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        현대러시아어 무인칭 환경에 나타나는 ЭТО와 ОНО의 문법적 기능

        정하경(Jung, Hakyung),이수현(Lee, Suhyoun) 한국노어노문학회 2020 노어노문학 Vol.32 No.3

        본 논문은 현대러시아어의 구어적 사용에서 무인칭 환경에 나타나는 지시대명사 중성 단수형 эmо와 인칭대명사 중성 단수형 оно의 문법적 기능을 살펴봄으로써 эmо와 оно의 이러한 허사적 사용이 현대러시아어의 문법체계 범주화에 어떤 의미를 갖는지 고찰할 수 있는 경험적 토대를 마련하는 것을 목적으로 한다. 구체적으로 эmо와 оно의 사용이 허용되는 정확한 무인칭 환경 유형을 파악하고 이 형태들이 실제로 문법적 주어의 지위를 가지는지 규명하기 위해, 다양한 유형의 무인칭구문 및 그에 상응하는 эmо, оно 구문에 대해 원어민 피험자들(총35명)을 대상으로 설문을 진행했다. 설문 실험 결과, 자연현상이나 신체적 작용을 나타내는 무인칭 정형동사 구문에서는 эmо/оно가 사용될 수 없었던 반면, 무인칭 재귀동사와 부사적 술어 구문에서는 종속절(원형부정사절 및 정형절)이 있을 경우 эmо/оно의 용인성이 높게 나타났다. 전반적으로 эmо의 용인성이 оно보다 더 높은 것으로 관찰되었다. 무인칭 재귀동사의 경우에는 어휘에 따라 종속절이 없는 경우에도 эmо와 оно의 삽입이 가능했다. 이와 같이 무인칭 환경에 삽입되는 эmо와 оно는 인상술어의 주어로 인상될 수 있고, 재귀사를 결속시키며, 술어일치를 유발할 수 있다는 점에서 제한적인 환경이기는 하지만 문법적 허사 주어로 인정될 수 있다. This paper examines whether Modern Russian features (semi-) expletive subjects, based on the judgement test that was taken by 35 Russian native speakers. The test was designed to compare the acceptability of оно and это in three impersonal environments, in which no thematic subject is allowed: Finite verbs expressing natural phenomena, adverbial predicates, and reflexive verbs deriving from unergative verbs. The test shows that оно and это may be acknowledged as true expletive subjects in limited environments although a clear contrast is seen between это and оно. The acceptability of это is clearly higher than that of оно irrespective of the construction type, which can be ascribed to the strong deictic nature of это. First, finite verb constructions denoting natural phenomena do not allow overt expletives at all: The semantics of a subject is available in this type of constructions although the covert subject cannot be referential. As this invisible argument related to natural phenomena already occupies the subject position, an overt expletive cannot be inserted into this position. This result parallels with the analysis of the weather-it in English as denoting an (quasi-) argument in the literature. Second, in the case of reflexive verbs and adverbial predicates, expletives are allowed if a subordinate clause (infinitival or finite) follows. In a limited case of reflexive verbs, это and оно are allowed even without a subordinate clause. This must be because there is no argument in the subject position in this type of reflexive verb constructions unlike finite verbs expressing natural phenomena. Это and оно in the given impersonal environments can be raised as the subject of a raising verb, can bind subject-oriented reflexives, and trigger agreement on predicates, which indicates that это and оно may be construed as grammatical subjects occupying Spec,TP, a position dedicated to a nominative subject.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        How Should We Teach Subject in Secondary Schools?

        Kang, Seung-Man 한국중앙영어영문학회 2006 영어영문학연구 Vol.48 No.2

        This paper delves into the properties of the subject and accordingly suggests teaching implications. The subject seemingly appears to be explained in connection with Case theories and Ɵ-roles. This causes much ado in teaching the subject to EFL students. In this paper, I examine some major properties of the subject. First, the subject does not necessarily carry nominative Case; sometimes it takes some other Case when there is no Case assigner available within a clause that it belongs to. Second, agent is not a sole Ɵ-role assigned to the subject.; the subject is not always the doer of an action. Finally, the subject position can be filled by either expletives without any meaningful content or PRO, an empty category. Conclusively I argue that the subject is purely a syntactic concept and should be determined by its structural position. Case and Ɵ-roles are simply peripheral to its syntactic account and accordingly suggest teaching implications appropriate to secondary school students.

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