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      • KCI등재

        호남성(湖南省) 남부(南部) 상남토화(湘南土話)에 반영된 소수민족 언어 성분

        모정열 ( Jeong Yeol Mo ) 한국중문학회 2010 中國文學硏究 Vol.40 No.-

        湘南土話主要分布在湖南省南部永州與침州地區的一些歸屬還未明的漢語方言。這裏是雙方言區(湘南土話分布的地區和西南官話湘南片共一個區域)。本地人之間或家庭內部使用土話, 對外交際使用(周邊的强勢方言)西南官話(或湘方言或客家話)。筆者認爲湘南土話中的一些音韻特征, 比如古全濁聲母的今音値、陽聲韻韻尾的特征、有些古音(咸山深臻曾梗攝開口三四等)的合流關系與某些文讀的類推擴散、自成音節的鼻音特征等, 明顯與中國南方少數民族語言(壯동語和苗瑤語)的語音特征有關。本文從語言底層(或可以說語言轉換)的角度對湘南土話的一些音韻特征進行探討。這樣才能分析出更有說服力的結論。倂從語言底層(或語言轉換)的角度來理解, 一個語言中也可以包括幾個不同的語言底層。也就是說一個漢語方言中可以有壯동語言的底層, 也可以有苗瑤語言的底層。筆者認爲語言底層可以在不同的語言間多次發生。湘南土話的音韻特征證明這一點。

      • KCI등재

        논문 : 광동성(廣東省) 북부 월(월)방언 중에 나타난 객가(客家)방언 성분

        모정열 중국어문학회 2010 中國語文學誌 Vol.33 No.-

        월方言在廣東省內各方言中處於優勢的地位, 對其他方言影響較大, 受其他方言的影響較小. 但這不是絶對的. 尤其在월北地區, 說월方言的人和說客家方言的人混居在一起. 월方言和客家方言幷用的現象涵蓋面最廣. 월方言也難免會吸收一些客家方言的因素. 本文從語音方面探討客家方言對월方言的影響,提出了6種聲母特征、4種韻母特征、1種聲調特征. 但這只是初步的探索, 希望諸位專家學者加以指正.

      • 중국 연변 신촌마을 경상도방언의 음운적 특징에 대하여

        전경(全景) 길림성민족사무위원회 2024 중국조선어문 Vol.- No.2

        ‘언어섬’이란 력사적, 사회문화적, 지리적 요인으로 인해 린접한 지역과 전혀 다른 언어체계를 가진 지역을 의미하는데 그중에는 동일한 방언지역 안에서 고립하여 존재하는 특이한 언어 지역 즉 ‘방언섬’도 포함된다. 중국 연변 안도현에 위치한 신촌마을은 경상남도 합천군에서 이주해온 구성원들로 이루어진 경상도마을로 주변이 주로 함경도방언 마을에 둘러싸여있는 경상도방언섬이다. 조사결과에 의하면 신촌마을은 오랜 시간 동안 방언섬의 형태를 비교적 잘 유지해왔지만 사회적 환경, 주변 방언의 간섭, 표준어의 영향 등으로 인해 마을화자들이 사용하고 있는 방언어휘는 일정하게 변화된 모습을 보여주고 있다. 따라서 본 론문에서는 먼저 신촌마을 방언어휘에서 나타나는 음운적 특징을 모음의 변화와 자음의 변화로 나누어 살펴보았고 다음 기존의 선행연구 결과를 기반으로 비교분석하여 신촌마을 방언어휘의 실현양상을 보존, 타방언의 영향, 표준어의 영향, 변이 등 네가지 부류로 나눈 후 방언의 접촉으로 인한 변화양상을 살펴보았다.

      • KCI등재


        于夢雪 중국어문학회 2023 中國語文學誌 Vol.- No.84

        The Jiao Taiyun is a rhyme compiled by Li Kun from Ning Ling, GuiDefu, Henan province. Through the research and analysis of the rhyme, the paper can better sort out the complete context of the development of the Central Plains mandarin, explore the evolution process of dialects in the Central Plains, and provide dialect evidence for the complete history of Chinese pronunciation. By reviewing the initiator system of Jiao Taiyun, the definition of the specific circumstances of the change is relatively ambiguous and controversial in some respects. Through the study, the text is thought of as follows in detail:(1)In the voiced and voiced group, the voiced consonants in the voiced and voiced group were pronounced asorganic sounds, and most of them were pronounced as inorganic sounds after the voiced and voiced consonants were pronounced as inorganic sounds.(2)In Jiao Taiyun, the virgin did not fully join. In the original YunFu, there is a complementary benefit distribution between the set of ZhiErZhuang consonantand the set of ZhiSanZhang consonant.(3)In Jiao Taiyun, consonant Ying and consonant Yu and consonant Yi are merged, and consonant Wei exists independently. Today,the special phonological phenomenon Wei in NingLing dialect is re-differentiated after the confluence of medieval initials.

      • KCI등재

        Morpheme-specific Phonological Difference between -wich and -wick in English Place-names

        박창범 한국중앙영어영문학회 2019 영어영문학연구 Vol.61 No.4

        English place-names ending in -wich and -wick (henceforth EPNWh and EPNWk, respectively) sometimes exhibit /w/-deletion, which is idiosyncratic in English phonology. For example, the suffix-initial /w/ is deleted after certain root-final consonants like /r/, /l/, /n/, and /m/: e.g. Norwich [nɔrɪʧ], Greenwich [grɪnɪʧ], Woolwich [wʊlɪʧ], Bromwich [brɔmɪʧ], Warwick [wɔrɪk], Alnwick [ænɪk]. After other segments, on the other hand, the suffix-initial /w/ is pronounced, as in Ipswich [ɪpswɪʧ], Northwich [nɔɵwɪʧ], Gatwick [gætwɪk]. Pickwick [pɪkwɪk], etc. This study conducted an online survey experiment using written forms to identify native speaker’s knowledge of morpheme-specific phonology involved in EPNWh and EPNWk. Total 42 actual and nonce words are tested by 43 respondents. The result is that morpheme-specific phonology in EPNWh and EPNWk was not equally productive to native speakers of British English. The suffix -wich was more likely to trigger /w/-deletion than -wick. The -wich was much more likely to delete /w/ than hypothetical -wid. However, the difference between -wick and -wid was not statistically significant. In addition, derivational rule-ordering in EPNWh and EPNWh was not sensitive to suffixes. Nevertheless, some native speakers equally reflected derivation in pronouncing the place-names.

      • KCI등재

        Morpheme-specific Phonological Difference between -wich and -wick in English Place-names

        Park, Chang-beom 한국중앙영어영문학회 2019 영어영문학연구 Vol.61 No.4

        English place-names ending in -wich and -wick (henceforth EPNWh and EPNWk, respectively) sometimes exhibit /w/-deletion, which is idiosyncratic in English phonology. For example, the suffix-initial /w/ is deleted after certain root-final consonants like /r/, /l/, /n/, and /m/: e.g. Norwich [nɔrɪʧ], Greenwich [grɪnɪʧ], Woolwich [wʊlɪʧ], Bromwich [brɔmɪʧ], Warwick [wɔrɪk], Alnwick [ænɪk]. After other segments, on the other hand, the suffix-initial /w/ is pronounced, as in Ipswich [ɪpswɪʧ], Northwich [nɔɵwɪʧ], Gatwick [gætwɪk]. Pickwick [pɪkwɪk], etc. This study conducted an online survey experiment using written forms to identify native speaker’s knowledge of morpheme-specific phonology involved in EPNWh and EPNWk. Total 42 actual and nonce words are tested by 43 respondents. The result is that morpheme-specific phonology in EPNWh and EPNWk was not equally productive to native speakers of British English. The suffix -wich was more likely to trigger /w/-deletion than -wick. The -wich was much more likely to delete /w/ than hypothetical -wid. However, the difference between -wick and -wid was not statistically significant. In addition, derivational rule-ordering in EPNWh and EPNWh was not sensitive to suffixes. Nevertheless, some native speakers equally reflected derivation in pronouncing the place-names.

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