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      • KCI등재


        이영군 한중법학회 2017 中國法硏究 Vol.31 No.-

        Riches punishment is an important way of criminal penalties of Qin, it requires the fined by pay certain property or take the coins, in recent years, riches punishment for riches armor and riches shield as a way of criminal penalties has attracted attention in academic circles, scholars for riches armor and riches shield of the two way of criminal penalties in depth research, through reading about the bamboo slips of Qin, combining the academics about riches armor and riches shield academic works and academic papers, contrast with the published several classes bamboo slips of Qin, the word of riches armor and riches shield in a lot of bamboo slips of Qin have appeared, such as in bamboo slips of Yue lu, Long gang, Li ye, Shui hudi etc. However, there are several important problems, such as the punished people were required to pay the armor and shield of system, pay the materials of armor and shield, or pay the money for the government. For riches armor and riches shield are as some scholars said that there are four levels, riches one armor, riches one shield, riches two armors, riches two shields. Armor and shield represents the value of ratio is two to one. The word of riches armor and riches shield in bamboo slips of Li ye less appear, but more the word of riches money was appeared. At last, punishment of armor and shield as a way of criminal penalties from the state of Qin dynasty to the perish of Qin dynasty in hundreds of years, what is the reason. About the above questions, the domestic academic circles of some scholars studied it and put a lot of deep insights, but for my points, the scholars studied it on speculative argument not only lack of evidence of support, but also lack of relevant historical materials. Therefore, we have collected some bamboo slips of Qin, analysis of the related content, combined with the relevant historical data comparison, supplemented by logical reasoning methods, we think that punishment of armor and shield on the execution should be real for the mainstream, it has universal equivalent property nor rank, the armor and shield of the parity is not two to one, the relationship between the armor and shield in bamboo Slips of Li ye rarely reappear, because the coin is popular and the writing standards, punishment of armor and shield in the society of Qin is popular because of the military war. 赀刑是秦律中一种重要的刑罚处罚方式,其主要是要求被罚者缴纳一定财物或者服徭役的一种刑罚,赀刑中有关赀甲与赀盾的刑罚处罚方式近年来引起了学术界的高度关注,学者们对于赀甲和赀盾这两种刑罚处罚方式进行了比较深入的研究,通过阅读有关秦简解读的著作,结合学术界关于赀甲、赀盾的学术著作和学术论文,对比已经出版的几类秦简简文来看,赀甲和赀盾一词在很多出土的秦简法律条文中都有出现,比如在岳麓秦简,龙岗秦简,睡虎地秦简等简文中都有出现,但是,关于其中几个重要的问题,如被处罚人被处以赀一甲或赀一盾的处罚时,该被处罚者是缴纳成品甲、盾还是缴纳制作甲、盾的原材料,抑或是缴纳金钱抵之;对于赀甲,赀盾是不是如某些学者说所的应该分为赀一甲,赀一盾,赀二甲,赀二盾四个固定等级;甲和盾所代表的价值比是不是一比二的关系;赀盾,赀甲的刑罚用语在里耶秦简中较少出现,出现较多的是“赀钱……”的用语,其原因是什么;最后,关于赀甲与赀盾的刑罚处罚方式从秦国立国至秦国灭亡几百年来一直盛行不衰,其原因是什么. 关于上述几个问题,国内学术界一些学者对其进行了研究,并提出了不少有深度的见解,但是总体来看,这些学者只是对涉及赀甲与赀盾的上述几个问题进行推测性论证,而缺乏简文中的证据支持,也缺乏相关历史资料的印证. 因此,我们搜集了有关出土简文,对其中相关内容进行分析,并结合有关历史资料进行对比论证,辅之以逻辑推理方法,最后我们认为,赀甲盾在执行上应该是要求被处罚者缴纳实物原材料为主,到秦国后期则可以钱币替代甲和盾,作为缴纳方式,其具有一般等价物属性、不分等级,甲与盾的比价是不是一比二的关系,到了里耶秦简中赀甲盾很少再现的原因是钱币流行和基于书写规范,赀甲盾在秦国终始盛行的原因是由于秦国军事战争需要.

      • KCI등재


        李永军 한중법학회 2017 中國法硏究 Vol.31 No.-

        자형(赀刑)은 진율(秦律) 중 중요한 형벌방식 중 하나로, 이는 주로 수형자에게 일정한 재물을 납부하게 하거나 노역을 부담하게 하는 형벌이다. 자형(赀刑) 중 赀甲과 赀盾의 형벌 처벌방식은 최근 학계에서 많은 관심을 가지고 연구가 진행되고 있는데, 학자들은 赀甲과 赀盾의 형벌 처벌방식에 대해 秦简과 관련한 번역서를 통하여 비교적 심도 있는 연구의 결과물이 赀甲와 赀盾의 학술저서와 학술논문으로 나타나고 있다. 이에 대해 현재 출간된 몇 종의 秦简 관련 저서를 보면, 赀甲과 赀盾의 용어는 출토된 많은 秦简 법률조문에서 나타나고 있는데, 예를 들어, 岳麓秦简, 龙岗秦简, 睡虎地秦简 등의 간문(简文)에서 모두 나타나고 있다. 하지만, 이에 관한 몇 가지 중요한 문제는, 예를 들어, 수형자가 赀一甲이나 赀一盾으로 처벌될 때, 재물 甲이나 盾으로 납부할 것인지 제조할 甲이나 盾의 원재료로 납부할지 혹은 금전으로 납부할 지이다. 赀甲에 대하여 赀盾은 어떤 학자의 견해와 같이 一甲,赀一盾,赀二甲,赀二盾의 4개의 고정등급으로 나누는 것이 아니다. 甲과 盾이 대표하는 가치는 1대 2의 관계가 아니다. 赀盾과 赀甲의 형법용어는 里耶秦简에서 비교적 적게 나타나며, 비교적 많이 나타나는 것은 “赀钱……”라는 용어인데 그 원인이 무엇일까? 마지막으로 赀甲과 赀盾에 관한 형벌처벌방식은 진나라 건국부터 진나라 멸망까지 몇 백 년 동안 성행하였는데, 그 원인은 무엇일까? 상술한 몇 가지 문제에 대하여 중국 내의 학계의 여러 학자들이 많은 연구를 진행하고 있으며, 적지 않은 그들의 견해를 제출하였다. 하지만, 전체적으로 보면, 이러한 학자들은 단지 赀甲과 赀盾과 관련하여 상술한 몇 가지 문제에 대한 준칙성을 논증한 것에 불가하며, 简文에서의 논증을 통한 지지가 결여되어 있을 뿐만 아니라, 역사적 자료를 통한 검증이 결여되어 있다. 그러므로 본 연구에서는 출토된 관련 简文을 수집하여 그 내용에 대해 분석하여 관련 역사자료와 결합하여 자료별 논증을 하였다. 또한 보충적으로 논리를 통한 추리방식을 통하여 赀甲盾은 수형자에게 실물원재료를 주로 요구하고 있으며, 진나라 후기에 와서는 甲과 盾을 금전으로 대체했음을 확인하였다. 납부방식에 있어서는 일반적으로 등가성과 불분등급(不分等级)으로 甲과 盾의 가격비교는 1대 2의 관계가 아니며, 里耶秦简에서의 赀甲盾은 매우 적게 나타난 원인은 화폐의 유행과 문자에 기한 규범이며, 赀甲盾은 진나라에서 시종 성행한 원인은 진나라 군사의 전쟁에 필요하였기 때문이다. Riches punishment is an important way of criminal penalties of Qin, it requires the fined by pay certain property or take the coins, in recent years, riches punishment for riches armor and riches shield as a way of criminal penalties has attracted attention in academic circles, scholars for riches armor and riches shield of the two way of criminal penalties in depth research, through reading about the bamboo slips of Qin, combining the academics about riches armor and riches shield academic works and academic papers, contrast with the published several classes bamboo slips of Qin, the word of riches armor and riches shield in a lot of bamboo slips of Qin have appeared, such as in bamboo slips of Yue lu, Long gang, Li ye, Shui hudi etc. However, there are several important problems, such as the punished people were required to pay the armor and shield of system, pay the materials of armor and shield, or pay the money for the government. For riches armor and riches shield are as some scholars said that there are four levels, riches one armor, riches one shield, riches two armors, riches two shields. Armor and shield represents the value of ratio is two to one. The word of riches armor and riches shield in bamboo slips of Li ye less appear, but more the word of riches money was appeared. At last, punishment of armor and shield as a way of criminal penalties from the state of Qin dynasty to the perish of Qin dynasty in hundreds of years, what is the reason. About the above questions, the domestic academic circles of some scholars studied it and put a lot of deep insights, but for my points, the scholars studied it on speculative argument not only lack of evidence of support, but also lack of relevant historical materials. Therefore, we have collected some bamboo slips of Qin, analysis of the related content, combined with the relevant historical data comparison, supplemented by logical reasoning methods, we think that punishment of armor and shield on the execution should be real for the mainstream, it has universal equivalent property nor rank, the armor and shield of the parity is not two to one, the relationship between the armor and shield in bamboo Slips of Li ye rarely reappear, because the coin is popular and the writing standards, punishment of armor and shield in the society of Qin is popular because of the military war.

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