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      • KCI등재

        컨테이너 안전운임제에 대한 화물자동차 운송사업 주체별 인식차이 연구

        배규완,김율성,심민섭 한국해운물류학회 2024 해운물류연구 Vol.40 No.2

        본 연구는 컨테이너 안전운임제에 대한 화주와 운송주체 간 인식차이가 발생하는평가요인을 도출하고, 안전운임제의 중점 개선요인을 알아보았다. T-test 분석결과, 5 가지 평가요인(안전운임 타당성, 근로환경 개선, 이해관계 개선, 만족도 향상, 교통안전 효과)에 대하여 화주와 운송주체 간 통계적으로 유의한 인식차이가 있는 것으로 나타났다. 그리고 IPA 분석결과, 안전운임제 일몰제 이후 안전운임제에 대한 공통된중점 개선요인으로 화물연대와의 이해관계 개선, 고정비용 타당성, 변동비용 타당성, 추가비용 타당성이 도출되었다. 따라서, 우리나라 정부는 안전운임제 일몰제 이후 새로운 운임제도를 선정하는 데 있어 화물연대와의 이해관계를 개선하고 운임 선정에 대한 타당성을 갖추어 인식차이를 좁힐 필요가 있다. This study investigated the difference in perception of the container safe rates System. The study derived the following results by conducting T-test analysis and IPA analysis. First, the T-test analysis showed a statistically significant perceptional difference between the shipper and the carrier. Second, there are substantial perceptional differences in the additional cost validity, shorter working hours, improved satisfaction, and perceived over-effectiveness. Third, as a result of IPA analysis, both shipper and carrier considered that interests with the cargo union, fixed cost validity, variable cost validity, and additional cost validity should be improved. These research results can be used as basic data when establishing a new fare system. Furthermore, it may contribute to narrowing the difference in perception between the shipper and the carrier.

      • KCI등재

        공급사슬 안정화를 위한 화물운송산업의 안전운임제 도입 효과분석 - 군집별 차별적 효과를 중심으로 -

        백두주,정현일 한국산업노동학회 2021 산업노동연구 Vol.27 No.3

        The purpose of this study is to analyze the effects of the introduction of the safe rates system in the cargo transportation industry, which has implemented since January 2020 in South Korea and to explore the policy implications for low feeling groups. To this end, factors were classified by domain through factor analysis on the feeling effect of the safe fare system, and cluster types were classified according to effect of each factor through hierarchical clustering and K-means clustering. In addition, to confirm the characteristics of each cluster, ANOVA was performed on demographic characteristics, working conditions, job satisfaction, and system compliance rate and cross-analysis was performed on business types. As a result of the analysis, the feeling effect of the safe rates system was classified into factors for each of four areas: work-life balance, quality of life, safety, and industrial structure. Three clusters were derived from cluster analysis: The first cluster was ‘partially feeling type’, which showed a positive effect only on safety and industrial structure, the second cluster was no feeling type, which showed negative effects in all factors, and the third Cluster is a strong feeling type that showed a positive effect in all factors. These clusters showed significant differences in demographic characteristics, working conditions, job satisfaction, system compliance rate, and business type characteristics. Policy implications include supplementing the announcement of additional provisions of the safe fare system and supporting collective agreement for workers in the BCT long-distance transportation type, which has the highest proportion of no feeling types, activation of Safe rate report center, improvement of sunset restriction for increasing sustainability on safe rates system. 이 연구의 목적은 2020년 1월부터 시행 중인 화물운송산업의 안전운임제 도입효과를 군집별로 분석하고 긍정적 체감수준이 낮은 집단을 위한 정책적 함의를 탐색하는 것이다. 이를 위해 안전운임제 체감효과에 대한 요인분석을 통해 영역별 요인들을 구분하고, 계층적 군집분석과 K-평균 군집분석으로 요인별 효과에 따른 군집유형을 구분했다. 그리고 군집별 특성을 확인하기 위해 인구학적 특성, 노동조건, 직업만족도, 제도준수율에 대한 분산분석과 업태별 교차분석 수행했다. 분석 결과, 안전운임제의 체감효과는 일과 삶의 균형, 삶의 질, 안전, 산업구조 4개 영역별 요인으로 분류되었다. 군집분석으로 3개의 군집이 도출되었는데 첫 번째 군집은 안전운임의 안전, 산업구조에서만 긍정적 효과를 보인 ‘부분 체감형’, 두 번째 군집은 모든 요인에서 부정적 효과를 보인 ‘미체감형’, 세 번째 군집은 모든 요인에서 긍정적 효과를 보인 ‘강한 체감형’이다. 이들 군집은 인구학적 특성, 노동조건, 직업만족도, 제도준수율 및 업태 특성에서 유의미한 차이를 보였다. 정책적 함의로는 미체감형 비중이 가장 높은 BCT 장거리 운송형태 종사자들을 위한 안전운임제 부대조항 고시 보완 및 업태-운송형태별 집단협약 지원, 제도준수율을 높이기 위한 안전운임신고센터 활성화, 마지막으로 제도의 지속성을 높이기 위한 일몰제도 폐지를 제시했다.

      • KCI등재

        조건부가치측정법(CVM)을 이용한 일반형 화물자동차 안전운송원가 지불의사(WTP) 추정

        홍순용(Sun-Yong Hong),김시현(Si-Hyun Kim) 한국항해항만학회 2021 한국항해항만학회지 Vol.45 No.6

        국토교통부에서 화물 차주의 과로, 과적, 과속을 근절하려는 목적으로, 2020년도부터 ‘화물자동차 안전운임제’가 시행 되었다. 컨테이너 및 BCT(시멘트) 품목의 ‘화물자동차 안전운임’은 금액이 구체화 되었고, 위반시 과태료를 부과하며 강제성 있게 시행되었으며, 2021년에는 각 항목별 조정율이 적용되어 보완되어가고 있지만, 일반형 화물자동차(카고) 및 철강재 품목의 ‘화물자동차 안전운송원가’는 아직 원가 구성 항목 및 금액이 논의 중이어서 권고 형태로만 적용 중이다. 본 연구는 일반형 화물자동차 최대적재량 톤수별 독차 운임에 대하여, 화물 운수 실무자들의 지불의사를 추정하는 것이 목적이다. 화주, 운수사(주선사, 운송사), 차주(지입, 개인)를 대상으로 조건부가치측정법(CVM) 중 개방형 직접질문법으로 설문조사를 실시하였고, 각 응답자로부터 수집된 데이터를 활용하여, 토빗(Tobit) 회귀분석을 하였다. 분석을 통해 지불의사에 영향을 주는 유의 변수(현재 운송료 만족도 등)들을 확인하였다. 그리고 추정된 결과를 활용해 화물 운임의 평균값, 중앙치를 도출하여 화물차 톤수별 지불의사금액를 각각 확인하였다. 본 연구의 결과가 ‘화물자동차 안전운송원가’ 심의·의결 기관인 ‘화물자동차 안전운임위원회’에 참고 자료로 활용되어, 제도가 원활하게 정착되어 도입 될 수 있기를 기대한다. With the goal of eradicating overwork, overload, and speeding of general freight cars(cargo) by the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure and Transport, Infrastructure and Transport, the The Fare of safe transportation for freight cars System has been enforced since 2020. ‘The Fare of safe transportation for freight cars’ rate for each item is being applied and supplemented, but the ‘The Cost of safe transportation for freight cars’ of general freight cars (cargo) and steel items is under discussion. The purpose of this study was to estimate the willingness to pay( WTP) for cargo. A survey was conducted on shippers, transportation companies (arrangers, carriers), and cargo drivers ( using direct questioning among contingent valuation method (CVM) and the Tobit Regression analysis was conducted, and the average and median values of freight rates were derived using the estimated results, and the willingness to pay by tonnage of freight cars was confirmed. It is expected that the results of this study can be used as a reference to the The Fare of safe transportation for freight cars Committee an organization for deliberation and resolution of the ‘The Cost of safe transportation for freight cars’.

      • KCI등재

        일반형 화물자동차 안전운송원가 구성요인 분석

        홍순용(Hong Sun-Yong),김시현(Kim Si-Hyun) 한국국제상학회 2021 國際商學 Vol.36 No.3

        화물차주의 과로, 과적, 과속 운행 등을 개선하고자, 2020년에 ‘화물자동차 안전운임제’가 3년 일몰제로 시행되었다. 컨테이너, BCT(시멘트) 품목의 ‘화물자동차 안전운임’은 강제성을 띄며 시행되었지만, 일반형 화물자동차(카고), 철강재 품목의 ‘화물자동차 안전운송원가’는 아직 논의 중이며, 참고용 권고 형식으로 안내되었다. 본 연구는 컨테이너 품목 등의 ‘화물자동차 안전운임’의 원가 구성 항목들을 기초로 하여, 일반형 화물자동차(카고) 등의 ‘화물자동차 안전운송원가’ 구성 항목들을 분석하고, 중요도를 확인하는 것을 목적으로 한다. 안전운송원가 구성 항목으로 33개의 변수를 분석하고, 화주, 운송사, 차주를 대상으로 설문조사를 실시하였다. 수집 된 데이터는 탐색적 요인분석과 Importance-performance 분석을 활용해 중요도와 만족도를 비교, 분석하였다. 분석 결과, 고정비용, 작업비용, 상시비용, 사용비용, 정기비용 총 5개로 분류되었고, 중요도와 만족도의 분석 결과 고정비용은 지속적 유지, 작업비용은 집중적인 관리가 필요하였으며, 그 외 상시비용, 사용비용, 정기비용은 향후 우선순위를 낮춰도 되는 부분으로 분석되었다. 세부적으로는 차량구입관련 비용, 주연료비, 주선수수료, 통행료 등은 지속적으로 유지가 필요한 항목으로 나타났으며, 회차비, 대기료, 인건비 등은 중요도에 비해 만족도가 낮아 집중 관리가 필요한 항목으로 밝혀졌다. 본 연구의 결과는 일반형 화물자동차(카고) 등의 ‘화물자동차 안전운송원가’ 구성에 중대한 시사점을 제공한다. Purpose : To improve the overwork, overload, and operation speeds of truck drivers, the “safe freight vehicle fare system” was introduced in 2020. The “safe freight vehicle fare” for containers and BCT (cement) items have been enforced as a compulsory measure-however, the “safe freight vehicle transport costs” for general freight cars (cargo) and steel items is still under discussion. Therefore, this study analyzes the factors of “safe freight vehicle transport costs” for general freight vehicles (cargo), based on the cost components of “safe freight vehicle fare,” such as container items, in order to confirm their importance. Research design, data, methodology : This paper designated 33 variables as components of safe freight vehicle transport costs. Factor analysis was conducted with the data collected via surveying the owners of goods transport companies and truck owners. The importance and satisfaction were analyzed using importance-performance analysis. Results : Through factor analysis, fixed costs, work costs, regular costs, use costs, and regular costs were classified into five categories. The analysis of importance and satisfaction revealed that fixed costs needed to be maintained continuously, and work costs needed intensive management. In addition, turning train costs, waiting fees, and labor costs required intensive management because of their low degree of satisfaction compared to importance. Conclusions : In identifying the importance and satisfaction determining the safe freight vehicle transportation cost for general trucks, this paper provide useful insights for “safe freight vehicle transport cost” for general freight cargo.

      • KCI등재

        안전운임제 하의 컨테이너 내륙 운송사 선정요인에 관한 연구

        신지훈,류희찬,이충배 한국국제상학회 2023 國際商學 Vol.38 No.2

        As the container freight rate is fixed with the implementation of the safe freight rates system for trucks in 2020, the freight factor can no longer function as a differentiated factor for shippers. As a result, domestic container inland transportation companies have become the main competitive factors for corporate’s characteristics and service-related factors, excluding cost factors in order to attract shippers. This study aims to suggest implications for the competitive strategy of shipping companies by deriving the priority of factors in selecting inland container transport truck companies for domestic shippers under circumstances excluding freight factors. Based on previous studies, four factors, i.e. company characteristics, service quality, service diversity, and additional service were pairwise-compared to determine relative priorities of alternative choices including four sub-criteria of each using AHP(Hierarchy Analysis Process). As a result, the overall ranking of main criteria of selection carrier is service quality factors, service diversity factors, additional service factors, and company characteristics factors in the order, and the priority of quality factors was revealed to be quite high compared to other factors. In detailed sub-factors, accident response capabilities, responsiveness of order, delivery on time, flexible dispatch time of vehicle, and information exchange and sharing were drawn in the order, confirming that quality, the essence of transport service, is of importance. Inland container carriers should strengthen their efforts to improve quality factors such as accident response capabilities, responsiveness of order, and delivery on time to enhance their competitiveness.

      • KCI등재

        내항해운 경쟁력 확보 및 내항상선 해기사 수급 안정화 방안 연구

        김기선,이창희,조소현,전영우 한국해사법학회 2020 해사법연구 Vol.32 No.3

        한국선원통계연보에 따르면 2019년 기준 60대 이상의 내항상선 해기사 및 부 원은 전체 8,100명 중 55.3%(4,484명)로 내항상선 선원은 초고령화가 진행되고 있다. 우리나라는 선박법 제6조(불개항장에의 기항과 국내 항간에서의 운송금지)를 통해 우리나라 선사가 아니면 국내 항간 운송행위를 할 수 없는 카보타 지 제도 하에 내항선박 현대화사업 지원, 연안여객선 현대화 펀드, 내항선박 이 차보전사업, 내항해운 등록세, 취득세, 재산세 등의 감면혜택 등을 추진하고 있다. 그러나 그 실효성의 한계로 인해 내항상선 선원의 근로여건은 개선되지 못 하고 이로 인해 내항해운 선원의 초고령화가 진행되고 있다. 이에 이 논문은 내항상선 선원, 특히 내항상선 해기사의 고령화 및 수급안 정화 방안 제시를 위해 먼저 내항상선 해기사의 문제점 파악, 중장기 수급 전 망을 분석 및 내항해운 붕괴를 막기 위한 해외사례 조사를 통해 내항해운 경쟁 력 확보 및 내항상선 해기사 수급안정화 방안을 제안하였다. According to the Korea Seafarer’s Statistical Year Book, 55.3%(4,484) of officers and ratings in the coastal ships reached age 60 or older in 2019, and the average age of seafarers in coastal ships are passing over the line of super-aged society. Despite the support through the modernization of projects for coastal ships, the modernization fund of coastal passenger ships, the secondary conservation projects for coastal ships, the reductions and exemption of registration tax, acquisition tax, property tax, etc., for coastal ships under the Cabotage system by Article 6 of the Ship Act(Prohibition of Foreign Ships from Calling at Closed Ports and Transportation between Domestic Ports), the working conditions of coastal ships have not been improved because of limitations in effectiveness, and due to this, which has led to the super-aging of seafarers on coastal merchant ships. Against this backdrop, this paper proposed measures to secure competitiveness of coastal shipping and stabilize supply and demand of ship officers on coastal merchant ships by first identifying problems on seafarers, analyzing medium and long term supply and demand prospects, and conducting overseas case studies to prevent the collapse of coastal shipping.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        부산항 타부두 환적화물 수송 실태에 관한 연구

        박주동(Ju Dong Park) 한국해양비즈니스학회 2020 해양비즈니스 Vol.- No.45

        Busan Port is not only separated into North Port and New Port, but is also consists of more than one terminal operators in each port; therefore, the utilization of the entire port is relatively low. This is a significant factor that causes inevitable Inter-terminal Transshipment(ITT) and increases operational inefficiencies. To solve these problems, many public entities such as the Korean Ministry of Oceans and Fisheries, Busan Port Authority, and local government have been trying effort through various policies and projects. However, the inefficiency of Busan Port is still being raised. The optimal solution is to integrate the terminal operators by the port but it is difficult in reality since the integration takes a long time in any way. As such, there is a need to prepare a plan to improve the efficiency of ITT in the short- to mid-term perspective while maintaining various existing policies and projects in the current situation of Busan Port. Therefore, this study recommends that the current weight limitation of trucks should be increased from 44 tons to 50 tons with firm restrictions such as pre-registered truck, reserved road sector between terminals in a port, and ITT container. According to the result, the annual total ITT cost could be reduced by 8.1% and the air pollution can be also reduced by 10% of CO2, 6% of NOx, and 1% of PM in the Busan New Port area(Gangseo-gu). In other words, the reduction in the number of ITT is expected to have socio-economic effects such as cost reduction for shipping companies and air pollution reduction for local communities.

      • KCI등재

        VECM을 이용한 화물자동차 운임 결정요인의 실증 분석 -화물정보망 정보를 중심으로-

        이영재,김유나,이해찬,여기태 한국물류학회 2022 물류학회지 Vol.32 No.3

        In the domestic transportation market, the transportation share of freight cars accounts for 92.6%. In the truck market, real freight rates decreased due to the increase in cost burden due to the increase in prices such as oil prices, and accordingly, overwork, overload, and speeding competition intensified. Accordingly, in 2018, the government implemented a safe fare system as a way to advance cargo transportation and applied it to import and export containers and cement (BCT). Therefore, this study attempted to provide implications for matters to be considered when expanding the safety fare system through time series analysis on the influence of truck fares and various exogenous variables. The research method analyzed the unit root, cointegration test, and VECM of freight rates by tonnage recorded in the actual cargo information network and time series indexes such as domestic economic indicators, industrial indexes, price indexes, and supply indexes. As a result of the analysis, it was confirmed that the exogenous variables affecting the freight rates of each ton class were different, with a positive(+) effect on the whole industry index and import index for trucks of less than 8 tons. 국내 운송시장에 있어서 화물자동차의 운송분담률은 92.6%를 차지하고 있다. 이러한 화물자동차 시장은 유가를 비롯한 물가상승 등의 이유로 원가부담 상승에 따른 실질운임 감소와 이에 따른 과로, 과적, 과속 경쟁이 심화되었다. 이에 정부에서는 2018년도에 화물운송 선진화방안으로 안전운임제를 시행하여 수출입컨테이너와 시멘트(BCT)에 대하여 적용하고 있다. 이에 본 연구는화물자동차 운임과 다양한 외생 변수의 영향에 대한 시계열 분석을 통해 안전운임제 확대적용 시 고려해야 할 사항에 대한 시사점을 제공하고자 하였다. 연구방법은 실제 화물정보망에 기록된 톤급별 화물자동차의 운임과 국내 경기지표, 산업지수, 물가지수, 공급지수 등 시계열 지수를 활용한 단위근, 공적분 검정과 VECM을 분석을 시행하였다. 분석 결과 8톤 미만의 화물자동차에서는전산업 지수와 수입지수에는 양(+)의 영향을 미쳤다, 8톤 초과 화물자동차 운임에서는 국산지수와 서비스업 지수가 양(+)의 영향을나타냈다. 이는 각 톤급별 화물자동차 운임에 영향을 미치는 외생 변수가 상이함을 확인할 수 있었다.

      • KCI등재

        호주 도로안전운임제의 내용과 시사점 -한국의표준운임제논의와 관련하여-

        윤영삼 ( Yeong Sam Yun ) 한국인적자원관리학회 2014 인적자원관리연구 Vol.21 No.3

        While debates on the ‘Standard Freight Rate System’ have been continuing in Korea, the Road Safety Remuneration Act in Australia was imposed in 2012, based on the recognition that the lower remuneration causes unsafe work practices and threaten the safety of the people. Thus, we examined contents of the Road Safety Remuneration System(RSRS) in Australia and tried to find the implication for Korea. As a result, the distinctiveness of RSRS compared to the ‘Standard Freight System’ proposal of thegovernment in Korea are as follow: it is applied to participants in the supply chain; it takes a minimum standard; its provisions are compulsory; it has a systematic process of a dispute resolution; and the discussion among interest groups around Road Safety Remuneration Tribunal being central point is open. Based on these points, we provided implications for the ‘Standard Freight Rate System’ in Korea:compulsory provisions must be needed for the stability in the road transportation industry; working conditions need to be included in the standard contract of consignment; the conditions of the phased introduction have to be specified in related provisions; effort to implement deliberation democracy that the discussion among interest groups is open is needed; and to ensure the effectiveness of the system, the basic rights of labor must be needed to be ensured first.

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