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        식민지 베트남의 ‘열린’ 바다

        윤대영(YOUN, Dae-yeong) 동양사학회 2014 東洋史學硏究 Vol.127 No.-

        Located on the C?m River, with access to the sea as well as connections to Ha N?i and other ports on the Red River, H?i Phong was formed in special situations such as independence movement. When the Tr?ng Sisters rebelled, Le Chan also directly led her troops to fight against the Chinese forces, causing them to suffer great losses, but the overall situation was unfavourable. At the two Battles of B?ch đ?ng River in 938 and in 1288 the Vietnamese forces defeated the Chinese invaders and put an end to Chinese imperial domination of the Vietnamese. It took place at the B?ch đ?ng River, near Halong Bay in northern Vietnam. H?i Phong has existed as a significant port from the XVth century, and was one of Vietnam’s principal trading centers. When Vietnam was invaded by the French, the city became France’s main naval base and trading port in Indochina. Since then, French colonialists speeded up urbanization process of H?i Phong city by building sea ports, river ports, warehouses; Ha N?i~H?i Phong railway, H?i Phong~Yunnan railway, some urban infrastructure etc. After that French, Chinese and Vietnamese ship building and repairing factories were established quickly. Industries, machinery, processing, chemistry were also expanded. While Indochinese exports and imports continued to grow in volume, there have been various social phenomena such as new settlers whose number was increasing. Especially, the Chinese immigrants played an important role in the economic development in H?i Phong. These social symptom had a tendency to stimulate certain conflicts between the overseas Chinese who were thought to cause some social problems, and the natives who fell prey to the colonial policy. The massacre of 17 August 1927 was done with the connivance of the colonial authorities. This kind of the French strategy would backfire and have a negative effect on the colonial policy in the modern port of H?i Phong.

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