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        무령왕릉의 두침과 족좌에 표현된 귀갑문양을 활용한 옻칠 생활소품 디자인 연구

        백미숙 한국기초조형학회 2022 기초조형학연구 Vol.23 No.4

        In this study, the symbolism of the Gwigap Pattern in the East and West was studied in the historical, religious, artistic, and social backgrounds of the East and West, focusing on the remains of the headrests and footrests of the kings and queens of King Muryeong of Baekje during the Three Kingdoms period, which were Ottchil goods. As a result of the theoretical study, it was found that the Gwigap Pattern is a representative pattern for good luck in Korea and a hexagonal pattern, which is one of the geometric shapes in the West, and its origin and symbolism are connected in Eastern and Western cultures. The oldest Gwigap Pattern was discovered in the murals of the tomb of Thutmes IV during the Egyptian New Kingdom, and it was confirmed that it was used as an important symbolic meaning as it spread to East Asia. The purpose of this study is to develop Ottchil products that can be produced in a mass production method using Ottchil and the design of the Gwigap Pattern for the industrialization of Ottchil products. The Ottchil process requires application according to the characteristics of the materials, long working hours and high skills. And the difficulties in standardizing the working method is the cause of the current failure of Ottchil development. This study developed and produced household goods using a standardized work method using Ottchil and the Gwigap Pattern, one of the traditional patterns. It was confirmed that the production of household items applying the Ottchil technique can be developed into a modern industry by expressing the Gwigap Pattern with the Ottchil technique and reducing the cost and standardizing the product through a standardized manufacturing process. If products using Ottchil techniques that can be mass-produced are developed in various industrial fields such as architecture, electronics, and machinery, sustainable development of the Ottchil industry can be expected in the future, which is expected to contribute to the development of culture and art. 본 연구는 삼국시대 백제 무령왕릉에서 발견된 옻칠 유물인 왕과 왕비의 두침(頭枕)과 족좌(足座)에사용된 귀갑(龜甲)문양을 중심으로 동·서양의 역사, 종교, 예술 및 사회적 배경에서 귀갑문양의 상징성(象徵性)을 연구하였다. 이론적 고찰 결과 귀갑문양은 한국에서는 길상문양(吉祥文樣)의 대표 문양으로 서양에서는 기하학 형태 하나인 육각형(Hexagon) 문양으로 동서양의 문화에서 그 기원과 상징성이 연결되어 있다는 것을 알 수가 있었다. 가장 오랜 된 귀갑문양은 이집트 신왕국 시대 투토모세(Thutmes)4세 무덤 전실 벽화에서 발견된 것으로 동아시아권으로 전파되면서 중요한 상징적 의미로사용되었다는 것을 학술적 자료로 확인하였다. 이 연구는 옻칠 제품의 산업화를 위하여 옻칠과 귀갑문양의 디자인을 활용하여 대량 생산 방식으로 생산 가능한 옻칠 제품 개발을 목적으로 한다. 옻칠 과정은 소재의 특성에 따라 적용되는 긴 작업시간과 숙련된 기술을 필요로 하며 작업 방법의 표준화가 어려운 것이 현 사회에서 옻칠이 발전하지 못한 원인이 되었다. 이 연구는 옻칠과 전통문양의 하나인 귀갑문양을 활용하는 표준화된 작업 방법으로 생활소품들을 개발 제작하였다. 옻칠 기법으로 귀갑문양을 표현하고, 표준화된 제작 과정으로 비용의 감소와 제품의 표준화를 실시하여, 옻칠 기법들을 적용한 생활소품을 제작이 현대 산업으로 발전할 수 있다는 것을 확인하였다. 건축, 전자, 사회, 기술 등다양한 산업화분야에서 대량 생산이 가능한 옻칠 기법들이 적용된 제품들이 개발된다면 미래에도 지속가능한 옻칠 산업화의 발전을 기대할 수 있을 것으로 보이며 이는 문화예술 발전에도 기여할 수 있을 것으로 기대한다.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        한국 해군장교 계급장의 변천사

        신성재(Shin, Seong-Jae) 국방부 군사편찬연구소 2018 군사 Vol.- No.107

        Rank insignia means a symbol that, attached to military uniform or cap, and shows soldier’s status and rank. This article examines the transition of metal grade insignia especially. Design features of periodical changes in the insignia are summed as follows. First, the rank insignia in early period was designed Taeguk symbol at the center of the bases of Mugunghwa pattern. This insignia had been used during the period from February 1 1946 to November 30. The insignia borrowed the retaining button of police officer’s cap in the National Security Guard temporarily, which indicated the limits that the navy failed to establish its independent rank insignia. During the transition period, the rank insignia of the Korean navy reflected its original characteristics. Of course, the star-shape rank insignia of flag officers was influenced by that of the US Navy. Unlike this, the rank insignias of officers below flag grade were manufactured following the tortoise shell shape that symbolized the armor protecting the rooftop of the turtle ship. It meant the birth of Korean navy’s original rank insignia with independent and distinctive characteristics since the insignia was granted with the symbolic significance that the navy was the posterity of Admiral Yi Sunshin. In the settlement period, the Korean naval officer’s rank insignia was revised to the triservice common insignia. The Ministry of Defense began to commonize rank insignia in 1953 and adopted diamond(Company grade officer), bamboo leaf(field grade officer), and star(flag officer) designs. These designs represented the gradually escalating ranks in terms of the natural world; they also meant that individual rank insignias of each branch of the armed forces became a triservice common system. The common insignia was in use between May 1954 and August 1975. In September 1975, naval officer’s rank insignia went through a partial revision. It was because the star-shape rank insignia of flag officers was identical to that of foreign armed forces and thus lacked originality. Therefore, Mugunghwa and its leaves were added to the insignia as the flower reflected Korean character. This design was expanded to the entire officer ranks in January 1980. The application of the design that symbolized Korea to the entire officer’s rank insignia meant the complete establishment of naval officer’s rank insignia system as the design demonstrated clearly the national identity. This complete rank insignia system continues today, making itself the core symbol of the identity of officers of the navy and the Korean armed forces.

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