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        『高麗史』가 Asia史의 硏究에서 차지하는 位相 - 國際關係記事의 精密度가 最上으로 評價되는 高麗王朝의 正史 -

        장동익 동아대학교 석당학술원 2024 石堂論叢 Vol.- No.88

        『고려사』는 황제의 역사[本紀]와 신료들의 역사[列傳]을 중심으로 서술된 역사책, 곧 기전체(紀傳體)의 정사(正史)라고 호칭(呼稱)되지만, 황제의 역사는 없고 황제가 분봉(分封)한 제후국(諸侯國) 역사인 세가(世家)가 본기로 대체되었다. 그 사연을 알아보기 위해 고려왕조의 국격에 대해 살펴볼 필요가 있는데, 918년 왕건(王建)이 장군들의 추대를 받아 즉위하여 칭제건원(稱帝建元)하였다고 하지만, 칭왕건원(稱王建元)하였을 가능성이 높다. 이는 고려가 문물제도를 정비할 때 전범(典範)으로 당제국(唐帝國, 618~907)의 경우 광활한 강역(疆域)의 확보, 지배체제의 정비, 사회질서의 안정, 경제의 발달, 전통문화의 융성, 그리고 동서문화의 중심지였다는 점에 의해 황제국의 표본이 되었고, 이로 인해 후일 제국으로 명명되었을 것이다. 이에 비해 고려는 이전 왕조인 태봉국(泰封國)이 교류하였던 오대십국(五代十國, 902~979)의 오월국(吳越國, 907~978)과 민국(閩國, 909~945)의 외교정책을 모방하였던 것 같다. 곧 오월과 민은 당시의 시세의 변화에 따라 칭제건원하다가 약체화되었을 때는 번국(藩國)으로 납공사대(納貢事大)를 행한 미완성(未完成)의 황제국, 또는 소제국(小帝國)으로 존속하였다. 이들의 정치행위를 목도하던 궁예(弓裔), 견훤(甄萱), 그리고 왕건도 십국이 취했던 체제, 외교방식 등을 본받아 내제외왕(內帝外王)의 체제를 표방하였던 것 같다. 그렇지만 13세기 후반 몽골제국의 지배질서 하에 편입되어 제후국으로 강등되었고, 뒤이어 등장한 명제국에도 사대외교를 행하지 않을 수 없었다. 이러한 형편으로 인해 명제국(明帝國)에 잘 순치(馴致)된 제후국(諸侯國)을 자처하고 있었던 15세기 조선왕조의 위정자들은 자신들의 현실인식을 『고려사』의 편찬에 당시의 국제적 사정을 그대로 반영시켜 『고려사』의 편찬에서 본기(本紀)를 설정하지 아니하였던 것 같다. 그래서 『고려사』는 본기가 없는 불완전한 기전체의 사서라고 할 수도 있고, 이 약점이 역사 연구에서 강점(强点)으로 작용할 수 있는 사서로 평가될 수도 있다. 곧 제국(帝國)임을 표방했던 중원의 정사[二十五史]에서 인근 국가와의 접촉, 교섭에 대한 각종 사실은 국가, 민족, 지역 등의 호칭(呼稱)으로 열전편(列傳篇, 外夷列傳)에 수록되었는데, 특별한 경우를 제외하고 시기의 정리[編年]가 연월(年月), 또는 연도(年度)만이 제시되었고, 일진(日辰)이 표기되지 않았다. 이에 비해 『고려사』는 외이열전(혹은 外國列傳)이 편찬되지 않았기에 인근의 국가, 민족, 상인[客商] 등의 내왕(來往), 접촉, 교류 등이 모두 세가편에 기록되었기에 편년(編年)이 잘 될 수밖에 없고, 그 年月日의 정리에 착오[繫年錯誤]가 거의 없다는 장점이 있다. 그래서 체제상으로 미비한 점이 있는 『고려사』는 당시 사회의 실상을 더욱 명쾌하게 밝힐 수 있는 생산적 결과[効果]도 제공할 수 있다. 또 『고려사』의 가장 특징적인 면의 하나가 여타의 사서에서 볼 수 없는 특정 외교 관계의 사료가 수록되어 있다는 점이다. 이들 외교문서는 당해 왕조의 정사에서는 수록되어 있지 않은 유일한 자료이기에 역사적으로 중요할 뿐만 아니라 발급 시기에 만들어진 구어(口語)로 되어 있어 당시의 언어연구에 매우 중요한 자료가 될 수 있다. 그리고 『고려사』는 內陸Asia의 거란, 여진, 몽골족이 발흥(勃興)할 때 그들과 접촉, 교섭했던 사실이 상세히 기록 ... History of Goryeo (高麗史) is a history book that focuses on the history of emperors and courtiers. Although it is designated as a formal annalistic form, there is no account of the emperors' history. Instead, the history of feudal lords divided by the emperor, known as Sega (世家), is used in place of bon-gi (本紀). To understand the background, it is necessary to examine the national status of the Goryeo Dynasty. It is said that in 918, Wang Geon ascended to the throne with the endorsement of his generals, adopting the title of emperor and establishing an era name (稱帝建元). However, it is likely that he was referred to as a king and instituted an era name (稱王建元). When Goryeo overhauled its system of civilization, it took the Tang Empire (唐帝國, 618-907) as a model. The Tang became a model of the imperial state because of its vast territorial area, the establishment of the ruling system, the stability of the social order, the development of the economy, the flourishing of traditional culture, and the fact that it was the center of Eastern and Western cultures, which would have led to its later designation as the Empire. In comparison, Goryeo seems to have imitated the foreign policy of Wu Yue (吳越國, 907-978) and Min (閩國, 909-945) of the Five Dynasties and Ten Kingdoms (五代十國, 902-979), with which the previous dynasty, Taebong (泰封國), interacted. Wu Yue and Min continued to exist as an incomplete small empire (小帝國), calling the monarch the emperor and establishing an era name according to the changes in the political situation at the time, and then paying tribute to the big country as a feudal lord when their power weakened. It seems that Gon Gye(弓裔), Gyeon Hwon (甄萱), and Wang Geon (王建), who witnessed their political activities, imitated the system and diplomacy adopted by the Ten Kingdoms, and advocated a system of calling the emperor at home and the king abroad. However, in the late 13th century, they were incorporated under the ruling order of the Mongol Empire and were relegated to the status of princely states. Later, they were compelled to submit to the Ming Empire(明帝國). Due to this situation, it seems that the rulers of the 15th century Joseon Dynasty, who considered themselves princely states following the Ming Empire, did not establish a bon-gi (本紀) in the compilation of History of Goryeo, reflecting their perception of reality as it was at the time. Therefore, History of Goryeo can be described as an incomplete historical record in annalistic form without bon-gi. However, this weakness can also be viewed as a potential strength in historical research, making it a valuable historical document. In the formal history of China, which proclaimed itself as an empire, various facts about contacts and negotiations with neighboring countries were recorded in the Biographies (列傳篇) under the names of countries, peoples, regions, etc. Except in special cases, only the year and month(年月) or year(年度) were provided, and the sexagenary cycle(sexagenary cycle) was not indicated. On the contrary, History of Goryeo holds the advantage that, since the Biographies of Foreign Countries (外國列傳) has not been compiled, the comings, contacts, and exchanges with neighboring countries, peoples, and merchants are all documented in the Sega. Consequently, the chronological record (編年) is likely to be accurate, and there are minimal errors in arranging the year, month, and day. Therefore, despite its deficiencies in the system, History of Goryeo can yield productive outcomes, shedding clearer light on the societal realities of that time. One of the distinctive features of History of Goryeo, not found in other history book, is the inclusion of specific diplomatic documents. These diplomatic records are not only historically significant as the sole materials excluded from the formal history of the dynasty at that time but are also crucial for st...

      • KCI등재

        공민왕대 기사의 수록양식과 원전자료의 記事 전환방식

        김난옥(KIM NANOK) 고려사학회 2013 한국사학보 Vol.- No.52

        The annual average numbers of articles in the era of King Gongmin were 61 in the 「Sega(世家)」 in 〈Goryeosa (高麗史, History of Goryeo)〉 and 39 in the 〈Goryeosa Jeolyo (高麗史節要, Essentials of Goryeo History)〉 and thus the former was approximately 1.5 times of the latter. However, the increase and decrease in the number of articles over time of the former and the latter were generally proportional. The numbers of articles between the end of the 12th year and the 13th year of King Gongmin and between the end of the 14th year and the beginning of the 13th year of King Gongmin are much smaller compared to other periods because some of materials in original books were omitted or deleted in the complicated relationship with Yuan. The most notable thing in the recording systems of the 「Sega(世家)」 and the 〈Goryeosa Jeolyo (高麗史節要, Essentials of Goryeo History)〉 is that whereas the daily sexagenary cycles were indicated in approximately 85% of articles in the former, the daily sexagenary cycles were indicated in only approximately 9% of articles in the latter. In the case of the 〈Goryeosa Jeolyo (高麗史節要, Essentials of Goryeo History)〉, the daily sexagenary cycles were mostly omitted because many articles gathered were synthesized and summarized because of the principle of ’‘summarization’. Articles beginning with ‘this month’ or ‘this year’ were those for events that clearly occurred in the month or year but could not be dated to certain days. However, among the entire articles for the era of King Gongmin, the number of those beginning with ‘this month’ was only 8 and the number of those beginning with ‘this year’ was only 3. The reason why articles related to Hwanjo(桓祖) were included in the extremely small numbers of ‘this month(是月)’ and ‘this year(是年)’ articles was that the articles related to Hwanjo(桓祖) were added when ‘Goryeo History’ was complied in the Joseon Dynasty period. The Lee Seong-Gye related articles contained in the 「Sega(世家)」 and the 〈Goryeosa Jeolyo (高麗史節要, Essentials of Goryeo History)〉 are almost the same as those in the 「Taejo Series(太祖總序)」 and excessively decorated the achievements of Lee Seong-Gye compared to the activities of persons in the era of King Gongmin recorded in the 「Biographies(列傳)」. As with the case of Hwanjo(桓祖) related articles, this was because the achievements of Lee Seong-Gye were unnaturally included in the 「Sega(世家)」 and the 〈Goryeosa Jeolyo (高麗史節要, Essentials of Goryeo History)〉. The preface and messages in 〈Mokeunmungo(牧隱文藁)〉 were recorded in detail in 「Sega(世家)」 and briefly in the 〈Goryeosa Jeolyo (高麗史節要, Essentials of Goryeo History)〉. Cases where terms such as proclamation(宣旨) and royal messages(勅書) were irregularly changed in the process of converting the content of the anthology into articles in the 「Sega(世家)」 and the 〈Goryeosa Jeolyo (高麗史節要, Essentials of Goryeo History)〉 could be found. The reason for this is considered to be the confusion resulted from frequent changes in the principle of compilation of the ‘Goryeo History’ or the carelessness of compilers.

      • KCI등재

        『고려사절요』卒記의 기재방식과 성격

        김난옥 고려사학회 2012 한국사학보 Vol.- No.48

        The description methods used in obituaries (jalgi) during the Goryeo era generally consisted of a mention of government office and peerage followed by praise or censure of tbe deceased. However. while 30% of obituaries consisted of simple descriptions of the office and peerage of the deceased 20% involved lengthy obituaries that included the office and peerage. praise and censure. family pedigree, background, related episodes, and follow up measures. The individuals found in the obituaries (jolgi) were mainly high ranking ministers. 85% of the obituaries involved officials of 2 pum or higher. Over 50% were officials from the Jungseo Munhaseong (Chancellery for State Affairs). By the time late Goryeo rolled around, the number of cases that included descriptions of the status of the deceased based on investitures rather than official titles had increased. 93% of obituaries appeared in both the <Goryeosa (高麗史, History of Goryeo)> and <Goryeosa Jeolyo (高麗史節要, Essentials of Goryeo History)>. Moreover, there were only a few cases in which, although an obituary was prepared, such information was not also reproduced in the sega (世家, noble family history) of the deceased. The majority of the sega included only the offices and peerage of the deceased. However, the obituaries found in the <Goryeosa Jeolyo (高麗史節要, Essentials of Goryeo History)> included biographical information and episodes pertaining to the person, such as the family pedigree and background, and therefore exhibited a wider range of information about the deceased than the sega. This can be attributed to the fact that the role played by biographies (yeoljeon) in the <Goryeosa (高麗史, History of Goryeo)> was in many ways replicated by the obituaries (jolgi) in the <Goryeosa Jeolyo (高麗史節要, Essentials of Goryeo History)>. A look at the compilation process of the <Goryeo Guksa (高麗國史, History of the Garyeo State)> leads to the conclusion that the obituaries (joigi) found in the <Goryeosa Jeolyo (高麗史節要, Essentials of Garyeo History)> were more in keeping with the original form of the <Goryeo Sillok (高麗實錄, Annals of Garyeo Dynasty)> than the biographies (yeoljeon) fOood in the <Goryeosa (高麗史, History of Garyeo)>. While access to various materials from not only the <Goryeo Sillok (高麗實錄, Annals of Garyeo Dynasty)> but also the epitaphs and works of the deceased ensured a quantitative increase in biographies (yeoljeon), there remained some leeway to include contradictory contents from the original records or to embellish the original contents. Furthermore, the omission of the biographies of Confucian scholarship (yurimjeon) from the biographies (yeoljeon) found in the <Goryeosa (高麗史, History of Garyeo)> can be explained by the fact that the obituaries (jolgi) found in the (Goryeo Sillok (高麗實錄, Annals of Goryeo Dynasty)> mostly involved high ranking officials. To this end, it was difficult to include Confucian scholars, which maintained a certain dislance from the government bureaucracy, in the biographies (yeolieon) found in the (Goryeosa (高麗史, History of Goryeo)>.

      • KCI등재

        『三韓紀畧』 고려 왕조 관련 기록의 번역 및 해설

        이미지(Lee, Mi-Ji) 고려사학회 2019 한국사학보 Vol.- No.75

        이 글은 일본 유학자 이토 토가이가 찬술한 『삼한기략』 중 고려 왕조 관련 내용을 국역하고 그에 대한 해설을 제시해 보았다. 고려 왕조 관련 기록은 상대적으로 소략하며, 총 7편의 소절 중 「군장략」·「기호략」·「토지략」·「문적략(문적휘)」에서만 고려 관련 기록을 찾아볼 수 있다. 고려 왕조의 역사에 대한 내용은 소략하다고 하겠지만 고려 군주와 그에 대한 정보는 비교적 충실하게 소개된 편이다. 여러 기록을 비교 고찰해볼 때 『삼한기략』에 수록된 고려 왕조의 정치 분야 관련 정보의 주요 출처는 『동국통감』 「고려기」라 생각된다. 고려가 사용한 연호나 지방 제도에 대한 자료 수집은 매우 부실하지만 고려 문인들의 문적을 정리하여 제시한 「문적휘」는 일독해 볼 만 하다. This research attempts to introduce records on the Goryeo from a book compiled by Ito Togay (伊藤東涯, 1670~1736), the famous scholar of Edo period in Japan to the Korean readers. The book is titled as Sankankiryaku (三韓紀畧, Brief History of Korea) and covers the history of he Korean peninsula. One might find the number of account on the Goryeo Dynasty is not many comparing with other dynasties such as the Silla or Joseon. Only four chapters out of seven, Gunjangryak (君長畧, Brief Account on the Kings), Gihoryak (紀號畧, Brief Account on the Era Names], Tojiryak (土地畧, Brief Account on the Local Government System of Each Dynasty), Munjukryak (文籍畧, Brief List of Anthologies of the Goryeo Scholar-Writers) carry the records on the Goryeo Dynasty. The Gunjangryak chapter provides condensed informations on the Goryeo kings. It is highly assumed that Ito mainly consulted the accounts on the Goryeo of Dongguktonggam (東國通鑑, Comprehensive Mirror of Joseon History) that was already introduced and widely circulated among the scholarly society in Japan. 이 글은 일본 유학자 이토 토가이가 찬술한 『삼한기략』 중 고려 왕조 관련 내용을 국역하고 그에 대한 해설을 제시해 보았다. 고려 왕조 관련 기록은 상대적으로 소략하며, 총 7편의 소절 중 「군장략」·「기호략」·「토지략」·「문적략(문적휘)」에서만 고려 관련 기록을 찾아볼 수 있다. 고려 왕조의 역사에 대한 내용은 소략하다고 하겠지만 고려 군주와 그에 대한 정보는 비교적 충실하게 소개된 편이다. 여러 기록을 비교 고찰해볼 때 『삼한기략』에 수록된 고려 왕조의 정치 분야 관련 정보의 주요 출처는 『동국통감』 「고려기」라 생각된다. 고려가 사용한 연호나 지방 제도에 대한 자료 수집은 매우 부실하지만 고려 문인들의 문적을 정리하여 제시한 「문적휘」는 일독해 볼 만 하다. This research attempts to introduce records on the Goryeo from a book compiled by Ito Togay (伊藤東涯, 1670~1736), the famous scholar of Edo period in Japan to the Korean readers. The book is titled as Sankankiryaku (三韓紀畧, Brief History of Korea) and covers the history of he Korean peninsula. One might find the number of account on the Goryeo Dynasty is not many comparing with other dynasties such as the Silla or Joseon. Only four chapters out of seven, Gunjangryak (君長畧, Brief Account on the Kings), Gihoryak (紀號畧, Brief Account on the Era Names], Tojiryak (土地畧, Brief Account on the Local Government System of Each Dynasty), Munjukryak (文籍畧, Brief List of Anthologies of the Goryeo Scholar-Writers) carry the records on the Goryeo Dynasty. The Gunjangryak chapter provides condensed informations on the Goryeo kings. It is highly assumed that Ito mainly consulted the accounts on the Goryeo of Dongguktonggam (東國通鑑, Comprehensive Mirror of Joseon History) that was already introduced and widely circulated among the scholarly society in Japan.

      • KCI등재

        고려 중기 曆法과 金의 『重修大明曆』“步氣朔術”검토- 『高麗史』 「世家」 11월 朔日 분석을 중심으로 -

        서금석,김병인 호남사학회 2014 역사학연구 Vol.53 No.-

        고려는 여러 경로를 통해 曆을 받아들였다. 이글의 목적은 고려가 金으로부터 책명을 받은 시점부터 원나라의 공식 曆인 授時曆이 고려에 반포되기까지 금의 역법이 고려에서 실제 행용되었는지 여부를 11월 초하루 일자 계산을 통해 확인하고자 하였다. 이를 확인하기 위해 『金史』 「曆志」에 편성된 (重修)大明曆의 氣朔術을 활용하였다. 금의 대명력 산술에 의해 계산된 11월 초하루가 시간이 지남에 따라 하루 정도 차이가 발생한 부분에 대해서는 다양한 해석이 가능하다. (劉)宋의 祖沖之 대명력이 요나라 賈俊의 대명력에 영향을 주었고 송의 기원력은 楊級의 대명력과 趙知微 대명력[重修大明曆]에 기원이 되었을 것으로 보인다. 대명력이라는 同名의 역법이 각기 서로 다른 氣朔術을 전개하였던 점에서 이를 미루어 짐작할 수 있다. 따라서 요나라 賈俊의 대명력과 금나라의 대명력은 동일한 역법이라고 볼 수 없다. 조지미의 대명력은 금 세종의 명에 따라 1171년에 만들어졌다. 그러나 이 역법은 곧바로 반포되지 않았다. 이 역법은 일월식의 징험을 거쳐 그로부터 10년 뒤에 시행되었다. 이로써 금나라는 멸망할 때까지 조지미의 (중수)대명력은 행용하였으며, 금을 멸망시킨 원에서도 처음에는 이 曆法을 이어 받아 사용하였다. 그리고 원은 고려에 이 曆을 하사하였다. 고려는 원의 수시력이 반포되기까지 금의 (重修)大明曆을 받아들였다고 보여 진다. 본론에서 살핀 10가지 사례를 분석하여 원의 수시력이 고려에 반포되기 이전에 고려는 金의 역법을 받아들였을 가능성이 크다. 이 글은 『고려사』 「세가」에 기록된 11월 초하루 기사를 중심으로 金의 (重修)大明曆의 氣朔術을 적용하여 이를 논증하였다. 금의 (重修)大明曆도 시간이 경과함에 따라 하루의 차이를 보이는 등 괴리를 발생시켰다. 이와 같은 계산상의 時差에 대해 고려는 선명력과 주변국들의 여러 曆을 참고하여 고려에 맞는 曆日을 계산해 냈을 것이다. Goryeo dynasty accepted the calenda system through various routes. This study is purposed to examine if the calenda of Jin dynasty was actually used in Goryeo from the time when Goryeo got the calenda from Jin till the Shoushi calendar, Yuan dynasty’s official calenda was promulgated in Goryeo through the calculation of the 1st day of November of the lunar calendar. To confirm the fact, this study used ‘Gisagsul’, the (Rev)Daming calendar compiled in 「Yeokji」, 『History of Jin Dynasty』. There are several interpretations of why there happens time difference of around one day shown as the first day of November with time calculated by Jin’s Daming calenda arithmatic. Zu Chongzhi’s Daming calendar of Liu Song influenced on Gujun’s Daming calendar of Liao dynasty, and the Song calendar is considered having been the root of Yangji’s Daming calendar and Zhao Zhiwei’s Daming calendar, [Revised Daming Calendar], which can be said that the calendar systems of the same name called the Daming calendar developed different Gisaksul. Thus, Gujun’s Daming calendar of Liao and the Daming calendar of Jin can not be said to be the same calenda system. Zhao Zhiwei’s Daming calendar was made at King Sejong’s command during Jin dynasty in 1171. But, the calenda system was not promulgated right that time. It was enforced ten years from that time through experiencing solar and lunar eclipses. That is, Jin dynasty used Zhao Zhiwei’s (Rev)Daming calendar till the fall of Jin dynasty, and Yuan destroying Jin also used the calenda at first. In addition, Yuan granted the calenda to Goryeo dynasty. Goryo seems to have accepted the (Rev)Daming calendar of Jin till it promulgated the Shoushi calender of Yuan. Based on the analysis of ten cases, it is quite possible that Goryeo had introduced the calendar of Jin dynasty before the Shoushi calendar of Yuan was promulgated in Goryeo. This study proved that by applying Gisaksul, the (Rev)Daming calendar of Jin dynasty centering around the description of the first day of November recorded in 「Saega」, 『Goryeosa』. The (Rev)Daming calendar of Jin dynasty caused a gap such as time difference of a day as time goes by. For the time difference in calculation, Goryeo would have calculated a calenda day suitable for Goryeo by referring to the Xuanming calendar and various calendars from its neighboring countries.

      • KCI등재

        조선 김정희(金正喜)가 청 翁樹□에게 보낸 ≪고려사정도전(高麗史鄭道傳)≫

        박현규 영남중국어문학회 2015 중국어문학 Vol.0 No.69

        The manuscript of “Biography of Jeong, DoJeon” in the History of Goryeo in the possession of Fung Ping Shan Library of Hong Kong University is a good example that showing the friendly exchange between Kim, Jeonghui of Korean and Weng, Shukun of Qing China. The book has the stamp of Mr. Weng``s Shimo shulou collection. In 1810, Kim and Weng met at Shimo shulou for the first time and became lifelong friend. They exchanged and studied epigraph materials. Weng, Shukun managed to purchase a Japan edition of the History of Goryeo through Zhejiang marine commerce. Unfortunately, the edition missed 8 juans of biograpy including that of Jeong, Dojeon. Weng, Shukun requested Kim, Jeonghui to supplement the omitting parts and Kim sent Biography of Jeong, Dojeon in the History of Goryeo to Weng in 1814. The History of Goryeo was introduced in 1495 to China for the first time. Ji Yun separately Korea edition of The History of Goryeo, Wang Ruzao separately a wanting of The History of Goryeo, Wu Qian and Liu Xihai owned separately The History of Goryeo of China copy manuscripts. Weng borrowed the edition of Liu``s possession to compare with his own edition.

      • KCI등재

        『신편고려사전문(新編高麗史全文)』의 편찬을 위한 방안

        장동익 ( Chang Dong-ik ) 역사교육학회 2017 역사교육논집 Vol.65 No.-

        The problems pointed out in Goryeosa(高麗史) and Goryeosajeolyo(高麗史節要) that compiled in the middle of the 15th century are as follows. Firstly, when the first type of Goryeosa was typed, there was mis spelling, omitted words, etc., but it was not corrected in the reprinted woodcut. Secondly, there is a case that failed to rearrange the previous year due to the change of the chronological order. Thirdly, in the contents, there are some cases in which the arrangement of time is not appropriate due to the first day of months in the lunar calendar, monthly difference, etc. Fourthly, there are cases in which the compilers wrote official rank, name, etc. wrong because the context of the facts is not taken into consideration. Fifthly, there are many cases in which emperor's words and actions in the early period of Goryeo were demoted to that of the prince. Sixthly, because several people were compiled separately, there is a case that and the same facts were not recorded in any period at all. In order to find such errors, we should compare and examine the contents of strapline of Goryeosa and Goryeosajeolyo which was made based on the same historical sources. In addition, it is possible to find out the actual facts by comparing some chronicles and materials of different sources. According to this method, I have reviewed the two chronicles and found that there are 120 articles to move to another period because of the problem with the arrangement of the period, 8,700 articles that can complement each other, and 2,600 articles that can be supplemented by other sources.

      • KCI등재

        『고려사(高麗史)』에 기록된 원대(元代) 케식문서사료(文書史料)의 분석

        권용철 ( Kwon Yong-cheol ) 한국중세사학회 2019 한국중세사연구 Vol.0 No.58

        This paper reviewed content and meaning of kesig document recorded in History of Goryeo(『高麗史』). And this paper tried to review the interpretation of the kesig document in 1348, and studied the political situation in Mongol-Yuan Empire and Goryeo surrounding Jeongchidogam(整治都監). Kesig document is a unique historical material created by the political structure of the Mongol-Yuan Empire, there are not many existing data. So it is worth noting that this document remains in History of Goryeo. This paper raised some questions about the current perception and translation of kesig document recorded in History of Goryeo. In addition, this paper tried to created an instrument for more accurate identification of the related data of Yuan-Goryeo history through correction of errors. It is expected that various perspectives on the analysis of archives and documents of Mongol-Yuan Empire will be made in the future. The document analyzed in this paper contains the contents of the reform of Jeongchidogam that was abolished and reestablished in 1347. When Jeongchidogam was first established in February 1347, Yuan Emperor Huizong(惠宗) showed great interest, but this document shows that emperor’s interest in the reestablished Jeongchidogam has diminished. In the end, Jeongchidogam was abolished without concrete reforms. In other words, the document analyzed in this paper is important in revealing the meaning of the Jeongchidogam.

      • KCI등재

        『고려사』에 인용된 原典의 句節

        장동익 역사교육학회 2016 역사교육논집 Vol.58 No.-

        This essay analyes various aspects of phrases in Chinese classics recorded in History of Goryeo (高麗史). The phrases of the original text quoted from History of Goryeo were 137 phrases that were presented the source (Ⅰtype) and unidentified 36 phrases (Ⅱtype). Phrases of both types quoted faithfully contents from the original text over 63 percent (63.5%, 63.8%). Nevertheless, roughly a third of the phrases had problems with disagreements between sources and contents, unidentified sources, omissions of sources, irrelevant abbreviation about the original text, and wrong words and blanks etc. Maybe these aspects were mistakes that came from compilation or mistakes of officers that drew up king's orders and diplomatic documents as well as royal edicts in the Goryeo period. It was a phenomenon that might occur from memory lapse of editor when abbreviated books in the pre-modern period. Therefore, phrases quoted from History of Goryeo must be used to historical material after comparison with the original text. And the various records of History of Goryeo must be compared with other texts like other anthology, epigraph, paleography and foreign document etc.

      • KCI등재

        논문 : 『고려사』에 인용된 원전(原典)의 구절(句節)

        장동익 ( Dong-ik Chang ) 역사교육학회 2016 역사교육논집 Vol.58 No.-

        This essay analyes various aspects of phrases in Chinese classics recorded in History of Goryeo (高麗史). The phrases of the original text quoted from History of Goryeo were 137 phrases that were presented the source (Ⅰtype) and unidentified 36 phrases (Ⅱtype). Phrases of both types quoted faithfully contents from the original text over 63 percent (63.5%, 63.8%). Nevertheless, roughly a third of the phrases had problems with disagreements between sources and contents, unidentified sources, omissions of sources, irrelevant abbreviation about the original text, and wrong words and blanks etc. Maybe these aspects were mistakes that came from compilation or mistakes of officers that drew up king``s orders and diplomatic documents as well as royal edicts in the Goryeo period. It was a phenomenon that might occur from memory lapse of editor when abbreviated books in the pre-modern period. Therefore, phrases quoted from History of Goryeo must be used to historical material after comparison with the original text. And the various records of History of Goryeo must be compared with other texts like other anthology, epigraph, paleography and foreign document etc.

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