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      • KCI등재

        도시공간의 정보플랫폼화에 의한 장소성 표현 특성 연구

        백현희(Baek, Hyun-hee),이찬(Lee, Chan) 한국실내디자인학회 2011 한국실내디자인학회논문집 Vol.20 No.6

        This study starts from the question if the characteristic of existing conventional site-specificity can be applied to the modern city space in information media era as it is. The evolution and spread of media technology acted as the catalyst which establishes the identity of an individual and promotes the social sense of belonging as the new type of community member as well as expanded the communication territory of man. Moreover, as the perfect merge of third dimensional space with second dimensional media was accomplished, the meaning of city as the place is getting changed and extended to city space as the information platform which integrates and intermediates the various information composing city. Hereupon, this study is willing to analyze the limits which the characteristics of physical, active and meaningful elements which are the forming primary factors in the existing place theory have and establish the new meaning of city as the place through the case studies which are applied by the characteristics of hyper spacio-temporal, mobility and polysemy as the characteristics transformed by information platformization of city space.

      • KCI등재

        현대적 의미의 장소성을 적용한 복합 커뮤니티시설 특성 연구

        이초원,이원석 한국문화공간건축학회 2020 한국문화공간건축학회논문집 Vol.- No.71

        The goal of this study is to present mixed-use community facilities that characteristics of placeness applied throughmodern interpretation to solve the collapse of community consciousness and loss of placeness due to rapid urbanization andindustrialization. In architecture, the community is dealt with a discussion of the place. While the sociological approach is aboutcommunity discussion, the architectural approach deals with the concept of place. In other words, humans interact with thecommunity through places, and places are the means to gather people. In architecture, placeness can be defined as a conceptin which a particular experience is related as a land or space where a certain act or event occurs and has a limited boundary. We often hear claims that places in modern society are gradually being lost due to the development of transportation, lifestylechanges, and the development of information and communications technology. This study considers that the existing placenessis not being lost, but that it still exists even today. The correlation was examined based on an understanding of community andplaces, and the architectural characteristics of mixed-use community facilities were analyzed through theoretical research on theplaceness of modern meaning. The elements of placeness in the modern sense were derived through a comprehensiveanalysis based on the prior study which derived the new placeness and the elements of the existing placeness. It wasreinterpreted of "Spacio-temperal" with extensibility and complexity, "Mobility" with ambiguity and variability, and "polysemy" withpersonal, collective, and social elements of the community, and the characteristics of each element were reinterpreted in relationto the community. The results of this study will have significance in that the directions and considerations are presented asnewly reorganized placeness factors rather than traditional placeness for planning mixed-use community facilities as acommunity space in the future.

      • KCI등재

        Chronotope of Congregation in Joy Kogawa’s Obasan

        Kim, Dae-Joong 한국중앙영어영문학회 2013 영어영문학연구 Vol.55 No.1

        In this paper, analyzing Obasan written by Joy Kogawa, a Japanese Canadian, I, as an endeavor to get over the binary system of articulation and silence, argue that Obasan dialectically goes beyond contradiction between silence and articulation. Methodologically, I use Walter Benjamin’s explanation of storyteller and storytelling as well as Maurice Merleau-Ponty’s philosophical idea of inter-subjectivity. Meanwhile, I discover that death, reminiscence, mourning and healing are central themes of the novel that constitutes a totality of the novel, the chronotope of congregation. There are four narratives in Obasan: aunt Obasan’s silence, Aunt Emily’s political articulation, Naomi’s contradictory narrative, and narrative of Naomi’s mother. In Obasan, chronotope of congregation embedding storytelling connotes complex poetic relations within the totality of commonplaces which include dialogic, heteroglossic, and intersubjective relations as well as eco-imagery and the healing ritual form. Besides, the narratives in Obasan reveal four aspects: corporeality of narratives; death as the center of the chronotope; the spider web structure within chronotope that interweaves stories (narratives) not in a harmonious but dialectical way; and discovering truth via Naomi’s active listening to her mother’s truthful stories.

      • KCI등재

        Chronotope of Congregation in Joy Kogawa’s Obasan

        김대중 한국중앙영어영문학회 2013 영어영문학연구 Vol.55 No.1

        In this paper, analyzing Obasan written by Joy Kogawa, a Japanese Canadian, I, as an endeavor to get over the binary system of articulation and silence, argue that Obasan dialectically goes beyond contradiction between silence and articulation. Methodologically, I use Walter Benjamin’s explanation of storyteller and storytelling as well as Maurice Merleau-Ponty’s philosophical idea of inter-subjectivity. Meanwhile, I discover that death, reminiscence, mourning and healing are central themes of the novel that constitutes a totality of the novel, the chronotope of congregation. There are four narratives in Obasan: aunt Obasan’s silence, Aunt Emily’s political articulation, Naomi’s contradictory narrative, and narrative of Naomi’s mother. In Obasan, chronotope of congregation embedding storytelling connotes complex poetic relations within the totality of commonplaces which include dialogic, heteroglossic, and intersubjective relations as well as eco-imagery and the healing ritual form. Besides, the narratives in Obasan reveal four aspects: corporeality of narratives; death as the center of the chronotope; the spider web structure within chronotope that interweaves stories (narratives) not in a harmonious but dialectical way; and discovering truth via Naomi’s active listening to her mother’s truthful stories.

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