀀 스가 갖는 총체적 성격을 이해하도록 해 주었다. 이미지로 이루어진 시퀀스를 언어와의 관계 안에서 검 토하는 가운데 도출한 개념은 언표 상황, 그리고 언표 가능성이다. 언표 가능성은 그러나 어떠한 해석 가능한 시퀀스의 언어적 속성을 수립하고자 하는 목적을 갖지 않는다. 언어 자체는 가능성이나 잠재성을 갖지 않으며 발화된 그 자체로 이미 실재성의 조건이 된다. 반면, 이미지로서의 시퀀스는 언어와 같이 이중분절에 의한 의미 창출이 불가능한 영역이고, 그러므로 시퀀스의 조건으로서의 언표 가능성을 논하 는 것은 비언어적 순수 질료로서의 영상 시퀀스가 갖는 잠재성을 다루기 위한 것이 된다. The self becomes able to remain as the self only when it resists being sympathized by the other because the self has a surplus of vision whenever it looks at the other. As far as the self struggles between accepting this surplus of vision or forsaking it to be sympathized by the other, the self can break the border of itself and depart from the circle of being. Discussions of the idea that occurs from outside of relatum stresses upon the inevitability of change can also indirectly explain how sequences function as fields of resonance. Blurriness as a film technique lowers tension, enforcing an object to be definitive in sequences. Denying the stable status of objects, the technique of blurriness promotes the sequences to be flexible by creating the affection involved in a relaxed structure of a narrative. The potency of the statement refers to ideas from general linguistics, and the semiotics of film, enabling us to understand the totality of sequences. While investigating image-based sequences and the relationships with languages, the notions of a ‘situation of statement’ and the ‘potency of statement’ are deduced. Potency of statement does not have such a purpose as establishing certain explicable, linguistic characteristics. Language becomes a condition of reality itself when it is uttered, and it certainly has no potency or possibilities. On the other hand, because image-based sequences are territories which do not signify through double articulation, reflecting on the potency of statement as a condition of sequences is therefore all about understanding the potency of moving image sequences as non-linguistic pure materials.

      • KCI등재

        기대가능성의 시니피앙

        송희식(Song, HeeSik) 한양법학회 2009 漢陽法學 Vol.25 No.-

        The purpose of this study is to examine the concept of 'expectability' in criminal law by using the linguistic analysis tools. When we can expect everyone to act legally, we call it expectability of legal-act. The concept of expectability had been debated by many criminology researchers during the last century in Germany. So, this study reviews the history of expectability concept in Germany, and gropes for new approaches to the expectability theory by using linguistic and philosophical analysis. A linguistic sign is a link between a concept and a sound pattern. The sound pattern is the hearer's psychological impression of a sound. The sound pattern of a linguistic sign is called its 'signifiant' in French word, as Ferdinand de Saussure referred. The concept of a linguistic sign is called its 'signifie'. The link between signifiant and signifie is arbitrary. So there is no common signifie matching to a signifiant in all its contexts. At most, there is only a family resemblance (Familienanlichkeiten) in all signifie of one siginfiant. According to the framework of our study using linguistic analysis tool, the old theory can be interpreted by presuming that there is one essential signifie of jurisprudential siginfiant, however, which is impossible. In the long history of the studies about the concept of expectability, there was fallacy of conceptism in the belief that expectability had independent-seperated one signifie. It is presumed that there is a unique distinctive feature in signifie of jurisprudential siginfiant. It is assumed that jurisprudential signifie presupposes a case, such as an accident, an affair, an event, a criminal case. So we call jurisprudential signifie as 'case signifie'. The 'case signifie' has a semantic structure and structural meaning of that case. Furthermore in terms of linguistic tools, 'the subject of story' is the subject in the jurisprudential sentences, 'the subject of enunciation' is the speaker of jurisprudential sentences, and also there are behaviors, objects, results, situations and others in the case text. In Korea, plentiful cases about expectability were accumulated in last half century. In terms of our study, The case signifie of expectability in Korea has structure-meaning, for example, Grenzsituation (extreme situation), general expectation, Humana Fragilitas(humane fragility). The case signifie of expectability of jurisprudential siginfiant has two sides. One side is expectation of the subject of enunciation. The other side is the possibility of other action than the case (of the subject of story). The synthesis of those two sides is expectability and blameworthiness of normative culpability theory. In conclusion, the substantial difference between our study and the old theory lies in the meaning of expectability referred as case signifie having structural semantics. The subject of expectation and the subject of other possibile legal action are seperated from each other.

      • KCI등재

        Anakaro dharma: 언표불가능성(言表不可能性)

        히데요 오가와 보조사상연구원 2008 보조사상 Vol.29 No.-

        PDF화일로 copy가 되지 않기 때문에 원 논문을 이용하시오.

      • KCI등재

        기대가능성의 시니피앙 -기대가능성이론의 언어학적 접근-

        송희식 한양법학회 2009 漢陽法學 Vol.25 No.-

        The purpose of this study is to examine the concept of ‘expectability’ in criminal law by using the linguistic analysis tools. When we can expect everyone to act legally, we call it expectability of legal-act. The concept of expectability had been debated by many criminology researchers during the last century in Germany. So, this study reviews the history of expectability concept in Germany, and gropes for new approaches to the expectability theory by using linguistic and philosophical analysis. A linguistic sign is a link between a concept and a sound pattern. The sound pattern is the hearer’s psychological impression of a sound. The sound pattern of a linguistic sign is called its ‘signifiant’ in French word, as Ferdinand de Saussure referred. The concept of a linguistic sign is called its ‘signifié’. The link between signifiant and signifié is arbitrary. So there is no common signifié matching to a signifiant in all its contexts. At most, there is only a family resemblance (Familienänlichkeiten) in all signifié of one siginfiant. According to the framework of our study using linguistic analysis tool, the old theory can be interpreted by presuming that there is one essential signifié of jurisprudential siginfiant, however, which is impossible. In the long history of the studies about the concept of expectability, there was fallacy of conceptism in the belief that expectability had independent-seperated one signifié. It is presumed that there is a unique distinctive feature in signifié of jurisprudential siginfiant. It is assumed that jurisprudential signifié presupposes a case, such as an accident, an affair, an event, a criminal case. So we call jurisprudential signifié as ‘case signifié’. The ‘case signifié’ has a semantic structure and structural meaning of that case. Furthermore in terms of linguistic tools, ‘the subject of story’ is the subject in the jurisprudential sentences, ‘the subject of enunciation’ is the speaker of jurisprudential sentences, and also there are behaviors, objects, results, situations and others in the case text. In Korea, plentiful cases about expectability were accumulated in last half century. In terms of our study, The case signifié of expectability in Korea has structure-meaning, for example, Grenzsituation (extreme situation), general expectation, Humana Fragilitas(humane fragility). The case signifié of expectability of jurisprudential siginfiant has two sides. One side is expectation of the subject of enunciation. The other side is the possibility of other action than the case (of the subject of story). The synthesis of those two sides is expectability and blameworthiness of normative culpability theory. In conclusion, the substantial difference between our study and the old theory lies in the meaning of expectability referred as case signifié having structural semantics. The subject of expectation and the subject of other possibile legal action are seperated from each other.

      • KCI등재

        The Ineffable Reality of the World and the Turning of the Dharma Wheel: An Exploration of Pedagogical Strategies in the Prajñāpāramitā-sūtras

        Yao-ming Tsai 금강대학교 불교문화연구소 2020 불교학 리뷰 Vol.27 No.-

        This paper mainly focuses on the issue of the reality of the world and the way in which the reality of the world is demonstrated. The usage of languages is never confined within the sphere of everyday life or phenomenal world. Buddhist teachings, especially the Prajñāpāramitā-sūtras, use whatever language to demonstrate and elucidate the ineffable reality of the world. For example, space is invariably declared as empty and such technical terms with negative prefixes as not-arising (an-utpāda) and not-ceasing (a-nirodha) are adopted to express the meaning of space. Whatever terminology may be used to point to the reality, but the reality cannot be identified as or contained in conventional construction. Concerning the gap revealed by the ineffability of the reality, i.e., what is left by the insufficiency and inadequacy of discourses, meditative practices and insightful wisdom may take over to fill up.

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