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      • KCI등재

        한국어 파열음 조음자리와 발성유형 구분을 위한 음향변수 분석 및 선정

        박선영,성철재 한글학회 2022 한글 Vol.- No.337

        The 13 acoustic parameters analyzed in this study were voice onset time (VOT); four kinds of moment parameters, namely center of gravity, standard deviation, skewness, and kurtosis, related to the spectral energy distribution of initial 5ms release bursts; the total amount of spectral energy; the 4 moment parameters of the 5ms following vowels of CV contexts; and the fundamental frequency, H1-H2 (first harmonic energy subtracted from second one), and H1-A2 (first harmonic energy subtracted from second formant energy) measured in the 50ms following vowels. These parameters were examined to determine whether they are related to the phonation types and places of articulation of Korean plosive sounds. The parameters’ values were evaluated by linear discriminant analysis, a machine learning method used to classify groups. VOT and H1-H2 contributed the most to phonation type while skewness and center of gravity contributed the most to places of articulation. The classification accuracy using significant acoustic parameters was 91.5% for phonation types and 76.7% for the places of articulation. 유성 개시 시간(VOT), 개방 파열 부분(5ms)의 스펙트럼 에너지 분포와 관련된 적률변수(moment parameters) 네 가지(무게중심, 표준편차, 왜도, 첨도) 스펙트럼 에너지 총량, 파열음 후행 모음 5ms 구간의 적률변수 네 가지와 파열음 후행 모음 50ms 구간에서 측정한 기본 주파수, H1-H2, 그리고 H1-A2를 주요 음향변수로 설정하여 이들이 한국어 파열음의 발성유형 및 조음자리와 관련하여 유의한 변수인지 살펴보았다. 유의한 음향변수로 확인된 경우 집단 분류에 활용하는 기계학습 방법인 선형 판별 분석을 이용하여 변수의 가치, 기여도까지 평가해보았다. 발성유형과 관련해서는 유성 개시 시간과 H1-H2가 가장 주요하게 기여하였으며 조음자리 구분과 관련해서는 개방 파열 구간의 적률변수 중 왜도와 무게중심의 기여도가 가장 컸다. 유의 음향변수들을 이용한 분류 정확도(classification accuracy)는 발성유형의 경우 91.5%, 조음자리의 경우는 76.7%로 나타났다.

      • KCI등재

        한국인들의 영어유성파열음과 이완모음 발화에 대한 연구

        윤영도 ( Yungdo Yun ),이나래 ( Na Rae Lee ) 한국외국어대학교 언어연구소 2013 언어와 언어학 Vol.0 No.61

        Two groups of Korean students produced English voiced stops and lax vowels. One group simply followed an American English speaker``s pronunciation and the other group learned phonetic information about them before they pronounced them. We compared VOTs for voiced stops and formants for lax vowels. The results show that both groups were good for the low front lax vowel. However, both groups`` pronunciations were far from those of the American English speaker for the high back lax vowel and all of the voiced stops. We assume that this is because of the vowel merger in American English and the influence of the phonological contrasts of Korean stops, respectively.

      • KCI등재

        자연 발화 코퍼스에 기반한 한국어 폐쇄음의 격음화 실현 양상

        손형숙(Sohn, Hyang-Sook),임신영(Shinyoung Lim),안미애(Miae Ahn) 언어과학회 2016 언어과학연구 Vol.0 No.78

        Based on a spoken corpus, this study investigates phonetic realization of aspiration merger in Korean, whereby plain stops become aspirated before the fricative /h/. Unlike phonological prediction in the wake of the canonical rule application, the VOT analysis of stops in the merger environment in the Seoul corpus confirms that phonetic realization of aspiration is not categorical but gradient. The production pattern of aspiration across the four age groups of talkers ranging from their tens to their forties in the corpus shows that the age functions as an important factor in distribution of the VOT variation: the degree of aspiration turned out to be in inverse proportion to the age, reflecting the careless speech of the older speakers. The results also support the tendency that gradient phonetic realization of aspiration merger is affected by word type and prosodic structure conditioned by stops and their following fricative in the merger environment.

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