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      • KCI등재후보

        근대이행기 전주 읍치의 종교적 장소성 변화 : 읍성의 해체와 종교경관을 중심으로

        최진성(Choi, Jin Seong) 경인교육대학교 기전문화연구소 2020 기전문화연구 Vol.41 No.1

        이 글은 전주 읍치를 사례로 전주읍성의 해체를 전후한 종교경관의 변화과정을 살펴보았다. 조선시대는 통치의 효율성을 높이기 위해 읍치를 표준화하였다. 읍치의 표준화 조건은 첫째, 풍수지리 사상에 입각한 자연지리적 조건과 유교 이념에 근거한 인문적 조건이 필수적이었고, 그 중심지는 읍성이었다. 둘째, 전국 모든 읍치에 책임자인 수령이 파견되었다. 셋째, 주요 읍치에는 읍성을 쌓아 지역의 방어체제를 강화하였다. 이처럼 표준화된 읍치는 유교적 인간성의 완성을 목표로 하는 공간이었다. 전주 읍치의 경우, 읍성 남동쪽의 승암산 일대를 중심으로 후백제와 고려를 거쳐 조선 후기까지 불교와 유교 및 천주교 경관 등이 유지되면서 종교 성지로서의 장소성이 관성처럼 유지되었다. 그러나 근대이행기에 전주 읍성이 해체되면서 그 내부 공간이 식민지경관들로 채워지면서 탈장소화되었다. 이와 함께 종교경관의 중심축 또한 승암산 일대에서 읍성 서쪽의 다가산 일대 및 해체된 읍성의 내부 공간으로 이동하였다. 이와 관련된 주요 종교들은 개신교를 포함하여 일본신도, 일본불교, 일본기독교회 등이었다. This article examines Jeonju, Jeollabuk-do as an example of the process of changing religious landscapes before and after the dissolution of town castle from a regional humanities perspective. The Joseon Dynasty standardized eupchi(邑治) to increase the efficiency of government. As for the standardization conditions of eupchi, first, natural geographic conditions based on FengShui and humanistic conditions based on Confucian ideology were essential, and the center was town castles. The leader, who is in charge, is dispatched to all towns nationwide. Third, the eupchi s defense system was strengthened by building town castles in major eupchi. There is a space aimed at the completion of Confucian human beings. In the case of Jeonju eupchi, Buddhism, Confucianism, and Catholicism were maintained until the late Joseon Dynasty through Post-Baekje and Goryeo, mainly around the area of Seungam Mountain(僧巖山) in the southeastern part of town castle, and the place as a religious sanctuary remained like inertia. However, when the town castles was dismantled during the modern early period, Jeonju eupchi was de-placed by a modern urban space and filled with colonial landscapes. At the same time, the central axis of the religious landscape moved from the area around Seungam Mountain to the area of Daga Mountain(多佳山) close to the Japanese settlement and the interior space of the disintegrated town castles. The major religions involved were Protestantism, including Japanese Shintoism, Japanese Buddhism, and the Christian Church of Japan.

      • KCI등재

        18세기 全州府城 축성기록 ‘築城啓草’ 硏究

        유재춘(Yu Jae-Chun) 한국사학회 2006 史學硏究 Vol.- No.81

        우리나라의 축성공사와 관련된 구체적인 기록은 임진왜란 직후 경상도 금오산성 수축과 관련된 『築城金烏時日記』, 조선후기 동래읍성 축조기록인 「東萊府築城謄錄」과 수원 화성 축조공사에 대한 기록인 『華城城役儀軌』를 제외하고는 거의 알려진 바가 없다. 『築城金烏時日記』는 1606년 금오산성을 수축할 때 監董官이었던 鄭邦俊의 기록이고, 「東萊府築城謄錄」은 1731년 동래읍성을 축조할 당시 공사내역을 기록한 것이며, 『華城城役儀軌』는 정조 18년(1794) 1월부터 정조 20년(1796) 8월에 걸친 화성의 축조에 대한 전반적인 기록으로 화성축조공사는 국가적인 큰 토목건축 공사로서 많은 경비와 기술이 필요하였으므로, 그 공사 내용에 관한 자세한 기록을 남겨야 하겠다는 뜻에서 正祖가 金鍾秀에게 편찬을 명령하여 1801년 9월 발간된 것이다. 여기에는 성곽축조에 관계되는 일지를 비롯하여 관련 인물, 성곽과 각종 건조물 공사에 사용된 部材와 비용, 기계ㆍ도구 등의 그림 및 그 설명을 실은 圖說 등이 상세하게 수록되어 있어서 당시 공사내역의 전모를 파악할 수 있다.<br/> 본 논고에서 연구대상으로 한 ‘築城啓草’는 조선 영조대에 있었던 전주읍성 축조에 대한 전모를 기록한 자료로, 『華城城役儀軌』처럼 국가차원에서 기록을 남길 목적으로 자료를 수집하여 편찬한 것이거나 처음부터 儀軌를 편찬할 목적으로 기록한 것은 아니지만 『화성성역의궤』와 마찬가지로 영조대 전주읍성의 축조에 대한 전모를 파악할 수 있는 매우 귀중한 사료이다.<br/> 조선후기에는 淸의 압력속에 조선의 축성사업은 크게 위축되었으나 점차 자체방어론이나 도성방어론이 제기되면서 남한산성을 비롯하여 도성, 북한산성, 탕춘대성, 동래읍성, 평양성, 수원화성 등 국가적인 성곽 축조사업이 추진되었다. 특히 영조 4년(1728) 이른바 戊申亂 발생을 계기로 국가의 지방거점지에 대한 방어시설의 중요성을 새삼 일깨우게 되어 동래읍성(1731), 평양성 中城(1733), 대구읍성(1736) 등이 잇달아 개축되었다. 전주읍성은 이러한 국가방어론의 전개와 함께 호남지역의 정세불안을 계기로 지방 거점지역에 대한 방위의 중요성이 제기되면서 축조사업이 추진된 곳이며, ‘築城啓草’는 바로 그 추진 상황과 공사내역을 알 수 있는 사료인 것이다.<br/> 1733년~1734년 전주부성 개축공사가 시행되는 과정에서 작성되었던 ‘築城啓草’는 전주부성 자체의 상세한 공사 내역을 알 수 있을 뿐만 아니라 당시 사회경제적인 실상을 살필 수 있는 매우 중요한 사료이다. 특히 17세기초 城役에 대한 기록인 『築城金烏時日記』, 그리고 「築城啓草」와 거의 같은 시기에 작성된 「東萊府築城謄錄」, 그리고 60여년 후에 작성된 『화성성역의궤』와 상호 보완적인 측면에서 조선후기 축성발전사, 사회경제적인 변화 등을 파악하는데 매우 유용한 자료이다. 또한 이러한 국가적인 축성사업에 인력과 財源을 동원하는 방식을 알 수 있으며, 전주부성수축공사는 호남지역에 기근이 들어 道는 물론 소속 각 고을도 재정상태가 열악한 상황에서 추진되었기 때문에, 이 자료를 통하여 여러 가지 사역인원과 재원 절감을 위한 방안이 강구되었다는 것을 알 수 있다. The concrete record related to the fortification construction of our country has hardly been known except '築城金烏時日記(record in fortifying Keumosansung)' related to the repair of Keumosansung of Kyungsang-do right after Japanese invasion of Korea in 1592, '東萊府築城謄錄(record in fortifying Dongrae-eupsung)', the building record of Dongrae-eupsung in the late Chosun, and '華城城役儀軌(record in constructing Suwonhwasung)' that is the record of Suwon Hwasung building construction. '築城金烏時日記(record in fortifying Keumosansung)' was the record of Jeong Bang Jun who was the supervisor at the time repairing Keumosansung in 1606, and 東萊府築城謄錄 (record in fortifying Dongrae-eupsung)' recorded the construction details at the time building Dongrae-eupsung in 1731, and '華城城役儀軌(record in constructing Suwonhwasung)' was the overall record about the building of Hwasung castle from Jan. 1794(Jeongjo 18) to Aug. 1796(Jeongjo 20) and the Hwasung building construction was the big engineering construction nationally and needed much cost and technology, so by the meaning to leave detailed record about the construction contents, Jeongjo commanded for Kim Jong Su to compile and was issued in Sep. 1801. Here, the diary related to castle building, related characters, assistant material, cost, picture of the machine, instrument and the explanatory diagram that contained the explanation are included in detail, so we can grasp the whole aspect of the construction specifics.<br/> 'Draft of fortification to report to the government' that we have set as the study target in this study is the data which recorded the whole aspects about the building of Jeonjueupsung in Youngjo period, Chosun, and it wasn't compiled collecting the data for the purpose to leave records in the level of the nation like '華城城役儀軌(record in constructing Suwonhwasung)', and it wasn't recorded to compile important literature, too. But same as '華城城役儀軌(record in constructing Suwonhwasung)', it is a very precious historical record that can grasp the whole aspect about the building of Jeonjueupsung in Youngjo kingdom.<br/> The fortification business of Chosun was largely shrunk under the pressure of Qing Dynasty but as the self-defensive theory or castle town defensive theory suggested, national castle building business was promoted such as castle town, Bukhansansung, Tangchundaesung, Dongrae-eupsung, Pyongyangsung, Suwonhwasung, etc. Especially, in Youngjo 4(1728), by the case of occurrence of disturbance by military officials, it came to make aware of the importance of defensive facility about the local stronghold of the nation, Dongraeeupsung(1731), Pyongyangsung Joongsung(1733), Daegueupsung(1736), etc were reconstructed largely. Jeonjueupsung was the place the building business was promoted as the importance of defense toward the local stronghold region was suggested by the opportunity of political insecurity of Honam region together with the national defense theory like this, and 'Draft of fortification to report to the government' is the historical data that can know the very promotion situation and construction specifics.<br/> 'Draft of fortification to report to the government', which was written under the course the reconstruction of Jeonjubusung was implemented, informs us the detailed construction specifics of Jeonjubusung itself, and is a very important historical data that can look into the social & economic situation at that time. Especially, '東萊府築城謄錄(record in fortifying Dongrae-eupsung)' written almost at the same time, and '華城城役儀軌(record in constructing Suwonhwasung)', written after about 60 years, it is a very useful data that we can grasp the fortification development history of the late Chosun in the aspect of mutual complementation. Also, we can see the way it mobilizes manpower and financial resources in fortification business nationwide, and as the Jeonjubusung repair construction was promoted under a coarse situation in finance for each county as well as provinces due to the f

      • KCI등재후보

        일제강점기 전주 읍치의 토지이용과 도시 공간 변화 : 중앙동 1가~4가를 중심으로

        조정규(Jo Jeongkyu) 경인교육대학교 기전문화연구소 2020 기전문화연구 Vol.41 No.1

        토지대장과 지적도를 이용하여 일제강점기 전주 읍치 내의 중앙동 1가~4가(일제강점기 대정정1가~3가, 팔달정 일부)를 대상으로 토지이용과 토지 소유의 변화, 필지의 분할과 합병을 통하여 도시 공간의 변화를 고찰하였다. 중앙동1가~4가는 전주 읍성 내에서 서문과 동문을 연결하는 도로의 남쪽과 남문으로 연결되는 성벽 쪽에 있는 지역으로 근대이행기에 일본인들이 초기에 정착한 서문 밖에서 읍성 내로 진입하는 초입에 위치한다. 연구지역은 토지대장 원적에 의하면 대지가 97.2%, 밭 2.7%, 잡종지가 0.1%로 대부분 주거지로 이용되고 있다. 전체 면적 중에서 일본인은 39.3%, 국유지는 30.3%, 조선인은 29.8%, 미국인은 0.6%로 일본인의 소유가 가장 많다. 일본인의 토지소유는 초기에 전주에 정착한 서문 밖과 가장 가까운 중앙동 1가가 토지 소유 비율이 가장 높고, 서문에서 멀어질수록 그 비율이 낮아지고 있다. 필지의 분할과 합병은 도시 공간의 변화를 일으키는 요인이다. 필지 분할은 1930년, 합병은 1936년에 가장 많이 발생하였다. 필지 분할은 시구개정을 통한 도로확장과정에서 발생한 것으로 나타났다. Using land registers and cadastral maps, changes in land use and land ownership were examined for Jungang-dong 1-ga~4-ga(a part of Daejeongjeong 1 to 3, and Paldaljeong during the Japanese colonial period) in Jeonju Eupchi. Joongang-dong 1-ga~4ga is an area located on the side of the wall that connects the south and south gates of the road that connects the west and east gates in Jeonju Eupseong, and is located at the beginning of entering the town from outside the west gate, which was initially settled by Japanese during the modern period. In 1912, the research area was 97.2% of the land, 2.7% of the field, and 0.1% of the hybrid area, which is mostly used as a residential area. Of the total area, Japanese own 39.3%, state-owned 30.3%, Koreans 29.8%, and Americans 0.6%. Japanese own the most. The land ownership of Japanese people has the highest land ownership ratio in Jungangdong 1-ga, which is closest to the outside of the west gate that was initially settled in Jeonju. he division and merger of parcels is a factor that causes changes in urban space. The parcel splitting occurred most in 1930 and mergers in 1936. The division of parcels appeared to have occurred during the road expansion process through city street improvement.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        영조초년(英祖初年)의 전주읍성(全州邑城) 개축공사(改築工事)에 관한 재고찰(再考察)

        서치상,조형래,Seo, Chi-Sang,Cho, Hyung-Rai 한국건축역사학회 2007 건축역사연구 Vol.16 No.6

        Through reinvestigations of early years of King Young-Joe provincial castles, Jeonju Eupsung, this study seeks to broaden the understanding of castle construction of the later period of Chosun Dynasty. Jeonju Eupsung was established by reform-minded king and his loyalist Cho, Hyun Myung. Their new conceptual framework for reconstruction of Jeonju Eupsung was affected by Yoo, Hyung Won, a realist scholar of 17th century. It is obvious that adopted new administrative systems of financing, building and maintaining of Jeonju Eupsung were based on the his theories of castle. This study demonstrates that Jeonju Eupsung built by Cho, Hyun Myung, during the early years of King Young-Joe were based on those new concepts and systems of the new age. The study shows that the designer of this castle had in mind efficient construction design and execution and effective defense of provincial towns located on flat ground. And, the study explains how those original designer sought higher productivity through greater localization of securing resources and more detailed and improved organization of construction responsibilities. In short, this study seeks to prove that the provincial castles of the early 18th century reflected the new thinking on practicality that was spreading throughout the society of Chosun Dynasty at the time.

      • KCI우수등재

        英祖初年 全州와 大邱邑城 築造工事 硏究 : 새로운 城制 및 공사방식을 중심으로 Especially on the new systems and the constructional methods of castle

        조형래,서치상 대한건축학회 2005 대한건축학회논문집 Vol.21 No.3

        Through investigations of early 18th century southern provincial castles, Jeonju and Daegu Eupsung, this study seeks to broaden the understanding of castle construction of the later period of Korea's Yi Dynasty. The Japanese invasion of 1592 raised the awareness of the importance of national defense infrastructure. In this process, Eupsung, provincial castles, came to occupy special importance, and many of them were repaired, redesigned or even entirely rebuilt. Based on new conceptual framework, reform-minded kings and their associates led these efforts of national defense system building. As result, new administrative systems of financing, building and maintaining the provincial castles were established. This study demonstrates that Jeonju and Daegu Eupsung, the provincial castles built during the early years of King Young-Joe were based on those new concepts and systems of the new age. The study shows that the designers of these castles had in mind efficient construction design and execution and effective defense of provincial towns located on flat ground. And, the study explains how those original designers sought higher productivity through greater localization of securing resources and more detailed and improved organization of construction responsibilities. In short, this study seeks to prove that the provincial castles of the early 18th century reflected the new thinking on practicality that was spreading throughout the society of Yi Dynasty at the time. And, it tries to contribute to greater understanding on how castle building evolved prior to the construction of Hwa-sung during the late 18th century, the pinacle of provincial castle building of Yi Dynasty

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