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      • KCI등재

        曲亭馬琴の読本と華夷思想 -「異国」琉球と<華夷的世界観>を通して-

        金學淳 한국일본언어문화학회 2019 일본언어문화 Vol.46 No.-

        Recently, researches that claim that the modern civilization got started from the sea are gaining attention when it comes to the West and East Asia. As such, such researches are actively underway. In particular, study of history is focusing on the view of history centered on sea that considers the sea as the center of start and spread of modern civilization whereas view of history centered on land was commonplace. Likewise, this movement of perceiving the sea as the start of the civilization and its eventual spread is not limited to the study of history. Instead, this view is affecting other fields of humanities as well. This kind of sea centered viewpoint can be applied to literary works as well. In other words, it may be possible to examine new aspect of literary works with the sea centered perception, casting away land centered perception. Even during the Edo era when Japan carried out closed-door policy, there were many works related to ocean. Among these kinds of works that depicted ocean, this paper examined Ryukyu symbol centered on the Chinsetsu Yumiharizuki authored by Kyokutei Bakin. In addition to this work, this study focused on the data such as books on the history of premodern society, literature and ideology related to Ryukyu. Perception on the outside of Japan depicted in the works was examined as well, through the island, Ryukyu that is not the land called Japan. In particular, this study sought to examine how the sea of Japan including Ryukyu during early 19th Century is depicted with which viewpoint and ideology in case of the novels on the premodern society. Ideology of governance for the island that is faraway, Ryukyu shows the Sinocentrism that had become a part of Japan at the time. Sinocentrism that claims that China is the center of the world affected perception of Ryukyu as well. In case of the work, Chinsetsu Yumiharizuki, Japan centered viewpoint leads to the governance of the Genji samurai family on the Ryukyu. Ryukyu’s historical traditional value is denied, and it was being re-created as a different nation of Japan. Likewise, it is possible to know that the China centered perception which is China/barbaric outlander was changed to perception to Japan/nearby ocean and island in case of Japan in the 19th Century.

      • KCI등재

        馬琴史伝物読本の構想 -史伝物模索期の作品を中心に-

        洪晟準 단국대학교 일본연구소 2012 일본학연구 Vol.37 No.-

        바킨의 요미혼 중에서 역사적 인물의 외전(外伝) 성격을 띠는 작품은 사전물로 분류된다. 사전물 요미혼은 7작품이 있는데, 이들은 성립 시기 순으로 전기와 후기로 나뉘고, 전기는 사전물 모색기라고 불린다. 모색기에 쓰인 사전물 요미혼은 진세쓰유미하리즈키(椿説弓張月), 라이고아자리카이소덴(頼豪阿闍梨怪鼠伝), 슌칸소즈시마모노가타리(俊寛僧都嶋物語) 의 세 작품이다. 바킨은 사전물 요미혼의 첫 작품인 유미하리즈키(弓張月)의 창작을 통하여 중국 연의소설(演義小説)을 따른 바킨류(馬琴流)의 연의체(演義体)를 확립시켰다. 이 연의체의 특징은 시대나 인명 등을 정사(正史) 그대로 작품에 이용한다는 점에 있다. 그리고 바킨은 사실(史実)에 허구(虚構)를 넣을 때에 반드시 근거를 제시하는 집필 태도를 보이고 있다. 유미하리즈키의 다메토모(為朝), 가이소덴(怪鼠伝)의 요시타카(義高), 시마모노가타리(嶋物語)의 슌칸(俊寛) 등 각 작품의 주인공은 `사실은 생존해 있었다'고 하는 허구화에 의하여 그려진다. 이들 인물에게 생존설이 존재한다는 점에서 허구에도 문헌상의 근거가 필요하다고 하는 바킨류의 생각을 엿볼 수 있다. 또한, 주인공의 외면적, 내면적 특징을 나타내는 사료(史料)의 유무에 의하여 인물조형의 방법이 달라지고 있다. 사전물 모색기 세 작품의 사실에 더해지는 허구에는 사료에 보이는 허구와 바킨이 새롭게 창작한 허구가 있다. 시대 배경을 사서(史書) 그대로 두고 사실에 허구를 더하여 역사의 이면(裏面)을 그리는 것이 사전물 요미혼의 방법이다. In Bakin's Yomihon, works which have a lateral biography of a historical person are categorized into Shidenmono. There are seven works in Shidenmono Yomihon. They are divided into the former part and the latter part in order of completion time. And then, the former part is called a seeking period of Shidenmono. There are three works of Shidenmono Yomihon, "Chinsetsuyumiharizuki”, "Raigouajarikaisoden”, "Shunkansozushimamonogatari”. Bakin established his own Engitai following Chinese story for popular reading by creation of "Yumiharizuki”which was his first work of Shidenmono Yomihon. The feature of Engitai is using the real age or name of official history. And Bakin has writing attitude that suggests grounds when he adds fiction to fact. The main character of each work, Tametomo of "Yumiharizuki”, Yoshitaka of "Kaisoden”, Syunkansozu of "Shimamonogatari”, is portrayed by fictionalization which is `actually they were alive'. In that sense, we could find Bakin's idea that needs grounds of precedent literature even in fiction. The way of modeling person also varies by historical sources of external and internal feature of the main character. Three works of a seeking period of Shidenmono have fiction from historical sources and fiction created by Bakin. It could be the way of Shidenmono Yomihon like using history as it is and portraying an inside history.

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