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        A Study on Strategic Positioning for Open Innovation Platform (OIP) of TSMC

        최병헌 한국동북아경제학회 2023 동북아경제연구 Vol.35 No.3

        The foundry business plays a critical role on system chip value chain due to a high demand for micro processing fabrication. The TSMC, a creator of foundry business, has shown a strong leadership of global foundry business. A sustainable growth of TSMC is deeply concerned with the ‘Open Innovation Platform (OIP).’ This study analyzed the competitiveness of OIP from strategic positioning perspective. As the analysis result, firstly, the activity system map of OIP shows that six types of alliances work as a systematically connected whole system to support the fabless firms rather than a simple combination. Secondly, the product variety based positioning of OIP is related with five technology platforms of TSMC that cover almost all the fabless customers of advanced IT products & services. Thirdly, the customer needs based positioning of OIP comes from the operation of various fabs covering not only the cutting edge micro processing under 7 Nano as of 2023 but also the general level of processing and legacy one. Fourthly, the access based positioning of OIP is concerned with making fabless firms just focus on the ‘Know-what’ rather than the ‘Know-how’ or ‘Know-where’ on the system chip value chain.

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