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      • KCI등재

        1920년대 재북경 한인 革命社의 『革命』 발간과 혁명운동

        조규태(Cho Kyu-Tae) 독립기념관 한국독립운동연구소 2010 한국독립운동사연구 Vol.0 No.36

        이 글은 1920년대 중반 북경에서 한인 공산주의자들이 조직한 혁명사에 대하여 고찰한 글이다. 이 글에서 필자는 먼저 혁명사의 조직 과정과주도 인물을 검토하였고, 이어 이 단체가 발간한 『혁명』의 공산주의혁명론에 대해 고찰하였으며, 마지막으로 혁명사원들이 전개한 혁명단체 조직활동과 혁명운동에 대하여 살펴보았다. 1924년 창조파들의 공산주의자들에 대한 비난이 심화되고, 재중국조선 무정부주의자연맹과 흑기연맹 소속 한인아나키스트들의 공산주의에 대한 공격이 심화되자, 1924년 말 재 북경 한인 공산주의자들은 이에 대처하기 위하여 혁명사를 설립하였다. 혁명사를 설립하는 데 주도적인 역할을 하였던 인물은 이르쿠츠크 고려공산당과 관련이 깊던 북경의 공산주의자 장건상, 양명, 김용찬, 김성숙, 장지락, 김봉환, 윤종묵, 차응준, 이낙구, 이민창 등이었다. 혁명사는 일본의 동경에서 허장환, 안광천, 하필원, 한림, 박락종 등을 모집하여 동경지부를 조직하고, 국내와 상해, 만주, 모스크바 등지에도 지부와 연락처를 마련하였다. 혁명사는 1925년 1월 1일부터 1927년 3월 1일까지 『혁명』을 월 1회 내지 2회 발간하여 공산주의혁명론을 전파하였다. 『혁명』은 조선의 정치적 억압과 경제적 착취의 상황을 알리고, 조선의 혁명은 이족의 통치에서 벗어나는 정치적 혁명만이 아닌 사회 · 경제제도의 근본적 변혁을 목적으로 하는 사회혁명, 즉 공산주의혁명이라고 하였다. 그리고 이는 개량적 방법이 아닌 민중의 무력혁명에 의하여 달성할 수 있다고 보았다. 이런 판단하에 『혁명』은 소부르주아적 혁명주의, 봉건적 사회주의, 조합주의, 비혁명적 공산주의자들을 분리시키고, 혁명적 공산주의자들로써 공산주의진영 내부의 통일을 이룰 것을 촉구하였다. 이런 입장하에서, 『혁명』은 혁명적 공산주의전선과 혁명적 민족주의전선 간의 통일을 이룰 것을 주장하였으며, 통일전선체로서 대독립당조직북경촉성회의 결성과 신간회와 민흥회의 합동을 환영하였다. 그리고 조선의 공산주의혁명을 완성하기 위해 공산주의의 대본영인 러시아를 옹호하고, 중국의 혁명을 지원하자는 의견을 피력하였다. 다만 일본의 무산정당운동은 제국주의 중심지인 일본의 입장을 반영하고, 한인의 입장을 대변할 수 없으므로 이에 동참해서는 안 된다는 견해를 제시하였다. 이러한 혁명론을 가졌던 혁명사원들은 혁명단체를 조직하고 혁명운동을 전개하였다. 먼저 북경에서는 북경고려유학생회와 북경사회과학연구회를 조직하여 공산주의에 공명하는 유학생을 결집하여 공산주의를 선전하는 활동을 전개하였다. 이어 국내에 양명, 안광천, 김용천, 하필원 등을 파견하여 제3차와 제4차 조선공산당과 고려공산청년회를 조직하고 그 주요인물로 활동하였다. 다음으로 장건상과 김용찬은 북경에서 통일전선의 결성을 위해 대독립당조직북경촉성회에 참여하여 민족유일당을 설립하기 위한 활동을 전개하였다. 마지막으로 김성숙과 장지락은 중국의 공산혁명에 참여하기 위하여 광주에 가서 유월한국혁명청년회와 유월 한국혁명동지회를 조직하고, 『혁명운동』을 발간함으로써 공산주의혁명사상을 고취하였고, 광주봉기에 참여하여 광주 소비에트정부의 요원으로 활동하기도 하였다.

      • KCI등재

        원세훈의 임시정부 수립․변혁 활동과 민족유일당 운동(1919~1927)

        조규태 숭실사학회 2012 숭실사학 Vol.0 No.29

        이 논문은 중국에서 대한민국 임시정부의 수립과 변혁, 민족유일당의 성립에 큰 기여를 한 원세훈의 역할과 활동을 다룬 글이다. 원세훈은 1887년 함남 정평에서 상민의 자제로 출생하였다. 그는 1912년 만주로 망명하여 그곳에서 교육활동을 전개하였다. 제1차 세계대전의 발발 직후인 1915년 그는 만주에서 연해주의 우스리스크로 이주하였다. 그는 1918년 연해주에서 전로한족회 중앙총회를 조직하고, 1919년 초 이를 대한국민의회로 발전시켰다. 원세훈은 대한국민의회의 대표로, 상해 임시정부와 한성정부의 대표들과 협의하여 1919년 9월 통합된 대한민국 임시정부를 탄생시켰다. 그리고 대한민국 임시정부가 내부 분열로 위기에 봉착하자, 그는 1920년부터 1924년까지 국민대표회의를 개최하는 등 임시정부의 변혁을 위해 활동하였다. 내부적인 분열과 국내외적 지원의 부족으로, 새로운 임시정부의 탄생이 어렵게 되자, 그는 ‘정부’가 아닌 ‘민족유일당’을 민족운동의 구심체로 삼고자 하였다. 그는 앞잡이사(導報社)를 설립하고, 『앞잡이(導報)』를 통하여 민족유일당 설립의 필요성을 고취하였다. 그리고 그는 안창호 등의 제 세력을 견인하여 1926년 10월 대독립당조직북경촉성회를 조직하였다. 그리고 상해, 무한, 광동, 남경 등지에 민족유일당조직촉성회가 조직되는 데 기여하였다. 뿐만아니라, 그는 각지의 촉성회를 민족유일당으로 발전시키려 의열단과 공산주의자들과 접촉하며 자금을 모으려 시도하였다. 불행하게도 원세훈은 일경의 간계로 1928년에 체포되어 뜻을 이루지 못하였다. 그렇지만, 그가 중국에서 벌인 임시정부의 통합과 변혁 활동, 그리고 민족유일당 운동은 민족의 통합을 통하여 한국의 독립을 이루려고 하였다는 점에서 매우 의미가 깊었다. 이러한 원세훈의 민족통합적 정치관은 해방 후 그의 좌우합작적 정치 활동에서도 나타났다. This paper aimed to explain the Won Sei-hoon’s activites and roles of establishing and reforming the Provisional Government of the Republic of Korea and organizing the Movement for the National Single Party. Won Sei-hoon was lowborn in Jungpyeong, Hamgyeongnam-do in 1887. He trod the paths of exile to Manchuria in 1912 and started on education activities. In 1915, shortly after the outbreak of World War I, he moved to Ussuriysk in the Primorskiy Krai from Manchuria. He organized the General Assembly of Chunrho Korean National Assembly in 1918 in the Primorskiy Krai, and in the early of 1919 expanded it into the Korean National Assembly. As the representative of Korean National Assembly, Won Sei-hoon produced the Provisional Government of the Republic of Korea united in September, 1919 after consultation with representatives of the Provisional Government in Shanghai and the Hanseong Provisional Government. And When the Provisional Government of the Republic of Korea was faced with crisis because of internal fragmentation, he tried to reform this government, holding the National Representative Conference in 1920~1924. With internal fragmentation and the lack of support, locally and abroad, it became difficult to produce the new provisional government, and he tried to unite around ‘National Single Party’ as the nucleus of national movement, not ‘government’. He set up the Guide corporation and through the Guide , inspired the need to establish National Single Party. He organized the Beiging Chokseonghae of Great Independent Party Organization in October, 1926 with leading the various force such as Ahn, Chang-ho. Moreover, he contributed to establish the Chokseonghae for National Single Party in Shanghai, Wuhan, Guang Dong, Nanjing. He wanted to expand Chokseonghae in various places into National Single party, so he tried to raise funds from members of Uiyoldan(義烈團) and communists. unfortunately, Won sei-hoon was arrested by the Japanese police, and he could not realize his dream. Nevertheless, it is very important to his activities to unite and reform the provisional government in China and his intention to being independent of Korea through national unity, the National Single Party. His political views to national unity again were revealed in his political activities of unifying the right and the left wings after Korean liberation.

      • KCI등재

        1920년대 북경지역의 흥사단원과 민족운동

        조규태 ( Cho Kyu-tae ) 대구사학회 2021 대구사학 Vol.142 No.-

        This paper examines the national movements of Heungsadan members, including An Chang-ho, who was active in Beijing in the 1920s. I reviewed the activities of the Heungsadan, the Tianjin Branch, the Beijing Danso, and the Heungsadan, which were active in the Beijing area, and the activities of the Grand Independence Party. When Ahn Chang-ho came to Tianjin in mid-1922 to hold a national representative meeting, Pyeongan-do figures Kim Wi-taek, Joo Hyun-chik, and Park Il-kyung, who led the Korean residents' group in Tianjin, joined the Heungsadan. They organized the Tianjin Branch of Heungsadan. The branch manager of the Tianjin branch was Kim Wi-taek, the general affairs and finance department was Joo Hyun-chik, and the executive secretary was Park Il-kyung. After the National Assembly meeting, Ahn Chang-ho, Ahn Jung-geun, and Kim Seung-man established the Haejun farm in the western city of Beijing in early 1924. In addition, Heungsadan Beijing Division area was organized. The Heungsadan members in Beijing were mostly Christians and international students from the northwest of Korea. From 1924 to mid-1926, Heungsadan members in Beijing engaged in the development of national ability, instead of carrying out a direct independence movement with the Provisional Government, the Uiyeoldan, and other independence movement organizations. They wanted to prepare for the independence movement by fostering character and physical strength. They wanted to cultivate character through exercise, cultivation of knowledge, moral discipline, and strenuous training, and to build economic ability through the operation of the Haejun farm. On the other hand, they promoted the spirit of independence, accepted anarchism to create a benevolent community. They have expressed anti-communism and anti-Soviet Russia ideas. This politalcal doctrine of Heungsadan members in Beijing was attacked by the Beijing Creative People. They were criticized as a right-wing opportunist by the revolutionary group centered on the Irkutsk faction of the Communist Party of Korea. By September 1926, They were criticized by the Korea Regeneration Alliance as a suffrage activist and a self-governing activist, and was misunderstood by the independence movement community. As a way out of this criticism, An Chang-ho, the representative of the Heungsadan Beijing Division, agreed to organize the Great Independence Party Organization Beijing Chromatic Society in September and October 1926, in consultation with Won Se-hoon, a representative of the creative faction. An Chang-ho, Lee-Tak, Kim Gwang-cheon, Park Kwan-hae, Bae In-su, and others, who were members of the Heungsadan in Beijing, held several meetings with representatives of Beijing from October 10 to 28, 1926. Afterwards, Ahn Chang-ho went to Gilim, Manchuria, in January 1927 and criticized the suffrage activist and the self-governing activist through a lecture, stressing that the independence movement was the only way for independence among the Joseon people. After this, he attempted to achieve a grand unity of independence movement forces. Though the formation of the Grand Independence Party became difficult due to the departure of socialist forces, Ahn Chang-ho and Heungsadan members formed the Korean Independence Party in Shanghai in January 1930. This article identified the independence movement of Heungsadan members in Beijing, centered on An Chang-ho, in the mid-1920s, and the trend of opposition forces against it. This will also help us understand the background of the participation in the formation of the Great Independence Party Organization Beijing Chokseonghoe(the Beijing Promotion Association of the Great Independence Organization) of Heungsadan Group in Beijing in 1926. (Hansung University Division of Humanaties & Arts / chouchi@hanmail.net)

      • KCI등재

        해산(海山) 김정묵(金正黙)의 중국 관내(關內)에서의 민족운동

        조규태 ( Cho Kyu-tae ) 대구사학회 2020 대구사학 Vol.138 No.-

        The topic of this article is Kim Jung-mook(1888-1944) who was a patriot born in Sunsan, Gyeongsangbookdo Province. I reviewed his activities in Shanghai, Beijing, Manchuria and elsewhere in China, from 1911 until 1944. To do this research, I made use of information documents of Japan government, newspapers, testimony from independence activists, and ect. In 1911, Kim Jeong-mook went to Hanheung-dong in Milsan, China, where with his father-in-law's alumni, Lee Seung-hui, he made an efforts to build an independence movement foundation. IN 1914, he went to Beijing and entered into Peking Law School, and studied modern laws for four years. Around the end of World War I in 1918, he did independence movement in Manchuria and Primorsky of Russia. And immediately after the establishing of the Provisional Government of Shanghai around April 1919, he went to Shanghai and become a member of the National Assembly. He decided on various policies, and prepared measures to raise funds for the independence movement. And when the Provisional Government of the Republic of Korea and the Hansung Government and the Korean National Assembly were merged in 1919, he supported the integration of the Provisional Government of the Republic of Korea in Shanghai and the Provisional Legislative Council of the Republic of Korea. However, he resigned from the interim parliament in 1920 after learning that Lee Seung-man had insisted on mandatory rule. Then he went to Beijing to organize a military unification promotion association with Shin Chae-ho and Park Yong-man and called for the unification of armed struggle forces. However, he did not participate in the military unification conference led by Park Yong-man and Shin Sook, which was to train troops by the support of Soviet Russia, but tried to achieve the unification of military groups supported by China in conjunction with Kim Jwa-jin. In the mid-1920s, when the independence movement in China and the Maritime Provinces faced difficulties, and the autonomous movement, which was a compromise, was developed at home, he proceeded to maintain the militant independence movement line. He supported Kim Chang-sook’s second Yurimdan struggle in 1925-26, and participated in the Great Independent Party Organization Beijing Promotion Conference in 1926. Meanwhile, he launched the Civil Society in Beijing around November 1926 and helped Korean residents in Manchuria to defend their rights and interests. In addition, activities were carried out to improve the stable relationship and the attitude of the Chinese who had anti-Korean sentiment in Manchuria. After the Manchurian Incident occurred in 1931, he moved from Manchuria to Beijing to engage in anti-Japanese activities. There around 1932-33, he tried to organize a Korean-Chinese military headquarters to stage a War against Japan. Meanwhile, using his status as a lawyer for the Military Commission's North Pyeongbun Division since August 1932, he contacted senior officials and military members of the People's Party of China to sponsor the opening of the Chosun Revolution Military Political Officer School and Nakyang Military Academy, recruiting and operating students. As a nobleman, he was able to live comfortably with a higher education, but he walked on the rough road of independence movement. His life was one of a visionary independence activist who practiced Noblesse Oblige.

      • KCI등재

        신여성 尹貞媛의 현실인식과 사회활동

        김성은 한국근현대사학회 2013 한국 근현대사 연구 Vol.67 No.-

        Yun Jung-won was one of the very beginning of the New Woman and FemaleIntellectual. She was the first female student studying Japan formally. Aftergraduation, she travelled many countries in America and Europe like Belgium. She was the first Korean woman travelling Europe. Through education and livingin Japan she understood modern civilization. During two years staying in Europeshe experienced the culture and products of Western civilization. At the request of Korean government, she returned Korea and became professorat Hansung girls high school in 1909. The school was the first government institutionfor girls school. And she became one of the first female professor and publiceducational official. At that time Save-the-Nation Drive and PatrioticEnlightenment Movement was developed in Korea. Female education was importantto strenuous efforts and modernization for national prosperity. Yun Jung-won wascontributed to develop Korean women’s education through teaching subject,preaching importance of female education and being a role model. She resigned the professor and exiled to China after Japan’s annexation ofKorea. In Beijing she participated in national unification party movement for Koreanindependence movement. But she never returned Korea after Korean Independence.

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