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        Drosophila melanogaster와 D. simulans 및 그들간 잡종의 형태학적 유연관계

        최영현,유미애,이원호 한국응용곤충학회 1993 한국응용곤충학회지 Vol.32 No.2

        Drosophila melanogaster(OR)와 D. simulans(09) 및 그들 종간 잡종 사이의 형태적 유연관계를 비교하기 위하여 내.외부생식기 및 성즐을 조사하였다. 이를 위하여 D. melanogaster 암컷과 D. simulans 수컷의 교배에서 암컷을, 그 정역 교배로서 수컷을 얻었으며 두 종간 사이의 잡종 $F_{1}$들은 모두 불임이었다. 내부생식기의 비교에서, 두종간 (melanogaster female $\times$ simulans male) 잡종 {$F_{1}$ 암컷의 경우는 양쪽 난소가 모두 퇴화된 형태였으며, 그 정역교배에 의한 $F_{1}$ 수컷의 정소는 미발달된 상태로 남아 있었다. 이런 형태적 특징은 D. melanogaster P-M system에서의 hybrid dysgensesis에 의한 양상과 매우 유사하였다. 수컷의 앞다리 제1부절에 존재하는 성즐의 평균 치열수는 D. melanogaster와 D. simulans에서 각각 10.73개와 8.35개 였으며, 잡종 $F_{1}$ 수컷의 경우는 9.97개 정도였다. 두 종간 잡종 $F_{1}$ 수컷의 외부 생식기의 전체적인 형태는 D. melanogaster와 비슷하였으나, 부분적으로 D. simulans에 유사하거나 중간적인 형질을 가지는 mosaic 구조였다. The morphological relationship between Drosophila melanogaster and D. simulans, and their hybrids were investigated using comparisons of internal reproductive organs. male sex comb tooth number and male genital discs. InterspecIfic hybrids of all crosses were completely sterile, and had rudImentary gonads. Dysgenic ovaries and testes were morphologically similar to those of gonadal dysgenesis stenlity associated with the PM system in D. melal1ogaster. The mean number of sex comb tooth in D. melrmogaster, D. simulans and their male hybrids were 10.73, 8.35 and 9.97, respectively. The general aspects of the genital disc of the malo hybrid were a mosaic-like structure between D. melanogaster and D. simulans.

      • KCI등재

        Drosophila melanogaster comple 3종 및 그들간 잡종의 성즐과 생식궁의 표현형적 유연관계

        최영현,유미애,이원호 한국응용곤충학회 1995 한국응용곤충학회지 Vol.34 No.4

        Drosophila melanogaster와 D. Simulan는 전세계적으로 분포하며, D. Sechellia 는 Africa의 Seychelles 제도에만 서식하는 지역종으로, 모두 D. melanogaster complex에 속하는 동포종이다. 이들 D. melanogaster complex 3종을 대상으로 종간 교배를 통한 잡종을 형성하여 성증(sex-bomb)과 생식궁(genital arch)의 표현형적 유연관계를 부모계통과 상호 비교하였다. 상기 3종들 사이의 교배를 통해 4가지 유형의 잡종 수컷을 얻었으며 이들은 모두 불임이었다. 성즐의 평균 치열 수는 D. melanogaster(OR)가 10.73개, D. sechellia(Ja)는 10.69개였으며, D. simulans($O_9$)에서는 8.35개였다. 종간 잡종의 치열수 분석으로 뚜렷한 성즐의 유전양식을 제시할 수가 없었다. 외부 생식기를 구성하는 각 부속기관 중 분류상 중요 기준이 되는 생식궁은 종 특이적 모양을 띠고 있었으며, 종간 접종 생식궁의 일반적인 형태는 부모종간의 중간형인 mosaic 구조였다. Drosophila melanogaster, D. simulans, and D. sechellia are closely related species which belong to the D. melanogaster complex; the first two cosmopolita and the last one restricted to th Seychelles archipelago. The phenogenetical relationship between this complex and their hybrids were investigated by the comparison of sex-comb tooth number an genital arch of male. In interspecific hybrids of all crosses between three species four hybrid males were produced and completely sterile. Males of D. simulans (${O}_{9}$) have significantly less sex-comb teeth (mean 8.35) than either D. melanogaster (OR, mean 10.73) and D. sechellia (Ja, mean 10.60). From the analysis by the number of sex-comb tooth in interspecific hybrids we could not represent the direction of heredity nature. each species of D. melanogaster complex were characteristic in the shape of the genital arch, which readily allows these species to be distinguished. The common structure of the genital arch in the interspecific hybrids were mosaic-like structure between parental species.

      • KCI등재

        Drosophila simulans와 D. mauritiana 사이 종간잡종의 성즐과 생식궁 형성에 미치는 X 염색체의 효과

        최영현,유미애,이원호 한국응용곤충학회 1996 한국응용곤충학회지 Vol.35 No.3

        Drosophila simulans and D. mauritiana are sibling species, the former cosmopolitan and the latter restricted to the oceanic island of Mauritius. Sex comb-tooth number of male flies of D. simulans were about 9.83, while those of D. mauritiana were 12.90. Genital arch of D. simulans is large semicircular shaped expasion, while that of D. mauritiana is a narrow fingerlike expansion. We used classical genetic analysis to measure effects of genes on the X chromosome responsible for numeral and morphological differences in sex comb-tooth and genital arch between these species, respectively. For these purposes, mutant strain of D. simulans and wild type strain of D. mauritiana were hybridized and males of the FI and the backcrossed progenies were compared with two characters above mentioned. The sex comb-tooth number of F, males were about 11.79, and the genitalia of F, male were intermediate in shape between those of D. simulans and D. mauritiana. Genetic analysis of sex comb-tooth number and genital arches differing between D. simulans and D. mauritiana showed that very little diffemce was due to effect of the X chromosome. Drosophila simulans와 D. mauritiana는 동일 subgroup에 속하는 동포종으로, 전자는 전세계 분포종이며, 후자는 Mauritius 섬에만 서식하는 지역종이다. D. simulans의 성즐(sex comb)은 약 9.83개의 치열로 구성되어 있으며, D, mauritiana의 성즐 치열수는 약 12.90개 정도이다. D. simulans의 생식궁(genital arch)은 큰 반월형이며, D. mauritiana는 가는 막대형이다. 두 종간 성즐의 치열수와 생식궁의 형태적 차이에 미치는 X 염색체의 효과를 알아보기 위한 유전적 분석을 실시하였으며, 이를 위하여 X 염색체상 돌연변이 유전자들을 가지는 D. simulans 계통과 정상의 D. mauritiana 사이의 잡종 {TEX}$F_{1}${/TEX}을 부모계통과 역교배를 실시하여 얻은 자손들을 대상으로 상기 두가지 형질의 분석을 실시하였다. F1의 성즐 치열수는 평균 11.79개 정도였으며, 외부생식기의 일반적인 형태는 D. simulans와 D. mauritiana의 중간형이었다. 성즐의 치열수와 외부생식기의 주요 특징분석에서 X 염색체 효과에 따른 유의적인 차이는 거의 없는 것으로 나타났다.

      • Drosophila simulans 와 D. mauritiana 사이 종간잡종의 성즐과 생식궁형성에 미치는 X 염색체의 효과

        최영현,유미애,이원호 부산대학교 유전공학연구소 1996 분자생물학 연구보 Vol.12 No.-

        Drosophila simulans와 D. mauritiana는 동일 subgroup에 속하는 동포종으로 전자는 전세계 분포종이며, 후자는 Mauritius 섬에만 서식하는 지역종이다. D. simulans의 성즐(sex comb)은 약 9.83개의 치열로 구성되어 있으며, D. mauritiana의 성즐 치열수는 약 12.90개 정도이다. D. simulana의 생식궁(genital arch)은 큰 반월형이며, D. mauritiana는 가는 막대형이다. 두 종간 성즐의 치열수와 생식궁의 형태적 차이에 미치는 X염색체의 효과를 알아보기 위한 유전적 분석을 실시하였으며,이를 위하여 X염색체상 돌연변이 유전자들을 가지는 D. simulans 계통과 정상의 D. mauritiana 사이의 잡종 F_1을 부모계통과 역교배를 실시하여 얻은 자손들을 대상으로 상기 두가지 형질의 분석을 실시하였다. F1 의 성즐 치열수는 평균 11.79개 정도였으며, 외부생식기의 일반적인 형태는 D. simulans 와 D. mauritiana 의 중간형이었다. 성즐의 치열수와 외부생식기의 주요 특징분석에서 X염색체 효과에 따른 유의적인 차이는 거의 없는 것으로 나타났다. Drosophila simulans and D. mauritiana are sibling species, the former cosmopolitan and the latter restricted to the oceanic island of Mauritius. Sex comb-tooth number of male flies of D. simulans were about 9.83, while those of D. mauritiana were 12.90. Genital arch of D. simulans is large semicircular shaped expansion, while that of D. mauritiana is a narrow fingerlike expansion. We used classical genetic analysis to measure effects of genes on the X chromosome responsible for numeral and morphological differences in sex comb-tooth and genital arch between these species, respectively. For these purposes, mutant strain of D. simulans and wild type strain of D. mauritiana were hybridized and males of the F_1, and the backcrossed progenies were compare with two characters above mentioned. The sex comb-tooth number of F_1, males were about 11.79, and the genitalia of F_1, male were intermediate in shape between those of D. simulans and D. mauritiana. Genetic analysis of sex comb-tooth number and genital arches differing between D. simulans and D. mauritiana showed that very little difference was due to effect of the X chromosome.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        아마릴리스의 미숙배와 인편조직으로부터 식물체 재분화

        최은경,박학봉 한국식물생명공학회 1998 식물생명공학회지 Vol. No.

        아마릴리스 'Picottee', 'White Christmas', 'Eldorado', 'Origin', Red Lion', 'Telstar', 'Crypsy'의 교잡배를 여러 농도의 2,4-D, NAA, BA, TDZ가 첨가된 MS배지에 배양한 결과, 0.5~3.0 ㎎/L 2,4-D에 비하여 0.5~3.0 ㎎/L NAA 처리구에서 줄기와 자구 분화가 양호하였다. 0.5㎎/L NAA 처리는 배양체로부터 높은 자구 형성율을 나타냈고, 줄기 분화율은 NAA 1.0㎎/L과 TDZ 2.0㎎/L 혼용처리구에서는 가장 높았다. 배지에 1.0~2.0㎎/L TDZ 첨가는 치상체당 더 많은 줄기를 분화시켰으나 1.0~2.0㎎/L BA 처리보다 뿌리의 발달은 억제되었다. 'Star Van Holland'의 인편을 배양했을 때 자구 형성은 0.5㎎/L NAA가 첨가된 배지에서 가장 효과적이었다. Immature hybrid embryos of H. hybridum, 'Picottee', 'White Christmas', 'Eldorado', 'Origin', 'Red Lion', 'elstar', 'Crypsy' were cultured on the MS medium supplemented with various concentrations of 2,4-D, NAA, BA and TDZ. Among the treatments, NAA were more effective for the shoot regeneration and bulblet formation than other treatment. Addition of 0.5 ㎎/L NAA was effective for bulblet induction from explant Shoot regeneration was most effective on the medium with 1.0㎎/L NAA and 2.0 ㎎/L TDZ. The addition of 1.0-2.0㎎/L TDZ induced numerous shoots per explant but strongly inhibited root development when compared to 1.0-2.0㎎/L BA. When bulb scale segments of 'Star Van Holland' was incubated, bulblet formation was the most effective on MS medium with 0.5㎎/L NAA.

      • KCI등재

        Drosophila 수종의 성즐변이에 관한 형태적 비교 연구

        최영현,권용원,유미애,이원호,Choi, Yung-Hyun,Kwon, Yong-Won,Yoo, Mi-Ae,Lee, Won-Ho 한국응용곤충학회 1994 한국응용곤충학회지 Vol.33 No.4

        Drosophila 의 수컷 앞다리 부절에 존재하는 성즐의 유무는 Sophophora subgens와 Drsophila sub-genus의 분류기준이 되며, 전자의 경우는 종 특이적인 성즐을 가지나 후자에는 일반적으로 존재하지 않는다. 수종 Drosophila 의 성즐에 관하여 비교 조사한 결과 Sophophora subgens내의 D. melanoga-ster subgroup의 경우는 모두 제 1부절에만 존재하였다. 그중 D. melanogaster complex의 D. mauti-tiana 가 약 12.75개, D. simulans는 평균 8.35정도였으며, D. yakuba complex는 D. melanogaster complex에 비하여 다소 적었다. D. melanogaster complex의 종간 교배에 의한 분석으로는 성즐유전양시겡 대한 뚜렷한 방향성을 제시할 수 없었다. Sophophora subgemus의 D. melanogaster species group에 속하는 다른 3종의 경우(D. auralia, D. lutecens 및 D. suzuki)는 성즐의 분포 양식에서 D. immigrans 및 D. virilis)에서는 성즐이 존재하지 않았다. Sex combs which lack in females are characteristic of some members of the subgenus Sophophora When present, they can be van/ from a single blistle to very extensive structures, but the meianogaster subgroup of the subgenus Sophophora have only on the f~rst tarsal segments of the fore legs. D mauritiona among the melanogaster compler of the melar~ogaster subgroup have significantly more sex comb teeth (mean 12.75) than other specie& and the yakubo complex (range of the mean 6.84-758) have less than the melanogaster complex (range of the mean 835-12.75). In sex comb tooth number of interspecd~ch ybrids among the melonogoster complex, there appeared difference u;ith parental species Thus, analysis of male sex comb tooth in FI hybrid could not exhibit the direction of hereditan/ nature. On the other hand, D auraria (the montium subgroup), D suzuki (the suzuki subgroup) and D, lutecens (the takohashii subgroup) of the melanogaster species have two sex combs on the first and second tarsal segments, and the mean number were different according to the species.

      • KCI등재

        Morphological Characteristics of Interspecific Hybrids between Japanese Plum (Prunus salicina Lindl.) cv. Soldam and Apricot (P. armeniaca L.) cv. Harcot

        전지혜,권정현,정경호 한국원예학회 2009 원예과학기술지 Vol.27 No.2

        Since 1999, interspecific crosses between Japanese plums and apricots have been made to breed new plumcot cultivars and to obtain basic data for stone fruit breeding at the National Institute of Horticultural & Herbal Science (NIHHS) of Rural Development of Administration (RDA) in Korea. A controlled interspecific cross between Prunus salicina Lindl. ‘Soldam’ (seed parent) and P. armeniaca L. ‘Harcot’ (pollen parent) was made in 1999, and 64 seeds were obtained. After sowing of those seeds in a greenhouse in the following spring, 23 seedlings were obtained. Eventually, 21 of 23 seedlings flowered, and 11 of 21 seedlings set fruits in 2006 and 2007. Morphological characteristics of these seedlings were investigated for two years. Whereas the leaf shape of ‘Soldam’ was elliptic and ‘Harcot’ was circular, 17 of 23 hybrid seedlings had obovate leaves and the others were circular like ‘Harcot’. Thirteen seedlings bore white flowers like ‘Soldam’ and 8 seedlings bore pink flowers like ‘Harcot’. All flowered seedlings had pubescent ovaries like ‘Harcot’. Although ‘Soldam’ and ‘Harcot’ had abundant pollens, 11 of 21 flowered seedlings had no pollens. All fruits of seedlings had short fuzzy fruit skin. Six seedlings had red flesh color like ‘Soldam’ and 5 seedlings had orange flesh color like ‘Harcot’. Eight seedlings were clingstone like ‘Soldam’ whereas 3 seedlings were semi-clingstone. None of the seedlings were freestone like ‘Harcot’. The mean of progeny for quantitative characters were near the parents’ mean. However, progeny mean of leaf and peduncle lengths were shorter than parents’ mean. The appearance and flavor of the interspecific seedlings were medium type between ‘Soldam’ and ‘Harcot’. However, there were some seedlings with excellent fruit quality. The polymorphism of two SSR markers confirmed that all seedlings were real hybrids between Japanese plum ‘Soldam’ and apricot ‘Harcot’.


        Morphological Characteristics of Interspecific Hybrids between Japanese Plum (Prunus salicina Lindl.) cv. Soldam and Apricot (P. armeniaca L.) cv. Harcot

        Ji Hae Jun(전지혜),Jung Hyun Kwon(권정현),Kyeong Ho Chung(정경호) 한국원예학회 2009 원예과학기술지 Vol.27 No.2

        Fruit Research Division, National Institute of Horticultural & Herbal Science, Since 1999, interspecific crosses between Japanese plums and apricots have been made to breed new plumcot cultivars and to obtain basic data for stone fruit breeding at the National Institute of Horticultural & Herbal Science (NIHHS) of Rural Development of Administration (RDA) in Korea. A controlled interspecific cross between Prunus salicina Lindl. ‘Soldam’ (seed parent) and P. armeniaca L. ‘Harcot’ (pollen parent) was made in 1999, and 64 seeds were obtained. After sowing of those seeds in a greenhouse in the following spring, 23 seedlings were obtained. Eventually, 21 of 23 seedlings flowered, and 11 of 21 seedlings set fruits in 2006 and 2007. Morphological characteristics of these seedlings were investigated for two years. Whereas the leaf shape of ‘Soldam’ was elliptic and ‘Harcot’ was circular, 17 of 23 hybrid seedlings had obovate leaves and the others were circular like ‘Harcot’. Thirteen seedlings bore white flowers like ‘Soldam’ and 8 seedlings bore pink flowers like ‘Harcot’. All flowered seedlings had pubescent ovaries like ‘Harcot’. Although ‘Soldam’ and ‘Harcot’ had abundant pollens, 11 of 21 flowered seedlings had no pollens. All fruits of seedlings had short fuzzy fruit skin. Six seedlings had red flesh color like ‘Soldam’ and 5 seedlings had orange flesh color like ‘Harcot’. Eight seedlings were clingstone like ‘Soldam’ whereas 3 seedlings were semi-clingstone. None of the seedlings were freestone like ‘Harcot’. The mean of progeny for quantitative characters were near the parents’ mean. However, progeny mean of leaf and peduncle lengths were shorter than parents’ mean. The appearance and flavor of the interspecific seedlings were medium type between ‘Soldam’ and ‘Harcot’. However, there were some seedlings with excellent fruit quality. The polymorphism of two SSR markers confirmed that all seedlings were real hybrids between Japanese plum ‘Soldam’ and apricot ‘Harcot’.


        Assessing the Survival and Growth Performance of Iranian Melon to Grafting onto Cucurbita Rootstocks

        Reza Salehi-Mohammadi,Abdolkarim Kashi,Sang Gyu Lee(이상규),Yun Chan Huh(허윤찬),Jung-Myung Lee(이정명),Mesbah Babalar,Mojtaba Delshad 한국원예학회 2009 원예과학기술지 Vol.27 No.1

        ‘Khatooni’ melon was grafted onto three Cucurbita rootstocks including interspecific hybrids to examine scion-rootstock compatibility and to correlate plant performance under greenhouse conditions. Commercial cultivars, ‘ShintoHongto’, ‘Ace’, and ‘Shintozwa’, were used as rootstock and non-grafted plants used as controls. Root activity, stem length, rootstock hypocotyl diameter, scion hypocotyl diameter, leaf number, chlorophyll content, leaf area, length and width of leaf, fresh and dry weight of top organs and roots were recorded 30 and 60 days after grafting. The rootstocks showed high compatibility of up to 97% with scions. The rootstocks except ‘Shintozwa’ had more vascular bundles than scion plants. Vegetative growth of the grafted melon plants varied markedly, indicating differences in compatibility between the scion and rootstocks. Significant differences in vegetative growth were found in melons grafted onto rootstocks and trained with different training methods and T1 treatment (non-pinched) had higher values. In the grafted melon, root activity was the highest in the ‘Shintozwa’ rootstock. Grafted melon plants trained with T1 treatment in the second measuring time showed higher root activity than other training methods plants. Among the grafted seedlings, all the rootstocks exhibited similar effects. According to the results, practical use of the tested rootstocks can be advisable for Iranian melon.

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