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      • KCI등재

        1970년대 이동희 소설에 나타난 새마을 지도자의 리더십- 이동희의 장편 『이무기가 사는 마을』과 중편 「농녀」를 중심으로 -

        최강민 한국어문교육연구회 2017 어문연구(語文硏究) Vol.45 No.3

        In the 1970s, a novelist Lee Dong-hee created Saemaeul movement novels representing Saemaeul leaders in priority. In a full-length novel, 『Town Where a Dragon Lives』 by Lee Dong-hee, a Saemaeul leader, Lee Myeong-un shows an expert's leadership while Oh Se-hwa shows a superwoman's leadership in his medium-length novel, 「A Female Farmer」. The one thing in common between them is that they share the messenger's leadership. The messenger's leadership of Saemaeul leaders concealed the nature of oppressive Saemaeul Movement under the optical illusion. In both 『Town Where a Dragon Lives』 and 「A Female Farmer」, Lee Myeong-un and Oh Se-hwa emphasized the discourse of self-development like everyone can live well when working hard, by arguing self-help and denouncing farmers' laziness. The discourse of Saemaeul Movement delivered by Saemaeul leaders played a role in strengthening/protecting Park Chung-hee's military regime. Saemaeul Movement novels by Lee Dong-hee were the government-made literature describing ‘imaginal farm village’ created by collective fantasy of Saemaeul Movement, instead of the ‘true reality’. 1970년대에 李東熙 소설가는 새마을 指導者를 중점적으로 형상화한 새마을운동소설을 창작했다. 이동희의 장편 『이무기가 사는 마을』에서 새마을 지도자인 이명운은 전문가의 리더십을, 중편 「농녀」에서 오세화는 슈퍼우먼 리더십을 보여준다. 이들의 공통점은 모두 심부름꾼 리더십을 공유하고 있다는 점이다. 새마을 지도자의 심부름꾼 리더십은 착시 효과 속에 강압적인 새마을운동의 性格을 은폐시키는 역할을 수행했다. 『이무기가 사는 마을』과 「농녀」에서 이명운과 오세화는 自助論을 설파하면서 농민들의 게으름을 질타하고 누구든지 열심히 일하면 잘 살 수 있다는 自己啓發의 담론을 강조했다. 새마을 指導者가 전달하는 새마을운동 담론은 박정희 軍事政權을 옹호하는 體制 强化의 역할을 했다. 이동희의 새마을운동소설은 ‘있는 현실’이 아니라 새마을운동이라는 집단적 판타지가 만들어낸 ‘상상화된 농촌’을 그린 관제문학이었다.

      • KCI등재

        로렌스의 "지도자 소설" 재평가 : Aaron's Rod를 중심으로 Focused on Aaron's Rod

        정호영 한국로렌스학회 2002 D.H. 로렌스 연구 Vol.10 No.2

        D. H. Lawrence's later novels Aaron's Rod, Kangaroo, and The Plumed Serpent make up a kind of trilogy. So far many of Lawrence's critics have regarded the trilogy as "leadership novels," focusing solely on the single issue of power. There are two more issues, equally important, selfhood and sexuality, apart from the power issue, that Lawrence laid equal emphasis on in these novels. This paper is to confirm Lawrence's vision for complete harmony of the three vital forces by analyzing the first of the trilogy Aaron's Rod. Aaron and Lilly achieve balance between selfhood and power when Lilly cures Aaron's illness with an oil massage. Aaron and Marchesa achieve balance between selfhood and sexuality through their musical performance. Unfortunately this novel fails to reveal complete harmony and balance of the three vital forces. In short, it is wrong to regard the trilogy only as "leadership novels" or "political novels." This study proven that it is a trilogy of rebirth, an attempt to reconcile selfhood, sexuality, and the power-urge, and furthermore to achieve a vision of renewal of mankind's vitality. Aaron's Rod leads to further explorations which Kangaroo and The Plumed Serpent will provide. It is expected that various studies on these novels will be made from this point of view.

      • KCI등재

        해방기 좌익 매체의 지도자상과 김일성 형상 -‘수령형상’의 기원과 형성 탐색을 위한 시론(2)

        최강미 민족문학사연구소 2020 민족문학사연구 Vol.72 No.-

        The article was prepared as a part of preparations to explore the figure of Kim Il-sung, who appears as a figure in a liberation-era North Korean fictions, specifically aimed at reviewing Kim Il-sung’s appearance in the left-wing mass media of north and south Korea, which was released before “blood-road” published, the first case in which he appeared as a figure in a North Korean official fiction. For this, I compared the article about Kim Il-sung, the first article introduced in a newspaper published at the northern part of Korea, with other article about another fighter for independence which published on the same day at southern part of Korea. Also I compared the article of Kim Il-sung as a part of an eight-time series of articles in the left-wing daily, Chosun Inmin-bo, published at the southern part of Korea with articles about the seven other figures, and looked at how the elements that constructed the other’s images were related to Kim Il-sung’s image in the article. I also saw the details of Kim Il-sung’s image formed through the North’s media in a succession of ideal leaders of the time by looking at the common elements from other articles that introduced independence fighters who returned from oversea at that time and comparing the characters of selected anecdotes with the ones repeated, distorted or added among the articles. And the work will be followed up with a look at Kim Il-sung’s image in the North Korean fiction during the liberation period.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

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