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        대학역사관의 개관과 운영 : 한양대학교 역사관의 사례를 중심으로

        황나영(Hwang Na-young),김유리(Kim You-ri) 한국대학박물관협회 2018 고문화 Vol.91 No.-

        대학역사관은 대학의 역사와 정체성을 보존하는 아카이브이며 이를 교내구성원 및 동문, 외부 방문객에게 알리는 홍보의 공간이다. 최근 20여 년간 기록 관련 법규의 제정과 대학 내 기록학 관련 학과가 설립되면서 대학 내 기록관이 설립되는 경우가 늘어났다. 주로 역사기록물의 수집, 보존, 활용을 담당하는 기록관에는 일부 전시공간을 통하여 자교의 역사를 소개하는 전시공간을 마련하기도 한다. 기록관이 없는 대학의 경우 본관, 도서관이나 박물관의 공간을 활용하여 대학의 설립과 발전에 관련한 기록물을 전시하기도 한다. 그러나 대학역사관으로서 수집과 보존, 정리와 더불어 본격적으로 전시공간을 운영하는 대학은 고려대학교, 이화여자대학교 등 몇몇 대학을 제외하고는 찾아보기 힘들다. 한양대학교는 2008년 대학본관을 역사관으로 활용하기로 결정한 이래 역사관 개관을 위하여 대학기록실이 운영되었으며 2014년 역사관 개관추진 위원회가 발족되며 본격적으로 역사관 개관 준비가 이루어졌다. 2015년 11월 역사관을 개관한 이후에도 역사관 관람 프로그램의 운영, 역사관 서포터즈 하이디의 선발과 운영, 다양한 행사 개최를 통하여 역사관을 활발하게 운영해나가고 있다. 본 논문에서는 한양대학교 역사관을 중심으로 대학역사관의 개관 과정과 운영을 살펴보고 역사관의 역할과 과제에 대하여 제안하고자 한다. 역사관은 학교의 정체성을 확립하고 홍보기관으로서의 역할을 수행하는 곳으로, 한양대학교 역사관 역시 전시실 업데이트 및 콘텐츠 개발과 제공 등 앞으로 진행해야할 과제가 남아 있다. 한양대학교 역사관 개관 과정에서 발생한 여러 시행착오와 경험을 통하여 앞으로 타 교육기관의 향후 역사관 개관 및 운영에 참고가 되기를 바란다. 또한 개관 후 2년 동안의 운영 현황을 정리하여 앞으로 한양대학교 역사관이 더욱 활발한 활동을 할 수 있는 토대가 되기를 기대한다. A university history museum is an archive that preserves the history and identity of a university, as well as a place that promotes such information to university members, alumni, and visitors from the outside. As applicable laws have been legislated and archives and records management majors in universities have been established over the last two decades, it is becoming increasingly common for a university to establish a history museum on its campus. A history museum, which primarily collects, stores, and utilizes historical records, uses display space to introduce a university’s history. A university that does not have a history museum as a standalone establishment uses its main building, library, or museum to display historical records about its establishment and progress. Nonetheless, universities that use a history museum to not only collect, store, and organize historical records but also display them are rare; two examples are Korea University and Ewha Women’s University. Since it decided to use its main building as a history museum in 2008, Hanyang University has operated its university archives for the opening of its history museum; it launched the History Museum Establishment Committee in 2014 and preparations for the opening have been under way. Since the history museum opened in November 2015, the university has actively engaged with visitors and the community by providing museum tour programs, selecting and coordinating HY : D supporters, and holding a variety of events. This paper examines the opening process and operation of a university history museum based on the case of the Hanyang University history museum and highlights the roles and challenges that a university history museum must address. A history museum plays a role as a public relations institution to establish the identity of a university in addition to other challenges that it must undertake, such as updating a display hall and developing and providing content. As a result of trial and error and various experiences during the opening process, this university history museum may serve as a reference for the opening of history museums in other educational institutions; this study is expected to evaluate the museum’s operation status for the past two years which will lay the foundation for the museum to carry out more activities in the future.

      • The Dry Salvages 연구 : 그 時間의 形而上學과 그 形而上學의 形象化 Its Metaphysial Abstract of Time and its Mythpoetic Figuration

        朴善夫 漢陽大學校 人文科學大學 2000 人文論叢 Vol.30 No.-

        T.S. Eliot's metaphysical message of time logic is under operation on vaicous levels of imagery in The Dry Salvages: that of the first movement is under operation on the level of the imagery of the river and the sea; that of the second on the imagery of the seaside wastage and bones at the mercy of breaking waters and waves; that of the third on the imagery of the loud tourist "who will arrive at any terminus/ while narrowing rails slide together behind you", and of the travellers "on the deck of drumming liner,/ Watching the furrow that widens behind you". The 4th movement briefly and concisely put into imagery the prayer for those "whose business has to do with the sea travels" as well as for those who, standing on the deck and giving prayer have seen their sons and husbands/ Setting forth, not returning". The metaphysical message of time logics in also figuratively put into words aurally as well as visually in the 4th movement. Human beings are not completely free from the time limitations but can entirely be free from it only due to their sincere faith. However, the contemporary situation confronting the 20thC, human beings reveal that now is the time of degraded superstition such as "Mars…, Spirit,… the horoscope,… haruspicate, …, scry, …, signature, …, the wrinkles of the palm, …, sortilege, …, tea leaves, …card, etc." One can achieve the final ideal of the "interseclction of the time with the timeless which can be reached only by the conquest of time, by the "hints followed by', "prayer, obscurence, discipline, thought and actions."

      • KCI등재

        대학박물관의 생존전략과 정책적 지원 방안-한양대학교박물관의 사례를 중심으로

        황나영 현대미술학회 2023 현대미술학 논문집 Vol.27 No.2

        This study examines the establishment and development of a university museum and introduces ways to characterize university museums through the case of Hanyang University Museum (HYUM), which has been active as a cultural platform. HYUM, which is participating in various government support projects, is considered a suitable case to examine the changing role of university museums. University museums are playing their own role based on the infrastructure, artifacts, and human networks they have accumulated over the years. In the future, it is worthwhile to exist as a cultural institution for balanced regional development, as a museum specializing in education and research, and as a educational institution for university students. To this end, active support from both the Ministry of Education and the Ministry of Culture, Sports and Tourism is urged to utilize the characteristics of university museums.

      • 한국지상파방송사의 사업다각화에 따른 문제점과 개선방안

        황상재 한양대학교 사회과학대학 2002 社會科學論叢 Vol.21 No.-

        Business diversification is one of strategies for terrestrial broadcasting companies, which have dominated the broadcasting industry, to cope with the drop of market share and to reinforce the competitiveness. The present study examined the current state of business diversification of terrestrial broadcasting companies (KBS, MBC and SBS) in Korea, and described problems in the strategy and their solutions. According to the result of investigating the state of business diversification promoted actively by terrestrial broadcasting companies, which were in harsh competition for market share with new medias such as cables and satellites in the changing environment of the broadcasting industry, to restore their dominant position in the market, it appeared that SBS had 12 subsidiary companies, MBC did 10 and KBS did 6. When the strategy and state of business diversification of the three broadcasters were analyzed according to the type of ownership, the following results were produced. First, based on the value chain of the broadcasting industry, the subsidiary companies owned by each broadcaster can be grouped into those for vertical diversification, those for horizontal diversification, and those for conglomeration. Each subsidiary company was classified according to its business areas presented by the company. According to the result, KBS appeared to have 2 subsidiary companies for vertical diversification, 2 for horizontal diversification and 2 for conglomeration. As for MBC, 3 were classified as those for vertical diversification, 5 for horizontal diversification and 2 for conglomeration. SBS had 3 for vertical diversification, 5 for horizontal diversification and 4, which were not directly related to broadcast production, for conglomeration. It was considered inappropriate to regard the strategy of diversification of terrestrial broadcasting companies in Korea as a part of rational management strategy based on sufficient investigation of the market. As shown in the case of Sky KBS, which was exposed to many problems and on the verge of collapse as soon as it was launched due to excessive investment of capital and manpower, the degree of irrationality appeared to be higher in public-financed broadcasting companies. Thus the following problems and their solutions were proposed. First, the strategy for promoting diversification and the promotion system are imperfect. Broadcasting companies do not have a strategy or have only a superficial strategy for promoting business diversification. This fact is supported by lack of organization and manpower in charge of business diversification in the broadcasting companies. Second, there are few tactics for enhancing synergy. In managing subsidiary companies, the parent companies emphasize transferring responsibility and autonomous operation, but there are insufficient sharing of marketing activities and strategic resources between the parent and subsidiary companies. Third, subsidiary companies also deteriorate their own, competitiveness by excessively relying on the parent companies rather than conducting responsible business. Another factor detrimental to the competitiveness of subsidiary companies is that the management of subsidiary companies is filled up by those from the parent companies who do not have a business mind.

      • KCI등재

        한양대 법과대학 60년 및 법학전문대학원 10년의 역사적 발자취

        이형규(Lee, Hyeong-Kyu) 한양법학회 2020 漢陽法學 Vol.31 No.1

        Hanyang University College of Law was established in 1959 as the Department of Law, College of Politics and Economics, and it marks the 60th anniversary this year, 2019. At the time, when the status of the college of law was determined by the number of students passed in the judicial examination, Hanyang University Department of Law, a latecomer, which was founded 10 years later than that of major universities in Korea, did not produce judicial examination passers until 1975, more than 10 years after it was established. However, since the late 1970s, the Hanyang University College of Law has grown rapidly enough to rank the second to the fifth in the number of people who passed judicial examinations among the universities in Korea. The reason for this rapid growth is primarily due to the class to prepare for the judicial examinations, which the university headquarters fully supported to select outstanding students as special scholarship students for the College of Law. Hanyang University has produced a total of 1,243 lawyers through the judicial examination (including military judicial officers" examination) (including 17 passers outside the College of Law). They play an important role in legal profession, politics, government and academia. Among those who have passed the judicial examinations from the Hanyang University College of Law, there are the Supreme Court Justice, the Chief of the Judicial Research and Training Institute, the Chief of the High Court and the Chief of the District Court, and the Deputy Chief of the Supreme Prosecutor"s Office, the Chief of the High Prosecutor"s Office, the Chief of the District Prosecutor"s Office, and the Secretary of Justice of the President"s Office. Many Hanyang University College of Law students have passed also administrative examinations, diplomacy examinations or legislative examinations and have entered the bureaucracy. In academia, more than 90 graduates from Hanyang University College of Law have worked as law professors in universities in Korea. Meanwhile, Hanyang University School of Law was opened in March 2009 under the new legal education system. There are currently 41 full-time professors at work, and former Supreme Court Justice Yang Chang-soo and former Constitutional Judge Seo Ki-seok are chair professors. Hanyang University School of Law has a total of 754 graduates (attainment of master"s degrees) by 2019, and a total of 662 people passed the lawyer examination. Graduates from the School of Law also are showing outstanding abilities in a variety of fields including courts, prosecutors" offices, law firms and large corporations. In conclusion, both the Hanyang University College of Law with a history of 60 years and its School of Law with a history of 10 years have greatly contributed to the development of law through academic research by professors, and more than 9,000 graduates have demonstrated outstanding abilities in the legal, political, administrative and academic fields. Accordingly, the Hanyang University College of Law and School of Law have established themselves as prestigious law school and can be said to have greatly contributed to the development of the country.

      • KCI등재

        전통성과 창조성의 균형점으로서 한양과 근기지방의 문화지리학적 의미

        엄연석(Eom, Yeonseok) 서울시립대학교 서울학연구소 2018 서울학연구 Vol.- No.71

        이 글은 조선후기 서울과 근기지방을 중심으로 하는 사상사와 문화적 지형을 전통성과 창조성의 균형점으로서 한양과 근기지방의 문화지리학적 의미를 화서학파와 북학파의 활동과 사상적 지향을 중심으로 해명하였다. 특히 전통성을 강조하는 화서학파와 창조성을 강조하는 북학파가 지향한 사상적 태도가 ‘한양’이라는 문화공간에서 어떻게 형성되고 작동하였는가에 대한 상관적 특성을 고찰하는 데 중점을 두었다. 북학파는 인간과 동식물이 동등한 가치를 가지고 리와 영명함, 인(仁)을 내재해 가지고 있다는 사고와 사물[物]을 객관적인 대상으로 인식하고 이를 이용대상물로 삼는 새로운 물론에까지 나아감으로써 새로운 문물을 받아들이는 창의적 사고로 나아갈 수 있었다. 북학파 사상의 특색은 그 연원으로서 낙론(洛論) 또는 낙학(洛學) 속에 이미 실용적 경세학적 요소가 농후하게 내포되어 있었다는 점에서 이론이 환경에 우선하는 환경가능론(또는 문화결정론)적 의미를 가지고 있다. 북학파에 있어서 ‘한양’이라는 문화지리적 공간은 자신들의 경험주의적 세계관에 기초하여 외부세계의 새로운 사상을 수용하면서 외부 문물에 대하여 적극적으로 대응하는 창조성이 발현되는 공간이었다고 할 수 있다. 반면 화서학파는 도덕적 가치가 물질적 가치보다 비교 우위에 두는 철학체계를 견지하고 있기 때문에 서양의 수단적이고 도구적인 문물이 백성들의 기욕(嗜慾)을 자극하는 폐해를 가지는 것이라고 극력 비판하였다. 여기에서 이미 그들의 철학체계 속에 서양 문질문명을 배격할 수 있는 비판적 이론적 구조가 내포되어 있다. 화서학파에 있어서 ‘한양’의 문화지리적 의미는 자신들의 도덕적 이상론을 실현하기 위하여 유기적으로 소통해야 하는 정치권력의 정점이 소재하는 문화지리적 상징 공간이 된다. 북학파와 화서학파를 종합하는 관점에서 문화 지리적 공간이자 실용적 경제 지리적 공간으로서 ‘한양’은 동도서기론적 입장에서 전통적 도덕과 인륜적 세계를 유지시키고자 하는 보수적 아성으로서 전통성의 고수와 함께 새로운 사상의 수용을 통한 변화와 개혁, 발전이라는 창조성을 실현하는 중층적 공간이다. 또한 한양은 위의 두 가지 대립적 가치 사이의 균형을 유지하는 데 그 문화지리적 공간으로서 상징적 의미가 있다. ‘한양’이 이러한 양면적 대립 요소의 균형을 유지하고자 한 것은 이러한 균형의 유지가 국가 전체의 정치적 권력의 중심지이자, 경제적 문화적 권력의 근원으로 ‘한양’의 정체성의 본질이기 때문이다. This essay clarified the history of thought and cultural topography of Seoul and Geungi Province in late Joseon dynasty through the cultural and geographical meaning of Hanyang and Geungi Province as the equilibrium point of traditionality and creativity- with the action and ideological foundation of the Bukhak-school and the Hwaseo-school as the center. Especially this study investigated how the ideological foundation of traditional Hwaseo-school and creative Bukhak-school was built and operated in the cultural space of Hanyang. Hongdaeyong and Pakjiwon breaked from the idealogical orthodox theory founded on Lichi theory of neo-Confucianism and suggested the relativistic and empirical Lichi theory. They made this idea the foundation on which one could accepted the physical world and science pushfully and positively. Hongdaeyong deduced the thought of Inmulgyun(人物均) of man and matter are equal from the thought of ‘equivalence of value between man and animals and plants’, the idea that they have involved principle[理], intelligence and benevolence[仁] equally. The Hwaseo-school such as Leehangro and Yujunggyo understood the thought of ‘Li and chi are distinctly separate things[理氣決是二物]’ of the Zhouhsi(朱熹) in the axio-logical point of view. Moreover they raised the moral values and contempted object of the material desire by constituting the system of theory of the value-hierarchical and vertical LichiSimseong[理氣心性論] of authentic Neo-Confucianism. According to this philosophy which postpone material value and private interests to moral value and public welfare, they opposed stubbornly that the Western material and instrumental culture stimulates people appetite. As seen as Hanyang at the center, while Bukhak-school forwards in the creative direction by accepting the products of civilization of the Ching and the West, The Hwaseoschool forwards in the direction protecting traditionality through emphasis of moral substance and conventional morality founding on distinction of Li from chi. To sum up the Bukhak-school and the Hwaseo-school, Hanyang has the meaning that moral and cultural geographical space and practical and economic one have been overlapped. On the one hand with perspective of ‘Eastern ways and Western frames theory[東道西器論]’, Hanyang sticks to traditionality as conservative stronghold in which traditional moral values are protected, on the other hand it tried to realize creativity of change, reformation and development through acceptance of new thought. Summing up, it is maintenance of balance between two conflictual values that Hanyang has the symbolic meaning as moral and culture-geographical space.

      • KCI등재후보

        심장 이식된 백서에서의 거부반응 진단의 핵의학적 방법

        정원상,김상헌,김혁,김영학,강정호,최윤영,이철범 대한흉부외과학회 2003 Journal of Chest Surgery (J Chest Surg) Vol.36 No.6

        배경: 장기 심장 이식 후에 나타나는 거부반응의 정도와 상태에 대한 정확한 진단은 내심근 조직검사(endomyocardial biopsy)로 이루어지고 있으나, 이 방법은 환자에 침습적이고 보다 자주 시행하여 감시하기에는 부적합하여, 덜 침습적이고 계속 지속적으로 감시할 수 있는 방법을 찾고자 하였다. 대상 및 방법: 250~300 gm 정도의 백서에서 이소성의 심장이식(heterotopic heart transplantation)을 Ono- Lindsey Method로 시행한 후 1개월 후에 99mTc-pyrophosphate (PYP) 1.5 mCi를 꼬리 정맥을 통해 주입한 후 스캔(scan)을 시행하고 심장과 척추의 섭취비를 구하여 이식된 심장의 거부반응에 민감하게 반응할 수 있을 지에 대해 조직 검사와 비교관찰 하였다. 결과: 20마리의 이식된 심장에 99mTc-PYP 스캔에서의 심장/척추 섭취비와 조직 검사 결과를 분석하여 심장/척추 섭취비가 0.09 이상을 거부반응이 있는 것으로 판정하였을 때 20마리에서 진양성 3예, 진음성 12예, 가양성 3예, 가음성 2예로 예민도(Sensitivity) 60%, 특이도(Specificity) 80%의 결과를 얻었다. 결론: 이식된 장기의 거부반응이 장기이식의 예후에 미치는 중요한 원인이 되므로, 이에 대한 조기 진단할 수 있는 방법으로 99mTc-PYP스캔이 유용하였으며, 비침습적이고 간단한 검사방법이므로 거부반응 여부를 감시하는 데 도움이 될 것으로 판단된다.

      • KCI등재

        관상동맥 우회술 직후에 발생한 자가 혈관의 연축에 의한 저심박출

        김영학,김혁,정윤상,강정호,정원상,신성호 대한흉부외과학회 2007 Journal of Chest Surgery (J Chest Surg) Vol.40 No.9

        관상동맥 우회술 직후에 발생하는 자가혈관의 연축은 흔하게 발생하지는 않지만, 갑작스럽게 발생하는 심한 저혈압 상태나 심실성 부정맥의 원인이 될 수 있다. 수술 전 관상동맥 조영술에서 의미있는 협착이 없어 우회술을 시행하지 않았던 우 관상동맥의 연축 현상에 의한 저심박출의 발생에 관한 증례를 보고하고자 한다.

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